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Auckland Transport
This is a summary of all issues for one Council. You can go back and show all jurisdictions.
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Old fixed
- Street light out (near 43 Landon Ave, Mangere east, Auckland)Street light out *(near 43 Landon Ave, Mangere east, Auckland)
- Overuse/abuse of pedestrian lightsCan we please put a sign near the button for the pedestrian lights, saying something like: "These lights are for children, elderlies, or people with disabilities only. If you are an able-bodied adult, please take your hand off the button, and JUST CROSS THE DAMN ROAD!!".
- Pedestrian crossing lights not workingThe traffic lights which conytolnthe pedestrian crossing on Remuera Road outside 514 Remuera Road, the nearesr cross street is Wairua Road, Remuera, do not work. Each day we are dodging incredibly busy traffic (with our children in tow) to cross Remuera Road as like I've stated, regardless when or how many times the button is pressed it doesn't trigger the lights to change to red so we can walk across. As this is a school area these lights should be working.
- street light flickers on & offStreet light flickers on & off. Sometimes off for a good couple of minutes. Can it be fixed Please! Thanks
- The 'B' stupid electronic pedestrian crossing at Remuera.Friday 10th of June was a adventfull night [1] 5pm on Karangahape Road a black sports looking car went through a electronic crossing while the pedestrians had right of way, part way between the motorway bridge (Day street) & East Street. Thank the Lord nobody was on the crossing. [2] 7pm a car came out of Bassett Road and turned left into Remuera Road, just after the lights had gone red and Remuera had the green lights. Thank the Lord Remuera traffic was not quick off the mark. [3] So when I got to Remuera Road & Garden Road - Norana Avenue intersection some minutes later and saw all the red pedestrians indicators were on, I thought someone had pressed the button and run away. I waited for a complete traffic cycle and no green pedestrians indicator, so then thinking faulty pedestrian crossing. So I cross Garden Road with discretion and caution then Remuera Road a few metres away from that intersection, on the way back thinking that intersection is faulty cross Remuera Road at the Clonbern Road intersection when I got to Garden Road I push the button just to see what would happen, but cross the road anyway when get to the other side look back at the hopeless system and see there is a light going at the switch and hear the buzz not long latter. Then the penny drops ~ I have just been screwed by “idiots in the system”. What is the point of having red indicators going almost 24-7 wasting power and not only that, having money wasted on installing a stupid light on every switch at that intersection, which I might add is not clear to see in darkness when this type of system is not a common type of system around Auckland city, in fact if I have seen this system used before it is so long I can not remember when. THE CITY IS RIDDLED WITH MISSING BUTTONS, SO YOU HAVE TO WASTE YOUR LIFE WAITING AND WE HAVE TO CROSS THREE DAM ROADS WHEN YOU ONLY WANTED TO CROSS JUST THE ONE ROAD. WHAT IS THE B POINT IN WANTING TO USE ANY ELECTRONIC CROSSING? what is the B point on wasting money on installing a light at every switch when you are too lazy tight to install all the switches at every intersection? People in the system need to ask their doctor for the correct medication so they can think logical. From Eric
- Street Lights out on Bruce PlaceAll of the street lights on Bruce Place have been out for over a week now. I have sent an email to the Auckland council and although I have had a reply confirming they had received my email, the lights still are not back on. Please help :)
- Broek Yellow linesMy family and I are so desperate to have the yellow line painted on one side of our street (beginning road of Hayman Place, Beach Haven, Northshore) and the left side corner between Hayman Place and Beach Haven Road, as the road is becoming more bussier than ever before. Coming out of Hayman Place and trying to turn right or left onto Beach Haven road is made very difficult local residents plus construction workers parked very close from the corner of Hayman Place filling up further Beach Haven road. At the same time, Hayman Place have a very narrow street/road size which is very difficult to drive through when people parked their car on both sides of the road? Hence why I think yellow lines are needed from 5 Hayman Place up to the further up corner of Beach Haven Road, to prevent risk of car accident. These roads mentioned above are at rush hour busy traffic mostly during school time ( 8:00am and 2:45pm). At the moment I have to come too far out onto the road just to see the oncoming traffic which is so dangerous when dropping off my children to school. Please consider my request for the the safety of our community and our children. Thank you in advance
- Can anybody spot the sign placed at INJURY level?You can spot the sign on the other side of the road, but not the one I was going to walk one hight a path I normally walk on my way home , THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS IF i HAD OF WALKED INTO IT IT WOULD NOT BE LEFT AS IT WAS ERECTED, I AM SICK OF WASTING MY TIME WITH A GROUP PAID MORONS THAT DO NOT GIVE A TOSS ABOUT SAFETY NEVER HAVE NEVER WILL, THE LAY OUT OF FOOTPATH CANCER IS A JOKE NOBODY CARES ABOUT VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEDESTRIANS, THE PHOTO WAS TAKEN 1902HRS 19 JULY, I DO MAKE A POSTING ONCE BEFORE BUT NEVER GOT THE REPLY EMAIL , thanks everyone this is my last time I do any community work for nothing, I walked past a bottle the other day to work when I walked home it was all smashed on the footpath who gives a toss about anything I off away to get a life
- Crossing is almost all gonethought that it would have been fixed when they were doing others in the street, but it hasnt.
- Pothole on New North RoadThere is a pothole developing in the middle of the city-bound lane of New North Road, right under where Dominion Road bridge crosses over the top.
- Parking within yellow lineA car ( plate : KQS166) is parking within the yellow line without moving for more than 1 week this time. The car is always parking there one week then leaving there several hours. After several hours parking the same place for about 1 week and same action for several weeks. The car is blocking our view when we drive from our house.
- Uneven RoadingHunua Road is a very busy road. With many heavy truck and trailers going past at all hours of the day. The road surface is very uneven and changes height along a 500m area. With the surface change the trucks make the ground shake and the tail gates make a lot of noise
- Footpath damageThis is a well used path to Opaheke School and sees a lot of foot traffic at top of Tasman Drive between Opaheke Road and Rembrant Place.(Right hand side looking down) Footpath badley broken and cracked between corner No 1 Tasman and badly scarred and uneven on roadway crossing at number 1.
- Uneven SurfacesThe path between Te Mahia and Great South Road is a walking hazard. I have an image but the up-loader is not working
- Damaged seat outside 17 Albert StOne wooden rail missing from seat since early December 2010, bit uncomfortable I expect!
- Intersection Safety Albany Hway / Upper Harbour DrCyclists turning right out of Upper Harbour Dr have to merge with east bound traffic travelling at 70km/h traffic the Albany Highway intersection. To do this safely cyclists need to be able to see approaching traffic. Unfortunately all the gorse, pine and wattle trees now growing on the vacant area of land on the inside of the sweeping curve in Albany Highway severely restricts the visibility of this high speed traffic. Can these weed species please be removed?
- Public rubbish bin strongly neededDue to the lack of a public rubbish bin at this bus stop, all the people waiting or getting off from the bus tend to throw their rubbish on the ground or tuck in our hedge for their convenience which in turn, all gets blown into my driveway, sidewalk and lawn. Thanks for your help and we look forward to having a public rubbish bin soon so noone has to take it for granted to constantly clean up the mess caused by this inconsiderate people.
- BTA910 parked on road w/ expired registrationCar's moving around on our street. If it's not safe to be on the road where our kids live, it should be taken offroad.
- Parking sign missingThere is a new street light pole next to the 23A Pollen Street, Grey Lynn, it has no parking sign and next one is quite far away. People getting parking tickets unfairly. The parking sign is certainly needed here.
- Abandoned car, no WOF, no licenseThere’s a silver 1998 Nissan Primera, plate number BTA910 that’s been parking on Morriggia Place, Bayview since December 2018. It’s license expired June 2018.
- CAN WE TURN THOSE FOOTPATH LAMPS OFF THAT JUST ABOUT BLIND YOU AT NIGHT HOW MANY TIMES DO i HAVE TO ASK?i WOULD LOVE TO WALK ALONG Quay street and there would not be a issue but it is all blocked off to pedestrians
- UNANSWERED QUESTION HERE why is auckland city turning into a hell hole for pedestriansyou cant walk here you cant walk there you cant walk somewhere else, it seems to be if you can not go by wheels you are in one big hell hole, the sea side of quay street is closed off for pedestrians, I am sure they can open up some of it when they are not doing anything or is it done just to screw over pedestrians you have the other side of of the street there are traffic lights all the time PEDESTRIANS DONT NEED TRAFFIC LIGHTS, IT IS ANYTHING ON WHEELS NEEDS THEM why not send eScooters down there, they can make up the time, Then there is BLOODY stupid lights mounted in the footpath shinning up your arse and blinding you, making hard to see where you are going JUST BECAUSE THERE ARE HANDICAP PEOPLE WALKING AT AUCKLAND CITY COUNCIL NO NEED TO TAKE IT OUT ON PEDESTRIANS not to mention suckers on the end of a fag, drinking bear at table planted on footpath just because they want to screw up their health no need to take it out on pedestrians, I can believe it now when they say walking is great health for the mind, BECAUSE NOW AUCKLAND CITY HAS SCREWED OVER PEDESTRIANS WITH ONE BIG HELL HOLE I AM MORE ANGRY NOW MORE OFTEN. One day I was walking over graften bridge and a cyclist whizzed passed me (on the footpath) I yelled out WHY DONT YOU USE THE ROAD, when I got to the pedestrian crossing on symonds street & karangahape R he abused the hell out of me, said I was a wife beater (he was one POKED up sick little runt, that was constipated with geriatric turds) the eScooters users are nothing but little children, they pull out all their toys out of the toy box and leave it from one end of the house to the other end of the house, then get up to mischief doing something else.
- Procrastination can set in wanting to throw yourself off the harbor bridgeThe stairs from beach road to end of parliament road on Anzac ave, there was a damb eScooter at the bottom of the stair ready waiting for someone to trip up a poor pedestrian, So I moved it and left it ########################### self moderated ############################ NOT TO MENTION OTHER eScooterS IN A TRIP UP A PEDESTRIAN ########################## HOW ABOUT WE THROW OURSELF IN FRONT OF A FAST MOVING ESCOOTER COMING TOWARDS US ON THE FOOTPATH TO PROVE A POINT SO WE PUT THE MONEY WHERE OUR MOUTH IS !!!!! The point is there seems to be no eScooter registration displayed so it can be report to the like of LIME so they can tell off the last user DOES AUCKLAND CITY COUNCIL GIVE HOOT, NO!! THEIR ATTITUDE, GO SHOVE YOUR HEAD DOWN A TOILET 3 TIMES AND PULL IT OUT ONCE,
- Heathglen Pl & Witheford Dr Junction Lights OutStreet-lights in the vicinity of the witheford and Heathglen junction are not turned on during the dark hours since Tuesday (11 Dec).
- eScooters getting up my nose (all over Auckland)Why is it just about every week I have to move a eScooter out of the way as it is blocking the footpath, ready to trip up someone such as the blind, I felt like throwing one in someones garden the other day, but it would not be nice for the person who owned the garden
- red pedestrian feedback indicator does not work Tinley streetred pedestrian feedback indicator does not work for crossing Tinley street @ quay street, walking towards the city, so if the light bulb does not work it would be at the petrol station lights (just across the road from the supermarket)
- Water main/fire hydrant leaking across footpathWater main/fire hydrant leaking/overflowing across footpath. Has been like this for 3-5 days.
- Overgrown HedgeThe hedge of this property (on the Locarno Ave side) is massively overgrown and overtaking the footpath space so you have to walk on the berm. The hedge hasn't been topped or pruned for quite some time and is getting worse with people dumping the rubbish in it.
- Street light outLight beside 33 consisting ave is not working it is making it very dark which could be dangerous for cars driving up and down
- Full of rubbishThere is a footpath between Haddington Drive and Rosewell Cres in Flat Bush. This footpath is full of rubbish and its grass has not been mowed for a long period. Could you please let me know who is responsible to take care of this footpath? The footpath has been shown in the map.
- no brightness from steet lamp, noticeable at nightcorner middleton road & remuera road, just outside newmarket police station, make footpath area very dim
- nil brightness street lamp needs to remadedthe fault i gave the other is on middleton road as i said in body of message NOT remuera road from the feedback i gave you, what happenen i put "middleton, newmarket" fixmystreet could find it, because of my cell phone, could use that, so i put remera road is it near that intersection
- same problem as reported here before. no red person at crossingHaving said that, I am sure I reported this issue here at this website, but it did not show on history when at the map. anyway when you press the pedestrian button from across the road of pole #5 on Bassant road, the red image does not light up. The button works (as I only pressed it once) but the green images displays and the buzzer works. last time I had this problem it does not work from cold, but if it has been used just a few minutes before then no fault will be there, and everything looks OK.
- Red pedestrain does not showWhen you press the button on pole 3 the red pedestrian does not light on pole 5, the button works as the red pedestrian shows on pole 3.
- Street lights offNo Street lights on the Persian section (Chinaman's hill). They are installed on shorter black lamp posts. None of them were on at 6 pm
- red pedestrian not showing on pole 6 outside 371 remuera roadred pedestrian not showing on pole 6 outside 371 remuera road
- 2 red pedestrians not showing one on pole 6 outside 371 remuera road2 red pedestrians not showing one on pole 6 outside 371 Remuera road, now the other one is on a un-numbered pole outside the ANZ bank at corner Victoria Ave & Remuera Road, I did not notice it the other day.
- Dust Nuisance due to increased trafficDue to frequent traffic utilisng the forest we get showered by road dust. We cannot open the windows to our house in the afternoon sun. The Auckand council advertises the local forest on all their websites as a suitable place for recreational use including mountain biking. As a resuly we get 50 -80 cars go visit the area daily. 100 + round trips. Once we lived on a quiet lane with only one other resident sharing the road. Due to the change in use and only 10km from metro Auckland the road needs urgent action outside our house.
- Street lights out Mably, Andre and EllenburyThere's no street-lighting on three streets, Ellenbury Place, Andre Rise and Mably Court, Stanmore Bay, Whangaparaoa, 0932. I reported this a few weeks ago and after 2 or 3 weeks the lights came on for about 2 weeks - but then have been out again for another week or more.
- GORSE INFESTATIONBEGINNING TO TAKE OVER FOOTPATH, Boston Road side of the rail track bridge on Khyber pass road, Grafton. Once I saw a worker on a farm bike killing weeds around Newmarket, I sure he could find something to kill these, and had the time to do it.
- Bricks missing from sidewalk creating hazardA row of horizontal bricks between two concrete slabs on the sidewalk are missing. This creates a shallow trench that is a hazard. The affected part of the sidewalk is on the east side of Apollo drive, opposite the Apollo Drive reserve (street number is approximately 87 on Google Maps).
- broken and blocked drain pipe in pavementIn the pavement, drain pipe is broken and blocked. It caused moss grow in the pavement and it is slippery. Someone has slipped down because of this.
- A folded up coneThis cone was posted on this website for pick up last week, the next day I rang the 0800 number printed on the cone. Now it is nicely folded up, as you can see by the photo. No doubt it was done when the nearby Newmarket police station was closed. Makes you wonder why I bother to report issues, maybe now the cone is floppy and useless. This is why I posted it. Oh behind the lady is a folded up cone, I will have take another photo
- theives in aucklandthe 6Km/4Km cardiac marker has been stolen from the footpath. Goodness knows when it went missing, it has been a long time since I walked past the spot.
- green light, not going.on the right most pole (for road traffic), heading from ellerslie towards panmure, along elleslie-panmure highway at the end of lunn avenue
- New pot hole in middle of Pember Reeves St, right on cnr with Ponsonby RdA new pot hole opened up (Wed 5th Oct 2016) after the recent rains and is dangerous for cyclists and other vehicles turning off Ponsonby Rd into Pember Reeves Rd. Grateful if you would please fix the pot hole soon.
- Big oil spill caused buy car at no 10 Black Teal CloseThe boy racer car at no 10 has agian leaked oil from 10 Black Teal Close down the road into Blue Crestent and up to the roundabout at Blue Bird and Unsworth Heights road The black car is always leaking oil on the road this time its a manor oil trail around corners and will be dangerous to cars, motor cycle and bicycles Please send clean up crew and also discuss with young man at 10 Bleack teal close as he continues spilling oil on the public road
- Mutiple large cracks in footpathMultiple large cracks in the footpath on northern side of Cryers Rd, between carpenter rd and Trugood Dr. Including very bad one on the corner of Trugood near a drain. Has been in this state for a long time. Path is well used by pedestrians and cycle users.
- Street lights out for 2 weeksHi, Not sure if this has already been reported but can you please fix or advise why the lights on my street (Bellshill Close) have not been on for nearly 2 weeks. FYI -neighbouring streets lamps are working. Thanks
- Time of Light-up and Light-offIssue: Some street-lights turn on about 8pm at night and turn off about 9am in the morning. Location: Around the junction of Witheford Drive and Heathglen Place, Bayview, North Shore. Thank you.
- Street light not replaced when power pole replacedRecent power pole replacements in the street have been completed but the street light previously on the pole between 25 and 27 Peary Road hasn't been replaced.
- Footpath covered in rocks at exit of driveway of local businessGravel and rocks from the driveway exit are permanently covering the footpath outside this business. This is a hazard for pedestrians and other footpath users.
- Overgrown hedgeThe hedge in front of 41 Glenvar Road has not been trimmed for more than a year. It is now obstructing the concrete footpath forcing people onto the grass or into the street. Please advice the relevant maintenance crew to assist in trimming it back. It is a safety issue on a busy street, especially people walking dogs- one party is forced off the pavement into the street
- Water flowing from a water hose in the middle of the roadHi, there is a lot of water flowing down the road on Otitori Road since 3 or 4 days now (around number 84 uphill). The water is coming out a water hose in the ground in the middle of the road. I don't think that's normal. Thanks, JP
- Too brightHi, the street light at the corner of Towai Street and Sayegh Street shines in to our bedroom at night. We are on the corner of these two streets. Is there any way to put a partial cover or something on it. We are at number 16 Towai St. Ta.
- Uneven road surfaceThe road surface on great south road /butterworth ave intersection is uneven. The road has been plagued with lots of heavy and sometimes overweight trucks and as they hit the uneven parts of the road it sends shock waves through the ground and has been damaging nearby homes. This issue has been highlighted in the past and was fixed temporarily but the problem is now worse. The weight of trucks passing and the way the road is acting leads me to believe that the roads roots have not been created strong enough. The trucks also speed and this also does not help.
- Street light offJust found out the street light at rosebank road in papatoetoe located between house no.29 and 31 is off. Would you please kindly fix it. Thank you.
- Concerning potholes in J Tolhopf & Ahuroa RoadsThere are quite a few deep potholes at beginning of J Tolhopf Road & Ahuroa Road, heading towards Puhoi - very concerning. With schools re-opening on Monday 21 July it would be appreciated if this matter could be corrected as soon as possible. Thanks for your attention to this.
- Street light outStreet light has not been working for sometime, located by rear gate of Kelvin Rd school, extremely dark down this end!!
- No street lightingNone of the street lights on both sides of the street between Church St and 26 Quadrant Rd have been working for a period of 10 days. As a female walking home this is particularly dangerous and I would appreciate you looking into this with a matter of urgency.
- Street lights are outLower part of Woodford ave and entire Penders Place has no street lights for a week now. It is dangerous and feels unsafe.
- Street lightingNo street lights working at all now between 30 Ladies Mile and Laurance St, Whangaparoa
- Dangerous FootpathThe footpath outside 29 Nixon St is severely damaged, two of our neighbours have slipped recently and children from Newton School use the broken path for throwing in to the nearby bush. This has basically become an issue once our neighbours slipped and hurt themselves.
- flooding path after rainfallthe path floods and water does not drain after rainfall creating a hazard
- Street lamp not workingCan you please fix the street light? Seems to 'blow' frequently and leaves large parts of road and foot path in the dark
- Street light dim and dirtyCan you please check and clean this street light? It is supposed to light the intersection McEntee Road / Northfield road and barely reaches the opposite foot path. The glass around the bulb is filled with dirt and maybe the light bulb strength needs to be upped
- Contractors have not completed concrete on footpath - open screethe footpath between 95 old mill road and 93 old mill road has been cut up to install something by contractors at many houses on this street. All have been concreted except one I think they have forgotten. Large gravel is now spilling all over the footpath and makes it hard to walk over.
- great move Auckland city councilputting in a better footpath between Football Road & George Street, it is a bit rough at the moment, but it is a better path than walking up the bank (seen in the photo). I prefer this walk route, if you walk the council planed route, car stop for you on George street and want you to walk in front them (it could be so they can run over you if they are having a bad day) I prefer to walk round to the right side of the arrow seen in the photo THEN THE MORON MOTORIST (MM) RUN YOU DOWN ON THE FOOTPATH OUTSIDE PETROL STATIONS .... IDIOTS!! if it had of been done that way from go, it could of saved money.
- Street Light Not Working outside 12 Armagh Rd B'House BayStreet Light Not Working outside 12 Armagh Rd B'House Bay. Not working for several weeks now.
- Old Lake Rd, Narrow Neck is pitch dark, All street lights not workingAll street lights in Old Lake Rd are off, dark, not working since the evening of 19 May 2013.
- Not workingThe street light at the bottom of Jackson Place has not been working for some months. I am amazed that no one closer to it has reported it.
- Street light flickeringThe street light between 22 and 24 Nuneaton Drive, Flat Bush flickers on and off throughout the night. Has been like this for several months. Several cars parked on the road have had their windows smashed by vandals, and the low light may contribute to this. Could this please be fixed as soon as possible?
- Sign at silly heightA new sign has been installed on the berm. It's a road safety sign encouraging drivers to slow down. It was installed late last year and it's right across a berm so that walkers and riders now need to step off the berm onto the 80kph road to go around it. It would be safer for us to stay on the berm, can you put these sorts of signs up a bit higher? Cars are not the only road users. Also someon'es had their car parked on the same berm with a for sale sign on it for over a month, this is also blocking the safest place for horse riders and walkers.
- Reflector post has been knocked overThe relfector post has been knocked over, it's just behind our post and rail fence now, could someone please come along and bash it back in? We're on a knarly corner.
- Potholes on SH16/Restall cornerHi, There are some potholes on the corner of Restall & SH16, it would be good if these could be fixed, a lot of horse floats & trucks as well as forestry trucks make this turn and the road is deteriorating.
- Flickering on and off lightEvery night after 9pm, the street light outside number 74 Bassett Road goes on and off every 40-100seconds. It is very annoying when trying to sleep.
- Footpath safety ~ Auckland Transport ask me “what is your problem?”Is it just too hard to remove the “tactile paving” I have nick named “footpath cancer” outside two Newmarket temporary train stations that have gone since January 2010, while I have only lost shoe traction while walking on these while it has been raining, I have heard of two other stories that lost more than that. Are we waiting for someone to be hospitalized before something is done? To show my commitment to promoting footpath safety if you post me authorization I will remove them myself, I have no intentions of removing them if I am going damage the surrounding footpath. This is the third time I have brought this to the attention at this web site. By the way the history of me walking to work started when I was working at Pakuranga I got sick of just missing one bus then have to wait about 30 minutes, then three more buses would come within a few minutes of each other, that either one bus could be used to take me to Pakuranga shopping centre (it is just too hard to space them out every ten minutes). So I decided I may as walk instead of waiting, I walked from Newmarket to Pakuranga and back each work day the only problem I had was cars parked over the footpath and motorist trying to run me over as I walked past driveways. Now I don't care about buses at all, Auckland buses have lost out on thousands of dollars through lost bus fares because of this. Every two years I have to do “safe working practices” (& first aid) I get the same old story's “who gives a toss? and procrastination is the game” like the joker who thought it was neat to walk around with a safety harness trailing behind him on the floor. (you go up a ladder and clip the harness to the roof so you don't fall down off the ladder) on his last day, the last thing he did was walk into a lift. At work I used to leave safety glass on the work table of a drill press, so the next person could put them on before using the drill to save their eyes in case a accident happens, somebody who has never done a “safe working course” comes along and sticks them away in a box, I am sick of been surrounded by people who don't care about safety. ONE LAST POINT NEVER RING ME AT WORK AGAIN AND INTERRUPT ME FROM WORKING, UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE SOMETHING, JUST READ THIS, AND MAKE IT SAFE FOR OUR PEDESTRIANS BECAUSE THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO HAVE GOT SICK OF BUSES. EMAIL REPLY IS BEST! As you can see from the photo it takes up most of the footpath. From Eric
- Another rock removed from the"$million $dollar" bridgeA update on Grafton bridge. lets start from the basics, I am getting sick of posting here, some of my posting never make it the final stage and then it is just like wasting time in fact I am trying to distract myself from this web site. Yesterday morning I removed "another" rock from near the centre of the bridge, it is the size maybe slightly bigger than a coconut scone you can buy from the local lunch bar opposite the old nurses home, (and next to the fish shop) why this rock should appear on the bridge has got me beat, maybe it was put their by a half brain so some dork could throw it over the side and put someone in the mortuary - the stone was dumped the the park on the other side of symonds Street, last night I noticed there was a window broken on the harbour side of the bridge, about a week ago two bridge lights were out - there is about 12 lights on the harbour side of the bridge number 3 and 6 light was not working from the hospital end of the bridge, one would think with all the $revenue collected from motorist since they banned private motorist during restricted hours, that someone would be able to afford no only maintenance but also a cleaner. By the way remember the posting I made the other week about the "no entry" sign motorist might see as " entry" and I pointed out that motorist do not stop at stop sign, well yesterday at about 12:30pm some motorist smashed into the building corner of Crummer road & Mackelvie street they did not even take their "bumper" away. Not only that, yesterday morning at work I wondered why my shoes was making a squeaking noise as I walked, I find a noticeable size piece of glass (collected off Auckland streets) embedded into the sole of my shoe, it would of cut my fingers if did not use pliers to remove it. after the removal of the glass, no more squeaking noise.
- Get time off work with silver "footpath cancer"Just head off to Corner Karangahape Road & West Tce (just make sure it is raining, I have noticed Auckland Shoe sales shops dont give a toss about "slip factor" on their shoes for sale), As I am not sure what silver footpath cancer is too the blind (its got me beat), if you are a older supernatant you might not have to consider euthanasia. From Eric
- More footpath cancer to be removed!There are two lots of it at Boston Road about opposite Auburn Street, directing the blind to a fence as you can see in the photo, personally I think it is placed there so pedestrians can slip on it in the wet when their shoes do not have the correct slip factor.
- STILL FOOTPATH CANCER ON BOSTON ROADleft from the temporary train station, if it was not for wasted sign on grafton briodge i would walking that way
- How odd place: Broken P5 sign were people can sit on logNow if the joker who goes to fix the sign is observant and "LOOKS" around and knows the road code, he/she could pass some good jobs onto the parking warden, and before you know were you are, the parking fines should be able to pay for fixing the sign & bring in some money to pay his wages for a few days.
- Please remove footpath cancer at Boston road, I had to walk to avoid worthless "works end" sign on Grafton bridgethis is the second time these wasted footpath signs have been unnecessary placed for motorist who have no right to turn right. The footpath cancer was placed for the Boston Road railway station that has since been removed, this footpath cancer is bloody slippery when you have wet shoes.
- Moss and growth still on footpath, now with sediment from the waterblasting.job was previously reported. then promptly waterblasted in front of number 18, but there is a clear strip of moss from number 20 onwards. growth also not cleared. and now there is sediment from the waterblasting covering the footpath and a manhole. trees also not cleared. all of this is next to an electricity substation. please do the job properly this time.
- Moss and growth still on footpath, now with sediment from the waterblasting.job was previously reported. then promptly waterblasted in front of number 18, but there is a clear strip of moss from number 20 onwards. growth also not cleared. and now there is sediment from the waterblasting covering the footpath and a manhole. trees also not cleared. all of this is next to an electricity substation. please do the job properly this time.
- Broken Street LightThere is a broken street light opposite 55 Tiriwa drive, Massey. It is making the road very dark and making it a driving hazard at night.
- street light outThe street light at the bottom of the street has been out for months. Please please fix it.
- Street light turns on and off at nightFor the past year the street light outside this address and one a little bit back on the other side of the road has been turning itself on an off at night (every 4-5 mins or so)
- Missing bollard allows traffic into pedestrianised sectionOne of the bollards at the east end of the traffic-free section of The Esplanade has been removed somehow. The resulting gap is wide enough for a car to get through and judging by tyre tracks, this is being taken advantage of. Attached photo taken Friday March 23rd, 2012.
- 2 X street lights need replacingThe 2 street lights at the end of Philadelphia Pl are broken and need replacing. At this time the whole end of the street is dark and very inviting for dodgy behavior.
- Street light not WorkingStreet light outside 17 T0tara Rd has been out about 2 weeks after power outage
- khyber pass road footpath congested with works end signsnot to sure were works started, if it is from grafton road motorists should seen "works end" crossings park road & grafton bridge intersection. this unreal tuesday get sign on bridge wednesday get footpath cancer, today get heaps of signs top of khyber pass
- Footpath cancer still there...Footpath cancer still there after temporary train station had gone. I can not believe so much of this has been laid out on just about every corner of the city when it is so slippery when it gets wet. It has the potential to cause minor injury. Fortunately I have only lost shoe traction on this "cancer" while walking in some other part of the city, now I walk around it or step over it. while I was putting a web page together I got two reports of people who sounds like they lost a lot more than shoe traction (maybe a bit of blood as well). Did New Zealand get the supper slippery version? So far I have seen it in the background of news items on TV from Australia and United Kingdom. I am not trying begrudge the blind, I just can not believe some twit has only half engineered this "cancer" and not designed a bit of friction into it when it gets wet. From Eric
- another shirt ripper3Opposite Newmarket swimming pool and towards Parnell maybe 50 meters, another redundant bracket to hold a container for smoker to put their butts into, but looks like they do not know how do. {edited by admin}
- Everyone's fuses burnt off at Newmarket Train Station?This could be a real who done it mystery, this is the ultimate "Hawaiian good luck sign" to the public, every time it rains the "Slippery when wet" signs comes out. Just lately I have noticed while walking on the long ramp between Joseph Bank terrace and the Remuera road entry path to the train station, there is what looks like ½ a "Slippery when wet" sign. this is just below where pedestrians do a 'U' turn on the ramp. In fact you can see the sign from where you would stand at the top of the escalator. It appears to me the engineers who designed Newmarket do not give a toss about safety. [ONE] When it rains the pedestrian walk ways gets wet. [TWO] the footpaths leading up to the train station are very smooth. [THREE] The train station is riddled with footpath cancer. One has to ask how did this sign get there as I have told a couple of the staff that work at the train and all that happens is the receipt of "Thank you" I Suggest to the engineers who designed this station a couple of scenarios. [scenario one] That the staff have had a G'full of putting out the signs when it rains, lost their cool one day throw the signs on the concrete and dumped the remains in the garden. [scenario two] a pedestrian tripped over the sign on their rush to catch a train after they missed the train released their pressure out on the defenceless sign then dumped the remains in the garden. I could be wrong, all the same it would of been a good show to watch, it would of made my day and he/she would of been me ever lasting hero. Why can't there be a entry point from the long ramp to the top of the escalator, is this just too simple to design? So one has to ask when one is about to miss the last train at about 6pm to Pukekohe is anyone in their right mind going to slow down on a wet slippery footpath? at least you get a trip to the hospital instead of a long road walk from Papakura to Pukekohe and face the much more dangerous lethal motorist.
- Blocked footpath, Kills grassspreads mud around via pedestrian shoes, parked outside number 2 since Monday morning maybe before. (see track made from photo)
- Saint Kevins Arcade on Karangahape roadNot sure if this complaint is going to the right people, but with all the footpath cancer getting laid out around greater Auckland to lure Visual Impaired Pedestrians to take a walk, this sight here looks very scarey for Visual Impaired Pedestrians walking down these stairs in Saint Kevins Arcade.
- Who gives a hoot about Pedestrians?As I walk around the city I often think who gives a hoot about the pedestrians, and on rubbish days you soon get the feeling there are morons (or should that be zombies) in Auckland city, when there is a holiday in the week, the rubbish/recycle bin is always out the same day of the week no matter what, blocking the footpaths for pedestrians a extra day when this practice does not need to happen, I might add a able pedestrian like me ~ no problem with the challenge solving, but a Visual Impaired Pedestrian or someone in wheel chair, what a major “flip” off. Take our upcoming Easter/Anzac day holiday break next month for example, It does not help one become a “self induced moron buster” If one looks at the Area 1 http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/services/rubbish/pdf/recyclingcalendarEAST.pdf “Recycling collection calender 2010/2011” Good Friday 22nd April is highlighted when it is clearly not a collection day while Saturday 23rd should be highlight as that will be the temporary collection day. Then we have a look at Area 2 http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/services/rubbish/pdf/recyclingcalendarWEST.pdf Easter Monday/Anzac day April 25th is highlighted, and then Saturday 30th should be highlighted, maybe a little arrow “→” included on each of those days might help from Tuesday 26th to Friday 29th to remind bin movers that the normal bin collection day has been moved a day later due to the holiday in that week. Personally I blown away by the number of years this practice has been going on, I thought one might know now. From Eric
- Green pedestrian indicator failedGreen pedestrian indicator failed as you cross from the shopping centre to the Long Park retirement village part of the intersection. THIS PEDESTRIAN CROSSING HAS SIX LOTS OF FOOTPATH CANCER, SO THE ELDERLY FROM THE VILLAGE CAN GET THEIR DEATH SENTENCE IF THEY SLIP ON THEM WHILE THEY ARE WET AND THEIR SHOES FAIL THE "SLIP FACTOR"
- Street light opposite 15 Montana AveLight works intermittently - will work to begin with then turns off and on throughout the night.
- complete (Mt Eden) side of bridge lights out (about half a dozen)It would terrible if someone tripped on the kerb in the dark and cut their hands on the glass on the footpath, I did not notice they were out until I got half way across the bridge at about 6:30pm tonight. The glass in the photo was there on the 14th February, ..... (sorry must finish early, I was not going make a book from my posting)
- So Who Took This footpath ****** Away Then? the Davis cresent sagaOn Friday at about 12:15 I fell two a very deep sleep at work, I had a fery fery bad dream, I was dreaming I was talking to someone from Auckland ******* about a posting made at this web site, I kept giving her my email address, She said "no that is not your Email address it is your Internet Service Provider ISP.", I thinking I wish I could find a new job somewhere else where I am not surrounded by wogga wogga's I spend 8 hours a day with, it would give everybody else I meet outside of work a whole Eric to interface with and the spin offs at this web site would go from strength to strength, 30 years in the work force I have never gone having daymares at work, part of my email address is part of my web site, Last time I saw this yellow ****** what was used for the temporary western line entry to go to Britomart train station & the exit for passengers from the western track Auckland line was Tuesday morning 24th May, then next time I walked over the railtrack bridge was Wednesday late afternoon 25th and it was gone, all of it as you can see in the photo. Now I will use my magic email address that is not my ISP to acknowledge I am the dude that made this posting at this web site............. By the way On the Night of Thursday 19th of May, I attended at 6pm a meeting for the Newmarket Residents organized by Rob Thomas, and spoke to him, Who I think is more normal than what I am, somebody at the meeting asked "Could someone either (1) open up Kingdom Street again to motoring traffic (thats at the other end of what used to be the temporary Newmarket train station western line) or (2) put the train station back (in which case would make the closure of Kingdom street understandable) (reply) it would cost millions of dollars to put back the kingdom street train station (then it would just a couple of minutes walk from the other two stations nearby), so then the will idea will never go back to the builders, So this why I think these bright slippery when wet and using wet shoes to treat provides great contact displacement which could and as I have been told influence one to suffer a hurting bodily injury, I in turn understand this. since no more train station between Kingdom street & Davis Crescent I think why not no more yellow plastic slippers.
- Cracked road surfaceThis cracked road surface is getting worse, and causing problems for people turning at the end of the cul-de-sac. The traffic can be quite busy at the start and end of the school day because people drop off and pick up their kids here.
- as a result of recent work undertakenOrpheus Drive has had a number of holes opened and then filled during the course of design work ready for "the beach" Some of these have sunk in the rain one in particular about 100m from the boat ramp at the western end
- Pedestrian Crossing Lights Don't WorkThe pedestrian crossing lights going parallel with West Coast Road aren't working. This has been an issue for about a week.
- Light phase change at K'rd / Symonds Street intersectionAfter wondering why the traffic is suddenly horrendous on K'rd in the evening, I have now noticed a sign on the traffic lights saying 'light phasing changed' - has this been in the last few days/week?? I work on K'rd and have driven to the motorway via this road for the past year with no issues what so ever. The last 2 days have been an absolute nightmare!! It has taken 25mins minimum to get from the K'rd bridge to the M'way onramp, traffic is backed up and at a virtual standstill. I'm wondering/presuming the light change coincides with this?? If it is, im sure the bus drivers are also feeling a bit peeved as they are also caught up in this mahem! If the light phasing has just been changed then I hope there are camera's or something operating to show the effects it has had. Traffic flowed quite freely by all accounts prior to this!
- Broken light on pedestrian crossing & poor signageThe light on the Warehouse side of the street at this pedestrian crossing has been broken for at least a couple of weeks. The signage for this crossing is also poor and I think it has become more dangerous since the pedestrian island in the middle of the road was removed for some reason recently.
- Pothole on exit of roundaboutA pothole has been developing for the past few weeks on the southeastern exit of the Apollo Drive/Anteres Place roundabout.
New issues
- No issues.
Older issues
- The street light is not workingThe street light right beside bus stop 3179 is not working at hugh green drive ,Pinehill 0632
- Yellow Lines Needed - Parking Issue250 Kepa Road (Mission Bay, Auckland) - the road is regularly reduced to a single lane outside the Horizon apartment complex, as people can currently park on both sides of the street. This causes issues daily, particularly during peak traffic. Desperately need some yellow no-parking lines.
- dangerous pothole before crossingthis should be fixed urgently. pothole is rather big and could cause an accident or damage to vehicles. located on Church Crescent, Panmure just before the crossing if you are heading up the hill
- Driveway leakLeak on property and flowing down pathway. Unclear if water or waste. No smell.
- lights continually phasing even when no trafficvehicles turning right into Osterley Way from Manukau Station Rd the lights phase even at 1AM when there is no traffic.
- Roundabout kerbing damagedBeachlands Rd, Shelly Bay Rd roundabout has missing kerb stones and is a risk for traffic driving around the intersection
- Pedestrian crossing button not workingPedestrian crossing at cnr Pleasant Rd and Titirangi Rd, Titirangi, Auckland does not work, does not activate the Green man cross light, when walking up Titirangi Road to the intersection. Noticed this today 28 June 2022
- Street lights are not working on Hugh green drive PinehillAll street lights on Huh Green Drive , Pinehill are not working
- On Hugh green drive,Pinehill , all the street lights are offAll the lights on Hugh Green drive, Pinehill are off starting from several days ago.
- Large pothole near end of roadThis pothole has been growing in area and depth over the last ten years or so. It’s at the end of the road, so isn’t a huge problem for traffic, but it isn’t good for anyone turning and catching their tyres on it. Also could easily trip someone on foot after dark. Thank you.
- Street lights was hit by a carThe lights was damaged by a car and it is dangerous. The button of the lights seem to be out of the mud.
- Trucks using Whitehills Road as thouroughfareWe live on Whitehills Road, Waitoki. This road is being used more and more by huge tricks as a thoroughfare between Kahikatea Flat Road and Waitoki Road. the issue at hand is that the trucks drive very fast, are very loud with the first trucks coming through at 6am and last truck finishes at 7pm - it is non-stop throughout the day. On some occasions trucks have been heard driving through from 4am! This is a rural road and there should be some respect for residents in the area. The noise is extreme and there is no peace and quiet during the day. There are also cyclists that use this road and there is a concern for their safety and other innocent drivers that use Whitehills Road. It also appears that the trucks speed up even more so when they go downhill.
- Leaves in gutterLeaves in gutter havent been cleared. This issue caused flooding into commercial premises nearby. Needs properly cleaning as cesspits will block causing further future flooding.
- Severely rutted roadinland road has become severely rutted on uphil section’s causing driver to drive on the wrong side to avoid them After the heavy rains there are several channels running across the road and exposed clay- desperately need grading
- Trucks and cars obstructing road with some illegally parkedBill Phillip Place in Clendon Park is overrun with trucks and cars often illegally parked. All along the street cars park butted up against driveways making it difficult to get your own car out of your driveway onto the road. This is a daily occurrence outside 1 Barcroft Place (corner property with Bill Phillip) and opposite that at 4 Bill Phillip. Cars are also being parked over footpaths making it difficult for walking safely. Outside 11 and 13 Bellville Drive (corner properties with Bill Phillip) trucks are parked every day. Either 2 or 3 every day. Outside 11 Bellville the truck gets parked on the berm causing damage. It has not been removed for weeks so the berm cannot be mowed. So many cars and trucks bad parking, make it difficult to safely navigate the road and it is just getting worse all the time.
- a lot of stop buttons do not work on Auckland..a lot of stop buttons do not work on Auckland buses I have reported NB4327 a few weeks ago and it is still faulty ------ If at first you dont succeed, try a different method. ------ it seems to be with Auckland City Council you always have to try a now method.
- Zippler paints UALLY over bus times stop#7212 end Ponsonby RoadNoron paints UALLY over bus times stop#7212 end Ponsonby Road, near the end of Great North road. it is hard to read some of the times
- Taniwha Street worksCouncil’s sewerage related works project has now taken more than 4 years in this area causing huge inconvenience to cars and in particular buses. The road surface has never been maintained to a reasonable state and remains dangerous. It’s time this project is completed! The time it has taken is plain ridiculous.
- Wet pavementThe pavement outside 96 Lantana Road has been wet for a few weeks now.
- Walkway pavement cracked and risen sharply.Pavement by the drain had cracked and been pushed up.
- Kahawairahi Park entrance.The park has a main foot path running through it. However none of the entrances off the road have a corresponding entrance to the footpath on the other side. The nearest driveway is at least 40m offset this is quite dangerous when crossing and not jumping the kerb and grass verge.
- needs more roading metalThe southern and un-tarsealed end of Hamilton Road needs more roading metal/gravel especially at the furtherest point before the little bit of tarseal at the very end. It is breaking through the surface and getting very slushy with this heavy rain (100 + mils this week) and the many large Water Tankers driving up and down every day. It is becoming dangerous for the 5 householders at this far end.
- Bus Stop 7415 always flooded after rainBus Stop 7415 always flooded after rain
- Sink hole appearingThere is a sink hole appearing outside 92 Summer St, Ponsonby, Auckland. Between the kerb and road and is very close to a power pole, if it grows it will undermine the powerpole.
- Water leak makes pavement wetThere’s a water leak on the verge that makes the pavement wet. It’s been there for months.
- Street light wiring exposedThe plate on the street light is broken, exposing the wiring.
- Kemp RoadApprox 1 km from the beginning of Kemp Road - Awhitu Road end - is an ever increasing pothole. It is on the right side going through Kemp Road towards the lighthouse, just before the very narrow part with the white rails where there is a "repair" to the tarseal. When you are driving from the Lighthouse direction it is very hard to avoid if another car is coming towards you. It is almost axle breaking.
- Old North RoadThe road at Old North Road / Oraha Road intersection needs to be fixed immediately. It is a major hazard and has been for weeks. Rodney area roads in general needs to be fixed properly, there are multiple locations with massive potholes or unsafe driving surfaces.
- Smooth patches on tar seal in Pollok to Te toroBasically the whole road has smooth areas all over it, after rain even travelling at 80ks I aqua plane, yes I have low profiles but they are new tyres. I’m tired of nearly shitting myself driving in the rain or wet. Please Fix the god dam roads !!
- The morons in Dorkland CBD motto “Lets accelerate global warming.”The other day I was waiting for the link bus, on Karangahape R, between Pitt Street and Queen Street, I could not believe my eyes, 3 people sitting outside on the footpath in the cold in their light clothing with a heater going above them, I went inside and there was 14 (FOURTEEN) seats empty, and I could of gone out the back to find more space to use. ==> My guess is with people gone brain dead with our toxic environment, all pushing people faster to Alzheimers at a much younger age, nobody can think, I do not mean to pick on one place, because Dorkland CBD is riddled with places with outside heaters above the footpath. that want to melt the ice up in all the mountains, make us lose low level land near sea level, and all the other land give them the hundred year flood every second year. Then make our summers unbearably hot during the summer. GET A GRIP I GO TO BED WITH, 3 SINGLETS, 3 SHIRTS & 2 JUMPERS, TO SAVE MONEY USING A HEATER, I HAVE NOT USED A HEATER FOR A FEW YEARS. . IF YOU HAVE COLD FEET, YOU HAVE HYPOTHERMIA, THE BODY SHUTS OFF CIRCULATION TO THE LEGS & ARMS TO CONSERVE BODY HEAT, PUT MORE CLOTHING AROUND YOUR TORSO, AND SAVE MONEY FROM HEATING!!!
- Footpaths coved when bird shit in "Pigeon Poo City" & "Pigeon Poo CBD"The footpath along Broadway at the bottom of Khyber pass road. I often see someone water blasting at the small park by "spark arena" do they have to do it because more and more people are feeding the pigeons and when more and more people feed the pigeons they have more and more baby pigeons, so Pigeon poo city gets worse, I see more and more footpaths and hand rails has bird poo on it, and more and more people, feeding pigeons more often in Pigeon poo CBD. Mind you Auckland city wants Auckland to be the top city in the world, no doubt this will force the house price to go out of control, and the rates will have to go up as well.
- Fordyce Ave BollardsThe orange bollards recently erected on Fordyce Ave are not only an eye-sore but they have blocked off parking and stopping street cleaners picking up fallen leaves which are blocking up storm water drains. The bollards need removing and the street parking reinstated as well as the leaves removed.
- Slippery pathway in reserveUnder the tree the path doesn’t get much sunlight and has a lot of bird poop on it, the other day I nearly slipped over after it had been raining. Luckily my husband was there to stop me falling completely. There may be similar places throughout the reserve path ways in CB. Thanks for your help in making this safer, I would hate for someone to fall
- Leaves in Francis Street need collectingHi, there hasn’t been a collection of the leaves from the council trees since ANZAC weekend, they are piled everywhere, blocking drains and being a slip hazard on the uneven footpath. Please can we get this rectified.
- Broken storm drain coverAs seen in attached image the storm drain grate is broken and a significant hazard to anyone parking or walking along that side of Maraetai road opposite the walkway.
- Broken storm drain coverAs seen in attached image the storm drain grate is broken and a significant hazard to anyone parking or walking along that side of Maraetai road opposite the walkway.
- Fordyce Ave absolute messHi, please could you tidy up Fordyce Ave by removing the cones, roundabout and planter boxes. The street sweeper can’t get past and it looks a mess, particularly at night when it looks like an airport runway. Many thanks for your assistance
- Fordyce Ave a disaster if a messHi, looks like the street sweeper can’t get down the street due to the awful mess AT has made with the cones and planter boxes. Looks like an absolute disaster of an airport runway. Please remove all cones, roundabout and planter boxes and return our street to the beautiful avenue it used to be.
- Road Works/Wastewater projectThere is a sewerage drainage project that has been going on for years now in this area that was scheduled to be completed months ago. It should be completed without any further delay. If not then the roads and roundabout need to be made safer. The road is damaged and needs resurfacing, buses cannot easily negotiate the temporary roundabout and regularly hit the cones and posts. It is a disgrace that these roadworks have not been completed in any reasonable time frame and that they continue to cause significant inconvenience to motorists
- Multiple street lights are out.Several street lights are out on ninth view Ave intersection with Angiangi ave
- Right turn to EC Road Short PhasingIn the last couple of weeks, at all times I have observed - weekends, rush hours, off peak - the right turn lights from Greville Rd to EC Road are short phasing, allowing only 4-5 cars through at a time, when 30-40 are queuing. Northbound on EC Road has a noteably long phase, again at all times.The right turn southbound EC Road to Greville seems normal. The short phasing means cars are backed up almost to Hugh Green drive waiting to turn right to Browns Bay, even ay 10 am Saturday morning. Please can the phasing be looked at and returned to where it was a few weeks ago, when it seemed to work fine.
- Dangerous Trip hazardsSeveral people have been observed tripping on the uneven footpath in a rough area of footpath outside Mistry Shoes. It needs fixing urgently
- Rat-running cars causing safety issues on local streetsCars are regularly using Elderberry Rd and Burswood drive as a "rat run" during peak times to bypass a busy section of Ti Rakau Drive. These motorists drive at excessive speed through Burswood drive and Elderberry drive. They are causing safety risks to local residents, especially cyclists and pedestrians. They also cut through the private car-park at Chinatown, cnr Ti Rakau and Burswood Dr. Again often at excessive speed. Could you please look at additional measures to discourage this dangerous habit. Thanks.
- why does it take so long to get around on public transport in Auckland CBDbecause Auckland transport has closed a lot of lanes off. If Auckland transport had any intelligence, instead of closing some of the traffic lanes off, they would convert them to bus only lanes
- Dangerous uneven footpathA number of persons have been observed tripping and hurting themselves on this section of the path
- Light phasing too short causing major queues28-30 cars queue down Woodbine Ave waiting to turn onto Gt South Rd. The green light to turn right onto Gt Sth Rd lasts only to allow 4 cars through. Meaning we can sit up to 7 light phases just to get out of Woodbine. This problem exists both in the morning and evening during peak times.
- Dangerous car parking on blind cornerCars from close by commercial area have starting parking on the corner of malvern road which is a blind corner making dangerous for traffic as it is forcing traffic on to the otherside of the road as the round the bend. As residents we have seen several close calls with near head on accidents and damage to parked vehicles
- Shoddy repairThe road seal in Kemp Road, Awhitu, was recently "repaired". What a shocking job. The road is much worse now than before! Every patch has a major fault on it, potholes, ledges, scoured out areas.....please fix them properly before an accident happens. Large milk tankers, water carrying truck with trailers and stock truck with trailers go through this road, as well as lots of tourist traffic to the Manukau Lighthouse.
- Shocking bump in road from drain repair by ATVery bad unbearable bump in Woodcocks Rd Warkworth. The noise is quite frightening, especially for old people and we're both 87. It has been caused by AT works to repair a large drain passing under the road. Mr Geoff Croker Sealing Engineer says he knows about it and will look in to it some time but he doesn't know how soon. Could it have some urgent attention before I am compelled to go to the media?
- POt holePot hole at the begining of Hingaia Bridge Has become quite significant in size
- Road surface degradationSoft spot in road has led to a significant depression in the road and the road surface is now starting to give way. Traffic is swerving in to the on coming lane to avoid the area of concern
- Loose Chip tarsealThe end of Pinecrest Dr was resealed recently but the stone chip is loose and sticking to tires. These tar covered chips are now over driveways and in garages. The surface is very rough and uneven. Turning vehicles are ripping off the crumbling seal.
- Yellow lines urgent for safety of kidsHi I have raised this in the past and need it actioned this time Yellow no parking lines are needed between 12-14 Fordyce Ave and also at 12 Fordyce Ave for a few metres towards number 10 Fordyce in Sunnyhills. This is a high traffic and pedistrian zone during school drop off and pickup and is very dangerous for residents pulling out of driveway.
- Extremely uneven and dangerous road surface - Mount Wellington HwyMount Wellington Highway heading south, from around number 670, through to Portage Road. The surface on cycling line is absolutely shocking. Cyclist hell, and very very dangerous. Please fix! Thank you.
- Street lightingsNo street lights since Thursday 25 March 2021 Please fix it is very dark thanks
- Road repairThe road has been repaired outside 2255 Awhitu Road with two patches of tarseal on the right hand lane if you are leaving the Pollok settlement and going towards West Coast Road. It is just about opposite the gateway of 2255 Awhitu Road. Where the repair has been done, was, for a very long time, existed a nasty slump/deep dip, in the existing tarseal. The firm who did the repair ignored this slump and missed fixing it by about 5mm. There is now a large pothole forming, it throws the car towards the centre line. When driving towards Pollok settlement in this lane, the natural reaction is to avoid this mess which then means the person behind you has to swing out further to pass you on what is, one of the very few safe-ish passing places on the entire Awhitu Road. The road repair has caused a major safety issue.
- 3 Street lights not workingFrom the pedestrian crossing opposite Baradene College down to the bottom of Victoria Ave there are 3 street lights not working on the left hand side. It is very dark and dangerous when I am walking at 6am.They have been out for approx a month.
- Why has Auckland transport spent what could be a good $100.00 if not more then lost the plot with this projectFar out I think this project finished just before Christmas holidays 2020 and near put into use yet. way to go
- I am turning into a "Solent Street pedestrian because Auckland Transport made me go that way. with any other traffic lightI am turning into a "Solent Street pedestrian because Auckland Transport made me go that way. because the pedestrian crossing button does not work activate the "cross now" pedestrians have to wait for motor traffic to come out of Solent street & turn right into Tamaki drive. One day I saw a pedestrian she refused to cross Solent because there was not any traffic coming out of Solent street to turn left. One day I just timed it right I press the cross now button then I crossed the road, when the traffic coming out of Solent street went green I was walking in front of vehicle that could move because I was in the way. The person who keeps the system that way is a dork, other times I stop the traffic to Tamaki drive so traffic coming from Solent street miss a green light and have to wait longer compared to how long would wait if the system was not broken.
- Where are Auckland pedestrian supposed to walk in Auckland CBD because eScooters are choking the footpath been parked all over the place?ask NautronWhere are Auckland pedestrian supposed to walk in Auckland CBD because eScooters are choking the footpath been parked all over the place. I asked one Nautron if he could park the eScooter away from the middle of the footpath all I got was abuse, just a hour or so before I had to drag a eSooter away from a flock of eScooters was blocking the footpath and nowhere to walk
- Street light goes out and comes back on cyclically outside 11 Kimptonfields Court, Wattle DownsStreet light goes out and comes back on cyclically outside 11 Kimptonfields Court, Wattle Downs
- Uneven Paving outside No 29 Gwilliam Place, Freemans BayThree points of the paving have been raised probably due to tree roots, which has made the paving unsafe and a Health and Safety Hazard. It is only a matter of time when somebody will trip and injure themselves. Please have this attended to with urgency.
- Vehicles parked on footpathVehicles are being parked on the footpath, some totally across the footpath, resulting in pedestrians having to walk on the narrow roadway - one seen yesterday, was a lady with child in a stroller, with one of its legs in a plaster cast. Currently the majority of these vehicles are contractors working on the property at 16 Lingham Crescent
- Roadworks left road like a gravel roadRoadworks all over Mangere bridge have left the roads like gravel roads. There are stones everywhere. It is literally like driving on a gravel road.
- Road Works/Wastewater projectThe fact that the road works in this area has been going on for around 3 years even given the Covid effects is ridiculous. Nothing much has been happening over recent weeks and the site appears to have been abandoned. School buses have to jiggle back and forward to get around the round about. The damaged road surface is dangerous. The contractorts need to get on and complete the job without any further delay. Motorists have suffered extereme inconvenience over the ongoing life of the never ending project. Surely there must be now heavy penalties that should be charged to the contractor for non completion which once done should motivate them to get on and complete it
- Traffic light does not respond to cyclistsWhen cycling along Grafton Bridge and approaching the traffic light at the intersection of the bridge and Grafton Rd, with the intention of turning right, the traffic light does not seem to allow a right turn for a cyclist, just for a car.
- Obsolete judder barsThere are two little judder bars on this part of Wellesley St East that do not seem to serve any purpose and are a nuisance and somewhat of a hazard to cyclists.
- Footbridge nails sticking up.Many nails all along the footbridge next to the playground are sticking up out of the walkway planks. This is a significant hazard and people will slice their foot open.
- Pothole forming in centre of roadA pothole is rapidly forming in the centre of the road outside 13 Ruawai Road, Mount Wellington, Auckland, 1060. This section of the road was recently dug up, but the seal repair has been inadequate and a pothole has resulted.
- Excessive accidents and speeding trafficI live on Thomas Road which is approximately 1.7 kms of straight continuous road. Because it is straight we have numerous cars, speeding motorcycles, dirt bikes and boy racers driving at high speed on our road as there is nothing to slow them down. Also at the intersection of Aspiring and Thomas Road there are 'Giveway' signs but yet the number of crashes that have occurred there in the last couple of years has risen 10 fold. I have heard and seen all of them when I have been at home. Just last night there was yet another crash in which both Fire and Police attended. I know that if you were to enquire with the Police about these crashes you would see an excessive number for our residential street and these would not include those not reported. I would say that there would be a crash at least once a week. When I first moved into the street nearly 15 years ago half of it was rural but in the last several years the number of houses that have been built would easily be in the 100s and the traffic on our street now has increased exponentially with more houses planned. We also have a newly built Kindergarten on Thomas Road. Can you please make our road safer with speed bumps and a roundabout to help control the chaos that is on our street.
- rutted unsealed roadmajority of unsealed road from Rautawhiri Road intersection to 306 inland road has severe corrugations - road was recently graded but has deteriorated quickly.
- Hazardous and Dangerous IntersectionThe intersection of Thomas Road and Aspiring Avenue and Donegal Park Drive has over the past couple of years become a dangerous and hazardous intersection. With the increased number of houses being built in Flat Bush and people moving into the new are of Thomas Road, traffic has increased and so too have the number of accidents at the above aforementioned intersection. We have recently had collisions at that intersection at least once a week, sometimes twice and up to three times a week. My concern is that we have families with young children and other elderly people in the housing surrounding the intersection. There has been an increased number of cars speeding down the road that if they have not been involved in an accident, have had near misses. I have been witness to many of these occasions as I live on Thomas Road close to the intersection. We need a roundabout to curb the speed of the traffic or speed bumps on all four streets to slow what is often utes and boy-racer type cars speeding up and down our streets. PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP??? WHAT OTHER SOLUTIONS DO WE HAVE? SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE!!! Thank You.
- Truck Parked on Residential StreetOurs is a sloping street with vehicles parked on either side. The truck presents risk to children and other road users. Owner was asked to park their truck elsewhere but has simply moved the truck up and down the street.
- When is Quay Street going to fixed up for pedestrians it is making central government look like a joke for their greens energy.The facts are Auckland Transport does not give a hoot about pedestrians, it never has and I will be blown away if it ever will, the only thing Auckland transport cares about is anything that waste energy moving people on wheels. I tried to use the sea side of Quay street yesterday because you get a free walk all along Quay street but because it is in Auckland transport secret rule book to screw pedestrians I could not go there I had to cross over and wait every few minutes to cross side streets. Look at the faulty electronic crossing at solent street the only time pedestrians get the “cross now” is after traffic coming out and turning right into tamaki drive. When there is no traffic there is never a “cross now”. Just screw pedestrians, lets give anything people want on wheels everything they want on a gold plate.
- what a gutless effort from Auckland transportI never did get a email to say some bus stops will not be used today, so I refuse to go on public transport in case there are bus stops far away where I want to go is closed down, I just walked into queen street and turned into a Solent Street where auckland transport are training pedestrians that electronic crosses do NOT work unless traffic come out and turn right into Quay street, if you dont the system to work screw you
- Another reason why it suxs to use Auckland public transport, it abuse after abuse after abuse. (see phone)Yesterday I saw that the bus stop will be closed most of the day, 6am to 5pm corner of beach road & Mahuhu crescent. it is just so hard to have a one temporary bus stop in ronayne street, so now you walk either way it could be close to one kilometer for the next bus stop. maybe the point I am tring to make is I get emails all the time telling me about covid-19 rules, but maybe that is a central government regulation, but I never got told that the bus stop is out of action for most of the day, and if I wanted to catch a bus I should leave a bit earlyer, walk the other way and a would get there in half the time up a steep hill because Auckland transport likes to abuse public transport users. +++++++++ you to have wonder what goes on their "upstairs" with those who work for Auckland transport, recently we had Auckland harbor bridge was damaged, forget what could be said about fixing,,,,,, BUT did anybody go door to door to those who live on north shore and ask them "are you another person who adds to choke Auckland harbor bridge, and what can we do to improve the the bus system to get you away from your car and take public transport more often into the city to work" and so when it is 100% again hopefully their is less one person car, . but no instead before the bridge got damaged they just go and close off a few lanes in auckland main road so when buses goes down queen street it takes forever,
- Street light outside 15 Sauvignon Avenue, Ranui 0612 not workingStreet light not working
- Public rubbish bin strongly neededDue to the lack of a public rubbish bin at this bus stop, all the people waiting or getting off from the bus tend to throw their rubbish on the ground or tuck in our hedge for their convenience which in turn, all gets blown into my driveway, sidewalk and lawn. Thanks for your help and we look forward to having a public rubbish bin soon so noone has to take it for granted to constantly clean up the mess caused by this inconsiderate people.
- Path down south side Ohinerau is overgrownThe non slip plastic path installed down the lane on Mt Hobson is overgrown and need trimming, it’s half covered by weeds. After the rain you can’t walk on it without getting wet by the weeds, just defeats the purpose and too slippery to go on the old road
- hellyer road kaukapakapaSeveral potholes , furrow in a soft road caused by heavy vehicles used by the kiwi rail project to rebuild the bridge
- PotholeThere is a large and crumbling pot hole in this approximate point.
- ParkingIt's a no exit road with plenty of street parking yet people keep using the turning bay as a car park when going to the playground. For people who actually live on the street it's a nightmare for turning around when blocked so request for yellow lines to prevent parking
- no bus stop timetables, *2. the strand & Remuera road,#1358 The Strand #7414 Remuera road across the road from Remuera library.
- people who feed pigeons make others want to vomite at bus stop #7179 waithing for busBus Stop #7179 has bird crap running down the glass windows there is 3 poo tracks down the glass, to a big pond at the bottom of the glass, I pointed to the pond to someone who just sat down he quickly got up and all 3 of stood wait on the Parnell side of the bus stop ETA display , also there is bird poo all over the back of the bus STA electronic display .............................. as I said once before you feed pigeons, they do poo everywhere & that what you get when people feed pigeons in the park about 100 meters away, Ask Auckland University, they had to replace some of their classroom ceiling because pigeon got into the roofing a poo everywhere. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It seems putting up "DO NOT FEED THE PIGOENS" WOULD BE A BETTER OPTION THAN VOMOTE BUS STOPS. I am not a anti wild life person, just trying to make Auckland anti vomited proof.
- 12 Springside Drive resident saves off street parking space in front of the house with a cone repeatedlyResident of 12 Springside Drive saves off street parking space in front of the house with a cone many times. A photo is attached for todays action, 5 October 2020 19:35. Another one of this was reported on24 September 2020. Please do something about this. Thanks
- Traffic causing heavy house vibration/earthquakeI have noticed my house moves/vibrates whenever a bus or heavy duty vehicle or even a racer vechicle goes past it. My house is off Walmsley road its very significant. My neighbours is also experiencing the same vibrations. Please fix this issue, its a new subdivision we have moved into a year ago, and there is many residential housing going in along walmsley road. Would like to see speed to be reduced in these zones and even a speed camera to be installed to reduce traffic speed. House is now constantly shaking. Looking forward to someone to address this.
- Resident of 12 Springside Drive, Flat Bush block off street parking with coneResident of 12 Springside Drive saves off street parking space in front of the house with a cone many times. A photo is attached for todays action, 24 September 2020 14:10. Please do something about jt. Thanks
- Pedestrian light/signal not workingCoordinates: -36.9260256, 174.8916598 Pedestrian signal for crossing from Trugood Dr across Ti Rakau Dr in East Tamaki is not working (the opposite direction is fine). Has not been working for a few weeks at least.
- Driveway kerb brokenThe concrete edging of the vehicle crossing at No.1 Noumea Place Mairangi Bay is broken. This is in line with the kerb of the street and is the responsibility of AT to repair. A reply from AT to a previous complaint about this issue referred to Local Government Act 1974 section 335. However this section of the Act does not make any mention of the property owner being responsible for maintenance of the vehicle crossing. It follows from the fact that the crossing is public property, and can be used by any vehicle as part of the roadway, that this is AT's responsibility to repair. Please repair this edging as soon as possible. Thank you.
- Poor visibility in both directions pulling on to Brigham Creek RoadThe way the street parking & roads have been laid out in the new Whenuapai development, it is very dangerous to pull out on to Brigham Creek Road from Joseph McDonald Drive and Boyes Avenue due to being able to see traffic coming from either direction.
- Car parked on road, has not moved in 5 monthsNumber plate: FBR938 Toyota Starlet. The car has been parked on the road for over 5 months and has not moved one inch in this time which is more than the legal 7 days. It has 3 flat tyres. It is parked directly opposite our driveway, making it hard to reverse in or out of our driveway, in fact it has already been hit by a reversing car once. It would be good to have this car moved.
- Vehicles speedingVehicles speeding sometimes being used like a drag strip by boyracers. Danger to pedestrians (children playing around). Need a speed bump or at least a road sign(i.e: 50 or 40 Kph zone).
- potholes and rutswith the current train bridge replacement and movement of heavy equipment has ruined hellyer road. Pot Holes galore, ruts causing the whole one side of road to fall away. PLease fix asap
- Water leak under roadThere is a persistent water leak under the road surface.
- Blocked drains and debris filled gutters.Sandstone Rd from Whitford Rd to Shepherds Lane on both sides of the road has MANY blocked storm-water drains and debris filled gutters. It regularly floods down the bottom by the Whitford end roundabout. Can we get a street sweeper to make a pass on both sides to clear much of the debris and clear the drains. Thanks
- Road slipRoad is slipping away at the top of McKenzie Hill
- Potholes reopenedThe unsealed length of inland road has several large potholes reopened along the centre line causing swerving to avoid them
- Dangerous intersection corner Wilkinson Road and Gavin StreetDangerous intersection corner Wilkinson Road and Gavin Street. Cars turning right on Wilkinson Road from Gavin street often don’t give wait too straight through traffic. This causes a hazard for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. I have had some verY close calls daily travelling to and from work past that interesection. As a pedestrian there is no safe crossing there anywhere along Wilkinson Road or to safely cross Gavin Street. Pedestrian crossings required and or traffic lights. If crossing as a pedestrian across Gavin street cars turning left onto Gavin from Wilkinson often don’t see the pedestrian crossing the road and so again many many close calls.
- No safe footpath on either side of Wilkinson RoadWalking to and from the bus stop at work (40-60 Wilkinson Road there is no safe footpath on either side of this road to walk. This requires us to walk in on the sides of the road. This is a huge hazard to staff, residents and customers of the surrounding businesses. It does not make me feel safe having to walk to and from work. There is a make shift carpark for a temple down the road where there should be a sidewalk. This request does require 2 images but I can only upload 1.
- Big Square Hole may cause accident for Bike for sureHi there is a big square hole in line road round about coming towards Glen innes
- Go to 155 Queen Street, Auckland and see one ethnic group spit on the street all the timeThis is not the first day I have seen this, I go on the link bus about 1pm and I saw someone spit on the street, later that afternoon I was on a link bus going the other way about 2:50pm and no prizes on what I saw again,, yes you got it more spitting on the street.
- light shines over building, and directly into bedroom windowthe street light that is in front of approx 62 ponsonby rd, is taller than the building at that same location, and shines directly into bedroom window of apartments on 11 vinegar lane. a barrier of some sort that blocks the light toward the southwest (basically between the light and building) would be much appreciated!
- Excess chip following roadworkRidge Road 0793 between Wake Road and Diamond Lane - roadwork undertaken using chip and seal prior to lockdown. Excess chip needs to be removed - flicked up by vehicles and very dangerous for motorcycle riders. Auckland Council already informed but no response.
- on both sides of a narrow streetHeadcorn Place is a narrow street. A building site on Botany Road are parking all their trade vehicles on both sides of the street all day every day of the week. Near by Elim Christian College is also using the street as a car park for student vehicles. Please could yellow NO PARKING lines be at least marked on one side of the street if it is legal for these vehicles to be parked in the street. It is a dangerous situation dangerous for residence of Headcorn Place. Builders are also parking their vehicles on the side walk on Botany Road.
- BrightnessNew street light outside my house is far too bright. It lights up the inside of my house almost as bright as the interior lighting causing a nuisance and keeps my family awake at night. Please adjust accordingly. Thank you.
- Concrete damaged and exposing drainThe edge of the footpath has broken and the drain underneath is now exposed, potential for someone to lose things or hurt themselves if step around it. Outside 32 eskdale road, Birkdale.
- Street lighting is out of workingthe whole street lighting is out of working
- Multiple large potholesEntire length of unsealed section of inland road, Helensville is littered with large pot holes that need immediate attention as they get worse each day
- Car CKZ654 repeatly blocking disable ramp access to footpathPrivate vehicle CKZ654 repeatly parked on road side blocking disable ramp access to footpath right outside 7 Arranmore Drive, Flat Bush, Auckland.
- Accident waiting to happenSince lockdown a red subaru and blue honda park between the roundabout and the bus stop. It causes huge driving issues at this very busy place on a main road. I believe this section of the road needs to have yelliw dorred lines. The car owners I believe live up the first right of way with many other car owners.
- Broken area in footpath dangerous for kids scooters and pedestriansThe footpath is very broken along here, and there is one section in particular that needs to be fixed.
- electrical guts hanging out of street light poleelectrical guts hanging out of street light pole, been like that for a month, DO NOT SEND ME EMAIL go and find it yourself as all I do is waste time here, it is about where the tree never got trimmed back from blocking the pedestrian side of the footpath
- Car parked partly blocking drivewayThe car, a white Ford Ute reg JUT229, has been parked so it partly blocks our driveway. With the number of cars that park along that narrow stretch of road on both sides, this makes it difficult (and potentially dangerous) for us to get in and out. I wouldn't complain otherwise, but this was very thoughtless parking.
- Steep incline and pothole at foothpath drive entry to 1 Burch StThe angle of the entry to the driveway from road to footpath is extremely steep and causes my vehicle to scrape on entering and leaving the property. This has been happening for quite some time, but is now worse because a pot hole has also developed at the entry point. It would be appreciated if this could be repaired and the slope modified so as not be be so steep. Thank you.
- [train station alert]I do not get tihs? psas tihs tset anorud.I do not get tihs? psas tihs tset anorud. We hvae been taghut to keep saciol dacinste bacesue of the Ciovd-19 vuris, and eenorvye wtnas taht 2 meetr or 6 feet daciste. Heoevwr I hvae nceiotd taht wehn poelpe use a lfit (eaeoltvr) poelpe do not use taht saciol dacinste rlue. It has been siad taht Ciovd-19 saedprs mroe radilpy tghoruh the big ctiy as oepopsd to the saelmlr saeprd out cimnomtuy, Bad or tioxc air was geivn as the ecsuxe, I do not dodut tioxc air is not good. But in the big citys three is mroe leikly to be mltui hgih rsie linvig aeanptmrts, oeihrtswe it is lkie sainyg it is sfae to scarp the saciol dacinste rlue, bacesue the Ciovd-19 refeuss to go form poersn to poelpe in a ecelonsd salml sacpe the leiks of a eaeoltvr, aslo abcailplpe to eaeoltvrs at tairn satinots. According to a researcher at Cambridge University, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be at the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem. Hot Tip for todays troubled world. Sniff your armpit after a aggressive workout, if you can not smell anything self isolate for 14 days. Public transport needs passengers who can sniff other peoples body aroma (BA not BO)
- Fencing in the council propertyThis is a newly built section. we all live here from 3 years. This is a no exit street with a pathway for bus excess. And this pathway is very huge that a whole car can be driven by. There was an existing fence on the map location, which had excess to just the pedestrians. But last week council remove the fence and made the area open. All the owners of the street a re not feeling safe anymore as it is accessible by any car from the wrong end. It has safety concerns as its a no exit street. Also high risk of theft and burglary. Council have to either replace the old existing fence or try to limit the pathway, so that only the pedestrians can enter the street.
- Street light directed at houses rooms, lights up bed rooms at nightPart of the street light is lighting up houses instead of the street. As the result, houses' bedrooms are lighted up during the night, despite the thick blinders. Lights can use a cap to both prevent this issue, and to save energy. Currently, part of the energy is wasted because the light goes to the horizon and the sky. A cap can points the light towards the street, make it more brighter and more secure. And at the same time, reduce the light pollution and gives people better night sleep.
- Request speed bumps on Hugh Green DriveKia ora, Hugh Green Drive is a downward slope where Pinehill primary school is located. However, many drivers tend to drive very fast on the street which can impose a great danger on the local residents. Speed bumps are essential to remind drivers to be aware of safety conditions. As a result, I want to request speed bumps installation on the street. Thanks.
- street light outThe street light is out outside 21 Park Estate Road Papakura and is making it unsafe to walk in the dark
- Driway/Pavement brokenThe concrete portion between the driveway and pavement is very badly damaged and needs to be repaired
- Street light not workingThere is a street light up a power pole down a long drive way between 436 and 438 Don Buck Road that is not working. It is pitch black and unsafe. Police drive down there at least 3 times a week due to disturbances. Fix please. I have not included a picture because it is midnight and you cant see anything down there at the moment. Thank you.
- Street light flashingStreet lamp post light is flashing on and off constantly every 2 seconds
- Let us use the next few months to turn Quay Street from a dump to something Oversea visitors would get enjoyment to visit.Maybe now is the time to race through and make some work more urgent near Quay Street while oversea passenger ships are barred from NZ due to Covid-10.
- Cracks in TarmacPresumably because of the dry soil conditions the road surface has several cracks running longitudinally which if left unsealed will allow water into the substructure. Examples are outside 20 Scarboro Terrace. I would anticipate a liquid bituminous compound poured along the gaps to be a usual remedy.
- Delays to traffic on Neilson St PenroseHi there, There seems to be some abnormal delays the last week or so on Neilson St Onehunga heading towards Mt Smart Stadium end from Onehunga. Traffic waiting to get onto church street from Neilson St is worse than normal and it can take considerable time, where as from what I can see traffic on Church st before Neilson street seems to have little traffic on it at all. Getting to Great South Road from Angle St Onehunga can take up to 40 mins and then it is clear to Pakuranga. Perhaps there is a sensor out or sequence change has gone wrong ??? Could someone possibly have a look. Thank You
- Dangerous overgrowth & debris on stepsThe steps down from 65 to 67 First Ave are disgraceful ! They are never maintained.
- Street light damaged by large tree growing into itNo streetlight on a bend outside 49 John Gill Road. Dangerous when unlit at night as the road bends at that point. The large tree on the verge has smashed the light as it is growing into it.
- Street light outStreet light not working between 51 and 63 Heard road, Papakura. Please attend to this.
- Too many leaves in the street from Akl Council TreesToo many leaves in the street from Akl Council Trees, need to be removed as its a fire hazard. Leaves are removed by council in the winter but rarely in Summer.
- Auckland city is unbelievable dump! Vegetation blocking pedestrian side of the footpath, cyclist get upset. when you use their sideAuckland city is unbelievable dump! Vegetation blocking pedestrian side of the footpath, cyclist get upset. when you use there side I do not walk on the other side of Tamaki Drive between 'The Strand & Solent Street' because the pedestrian crossing to cross Solent Street has been modified not to work unless motorist come out of Solent Street to turn right into Tamaki Drive. So I use the pedestrian crossing to cross Tamaki Drive at Solent Street intersection. That Solent Street problem has been report here meny times
- Uneven footpath, trip hazardThere is a large lip on the footpath caused by an even concrete slab. It's a trip hazard. Outside 121 Golflands Drive, Golflands, Auckland
- Huge potholes damaging multiple cars a dayTowards the end of Goat Island Road at Goat Island Marine Reserve there are multiple large potholes at the entrance to the gravel car park opposite the main tarmacked car park (where the toilet block is). Today (27/1/20) there were 3 cars damaged at the same time. One got stuck in the pothole and couldn't go forward because the pothole is so deep, so they tried to reverse out of the pothole. The 2 cars behind then damaged their cars as they reversed through other potholes. You can still see the big oil stains on the ground where another car smashed the engine sump to pieces and had to be towed away to be repaired a week ago. Please fix this urgently, dozens of cars are effected every weekend.
- Cars Parked obstructing entry/exit to driveway. Rubbish not collected.Cars parked outside our family home on a weekday obstructing the entry and exit of vehicles to our property. Furthermore, our weekly rubbish collection is missed because cars are blocking the truck from accessing the bins. It will be highly appreciative if this can be looked at ASAP
- Street Lights not workingHi there, Our street lights on 16 hellyers street, Birkdale aren't working. It's important as cars were all broken into last night due to poor lighting. Could this be looked at or fixed? Also the new lights are considerably worse now since the change over? Thanks Rory Moss
- Hump in roadContractors have recently resealed the rd and have left a nearly 30mm difference in transition height between the old and new surface, as a result trucks and vehicles with trailers are bouncing and thudding down as they travel over it at 100kmh and slamming on their brakes.
- Alley way street light not workingThe street light at the top of the alley way between 29 and 31 glen road is not working making it extremely dark
- Public rubbish bin by bus stopDear Sir or Madam, How do you do? There's bus stop in front of our house and people tend to throw their rubbish outside our house. Is it possible to have a public rubbish bin by the bus stop? Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.
- Disabled Car ParkThere is no disabled carpark for the cafe and restaurant at the corner of Owairaka Ave and Mt Albert Road or the shops across the road from there. Does council have plans to put one in so these places can be accessed for those in wheelchairs or other disability and mobility issues?
- A big truck has been parking at the street mentioned for several months, which blocks our view . SO, IT IS DANGEROUS.A big truck has been parking in the Killybegs Drive for several months. This truck is big and never moves that is blocking our views when we drive out of our houses. Even more, our street is not that wide, when the cars from our neighborhood passing through this truck, it is also difficult. We would like to have this truck moved away.
- Road marking unclearOn Puhinui where is passes under SH20 heading north. The centre lane is supposed to be right turn only towards Cavendish Dr. However the raod markings still indicate the previous config whereby the left and centre lanes can go straight through
- Yarra Place, BotanyHi there. Just wondering if this street will be having a fresh lay of asphalt? The road here looks and feels old nd over used with all the traffic from the Botany Downs Primary school. Can you update us please? Cheers.
- Judder Bar outside drivewayAs part of the cycle lane development in Upper Queen Street, we have had a judder bar installed outside our driveway. People already leave that driveway slowly as there is a footpath directly in front, with a building on the left so a bit of a blind corner, there have not been accidents in my 15 years living here, so how does a judder bar on the other side of the cycleway protect the cyclists? Plus if it takes longer to turn into the driveway as you need a larger gap because you have to slow down so much to go over the judder bar, you then have traffic coming towards you, you are also blocking traffic coming through the intersection after passing Canada street on the left side, there is no flush median in the section of the road outside of our property. So you are blocking one lane when you are turning in. This was already a congestion point at busy times. I asked the council why there was no notification of the judder bar (not answered) but I have been told that it's a "low profile" "speed cushion" - what is outside of our property is a judder bar, it is high and difficult to drive over, jarring even when driving slowly, how is this safe on a main road? Who would I contact to be able to advise if it is the correct specs? Thanks
- Roadway & pathway view restrictedThe corner of this intersection has a very restricted view on one side due to a bushes & trees growing on the public verge. This makes it awkward crossing the road by foot as you can't see very far down the road. Luckens road can be a very busy road at times & having this visual restriction makes crossing a bit of a gamble.
- 30cm Ditch across the whole roadMajor ditch going across the whole road. Will damage cars or cause an accident
- There is a potholes on the street outside our house.We have lived at our address for 2 years. Over the past 2 weeks there is a potholes on the street at the outside our house, every time a heavy vehicle(bus)/large truck passes,our house shake violently, please send team to fix it. Thank you
- Section and verge extremely overgrownAt 83 8th View Ave in Beachlands the section is very overgrown and the verge is a hazard.
- Heavy Vehicles Destroying RoadWe have lived at our address for 12 years. Over the past 4 weeks our house shakes violently every time a heavy vehicle/large truck passes our house. There must be some issue with the road. Please investigate.
- hellyer road, kaukapakapaPreviously reported no action Numerous potholes spread across hellyer road from deep holes to gullies cant drive more than 20 km/h and coming to a complete stop to avoid getting stuck with my bmw Please fix asap we have no alternative road to enter and exit
- SH20B bridge by the Hape Dr roundabout pothilesThe bridge over the estuary by the Hape Dr roundabout has a very poor surface that is breaking up and forming significant potholes, particularly when heading away from the airport.
- illegal parkingMonster energy van FTY240 repetitively parks illegally due to our street constraint houses vs car parks.
- Incomplete landscaping to treeUnacceptable and incomplete finish to this tree base and all trees along this section of Nuffield st.
- Dangerous potholes & getting biggerThere are quite a few potholes scattered on Lyford Cres, Sunnynook which are becoming more and more dangerous & increasing in size and depth. This is the only street with vehicle access to the primary school, so has very high usage and traffic. It would be beneficial to all the parents if these potholes were repaired asap please.
- Pothole on Mckenzie Rd, Waiau PaThere is a pothole just prior to the Mckenzie Rd / Wright Rd intersection, when heading towards Waiau Pa from Kingseat. Right in the wheel track too.
- Hellyer Road kaukapakapa Potholes galore40+ potholes in 800 metres stretch Previously fixed potholes rearing their ugly holes again. We had some flooding recently and even more potholes have appeared which are cause motorist taking evasive action facing oncoming traffic. Please attend to asap. Thanks
- Cars parking over drivewayPlease could you reinstate some yellow lines outside number 12 Fordyce Ave. Ideally 1m of space on each side of our drive way would improve safety when entering and exiting our driveway during school pickup and drop of times. Our driveway is frequently blocked by unattended parked cars. There previously was yellow lines which we were hoping the lines would be reinstated after recent works to improve the crossing outside number 11 Fordyce (which has been a great improvement, thanks). Many thanks
- Street Light OutageStreet Light outside 2 Caversham Place Torbay Auckland is out, it is one of the new Led lights.
- Inland road Multiple large potholesOver the last couple of weeks large potholes have opened up all along Inland road in Helensville ( gravel section) recently dump trucks were using the road to transport big rocks to widen a Culvit and since then the potholes are massive
- Potholes not fixedPotholes where filled about a month ago for only half the the road. Please fix / fill the remaining potholes on Hellyer road
- on-going issues with road surfaceThe surface on this road keeps coming up with potholes on a regular basis. Heavy trucks traffic does not help the situation. You would think that having a known problem, it would be monitored more closely until a permanent solution is found.
- Speed Hump Request on TRANMERE ROADA request to install speed humps on Tranmere Rd, Sandringham to stop cars speeding everyday down this quiet street which is used my many young school children. Tranmere Rd is used as it is the only very narrow street without traffic calming measures so is used as a speedway.
- no less than 4 verbal incidents this morning in dorkland hell hole, then there was the parking of 6 escooters 2 trip up vipsBy the way vip is visually impaired pedestrian ....... this morning i was walking along from jellicoe street to quay street, first i get a escooter user riding on our footpath when the road was clear the part between the lift up bridges & quay street, and i must add while this area and footpath does not look like a road and footpath there is a sign painted on the road telling people not to walk there, as i was about to take a photo, a escotter user was weaving in amongest the pedestrians when the part that was out of bounds for pedestrians was empty apart from my taking a photo, but i was happy to stand a side if i thought i was blocking the way. i raise my voice saying hay this is our footpath as i point in the footpath area, your road is over here as i pointed over to the road area, she ignored me and she road away i yelled out ****** get your crap together you lazy people ****** +++++ incident number 2 +++++ i get to the quay street, lower hobson street intersection as i was waiting for the cross now i see there is a cyclist only lane and a pedestrian only lane, i think great at least we can walk in safety and do not have to cross quay street to walk the city side in with other 2 wheeled traffic ****** wrong ****** i just about get half way along before albert street and a escooter comes towards me, i say hay this is our footpath, your part is over there you have your own bike lane, he replied but i just work over there, as he rides off i yell out ****** arseholes ****** i think is it they are so brain dead they can not promote safety and walk their lazy machine just a few dozen meters, so it is a 100% pedestrian area. +++++ incident number 3 +++++ i walk a bit further and get to the other side of queen street and get stopped by the security guard telling me i can not walk anymore along quay street on the sea side i have to cross over quay street and use the city side. i said did you hear me yelling a few minutes ago down the road because a escooter was riding in the area for pedestrians, he said he did not hear me, while i was talking to him i noticed a sign ****** “look both ways for cyclist” ****** i have to ask where are our pedestrian safety signs like ________ get off your escooter this is a pedestrian safe way? ________ so i walk back as i was waiting to cross quay street i ask another security guard the same question “did you here me yelling a few minutes ago, i just got told off a few minutes ago as i could not walk along there, and where is your security guard over there as i pointed in the other direction anyway lets move on +++++ incident number 4 +++++ as i am force to walk the most dangerous and slowest side of quay street, i am really rich now in standing up for pedestrian rights, because now i have to stop often and wait for a electronic “cross now” sign something i do not get if pedestrians could use the sea side of quay street, i sometimes get customers seated out on the footpath at a cafe smoking to get 2nd hand smoke something i do not get on the sea side, there is the entry and exit to a car-park between gore street and britomart place and a audible alarm going off all the time telling pedestrians to stop and wait for cars to cross “our” footpath when it is “our pedestrian” footpath and “we” have first right of way to use it. something we do not get on the sea side of quay street, as i was walking near that car-park entry exit part there is a cyclist riding on the footpath, i say “just a minute this is our footpath” she rides on a bit further then yells back at me, i have to yell back at her and say this is our footpath over here, your cycle way is over there” as i pointed the way with my hand. $$$$$$$$ conclusion $$$$$$$$ can you see what is going on here in auckland (dorkland) dorkland transport dorkland city council does not give a hoot about pedestrian safety, nor does cyclist or escooter users care about pedestrian safety in the road code it says in much the same words “cyclist can not ride on the footpath except if they are delivering mail or newspapers” how ever the road code version i have does not say they can ride there bicycles on the path if it is allocated to them with cyclist signs by the local city council. once more in the 2nd edition of the book “stop alzheimers now” by bruce fife n.d (you might be able to get it from your library) it says on page 234 exercise is the most proven way and more effective than any treatment to treat alzheimers” all these people on escooters will soon have alzheimers then the health care system will have to cut spending in other more urgent medical issues that would be used to treat those with alzheimers because they were too lazy to get off there lazy machine and walk, and be a danger to those who want to be pedestrians, i was reading the book and someone said to me “but you dont have alzheimers” i replied “thats right i am just trying to reduce my ranking on the alzheimers waiting list (if not take me name off the list completely)”
- Potholes in north bound lane near 100 Great South RoadTwo potholes have appeared in the north bound lane on Great South Road between Market Road and Mauranui Avenue. These potholes pose a significant health and safety risk to motorcycles as the bad street lighting is making the potholes invisible at night.
- 2.5 meters of broken footpathFootpath broken by truck removing house some 2 months report was phoned to council and nothing done !!!.I am 79 years old and have tripped over twice on this area walking my dog
- potholes here to stayPreviously reported potholes earlier this year has not been attaended to Last repair job on this road was last year Please fix our road as the potholes are unavoidable
- Broken train/utility coverA silver oval drain/utility cover is broken outside 41 Coronation Rd, Mangere Bridge. It's bent, thus moves when stepping on, causing a trip hazard if not paying attention.
- RoundaboutRoad has sunk at edge of roundabout creating dangerous dip on western end
- Surface of road has bledSurface of road has bled and is very slippery when wet. As it is on the inside of the corner, the likelihood of a vehicle crossing the center line is high. This will result in a ehead on crash
- A large pothole has formed in the roadA large pothole has formed in the roadn
- Entry-Exit driveway dangerDriveway and traffic light design causes conflict between cars entering and exiting, and delays to traffic building up in Shakespeare Rd. Turning circles are too tight, and traffic light poles restrict left turn into site.
- Two Street Lights Out for WeeksTwo streetlights have been out in front of my address for some time. This presents extreme danger to pedestrians and tenants in the properties nearby
- one reason why auckland should be pronounced dorkland by the rest of new zealandSee the reason why it pays not to shout with uppercase letters, i can think better and came up dorkland, the reason is dorkland can not fix anything, this issue has been reported many times this year, yesterday morning i had to wait at the pedestrian crossing for 10 minutes from 4:41am to 5:52 waiting for someone (in a car) to come out of solent street judges bay to turn right into tamaki drive
- Missing carparkThe owner of 26 Waiwera Road, has removed a car parking space by blacking out the white parking bay and painted yellow lines instead for no parking . Is this legal?
- Can speed humps be added to Fourth Avenue, KingslandEver since google maps has given options for shortcuts (or quickest possible routes) there has been an increasing amount of traffic cutting through this street, especially post games at Eden Park. Because it is on a steep hill people are tearing up and down at alarming speeds sometimes. There are a lot of young children and animals residing here and in the 7 years I have lived here I have noticed this problem getting worse.
- numerous pot holes on hellyer road kaukapakapaPlease fix our road Numerous potholes that cant be avoided. thank you for the help m
- solent street & tamaki drive lights still have not been fixed for pedestrianslets start with i know of a few other faults around auckland i am not giving you until this is fixed. when pedestrians want to cross solent street to walk along tamaki drive. they can not walk across unless they ignore the pedestrian crossing or they wait until traffic comes out of solent street to turn right into tamaki drive. you might notice the lack of uppercase letters here because using all uppercase is seen as yelling and i feel like yelling. __________________take quay street for example the sea side is blocked off for pedestrians so escooters can use it, pedestrians have to use the city side of quay street, so what happens now escooters are using the city side of quay street it is bad enough they can not park their "lazy machines" without wanting to trip up "vip" (blind) but it looks like they want everything .how about you give the quay street back to the pedestrians and escooter users go use the city side of quay street , also they barge their way thought pedestrians wanting to cross quay street under control of the security staff
- Do our bus drivers use a different road code or is the testing a spin of from the WOF saga.I have to say in the weekend the bus driver stopped at bus stop D at constellation drive bus station when the bus route type has been assigned to bus stop C, Sometimes the bus stops at bus stop C.x I find this really annoying, when I am at bus stop C and I have to run over to bus stop D. NUMBER 2 . First I have to ask is this a nationwide issue or just a Auckland handicap "What is the difference between a "STOP" sign & "GIVE WAY" sign, from what I have noticed, a lot of divers think it is the sign shape. and yes this bus driver was the same. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& #3 then there was another issue(s) I found Today, there was a hole row of lights was out, #4 there seems to be a row of footpath railing been demolished (auckland city council property) by a motorist must of happened this morning , #5 not only that, the electronic pedestrian crossing still does not work!
- far-out: another top secret road code change, seen on the big new road hump & pedestrian crossing, while waiting for bus.it seems to be some people think you can over take a car that slowed down for the new installed hump centerway road, so there is a slow car going over the hump on new pedestrian crossing on the correct side of the road, and a faster passing car on the other side of the road (facing on coming traffic) but at the time there was no car coming, all this happened on the brand new pedestrian crossing on the brand new hump See the the photo for another issue. on the point of black arrows
- Yellow Lines at Morriggia Place CuldesacPeople are starting to park in the culdesac at the bottom of our street. This impedes vehicles turning to go back up including the rubbish truck. Please make it a no parking zone. Thank you!
- Alley Way is Disgusting & Needs Cleaning.I Live next to an alley way that is disgusting to go through, where lots of rubbish gathers around the area, its a very long alleyway to get to the other-side as well, it would be nice to see at least maybe a person on probation to come and clean around the Alleyways at Desmond Place, Otara Auckland. Just see more people cleaning up Streets that are filled with Rubbish, as these are the things rate payers pay for to keep our streets, alleyways, Graffiti clean. So then the outdoor environment can continue to have a nice clean standard. Regards
- dangerous intersectionI was travelling south on Monument Rd Friday 10th May 2:30 pm approx. in excellent driving conditions. As I approached the intersection with Tourist road a car travelling east on Tourist Road at highway speed (at least 100 kph) went straight through the compulsory stop missing me by a second or so. I believe had I been slightly earlier I would have likely been killed as the car would have hit my side at 100kph. I know that work has been done to improve the intersection through additional signage and road markings (and I am grateful for that)but I believe this to be a notorious and particularly dangerous intersection. My family of five drivers travel through this intersection several times a day to and from home and I fear for our safety. Please could further work be considered? This could be a roundabout or at least removal of the boundary hedge (in part) so that drivers on Monument Rd heading south could have more visual warning to avoid such incidents. Thankyou for your assistance.
- damage car with broken window glasseshello Sir, In my street jaylo place there is end of street we have parking lot but one car is here from last 6 months with broken window and no one used it so i request you to move from here please sir
- Pothole curb intersecting with pavementDue to the nature of the traffic and lanes coming out of the parking area for Hua's chinese restaurant or albany school of music you have to take a sharp left turn unless uou want drivers to drive into other cars in the right hand lane and the result of this is the wheels of the car and body of car get wrecked by this pothole not to mention put cvt diagnostics out kf sync because the pothole is so deep and it all occurs while turning left. When i went through it last night i though what the hell? I had to force my revs up full and the second wave of noises from grinding up against the curb occured as yhe back wheel entered the hole. all of these place are in the next enrtance up from the hells pizza entrance. Can you please fill this pavement pathway gutter area out. Oh anf thank you for having this isdue in the first place. Looks like the chinese bought the land and had all permits carried out for driveway access but someone (who knows who?)gave no regard to the access limitations onto albany highway.. I dont know i could just be making this stuff up. Of course not. Its a real problem please fix it.Thank you knindly. Age
- eScooter users turning Auckland in to one big hell hole with lets trip up someone by parking right across the footpathlook on the bright side, while this goes on i am not repeat other normal issues & I see a few, like broken signs
- Auckland eScooter users should be made to pay ACC moron taxI am very surprised the labor party have not thought of the idea first, they like screwing everything with tax. As I say most times I see a eScooter it is clear they the eScooter user want to trip up the blind or anyone else, maybe the sighted person got blinded by the super high bright lamps mounted in the footpath.
- UNANSWERED QUESTION HERE why is auckland city turning into a hell hole for pedestriansyou cant walk here you cant walk there you cant walk somewhere else, it seems to be if you can not go by wheels you are in one big hell hole, the sea side of quay street is closed off for pedestrians, I am sure they can open up some of it when they are not doing anything or is it done just to screw over pedestrians you have the other side of of the street there are traffic lights all the time PEDESTRIANS DONT NEED TRAFFIC LIGHTS, IT IS ANYTHING ON WHEELS NEEDS THEM why not send eScooters down there, they can make up the time, Then there is BLOODY stupid lights mounted in the footpath shinning up your arse and blinding you, making hard to see where you are going JUST BECAUSE THERE ARE HANDICAP PEOPLE WORKING AT AUCKLAND CITY COUNCIL NO NEED TO TAKE IT OUT ON PEDESTRIANS not to mention suckers on the end of a fag, drinking bear at table planted on footpath just because they want to screw up their health no need to take it out on pedestrians, I can believe it now when they say walking is great health for the mind, BECAUSE NOW AUCKLAND CITY HAS SCREWED OVER PEDESTRIANS WITH ONE BIG HELL HOLE I AM MORE ANGRY NOW MORE OFTEN. One day I was walking over graften bridge and a cyclist whizzed passed me (on the footpath) I yelled out WHY DONT YOU USE THE ROAD, when I got to the pedestrian crossing on symonds street & karangahape R he abused the hell out of me, said I was a wife beater (he was one POKED up sick little runt, that was constipated with geriatric turds) the eScooters users are nothing but little children, they pull out all their toys out of the toy box and leave it from one end of the house to the other end of the house, then get up to mischief doing something else.
- Overgrown walkway leading into school groundsWalkway leading from Canyon Drive into the grounds of Oteha Valley School is dangerously overgrown.
- up there is for thinking 'when is my favorite sports team going to win their game?' nothing elseit seems to be there is no pedestrian crossing, so pedestrians can safely cross over the bike lane from the walking lane to go from tamaki drive to right side of ngapipi road, there is a pedestrian crossing further along a bit, but how many people use it and walk all the way back WHY ARE PEDESTRIANS ALWAYS TREATED LIKE 3RD CLASS CITIZENS
- Car with long expired REGO and nearly bald tyresSpotted a vehicle parked in the Albany Westfield carpark in Auckland displaying a very expired Rego (didn't see WoF) but the tyres were nearly completely bald. Very susicious and dangerous looking. Plates read: CJR777 (Silver Volkswagen)
- Symonds St Dangerous to CyclistsKia ora, The bus lanes on Symonds Street are currently incredibly dangerous for cyclists, scooters and moped riders. The road from the Symonds St/Grafton Bridge intersection down toward the University of Auckland is littered with potholes, cracks and bumps. Many wheels get caught in these, leading cyclists to either pull dangerous manoevres to avoid the hazards OR to go over them at risk of coming off their vehicles. Please can you redo this section of road for the safety of its non-bus users.
- Speeding vehiclesHi there. Our house is situated in Marama Ave, Epsom and over the recent years we have been seeing more traffic through our street especially during rush hours as many people heading to and from work have discovered that they can skip a set of traffic lights by driving around through Marama Ave. We have noticed that some people have zoomed through Marama Ave well over the speed limit and making a hell of noise, especially with the modified cars and motor bikes and this also happens occasionally through the night as well. It's so very dangerous and with the noise we get woken and wonder if there's going to be a crash at the end of it. We have our granddaughter staying here frequently and when a car speeds through she gets woken and starts crying. We would like the council to install speed humps/bumps to slow all the traffic down which would help stop this speeding problem.
- AUCKLAND: many eScooters get move to inverted V position to avoid a "trip hazard" one got tossed in the gardenOne eScooter got dropped in a garden, In britomart place, other passer byes look dumbfounded, I said at least you can not trip over it now
- kilkenny drive Road half way donehi, i have noticed that all road works signs were removed by there is about 100m of road not set. small rocks flying everywhere as cars drive by. kids walk to school are being in danger.
- Trench/ditch along length of footpath left openOwner dug this trench and just left it. Dangerous to walkers as one could trip and fall in. Been like this since Christmas. It should be filled in with soil to make it safe. Health and Safety issue.
- No Parking Officers Checking Car ParkingPlease advise why we do not now have Parking Officers checking Gwilliam Place car parking? Up until about 3 weeks ago they were in attendance which reduced the illegal parking in the street. When will they return?
- Unsealed section of sealed roadVery recently Horseshoe Bush Rd was repaired, road resurfaced etc, unfortunately the contractors have missed a small section of the revealing at the end of one of the resealed sections, ergo; it's still unsealed and is bare dirt and gravel and is going to create a significant hazard, drivers WILL start to go on opposite side of road to avoid it. Please fix it whilst the crews are still in the area.
- Uneven surface after resurfacingThe road has sunk after re reading done making a dangerous hole which gets worse with the new double decker buses, not to mention the excess noise now coming from it
- Cleaning surroundig of footpathNeed Cutting and maintenance of grass and weeds on both side of walkway . It never happened since this street has been build up. its been 1& half year we are here and struggling to maintain our garden (12 Austin Brave Place Favona) due to weeds are coming through wind.
- “VALUE” eScooters gets my vote for “Health & Safety” parkers, please keep them on AuckCC if they keep it up.Lets hope their customers dont let them down, like the careless LIME operators. At least they line them up away from were foot traffic would walk and not choke the footpath.
- Incorrect & Potentially Unsafely Installed LED StreetlightThe streetlight outside #6 Laxon Ave, Otara has problems. The light is mounted at a wonky/uneven angle causing the red positive cable to be pulled under tension which may fatigue or stress the cable and terminals. Not sure how secure the light is. The street is straight at this location and the light should be perpendicular to the street to allow light to spill lengthways down the road but because of the incorrect mounting angle a large amount of light spills onto the properties on this side of the street causing light to illuminate bedroom windows even though they are at least 10M from the footpath. The poor mounting angle has been reported directly to AT via their website before but no action after 6 months.
- potholesNumerous potholes and bumpy rough road surface
- Ha ha ha, here is a real GOT YA! for eScooters companysHa ha ha, here is a real GOT YA! for eScooters Yesterday I saw the same old practice of eScooter users leaving the eScooters out in the middle of the footpath ready waiting to trip up VIPs (Visually Impaired Pedestrians) close by was a few eScooters introduced to Auckland streets yesterday left lined against the wall away from pedestrian walk way. So I moved the one that was in the middle of the footpath to a close by out of sight place, later on I saw it was still there, while the ones from the new company was taken away and was used MORAL OF THE STORY: ….................... TEACH YOUR CUSTOMERS TO LEAVE YOUR eSCOOTER ON THE FOOTPATH SAFELY & THEY WILL GET USED
- Water access is not repairedThe access to the beach/water via Neptune Avenue Reserve is closed. The path to the water is not usable and has been 'out of order' for a long time now. Would love to have this path repaired.
- Street Light FailureThe street light outside 11 Donzella Place, Conifer Grove has failed for the SECOND time within as many months! Pleas fix ASAP as this is a threat to street security, as well as health and safety. Please advise if this is a problem with the lamp, light fittings, or tampering.
- two eScooters had to be moved this morning to prevent the blind from tripping over themthe address is not correct apart from the road name
- big long bus stop bus ETA is useless and a waste of money never mind there is always more taxesMost bus ETA displays can be seen while waiting for the bus to cross over the harbour bridge but not this one, it is hidden by the roof, this has has been report here once before and maybe if this useless bike is not picked up I can find more issues to report.
- Auckland based "better transport forum" is a april fools day joke that will never happenI would of report ed this in there on that forum, but the forum is useless. hibusus coast bus station here is only a NX1 going from there to auckland city, why do you need a wasted NX2 going all the way to hibusus coast bus station when it gos to albany, but wait there is more drama just as the NX1 arrives at albany on route to auckland city the NX2 leaves Albany to go to the city, there is not way to transfer over from NX1 to NX2 without waiting at albany for the next NX2 to leave albany, my guess is the people who run "better transport forum" also work fill time at Auckland transport because both are useless at fixing anything ---------- this report was made over the bike that never gets picked up to have a peddle replaced.
- are faulty traffic lights training pedestrains not to use them because it is training us they are uslessGet a grip on this, lots of traffic along tamaki drive, not much or none traffic on solent street, I push the pedestrian to get the "cross now" now the broken system has taught me not to have any faith in the system so I walk, now and again I look back and still see the "red" light telling pedestrians to "wait longer" how I think lots of traffic on the tamaki drive, no traffic on solent street why not slip in a "pedestrian green cross now" and none of the motorized traffic would be any the wiser for loosing time at the traffic lights, it seems to be the only way to get to a cross now on solent street is to have traffic wanting to make a right turn from solent street onto tamaki drive, this is crazy, 50 years ago it might need a hardware rewire, but these days changes could be made faster & cheaper with software change, in fact I walked from solent street to "the strand & tamaki drive & quay street" the the red wait pedestrian was still showing. it seems all the governments today all they want to do to is tax -- spend, tax -- spend, tax -- spend, tax -- spend, tax -- spend, nobody wants to fix anything
- 2nd report here bike that has been "partly useless" still making the local area untidyNow upside down I hope it is more noticeable or attracts better attention, this bike has been around for maybe 3 months now a few reports have been sent to onzo but it still hides when I am not in the area
- Pothole repaired constantly but needs a full fixThe pothole is constantly repaired several times every year for the last few years and maybe longer. But why oh why can't someone at AT/Council use their common sense and fix it properly by digging it up fully and fixing it properly? Such a waste of mine and yours money. Fix it and fix it properly pls.
- Speed bumps for Kelvin Rd PapakuraI would like to request speed bumps all the way down kelvin Rd, kelvin Rd is a straight suburban street that is used at night for speeding on motorbikes and cars. During the day speeding cars have almost clipped me getting into my car due to me misjudging their speed, I would estimate regular speeds of up to 70 and 80kmh from motorists. In the last month there has been 2 crashes. It is very dangerous leave your driveway in your car. Kelvin Rd is used as a by road to get between the two main rds it joins. There is a school on the street and many kids walk home after school and play near the street.
- Car parked in bus lane with expired registrationI saw a car parked in bus lane this morning with expired registration 13-01/2019 approx 7.10am today 05/02/2019
- Large object blocking footpathThe local business "Actovate" has left a large roll of cable completely blocking the footpath. It has been there for months.
- Corner alignmentI know there is some works scheduled for this year at this intersection. However that is mostly on the opposite (Eastern) side of the road. On the Western side when turning left the road is too narrow to fit a bus past another bus waiting to turn right. The grass on the left as shown in the pictures is continually driven over as trucks and buses try to make it around the corner. The curb needs to be pushed back and the road widened about half a metre.
- Water leakWater leak between No's 10 & 12 Lingham Cres causing footpath to be covered with slime which is a dangerous slip hazard. There was a burst water mains here lsat winter.
- Water leakageWater has been leaking across the footpath, outside *10 Lingham Crescent, Torbay, for some months - there is now a lot of green slime growing across the footpath making it very slippery.
- Noisy manholeThere is a loose manhole cover on Nelson Street (at the intersection with Wellesley Street West) that causes loud noise when driven over. Especially disturbing at night/early morning. This is a very busy intersection, which makes the issue worse. Extremely disturbing for people living next to it (lack of sleep)! This has already been reported, but unfortunately nothing has been done about it.
- Road NoiseGood Afternoon I would like to find out if you are re-sealing Greenhithe Road from the motorway offramp to the roundabout at Dressage Lane anytime soon. The number of cars has increased dramatically and the noise of the cars going passed is becoming unbearable. I can't open my windows and I can't go outside onto my deck because of this noise. If there was smooth seal put on the road it would cut the road noise dramatically. It is impacting on the health of our family. I have driven around and many roads have the smooth seal that don't have half the number of cars that go along Greenhithe Road. Would you please consider taking some action. Please DO NOT show my name publicly thankyou
- Short Phasing at critical time of dayThis issue has been ongoing for sometime now and needs to be appropriately addressed. The light phase is extremely short allowing a very small number of motorists to pass through. The traffic backs up all the way down Tuarangi Road (ie this morning at 8:10am I was at the back of the traffic at the base of hill). I have a photo should you need to see it
- Vehicles park too close to bus stopBus stop 4138 outside 62 Rangatira Rd has a campervan (with out of date rego) parked within 1m of the bus stop. This was causing buses difficulties to stop and end up blocking the road as they can’t pull in to the side. This is always happening as there’s no painted bus stop on the road unlike other bus stops along Rangatira. Please can we have painted lines on road? Also need to ping a few vehicles for rego round here!
- Cyclist Safety Albany HighwayHi Team, I have noticed that the southern shoulder of Albany Highway to the east of Upper Harbour Drive has gradually been over grown by grass, pine needles and road dirt. The road shoulder for west bound cyclists has now almost disappeared. Issue last reported and fixed in December 2010 but has now returned. Could the council contractors please dig or sweep this shoulder clear again? Thanks
- Unregistered SubaruUnregistered Subaru parked on the side of the road for the last 7 days
- Speed of Vehicles on StreetWe are getting more and more vehicles racing up and down Simpson Road at speeds far in excess of the posted speed of 50 KPH - sometimes these cars are under pursuit of police so it is a known issue. We need a solution to protect the residents, footpath users, children and animals around before someone is seriously injured. Speed bumps or partial islands would be a great start to eliminating the abilty to drive directly down this straight street at high speed.
- how many more years before franklin road is finished, no wonder the local government wants to tax everythingThis posting was made because once again, I got sick of eScooter users trying to trip up pedestrians all the time, one fellow female pedestrian on Lorne street, gave me moral support and said "Go on! stick it in a rubbish bin"
- Overgrown HedgeSeveral property including #62 Taramea Street has overgrown hedge over footpath which the council should come and tidy up.
- Overgrown hedge covering foothpathThis property has overgrown hedge covering most of the footpath making it hard to walk. Need someone to trim the hedge so that the footpath is clear for walking. My kids walk this route everyday and they have to cross street to the other side to walk around this property.
- Road beeing torn up by earth moversThe roadway outside 45a Fowlds Avenue is being torn up by the diggers and earth movers etc. that are doing works at the back of the property.
- Noise caused by manhole on roadMost times when a bus drives over this manhole cover, it makes a very loud bang, and often two bangs. The manhole cover is within the bus stop outside the Civic Theatre on Wellesley Street West. If the cover could be secured so that the noise is less, this would be of benefit to the many pedestrians who frequent this busy location.
- Public Footpath blockedManson Development has completely blocked the public footpath between Hardinge Street and Fanshawe Street. There is no signage about this just security fencing draped with their banners
- when is footpath not a footpath? when eScouter users what to trip up pedestrians & put them in hospital.The fact of the matter is I brought to your attention how dangerous Karangahape R footpath was and you people took it as a joke saying things like "it meets our slip factor" it was safer to walk on the road in with the road traffic than to walk on the slippery footpath of Karangahape R, I had to write letters to ACC asking them how many claims they had. Finally in 2016 you took the slippery gloss off the footpath, now you plaster eScouter advertising over high street footpath waiting for some poor pedestrian to slip on it in the rain, You want cars out of Auckland SBD but you take as a joke for safe footpaths for pedestrians. those eScouter people dont give a hoot where they leave there wScouters right in the way waiting for pedestrians to trip on them.
- Loose stones since road resurfacedLoose stones right up the road with accumulation on side roads causing loss of traction for many vehicles at intersections.
- is the radio NZ news for real about smokers trying to give up smoking in aucklandI walk past a park, people smoking, how can you convert cholesterol into vitamin D? I walk along Quay street, people outside smoking, I walk around the city people smoking, I hear people trying to give up smoking and they get "sucked back into the habit" by walking behind other smokers, it was good before about 15 years ago when they made smokers go "outside" now hardly a day goes past you dont get 'bugged" off by some fowl smoker, One day I was walking behind a smoker in Ponsonby road I said "Oh foul crap!!" instead of saying "sorry" she had a dig at me, this made it worse, before long it went on for about 5 minutes, all she had to do was say sorry, even sorry without part sincerely I would of let it go, The city smokers need to learn to stop pissing in our face!!
- Interesting what NZ free-to-air TV summer holiday “mushroom” programming has made me realize with footpath cancer all over Auckland.Via USA webcam I realized that American streets dont have footpath cancer riddled all over their streets. These Webcams is more exciting to look at then the s**t , (rubbish) dished up to us in the dark on our TV, the NZ TV stations think everyone can afford to go away on holiday like TV station staff can, I wonder why USA dont have footpath cancer. I described this trend as the “legal lifestyle” Americans have, and that is as soon as USA pedestrians got wet shoes and slipped on the wet footpath cancer, then their local council would be taken to the cleaners by their people supported by their lawyers.
- other FIXMYSTREET users please report these eScotters.If you find them left in the "Lets trip up the pedestrian" position, there is a possibly that the council can not do anything for the moment, but if we keep reporting it something mght be donem or else they will never know, you need to report it to the people who put the name on it, but I get cheesed off and dont have the information to hand , I just move them twice this weekend I have moved 2 of them
- Blind corner needs safety mirrorIt is almost impossible to turn into or out of Unity Road onto Bethells Road. Cars come at speed along Bethells Road on the way to/from the beach at all hours and it isn't safe for anyone.
- Street lights aren't workingThe whole street has been in darkness for well over a week now. No street lights are working at all
- where is sake to walk in Auckland? does ACC get footpath smokers table tax?You go to the park SMOKERS, you walk along footpath SMOKERS at tables on footpaths, DO THEY PAY footpath TAX TO AUCKLAND CITY COUNCIL, then you go on public transport, the new "invisible" cancer provoking practice ................... The American religious community Amish DO NOT have cancer, BECAUSE THEY DO NOT GET INTO HIGH TECHNOLOGY!!! .
- PEEK St. On Road Parking is VERY DANGEROUS. Clearway neededThe residential cars that all park on the side of the road up and down the entire length of PEEK STREET in Ellerslie have made it very dangerous to drive on. The cars are parked in such a way that yellow NO PARKING lines are needed, the corner at the middle of PEEK Street is now TOTALLy BLIND and you cannot see any on-coming traffic at all. Plus the number of vehicles parked on PEEK ST make it so tight that it's a matter of time until there's a head on collision or worse - please look into this problem. Thks
- eScooters getting up my nose (all over Auckland) needs their own parking spaceI am sick of seeing eScooters been left in a "lets trip up the pedestrian" state, I would be more then happy to txt Auckland City Council to come and impound a wScooter that has been left cerlessly over the walkway waiting to trip someone up. The result is if the users can not leave the eScooters in a non trip up position, then there will be less eScooters to use
- Most of Glenvar Road needs resurfacing.Lots of potholes, severely neglected, this is getting dangerous for drivers swerving to miss them. The whole road needs fixing not just a patch up. The scenic cut through to Glenvar is in a terrible state.
- slippery footpath, due to rain washing soil down from higher groundsThe other day I was waiting for a bus then I found the new timetable, chop it it off. so I thought why not walk the other way, since I was early, and found the footpath near free turn corner of footpath at "Hibiscus coast road & Painton road" so as motorist going from Orewa direction they would get a free turn into Painton road, it is that footpath there. By the way good job with grass cut just up the road, I think it might be just over a hour to walk from Hibiscus, park & ride to south side of Orewa
- lets save stress, DONT USE AUCKLAND BUSES !!Number 981 for example Sundays & (including public holidays) after 7:45 pm (1945) the last timetable had the last bus at 9:40pm (2140) While old NEX bus from Hibiscus coast used to be 10:45pm (2245) with new timetable NX1 11:05 (2305) to the city The whole system is crazy, the new buses when they do go, they go every half hour, which case are these buses put on for sunday rush hour? SUGGESTION: take off a couple last half hour buses late after noon and add a couple one hour bus nearer last bus to city NX1, like 9:30, & 10:30pm, I think would bake the buses more cost effective. has anyone done a passenger count, because due to the fact I missed the the last bus last sunday it has put me off the idea of using any sundays buses
- Footpath has wet and unstable foundation.This footpath kept breaking up. Outside 15 St Jude St. Now it's been dug up for repair, the problem is apparent: it's too wet. Must be a slow leak.
- Clearway not policedClearway on East Street between Queen St and Elliot St always has cars parked on it after 4pm. Some wise person has turned the warning signs around so they are not visible. I have never seen this clearway policed
- Street light on a leanStreet light post leaning towards road due to ground subsidence. Requires re-instating. Location: between 41 and 51 Heard Road
- stick them dam footpath lights up the engineers nostrils where they belongOn Custom street east between commerce street north & gore street nort, dam bugger lights make it hard to look where one is going at night IDIOTS also the same thing same report but on Quay street east instead of customs street east
- potholes on roadpothole outside no3 chantal place
- Missing Keep Left Sign on Center IslandOutside the Gull Service Station in Whenuapai, there is an island with a missing Keep Left sign. In the past week I have witnessed two vehicle pulling out of the Gas Station (turning Right) that have failed to see the island and beached themselves on the island
- PotholeThere is a huge pothole on the road that is getting worse. Often hear cars "bottom out" when a wheel falls into it. Please fill it in!
- Illegal ParkingThe attendance of Parking Wardens in our street is a rare occasion, as a consequence we have illegal parkers taking up parking spaces and staying there all day as there is no policing, this needs to be fixed, as Owner/Residents/Permitted Parkers invariably cannot get parking and we are the ones paying. please fix now.
- This roundabout is extremely dangerousThis roundabout is extremely dangerous and we have had a lot of discussion in the community but nothing is being done. Everybody feels unsafe going through here and it gets extremely busy. If we want the community to grow in a safe environment, this is the biggest step forward. This needs to be dealt with, going straight onto that narrow bridge and the amount of trucks there too. I think the best way is to widen the bridge but I am not an expert.
- Auckland city, framed bus routes drooped off wall bus top #7107that backs onto Victoria park, framed bus routes drooped off wall bus top #7107 and sitting on the back of the bus seat. I saw it the other day because who gives a hoot, got procrastinated on speedy report
- Cars parked on pavementCars parked on pavement at Earl Road, Titirangi, Auckland West. No room for pedestrians and kids to walk, forcing them on to the street.
- Yellow lines needed for visibilityComing out of Celtic Crescent and trying to turn right or left onto Marua road is made very difficult by cars parking on Marua road too close to the entrance of Celtic crescent. I think yellow lines are needed on Marua road to prevent this. At the moment I have to come too far out onto the road just to see the oncoming traffic.
- potential sinkhole?Water constantly coming up through road surface at centerline, outside 332 Hingaia Rd. Suspect broken/leaky pipes. Eventually this could cause subsidence or a sinkhole. Has been like this for over a year, but seems to be getting worse. Another, smaller amount happening further up the road towards the motorway.
- Overgrown hedge blocking footpathHedge outside NZ Couriers has grown across the footpath, blocking access and causing a hazard. Hedge needs to be cut.
- Street lights not workingPlease fix street lights Kelly Tarlton and Bastion Point on Tamaki Drive. It is a very dark stretch and we feel unsafe during evening walks
- Speed humps neededWoodside Road between Mt Eden Rd and Henley needs to have speed humps. All the other streets parallel to Woodside already have speed humps and it means that cars are choosing Woodside Rd as a thoroughfare where they speed down or up the road, endangering pedestrians and pets.
- A network of lights not working 9 of them, Tamaki drivebetween the Okahu bay wharf and the road ramp leading up to bastion point. By the way I hope these new street lights do not make "dirty electricity" there are a few youtube worth watching
- uneven surface porchester bridgeHeavy vehicles make a very loud bang when they hit the bump crossing the bridge.This has become loud enough to wake people sleeping.
- Two potholesThere are two (2) pot holes, the second of which is becoming quite deep, that require immediate attention before an accident occurs. They lead into a bend / blind corner of the road which is forcing drivers to go across to the oncoming side of traffic to avoid damage to their suspension. We use this road at least twice a day and are forced to reduce our speed to around 10kms to proceed over them without going across the road centreline. We would appreciate this being r paired as soon as possible please.
- Entrance on to the bridge over the motorwayHi there, the connection point between the road and the bridge is very uneven and difficult for kids on their bikes or even walking. Can this please be tidied up? It gets heavy usage by foot traffic including a lot of kids going to and from Newton Central school.
- the coffin fillers are there waiting for the elderly, but no cardiac makerThat yellow s'hitl, hospitalize-rs, ealderly , coffin fillers, footpath cancer, tacktale spots. but you have not put in the 4Km/6km cardiac marker.
- I NOW SEE LOGIC TO WALKING CLUB TO OUTLAW FREE LEFT TURNSMr. Andy S. once told me, he would like to see the free left turns for traffic banded, some years later (2017) I now see the logic. the left free turn from Tangihua Street into Quay Street. Right at the entrance to Countdown supermarket, if pedestrians dont watch out they are going to get run down and their body swiped up into and finished along Quay street, the speed of some of the buses, it will only take a flash of moment take long! the buses need judder bars to slow them down.
- Parking over drive wayWe have been having issues with cars parking over this driveway for several months now, and the constant reminders of to not park there, are being ignored.
- Cars parked illegallyMost evenings, there are two (at least one) cars parked illegally in the cul-de-sac of Buchanan Street in Kingsland. This makes it very difficult to navigate an already narrow street. They also park immediately opposite our driveway, on yellow lines, meaning to exit our driveway requires a five or six-point turn.
- Foot path unvevenThe pedestrian crossing at the traffic lights on Fanshawe St has very uneven paving and people are often tripping while crossing the road at the lights. The crossing we are referring to is the Halsey Street Crossing on Fanshawe St as shown on the map
- Leaking fire hydrantHydrant in footpath outside 51a Dignan St Pt Chevalier has been leaking for several days
- Penrose Road, at junction with Great South RoadLeft lane of Penrose Road filters onto Great South Road (south bound). In this lane about 40m, there is a broken man hole cover which is smashing up & down due to a pot hole. Suspect will soon fail opening up a hazard at a v busy junction.
- Large hole next to footpath, hazardThere is a large depression on the grass just next to the footpath, it is on our walking school bus route and one of our kids fell into it this morning and injured himself.
- Pedestrian crossing on bottom of Orakei RoadOver the years I have noticed a lot more cars go through the bottom of Orakei Road. It is now almost impossible to safely cross this part of Orakei Road close to the round about near Palmers. Please either put some pedestrian crossing markers or traffic lights to improve the pedestrian safety. We have no other safe alternatives.
- more broken things at bus stopThe bus due times are there for the outer buses but not for the inner buses that is going into the city. at the Victoria park bus stop where the busses sometimes stop. what is this?
- more things need fixingNO bus details what buses go there? Halsey Street the bus stop at Victoria Park side of the street.
- why is everything broken ?this website, I wanted to put in Great North Road, Arch hill no such luck GET A GRIP! everyone Anyway there are no bus timetable at the bus stops on Great North road leading out from the city starting at the end of Karangahape R at least for the first 4 or 5 bus stops on Great North Road. (there are bus timetables on the other side of the road for buses going into the city
- Blown street lightOutside 11A Selwyn Road. Been out for nearly 2 weeks now.
- Hedge encroaching on footpathThis hedge leans over the footpath and forces people to step off onto the road. This is a busy place for people walking, and a busy traffic location as well. The hedge needs to be removed or trimmed way back.
- Deep ManholeNot sure if it's a manhole, but it definitely needs to be relayed as it quite deep and unavoidable in most occasions. Its uppose to be the merging lane for the trucks and T3, however most cars use the right hand lane which causes traffic congestion. If unaware of this, it can cause serious damage to vehicles if it hasn't already. Please can you get this fixed. Thanks
- Pothole needs fillingA pothole that has been getting bigger and bigger over the last two weeks needs filling in. Soon it will start causing damage to car tyres if it hasn't already, can this please be fixed. Thanks
- Blocking FootpathThis family has been blocking the footpath everyday. It is a danger to everyone having to push their stroller or walk their dog onto the road to get pass.
- Phasing of traffic lights at Sunset Rd/Glenfield Rd/Albany HighwayIntersection of Glenfield Road, Albany Highway, Sunset Road and Glendu Road – around 7:30 weekday mornings. Traffic coming up Glenfield Road from Wairau and wanting to turn right into Sunset Road is queuing a long way down Glenfield Rd on a median strip that is not wide enough for cars. At the intersection cars/trucks/buses are trying to merge into the queue and blocking straight through traffic. The cycle length allows for 2 turns into Sunset Road which is great but both are short (one very short - this morning 1 bus got through and the next time 2 cars per lane). Even an extra 5 seconds would make a difference. I appreciate the timing of traffic lights to keep traffic flowing is a complex operation but these lights will cause a crash soon.
- Phasing of traffic lights at Sunset Rd/Glenfield Rd/Albany HighwayIntersection of Glenfield Road, Albany Highway, Sunset Road and Glendu Road – around 7:30 weekday mornings. Traffic coming up Glenfield Road from Wairau and wanting to turn right into Sunset Road is queuing a long way down Glenfield Rd on a median strip that is not wide enough for cars. At the intersection cars/trucks/buses are trying to merge into the queue and blocking straight through traffic. The cycle length allows for 2 turns into Sunset Road which is great but both are short (one very short - this morning 1 bus got through and the next time 2 cars per lane). Even an extra 5 seconds would make a difference. I appreciate the timing of traffic lights to keep traffic flowing is a complex operation but these lights will cause a crash soon.
- Truck taking multiple spacesBrown truck is parked horizontally over several spaces at Freyberg Park and has been since Saturday.
- Road cracked and potholesThere is a large area of cracking(3mX1m) on the road outside the driveways which is turning into a large pothole and is causing cars to drive on the wrong side of the road.
- Deep pothole on roadThere is a deep pothole on the LHS of the street adjacent to address 107 Western Springs Road. It extends into the roadway. Dimensions are approx 1000L x 400W x 70D. It creates problems with parking and storm water pooling and leaves gathering flooding the street.
- Driving Over BermOne of the tenant at the block of glass at 3 Locarno Avenue has taken to driving over the berms and driveways of other properties and they are now causing issues with the berm / storm water and the berm is collapsing by our driveway.
- Bad road surfaceBurswood drive has the worst road surface in the area. It needs to be resealed.
- Large potholes in the roadSeveral large potholes on Bells Rd that have been there for weeks. Large enough to damage a car if it drove over it. Near cascades Rd entrance to Lloyd Elsmore Park.
- Road to driveway crossing being a very steep curbSince moving into our house, turning into our driveway from the road has always been very difficult, the transition is too steep. My car (standard not lowered) has always scraped unless you get the angle perfect, It's not just my car every car that comes encounters the same problem (standard cars not lowered) and it scrapes every time. It would be very nice if this could be fixed asap as I don't want our cars to keep getting damaged.
- Missing kerb stonesThere are several missing kerb stones outside 509 New North Rd Bottle-o, and some are sitting there but tip over when people step on them . A hazard to cars and pedestrians .
- Pothole in middle of roadThere is a pothole that causes cars to surge dangerously into the other side of the road or majorly slow down and squeeze past cars parked on the side of the road the pothole is growing on size by the day
- sink holes covering 1km stretch of roadHellyer road cannot be conveyed by any vehicle unless you have a tractor. You cant miss the potholes even driving with a motocross bike. The council does not provide any services for the area except the odd pothole fix once a year. Please attend asap as this has been reported several times over the last 4 months with no maintenance done.
- The Street lights are on in the day timeHi there, I first noticed the street light opposite 74 Bay Street was in the day about a week ago. But now today (Sunday 24th June) I have noticed that the problem appears to have spread and the next 3 or four streets each side of the original one, plus lights up Rushden Terrace are now on in the day time too.
- Walkway pot holesThe walkway has had potholes in it for months which make the track very muddy and it also ponds water during rains. Can either be filled or edge taken of pothole with a shovel to allow water to drain aware off track
- Third world road repairsRepairs being completed on Kauri and Puriri Rd have made the road worse than it was. puriri Road has been repaired three times in the last month and it has to be repaired again. Pot holes galore and when contractors on site very poor traffic management or signage re lime or concrete in repair. The stuff hardens on your car.
- Irresponsible parkingChallinor St resident does not use parking bays and creates bottleneck for other vehicles. Larger Utility and Emergency vehicles would be blocked from passing. There's plenty of room to park in the streets provided parking bays, and on the other side. Suggest making this section of the street adjacent to the white fence in the photo a no parking area with broken yellow road markings.
- Speed Humps PleaseThis road is subject to increasing traffic and at times traffic goes very fast on what is in some places a very narrow road. Cars parked on the side of the road are often crashed in to. Please consider installing speed humps particularly in the narrower parts, allowing residents to park on or partially on the berms.
- Light been out for a WeekLight been out for a Week. Assists when getting home and its dark. Also a concern as its the light for the Drive to the Park and people might loiter.
- Keri vista rise, all lights outLights all been out for a few nights, burglars are hitting us and people’s cars . Please get them back on. Also a prowler been hanging around redhill area that cops are aware of, please get them back on
- Street lights not workingOn the stairway that links Tamahere Drive with Kaipatiki Rd there are two street lights, none of them working. The stairway is very dark, therefore dangerous.
- Dangerous cornerHi, this morning at 6:32am I had yet another near miss at the corner of Fitzgerald Rd and Waihoehoe Rd in Drury. The traffic coming on to Waihoehoe Rd from Fitzgerald Rd has a "Give Way" sign however it is often ignored and coming from Waihoehoe Rd (towards Drury) I regularly have to swerve to avoid colliding with the vehicle. This morning a truck drove into my lane just how I was coming up and managed to stop halfway into my lane. I slammed my brakes and swerved around him but this time, there was a car coming towards me (from Drury roundabout direction) and was turning right into Fitzgerald Rd. They swerved away from me too, thankfully so we managed to avoid coalition. I also had my 1.5 year old daughter in the backseat and if I had come only 2 seconds later, the truck would have hit the side of my car where my daughter sits. This is not the first time this happened, it happens on regular basis, often weekly. I would therefore ask if you could please investigate the corner, and to make it more safe. (potentially putting in a stop sign instead of give way?) I will leave it up to you to decide what would be the best solution. If this issue needs to be reported to another body, please kindly let me know. Many thanks, Diana Young 027 513 3673
- Overgrown HedgeGood day, The hedge of this property is growing over the payment at head heights and pokes a person in the eyes when walking on the pavement. I'm not sure if owner or council should cut the hedge back as the persons living there is tenants and not owners.
- Storm from 10 April 2018Our neighbour's tree has fallen onto our street and it damaged a few power lines and blocked off our street.vector have replaced the poles and wires and cut up the tree now the problem is the branches and wood from that hugh tree it's blocking our pavement and the neighbour's across the street. Can someone please help with ckearing the public pavement please. I was unable to upload the photos but let me know and I can send through pictures of the pavement it was a very very hugh tree. Your help.would be greatly appreciated. Regards Jo
- Road RepairsDeveloper/builder dug up road to put in new pipes for property being developed. Road was closed for this purpose. Pipes were completed several weeks ago but road has not not been reinstated. It is very hazardous to vehicles and impossible for cyclists to go through
- TREES BLOCKING LIGHTtrees are blocking the light from the street lights. i have reported this over a month ago and still nothing has happened.
- Neglected road pavement vicinity 8-10 Gunson Street, Freemans BayThe property opposite 8-10 Gunson Street is currently being developed for construction of new housing. However, during this process the asphalt across most of street was lifted. I presume this was done by a contractor to gain access to the storm water drain in the middle of the street. No apparent remedial work has been undertaken since to repair the mess that now remains. As such, driving over the neglected part of the street has become a daily headache for drivers whose vehicles are being subjected to unnecessary damage. I'm surprised the contractor/property owner has not been censured for creating this ongoing destruction to the road and then continuing to disregard the problem they've created. For the sake of a few barrowloads of metal the situation could, at least, be temporarily alleviated.
- ridge rd stockade hill side street light outOpposite 6 Ridge rd on the side of stockade hill the street light is out.
- Demolition waste fallen off truck.Truck has dropped concrete/steel demolition waste on the road between 180 - 200 Old North Road Kumeu. Currently waste has been pushed to side of road into the drain can someone please remove it.
- Yellow lines needed on busy roadYellow lines are needed on Marua road on either side of the entrance to Celtic Crescent. Cars park too close to the entrance and it is very hard to see oncoming traffic when trying to come out of Celtic Cres.
- Bad Road SurfaceHi. There was road surface maintenance on Rarangi Rd a little while ago. However, now the road surface consists of tar that is too soft (melts in the sun), combined with thousands of small gravel stones that continue to get into every driveway and footpath and garage. The road surface is much worse than before the maintenance! We have to clean our driveway and garage of tar and gravel often, and our kids can no longer play on our driveway since it has often got sticky tar and sharp stones on it. This is the same throughout most of the length of Rarangi Rd and Waimarie St, St Heliers. We think that the surface should be asphalt, rather than tar/gravel, which would fix the problem. Could our road please be re-surfaced with asphalt? Please see the attached photo of our car tyre after just driving on the road. Thanks!
- Deep potholesThere are two deep potholes on Taraire Street. One halfway along at a point of the street that is only single lane making it difficult to get past. The other is in the turning circle at the end of the road, caused by run-off from a driveway. It is so deep that only a four wheel drive can cope with it. Grading does not help these potholes. They need more work.
- Requirement for Road humps due to increased number of speeding vechiclesThe Beulah street is considered to be low congested in terms of traffic flow but quite busy with pedestrians coming to/from the Garadice street and to the local beach, end of the Rothesay Bay Road. For the last few years we noticed, and our neighbors as well, that the number of cars accelerating and going really fast has increased making the whole way from the already installed road bump around 44 Beulah ave through to the 1 Beulah ave a CAR SPRINTING TRACK. We would like to propose a road hump to be put in place as shown on the attached photo. Please advise how the requirement could be vetted and whom should be reached out to meet with us and make a decision.
- ha ha I screwed up Auckland Transport safety, because of the long wait at pedestrian crossing, not to be confused with idiots…ha ha I screwed up Auckland Transport safety, because of the long wait at pedestrian crossing, not to be confused with idiots…...... who press the button multiple times because they are all handicap or poked in the head. What bugs me is having wait sometimes 1.5 cycle of lights before there is a crossing opportunity there is two crossing that do this so far I have found Manukau Road & Ranfurly Road Epson , then the latest one is Broadway & Clevernook Road Newmarket Now I am getting sick of waiting, This morning I quickly ran across the road at the end of a phase (only because I get sick of waiting with the above problem , and would otherwise be happy to wait) , but it seems the secondary school student copied me and was not so keen to run, and followed me, to be tooted by cars wanting to use the side street. THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE: FIX UP THE SYSTEM AND I WILL USE IT CORRECTLY.
- Does auckland transport want padestrains or what? we need to start a action groupthere was traffic going along BROADWAY in Newmarket while that was happening I pressed the button to cross, the red lights stoped on BROADWAY then there was the green light for CLEVERNOOK ROAD, then that went red, then BROADWAY TRAFFIC went again when it should of been the turn for the PEDESTRAINS to cross, I get B'sick of this, it seems to more and more common, it was not that I tried to press the button as many times I could do I ONLY PRESS IT ONCE AND ONCE ONLY how about giving us pedestrians a fare go, anybody else getting sick of this,
- Broken footpathBroken footpath immediately before entrance to footbridge. Broken section at the bottom of a slop - dangerous for pedestrians/cyclists coming down hill and braking. Was clearly broken by contractors mowing the grass recently, as they must of drove over it in their heavy vehicle.
- all of triangleTriangle Road foot path is not disability scooter friendly/safe which stops me from walking my dog. with massive kerb bumps. and then on top of it there is so many overgrown plants grass weeds and driveways sloping the footpath to the point of near tipping scooter and then where it has been fixed it is at different levels from existing path then on top of that some areas do not even have footpaths so you are required to cross a road without suitable smooth egress and entry. and no crossings in those areas.
- Severe crashesOutside CNR Triangle and Makora Road there have been four significant car/bike crashes within the last six months. Plus you could average this to one a month over the years with at least two minor ones a month. just guessing This road needs speed bumps to slow drivers down/ or Traffic lights before more crashes occur. However since the road has become a main highway and bypass for the motorway more cars and bicycles are using extreme speed coming down the hill. and there is not enough room coming from Lincoln to Makora to turn right into Makora. I myself had to help save a bike riders life and am sick to death of hearing the thumps and squeals so bad that I can tell if I need to go down and offer first aid.
- numerous potholesGood Morning 50 potholes in 800 metres stretch Previously posted 8th September these potholes have not been fixed yet. We had some severe flooding recently and even more potholes have appeared which are cause motorist taking evasive action facing oncoming traffic. Please attend to asap. Thanks
- Hedges Overhanging FootpathThe hedge of this property (on the Locarno Ave side) is massively overgrown and overtaking the footpath space so you have to walk on the berm. The hedge hasn't been topped or pruned in any way for a number of years and is getting worse with people dumping the rubbish in it.
- water leaking from under street pipeWater is leaking from a pipe under the road way in the middle of the road. Pothole is forming around leak.
- Extention of footpath pleaseHi, there are no footpath or cycle path on links road. Students who goes to blockhouse bay intermediate are having trouble either walk in tall grass or make 2 crossing to walk on footpath, if there are footpath it's easy for them to walk or goes on cycle, I saw one boy riding on road because he don't want to ride on tall uneven grass area. Its so dangerous. Please do something
- Dangerous street, now virtually one way with parking either sideFollowing on from a serious crash early hours 18 February 2018, speed humps urgently need to be installed in Kitchener Road, Sandringham. With the pub Lord Kitchener opening and the Paradis buffet restaurant, the sheer volume of cars is cutting down the road to one way. Cars can't see exiting Duncan Avenue or Carrie Street into Kitchener Road. And Kitchener Road is being used at night as a speedway route by many cars, especially at night. You can hear them turning from Sandringham Road into Kitchener Road and then flooring it until they get to Fowlds Avenue end of Kitchener, and vica versa. Please install speed humps in our street before someone is killed. It is that bad.
- THE DOG DISH IS BACK AT 160 rEMUERA ROAD, BUT i GOT STRESSED OUT CROSSING A SIDE STREETAGAIN where I got stressed out, otherwise I might of left it aday, a car could of run me down at driveway at a drive way, then another car WAITED for me as I crossed a side street, and againd yesterday another car waited for me, I tried writeing to the newspaper but it does not work, the police are busy fighting real crime and I am getting boldly sick of yelling out all the bloody time GET OUT OF THE BLOODY WAY
- Overgrown grass on bermThe area always has overgrown berms and grass could be nearly half a meter high. It's a joke but don't know who is responsible
- Left Turning Bay Intersection of Te Irirangi Drive and Hollyford DriveThe current road layout at the intersection of Te Irirangi Drive and Hollyford Drive cannot cope with the volume of traffic, and vehicles are backing up all the way to Dawson Road. The majority of westbound traffic at this intersection turns left into Hollyford Drive to access the motorway connections and the south-eastern suburbs along Mill Road. The queuing traffic blocks access to the intersection for vehicles travelling west along Te Irirangi Drive. Typically during rush-hour, I can see traffic backed up along Te Irirangi Drive past the intersection with Dawson Road. The current left turning lane is not capable of holding this volume of traffic, so I suggest carving out an additional lane from the adjacent footpath. Cyclists and pedestrians are minimal in this area. Please send someone out to this location to study the traffic patterns and make a new traffic management plan.
- Poor drainage causing slip hazard on footpathPoor drainage has caused water overflow onto footpath. Green and brown slime has started to grow and has caused public to slip. My son, daughter and myself have all slipped on this area. The footpath runs downhill and I am worried if an elderly member of the public slips on this area they could sustain a Broken hip, wrist or other very serious injury.
- Traffic Light SequencingThe traffic lights at the intersection of Te Irirangi Drive and Diorella Drive are out of sequence, and traffic is backing up all the way to Great South Road. The signal controlling eastbound traffic turning right into Diorella Drive is not staying GREEN long enough to clear all the traffic queuing in the turning bay. The signal sequence needs to be repaired so that all vehicles in the allocated space have time to turn into Diorella Drive. Also, serious consideration needs to be given to removing the RED turning signal, and replacing it with the GIVE WAY signal so that queuing traffic doesn't create a dangerous and unnecessary obstacle. Currently, turning traffic is controlled by a GREEN and RED turning arrow signal. The signal stays RED for long periods when there is no traffic coming from the opposing direction. There have been significant changes in traffic patterns in this area since the Western Ring Route motorway connection was put in on Redoubt Road. Yet traffic management hasn't been changed. The number of vehicles using Diorella Drive has increased exponentially. The queuing vehicles are spilling out on to the other lanes. This creates a significant hazard for eastbound traffic which has to brake suddenly to change lanes. This leads to traffic backing up to Great South Road and blocking the intersection there. During rush-hour, it commonly takes an hour to travel from the Countdown supermarket on Great South Road to my home in Clover Park. This journey usually takes about 5 minutes during off-peak times. This is not necessary since the signal for eastbound traffic stays GREEN long enough to clear this volume of traffic. The problem is traffic queuing to turn and blocking the lanes so that straight-ahead traffic can't move. Westbound traffic now diverts upstream of Te Irirangi Drive and turns down Hollyford Drive. There are no cars coming from the opposite direction, so the eastbound cars are queuing for no reason. I appreciate the fact that these traffic lights also serve as the pedestrian crossing for the nearby school. However, school students are indoors most of the day, and they have all gone home by 3:30pm. Casual pedstrians can activate the RED signal manually by pushing the button when they want to cross. This is a man-made problem with a simple fix to the traffic light signals being all that is required. Please send someone out to this location to study the traffic patterns and make a new traffic management plan.
- Installation of Pedestrian RefugeI would like to request a pedestrian refuge be installed near to the bus stop on 24 Redoubt Road to protect the significant number of school children who use this stop. It can be a raised concrete refuge, or a temporary refuge can be constructed from steel wire ropes. Serious consideration needs to be given to installing a pedestrian crossing in this location. I have observed at least 100 students using this stop on a daily basis. This bus stop provides access to Howick schools (e.g. Howick College) and South Auckland schools (e.g. Manurewa High School). As such it is a major transport hub for several public transport routes, and school bus routes. Yet there are no traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, road furniture, or traffic calming devices. Students need to cross 3 lanes of traffic without even a flush median to protect them. It would be prudent to change the dual carriage lanes to a single lane between Hollyford Drive and Diorella Drive, and paint a flush median to separate opposing traffic. The eastbound traffic currently uses a single lane of traffic. Most of the westbound traffic uses the outer-most lane, but several vehicles use the extra lane to speed down the hill and conduct dangerous over-taking manoeuvres. It would also be prudent to restrict westbound traffic from turning right into Diorella Drive. That would give you space to install a pedestrian refuge in this location. This residential area can be accessed from Hollyford Drive, and there are no bus routes or commercial traffic turning right into Diorella Drive. On the other hand, there is a lot of traffic (including buses) turning right out of Diorella Drive and into Redoubt Road. Right turning traffic can't see westbound traffic coming over the hill, so it would be better to restrict westbound traffic to one lane (eastbound traffic only has one lane) to make turning easier here. I appreciate that any solution will need to be temporary, because this whole area is zoned for a State Highway. However, they have been planning that upgrade for 10 years, and it is likely to be another 10 years before construction starts. These school kids could go through the entirety of their compulsory schooling running this dangerous gauntlet every day. Do we need to wait for some to get killed before any changes are made? Please send someone to 22 Redoubt Road to survey the best location for a pedestrian refuge.
- Hedge blocking footpathThe hedge belonging to 174 Cook Street has grown over the path, making it much narrower than the 1.4m it should be.
- 70 Stanley St Parnell 1010-Drains blocked on building half side of Footpath every downpour of rain and sits70 Stanley Street Parnell outside showroom at Source Mondial, there is a drain that floods the half the footpath each time a heavy downfall of rain happens. Note It is free of all leaves and is regularly cleaned but despite that every downpour causes a flood and just sits there and does not drain away. This is at our showroom entrance where customers have to walk through.
- pot holes on slip road2 pot holes have formed on slip road off beach road, are now getting large and have to avoid these when driving
- Increasing number of potholesHaruru road, especially between Flat Top Quarry and Adams Road now has hundreds of potholes. The ones that have been here for a while are getting wider and deeper and new ones appear on a daily basis. The situation is now dangerous, particularly at night. The recent heavy rain has made things worse as the camber of the road is no longer effective and rain water now runs along the road rather than into the gutter at the sides causing troughs in the road. Car tyres then drive into these troughs and further damage the road. This can be seen clearly near the turn to Adams road. This is now so bad that as I drive my car at this point on the road the underside of my car hits the road. Also, the washout repairs near the quarry have not been completed. The roadworks signs are still in place and there are piles of rocks on the side of the road. The road is too narrow at this point so it has become one way, when will the work be completed here? There is a small wooden cross with flowers next to the road at this point. This normally means that there has been a fatal car crash, so it would appear that the time to avoid someone dying has passed. Please can this road be fixed before someone else dies? I have noticed many trucks on Haruru Road driving west to SH16 from the quarry, is this allowed? Surely this gravel road is not suitable for a fully laden truck to drive on? The amount of wear on a road is proportional to the 6th power of the weight on each axle. Put simply this means that doubling the weight on an axle increases the wear/damage by 32 times. Therefore, a 3 axle truck weighing 15 tonnes does 320 times more damage to the road than a 1 tonne car. The noise that the trucks make as they drive over the potholes, troughs and ruts along Haruru road is deafening. If I am in the garden as they drive past the house where I live I have to cover my ears because of the noise. These trucks are destroying the road. Haruru Rd is tar sealed from the quarry to the east. Either the road needs to be tar sealed to the west of the quarry or the trucks should only travel to the east. Either way, the road is now in a dangerous condition, please can this and the truck issue be addressed with some urgency. I notice that I am now the third person to report this problem. Please will you email me with the plans to resolve this asap, several of my neighbours also want to know about this.
- sick of moron atitude motorist have. THE FOOTPATH IS THE PEDESTRAINS RIGHT OF WAYI go to cross a side street and the motorist stop, why I have no idea, maybe they just want to run me over? I cross driveways using public footpath and always motorist are doing there best to run me done. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL THE NEWS MEDIA WHAT THE RULES OF THE OF THE ROAD CODE ARE, please read this, I do not want some stupid replay tell the news media, get you face on our TV sets, I am sure you can do it with out using that Fxxx word
- Brightside RD Stanmore BayThe street lighting is virtually non existent from the top by Whangaparaoa RD down to the bottom to Langton Drive.Then the street lights are working on Brightside ave. There are only 2 street lights working which has been like this for most of Janaury and all Feb.
- what kind of bus stop is at 72 dominion road, no bus numbers, no timetablevery strange, not only that the correct address 72 dominion road would not show on my cell phone so i had to use nearby street
- auckland city a wacky place with wacky peoplei just saw a man going around the streets at middleton road newmarket (remuera) spraying grass to kill growing around power poles, BUT WHAT I FIND STRANGER nobody checks storm water drains a gutters, so when the heavens opens up there is lots of floodings GOTO CORNER MIDDLETO RD & ADA ST dead leaves
- the big pond always after the big rain, could be the big gutter blockbus go #7415, the block to the left branch of drain
- High crash areaOutside 132 Coronation Road there have been four significant car crashes within the last six months. This road needs speed bumps to slow drivers down before more crashes occur.
- Damaged pavementsMany of the pavements and drive access in the berm that are councils responsibility are broken, cracked, lifted and generally unsafe.
- Manhole coversA number of manhole covers are not installed correctly on Fordyce Ave. I fell down one outside 48 Fordcye Ave last night. They are very dangerous and could result in major injury. I am luckly I only revieved a minor injury to my ankle and knee. I think it could be Chorus or Internet Cable companies who have not replaced correctly. Please could you send someone to put up cones or tape to prevent people from falling down and organise someone to fix. Cheers Mel
- motorcyclist waits & waits, then we wait, motorcyclist does U turn, motorcyclist gos new route, we thinkwhy allthing brokein? Motorcyclist wants to turn right in2 ti rakau dr from gossamor dr, we in car had 2 wait longer because further back. Then motorcyclist U turns because feed up without food, we able 2move forward 2activate light go green.BEEN TOLD THIS HAPPENS ALL TIME,fix system once, all work
- Dangerous RoundaboutI have observed numerous near misses here over the years. One of my friend was actually hit side-on a few years back in this roundabout when the other drivers (entering a roundabout on our left) are supposed to give way. Many cars getting on the Ellerslie-Panmure Highway on-ramp from the Southbound direction does not appear to realise that they are entering a roundabout and cars already in the roundabout from the Northbound end has the right of way. This is somewhat understandable especially if they are not paying close attention to road signs, as the outermost left two Southbound lanes head straight onto the onramp without obvious road curvature to indicate they are going into a roundabout. This is not an issue during rush hour traffic as cars queue up here and hence forced to stop. When there are no traffic however, some cars go through this roundabout at speed. Many drivers just look straight ahead, do not even look to their right or slow down to give way. I have observed numerous cars in the roundabout having to slam on their brakes to prevent a crash (myself included). Council or the Police should observe this roundabout for a couple of days especially during quieter times to see what I mean. The only solution I could think of is the placement of speed bumps on the Southbound end just before the roundabout (between Sultan Street and the roundabout itself) to force cars to slow down which will hopefully make them more aware that they are entering a roundabout. Please see the attached diagram which demonstrate the issue I would like to raise - the red arrow represents the two lanes where cars are speeding through the roundabout without stopping. The blue arrows represent cars already in the roundabout who are at risk of being crashed into. Thank you for your help.
- dead leaves blocks storm water drains & makes road fload only when rainsopposite to number 206 remuera road, saw it last night after afternoon rain, could happen again if auckland get more heavy rain. do not drink anymore alcohol or eat anymore food with toxic sugar
- ALL Street lights outALL street lights out in Bannings Way, Hobsonville
- Lights blocked by tree foliage - needs cuttingThe botany pakuranga rds intersection when turning left onto botany road - the lights adjacent to the school grounds cannot be seen by left turning traffic because foliage growth is covering the left turn arrow light. Can these trees be trimmed please.
- there is a burst pipe leaking what seems like grey water.From back of shops a leaking pipe is leaving mud and material all over the footpath.
- Broken pavementPlease arrange to fix the broken pavement that was fixed sometime back but is broken again. It poses a hazard to the elderly occupants of our house and other pedestrians on our street. It is outside our house on August Place side.
- Speed bump neededFernhill Way in Oteha is an unmarked residential street. However the street seems to be a favourite for people in a hurry because of the sloping of the road between Sonoma Cres and Ponderosa Dr. There are often cars and bikes racing through at unsafe speeds on the street down the slope from both sides, and children are often playing in the street on bicycles, etc. This street is unmarked and not suitable for high speed thoroughfare. Please install speed bumps or judder bars at the bottom of the slope next to the reserve to slow down the traffic and to discourage people from racing through. This is the second time I lodge this request in the last three years.
- Speed bumps needed on Cameron St PapakuraCameron Street in Papakura is a narrow and unmarked residential street. With cars parked on the sides of the road, there is room for only one car to pass at a time. However the street seems to be a favourite shortcut for people in a hurry because of it's location between Clevedon Rd and Willis Rd. There are often cars racing through at unsafe speeds on the narrow street, and children are often playing in the street on bicycles, etc. This street was is narrow, unmarked, and not suitable for high speed thoroughfare. Please install speed bumps or judder bars to slow down the traffic and to discourage people from racing through as a shortcut.
- Big Pothole for over 4 weeksThere has been a bit pothole on Freeland Avenue for over a month now which keeps on becoming bigger and it hasn't been repaired as yet. It is a danger to people's vehicles.
- Extremely Heavy Traffic on Neilson StreetHi There, Over the past 6 weeks or so there has been extremely heavy traffic on Neilson Street. From 15.30 onward the traffic starts to build waiting to get through the lights on Neilson Street and Church Street heading East. It has not been normal to have stationary queues all the way back to Captain Springs Road, but this is now the norm from about 4pm. This is grid locking both directions and has added significant frustration to staff and customers alike. I accept traffic is part of Auckland but when it starts affecting customer retention it becomes and important issue. It is also causing trucks to bolt down the median barrier to get to Toll and out of toll where they force there way into the traffic. Cars are under passing on the left had side when there is only a single lane between Angle street and Toll. Please could you investigate and if possible remedy the situation to save the sanity of all concerned.
- EXCITEMENT TODAY AT 160 REMUERA RD AS ACC AVOIDS HEALTH & SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY ON FOOTPATHif you want to know what was said at this lunch bar, ask the neighbors, they did not need to eas drop
- PotholesThere are 4 potholes in the car park around Devonport squash club.
- PotholesPotholes require filling
- Visibility is dangerously impaired pulling out of side road due to parked carsWhen pulling out of Woodfern Crescent, Titirangi and turning right into Atkinson Rd, it is impossible to see traffic coming from the left due to cars parked close to the intersection to the south. You have to pull out a dangerously long way into the road to see oncoming traffic. It is a busy road at certain time since Kaurilands school is only 100m away. At school times there are often cars parked on North side of the intersection as well meaning you cant see traffic in either direction. I believe it is a potentially dangerous intersection which could be relieved simply by preventing parking quite so close to the intersection.
- Why is this road still blocked offThis road which I am guessing was to reduce traffic going past the school on Spencer Road has been completed for some months, yet the orange barriers are still in place and traffic is still going down Spencer Road (which is almost more of a path than a road as it is so narrow. How much longer will these barriers be in place? It seems redundant to have built a road and to keep it closed off.
- Am I the only person in Auckland that thinks HEALTH & SAFETY?The other day I reported a "dog dish" placed on the footpath so it is in the way of pedestrians walking by, the feedback I got was that I wanted it removed which IS "NOT TRUE" & far from it, just put it against the wall, dog need there water refreshment, but it seems that Auckland city council has gone out of their way along with other citys around the world to riddle our footpaths with footpath cancer WHY YOU MIGHT ASK to help out the blind so they can feel their way around the city, this footpath cancer is DAM dangerous when it is raining and pedestrians have wet shoes. Is it something they are putting in plastic that is making the world going strange? as these days it is hard to buy anything that does not come in a plastic container, I avoid buy anything I can that comes in plastic, when I can buy in a safer container like glass. This morning I noticed it is still out in a "trip over the dog dish position" I am not sure if Auckland City has not acted on my complaint or they just wrote off my suggestion, anyway I have to poke my head in the shop, right now I feel as if not only will the shop get to hear my comments but also the neighbouring shops, do something different today everyone THINK HEALTH & SAFETY for a change.
- Street light not workingThe street light between number 25 and 27 Marsden Ave is not working.
- Street Lights OutThe street lights on Sheehan Ave in Papakura have not been on for the past few nights, including tonight. The problem begins from the intersection of Kelvin Road and Sheehan Ave, continuing up to the bend as you head west towards Dominion Road. Street lighting is only on one side of the road. If these lights are not working, there is an increased risk to everyone's safety if they are on the street or driving due to reduced visibility. At this stage, I do not feel safe in my street and am concerned with the safety of my neighbours with this being an ongoing issue. Your attention to this matter in a timely manner would be most appreciated by myself and my neighbours. Thank you for your consideration in this request.
- pot holesSeveral Potholes on gravel road after recent rainfall
- lure blink into city with footpath cancer then trip them up with dog dishThe address given should also have their food hygiene ranking penalized, as they have food for sale exposed for public to cough & sneeze etc all over uncovered food, should also be applicable to all lunch bars with uncover food on counter
- New street lightA new sttreet light is requested at the intersection of Te Toro Rd and Greenfield Rd
- New light requestedA new light is requested for the end of the street. There have been thefts at night in this area recently
- Light not workingStreet light has not been working for some time. Recent thefts in this area at night
- Traffic light phasing needs to be adjustedIn morning rush, long queues of cars waiting to turn right into Maurice Paykel Pl are held up on red, while there are no cars travelling east due to the lights at the Business Parade intersection being on red for east-bound traffic. ie. the cars waiting to turn should be allowed to go. Then just when the east-bound traffic arrives at Maurice Paykel Pl intersection, they are given a red light and stopped to release the traffic waiting to turn right into Maurice paykel! It makes no sense. Someone needs to watch the phasing of these lights and make some corrections to the phasing between these 2 intersections.
- something to keep me busy while waiting 60 minutes for connecting train at papakurajust outside liqueurland & across road from countdown at papakura bus stop near train station. the timing at auckland transport is always maximize to waste time, most of time
- ignorant auckland motorist need to learn pedestrians have 1st right way on footpathPedestrians cross the road you have to giveway RIGHT! or they get run down. Auckland ignorant motorist need to learn auckland city bylaw that gives pedestrians 1st right of way on footpaths. I AM GETTING DAM SICK OF ALMOST RUN DOWN AS I CROSS DRIVEWAYS & ENTRY-EXIT TO PETROL STATIONS.
- Yellow lines old & newOutside the front of the school in the dip the yellow lines are not clearly marked. There used to be a pedestrian crossing a few years ago and the old lines show through so people are now parking over the old and new lines. Think they need a clear line showing where the no parking area stops.
- Yellow lines old & newOutside the front of the school in the dip the yellow lines are not clearly marked. There used to be a pedestrian crossing a few years ago and the old lines show through so people are now parking over the old and new lines. Think they need a clear line showing where the no parking area stops.
- Smoking pigs make you almost want vomit over themMorrow street & corner 277 broadway, as you come down the escalator, smokers are hard at work producing most foul atmosphere, so much for wanting to "live" in auckland, moving them up the road near car park entrance would more healthy & pleasant for non smokers, looking after their health better.
- light outThe street light at the end of felgrove, Farquahar rd end is not working
- Pedestrian crossing light not workingThe pedestrian and street light is not working on the crossing in front of 38 Stoddard Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland. We have turned our outside lights on as this may help drivers to see the crossing and the road. Please fix this ASAP.
- Too small for cars but they always try to parkWe have a short curb area between our driveway & our neighbour(approx 1.5m). We continually have cars parking there either blocking access to our drive or our neighbours, thinking they fit. We believe there should be yellow lines painted to eliminate people parking there altogether as we continually have to point out they don't fit.
- light not workingLight out > 1week at boundary of #'s 9 & 11
- Yellow lines / markings are unclear.There are yellow road markings outside the school which are unclear as they are half painted over. These need to be reviewed and tidied ho. There are lots of people parking on these lines.
- Broken street lightStreet light across the property is broken. This is on PUBLIC land (and freehold), hooked onto a public electrical supply and Vector has confirmed that this is not within their jurisdiction or management.
- Narrow road with no footpathThe section of Shelly Bay Road between Beachlands and Karaka Roads is very narrow and there is no footpath. This is a very real danger for pedestrians especially with the increased number of construction vehicles and new houses being built. Also this small section of approximately 200 meters in length has badly potholed.
- Are Aucklaners motorist getting ready for next labor goverment "thinking tax" ?I was walking along Tamaki drive yesterday (sunday) they are doing road works just near Ngapipi road reducing road traffic down to 2 lanes (one each way) as I walked towards the city (& Ngapipi -- Tamaki drive intersection) there was about 3 cyclist followed by 3 motorist, I could not believe my eyes, when I saw the first car wanting (and I think it did) to pass (overtake) one of the cyclist, I think no wonder cyclist are getting killed on our roads, I stuck my index finger up in the air pointing to the car shacking my head. All the driver had to do is wait a couple more seconds and it would of got passed the road works, and back to 4 lane road or 2 lines per side. You have to ask yourself do motorist really need Auckland road workers to put up a sign for motorist "DO NOT PASS" just for a short piece of road a couple of hundred meters long?
- Flickering street lightThe light outside 123 flickers on and off all night and is getting progressively more off than on
- Dear blind open your eyes, Auckland city wants you toBrilliant, Auckland City council lays out all that footpath cancer who ever did it should be BANGED on the head, to knock some sense into "it" the B' stuff is B' slippery when it is wet and you have wet shoes, attached is a photo that could trip up the blind round the back on the public toilets №B at the corner
- Old bitumen needs replacedGood morning, The seal in general on panorama court is aged and deteriorated to a very poor condition. There are large potholes developing at the cul de sac and it looks like the seal has gone beyond its life expectancy. Would you mind having a look at this for us. Thanks.
- Partly fixed ratling bus stop 3623 with the windThis bus stop is unreal, the wind constantly rattles the loose glass windows, I managed to shove a dry leaf in-between the glass and the frame work, the window one has to look though for the waiting bus I managed to fix by folding up one dead tree leaf, the window looking out to the road was a bit harder I had to put a folded dead leaf on both sides. Even if I had a ladder, I do not think I could fix the rattling roof, it was alright the other day when the wind was not so bad. I wonder if that is the reason there is so much graffiti on the bus stop because is seems to by the only bus stop I have been to that rattles so much
- flooding on the road opposite #206 Remuera RoadThis was brought to my attention when 2 police cars had to aqua-drive through the puddle with flashing light & sirens going, it could be the same old story I often see around Auckland, "dead-leaves-build-up" at storm drains, I wonder who the busy body is that goes around do it ;-(
- the bus stop #7048 due dispaly does not workIt could be that if the bus stop due display worked, I could of realised the bus does not stop at that bus stop.
- Street Light Too BRIGHTHi there. I'm living at Panama Road. Recently the street light at 124 Carbine Road, Mount Wellington (in front of the JLG office and NZMS building)was recently repaired on 4th September, 2017. it now shines very brightly into our bedroom at night, and affecting me and my family sleep. Please fix this problem or replace with a dimmer light. Thanks a lot.
- Large pot holes in road causing car damageThis section of road has had large holes in for over one year. With the earth moving trucks travelling to and from the Long Bay development it is get worse by the day. This needs repairing please.
- WHEN IS SAFTY GOING TO BE FIX IN AUCKLAND CITYthis is 3rd report in 3 weeks, the pedestrian button at corner commerce street to cross custom street still does NOT work, it is on a half pole the only half pole at the corner. I saw news last night they want to make area pedestrian friendly WHAT JOKE!
- One side yellow line needed on Spinella DriveToo many cars are parking on both side of Spinella Drive near Fernwood Grove/park. It is dangerous because the road becomes very narrow, it only allows one car to go through. It looks very tricky for the bus to go through, too. Parked cars make the drivers' vision very poor, so accidents would happen anytime. People have had their parked cars clipped and scratched. It has been like this for at least 3 months. One side yellow line would solve the problem.
- Cars parked on footpath blocking pedestrian accessAs I was walking along Landon Avenue at 10.45am and again at 12.00pm I was forced to walk on the road with my son in his stroller due to 2 cars being parked on the footpath outside a construction site.
- Dangerous cornerTrucks are parked on the corner of Chilcott road everyday, severely reducing visibility. Combined with many drivers going too fast, this makes the corner hard to navigate and dangerous. We need speed bumps or parking limited to one side of the street or something to slow cars down
- Street lighting failureMost of the lights on grafton bridge have failed
- Cars doing burn outsWe have an issue with vehicles doing "burn-outs" or donuts in our cul-de-sac. It would be great if speed bumps could be introduced to hinder these vehicles, especially with all the children that live and play in the street.
- Not enough street lightingHi, There is only one street light on whole street, its a danger to pedestrians, and the l;ow light makes it easier fro criminal activity
- auckland city wants more to have accidentsthe pedestrian button to cross custom street still does not work, there is no button to cross commence street as i walked across car made left turn behind me from queen st direction, i reported this problem could be 10 days ago subject like "are moron pedestrians wearing out pedestrian button"
- Car parked overlapping my drivewayAs per the picture, this happens on a regular occasion and is very frustrating. I have another photo of the Rego if needed.
- some1 trying to kill non telepathic pedestrianslower alert st, the place one has to catch a bus to north shore from britomart, now that intersection of lower albert st is one way, so since on who has not got telepathic powers, make the pedestrian crossing active when QUAY str has the green light, since there is construction cage blocking button
- parked cars cause congestion at peak timesIf a car parks on the roadside here, it causes major congestion in the afternoon peak, as cars have to merge into a single lane prior to the intersection to get around it. I suggest a clearway from 4pm-6pm, or just extend the dotted yellow lines back to the intersection with Nandina Ave.
- Speeding up the road, please put speed bumps inHi we have lived in this street for 8 years and over this time have witnessed several accidents of cars crashing outside our house. There seems to be a bad problem with boy racers racing up and down the street. It's getting very frightening driving up and down the road and I feel like it needs speed bumps and yellow lines for parking. As I write this there is somebody going up and down the road on a loud motorcycle continuously which has woken my sick child.
- Dangerous Parking on corner with sunstrikeSeveral times when cars are parked in front of Hindmarsh Green in the morning they are near impossible to see due to sunstrike. This corner should have double yellow lines to stop people parking on the outside of the corner. Often it has been council workers who I believe would be better off parking on the curb to avoid accidents as I have seen many near misses.
- telepathic thoughts will not operate pedestrian buttonsomeone has caged off the pedestrian button to operate "cross now" system, to cross lower albert street next to quay street. it is best if i do not to say anymore.
- Ellerslie-Panmure Highway & Harrison Road Intersection - Traffic LightsSomething needs to be done at this intersection, and sooner rather than later. It is virtually impossible to turn right into the Ellerslie-Panmure Highway from Harrison Road during rush hour(s) without causing some need misses. Even during normal traffic flow it can be a challenge. There are a huge number of residence, both high rise apartment and tightly packed single dwellings living on this street. You also have St Johns Headquarters, Mount Wellington Police Headquarters and the New Zealand College of Chiropractic, plus, a number of other smaller commercial entities. There is excessive traffic flow for this dead end street. There is only one way out. With the Summerset Rest Home now close to completion there will now be the addition of senior citizens trying to negotiate this turn as well. Their reactions will be a little slower than us younger ones who are brave enough to take on the medium strip with traffic rushing past in both directions. We need to either have a roundabout or some traffic lights at this intersection. There is a pedestrian only traffic light crossing around 300m away towards Alana Place. Perhaps this could be moved to the Harrison Road intersection where it would serve better value. The fixed speed camera mounted does slow the traffic down but its not enough. We need some action before someone gets killed!
- Did moron pedestrians wear out pedestrian buton in auckland citycorner commence street & custom steet, to cross custom street (nearest queen street part of intersection walking away from britomart) the pedestrian button does not work & feels a bit sticky like the botton does not bounce back to it normal position when take finger off, botton is on short pole
- Short phasing traffic lightsHi, The right hand turn arrow from Hibiscus Coast Hwy (coming from motorway heading to Silverdale) into road to bus station is very short in the morning. Allows 3 to 4 cars only, less if there is a truck or a bus. Has caused us and many others to miss the bus. The green light coming out from the bus station road is too long and there is very little traffic coming out of that road in the morning... This causes a long phase before changing to the other directions. The full cycle of phasing from green arrow to green arrow is nearly 4 minutes, which is a long time. Would appreciate it greatly if the phasing was more balanced to cycle the traffic more smoothly, especially in the morning. Thanks Alex
- footpath does not meet safety standardsconstellation bus station. the footpath though garden does not meet safety standards, it is 2 norrow & blocked by big roof supporting pole at each end. problem could be made worse as bus does not stop at other side when it goes passed, passengers have to get off bus and do mad dash to catch next bus
- Restricted entry and exit from propertyMy home is on a narrow street and on a bend. The private home across from me has multiple cars parked on both sides of the road daily.The cars opposite my driveway are never moved. Most times a car will be parked over my driveway restricting forward and reverse entry. Also having these cars parked on my side restricts my view as I can not see what is coming down the road due to the bend. SOLUTION: Yellow lines in front of my property past the bend? Thank you
- Vans parked for long periods3 Vans have been parking in the road for long periods. Numbers are:UN3013 a Toyota Hiace, ALT352 a Mitsubishi L300, and SS2288 white van. All have whited out back windows. This road is busy and parked vans left are a hazard
- footpath cancer sad jokeTRIP HAZARD, next to rear corner of toilet B. This set up to trip up blind people auckland wants brought into the city
- light opposite 96D Balmain Rdthe street light opposite 96D Balmain Rd turns off and on every minute all night which makes it dangerous for people walking on the road at night.
- Dangerous for all pedestriansSomeone got hit by a car crossing Park Road this morning and many students get off the bus at Columbus coffee and cross at this same place every day. It's dangerous, there are cars coming from all directions. And yes there are lights a little bit up the road but too far away for anyone to intuitively use when they get off the bus. Something needs to be done to allow students to cross the road safely when the get off the bus and go to university evert day.
- Way to many potholesThere are WAY too many potholes on this road to drive safely anymore, it's only a matter of time before someone blows a tyre.
- culvert overflowing - washed away roadPlease attend to the culvert that is overflowing and puddling up. Road surface washed away by recent flooding water.
- Traffic dangerous drivingCars speed down the road going 70kms an hour or more. When there is built up traffic the cars go 50kms or more down the median strip which makes it very dangerous turning right out of Arthur road. We need islands in the dip and on top of the hill to make it safer for people to cross and also will stop people using the median strip to turn right into halver rd. A speed camera in the dip will stop speeders too. There have been many accidents on the road over the last few years.
- Needs a green arrow light: Dangerous right turnWhen turning 'right' from Walmasley Rd onto Donnell Ave there is no green arrow, only a green light. It's difficult to see on coming traffic when traffic turning right onto Mahunga Dr is blocking the vision of traffic coming straight through, making it hard to judge when to go safely. With Donnell Ave now connecting with Hall Ave and a school opening up on Mahunga dr there is much more traffic and therefore it is a 'must' to have a green arrow. Also lights needs to be longer when entering or exiting Donnell Ave, only getting two cars through, I've seen many cars running red lights to get that extra car through. Please can you get the lights changed.
- Pole Light not workingIntersection pole top light not working last 2 months. School bus stop area Corner Kaipara rd /Heard rd Papakura
- Footpath needs to be concretedover 2-3 months ago contractor cut footpath to install fibre but the footpath has not been reinstalled and an open hole remains and it a hazard to pedestrians. Chorus are not interested in fixing
- Cars speeding through Arney CrescentCars are now frequently driving through the Crescent at dangerously high speeds: their reckless driving is putting the safety of other road users at significant risk of serious or even fatal injury. Of particular concern with respect to risk of harm are mothers with prams or strollers and children who live and play on the street. I strongly recommend speed humps (at both the entrance and exit of the Crescent) to enforce speed reduction and additional street signage to encourage reduction of car speeds.
- LARGE PotholesFollowing the thousands of cubic metres of concrete that were dumped in the adjacent farmland visible from the road by Dirtworks, these large potholes have now nearly destroyed my wife and my vehicles wheels
- ONLY MORONS PRESS THE PEDESTRAIN CROSSING BUTTON MULTIPLE TIMESCan someone do a press release that pedestrians only need to press the button once to make the crossing. Maybe get a back up opinion from the signals engineers. just about every time I stand at pedestrian crossing waiting someone else comes along and presses the button multiple times. I am sure there is not a pedestrian counter & I am sure the timing is all worked out with neighbouring traffic lights and the daily traffic flow.
- Insufficient Street LightingGood morning, Hilling Street is severely lacking in street lighting. Our street is 600m long, not straight and has a total of FOUR street lights. This results in "blockout" patched along our street which is being targeted by thieves. The street lighting on Hilling Street is well below standard. I look forward to hearing from you. Jenni
- Pedestrian signal failedThe pedestrian signal has failed on the north eastern side of the symonds - wellesley st east intersection.
- Mud and dirt on the road left by vehicles from construction siteWe would like to bring to your attention that a stretch on Haddington Drive, Flatbush is constantly covered with dirt and mud due to vehicles, particularly lorries coming in and out of the construction site which is currently undergoing infrastructure work. No effort has been seen by the company involves to clean the wheels of the vehicles before exiting the muddy site, and no cleaning up process is carried out on the dirt and mud left on the road. During rainy days, these is made worse as the mud on the road is being carried further along the road by other road users. We would appreciate if your department would look into the issue. Thank you for your attention.
- Angle of drive way from footpath to road too steep damaging ashfalt amd vehicalsFootpath appears to be too high causing driveway angle to be too steep from footpath to road. This causes vehicular to scrape on the road damaging vehicals and leaving goose marks in the Ashfalt. I want to know what can be done about it as I would not like to damage access trying to fix it myself. There is a V marking I presume this means there is a valve on the driveway. I am looking at a remedy as access onto our property is almost impossible without damaging vehicals or the newly (days ago) sealed roadway
- Excessive speed up and down the Westgate hillSince Westgate drive has opened nice last 3 years, vehicles are driving up & down Westgate Hill in a dangerous manner, drifting, passing dangerously, excessive speed up and down the Westgate hill towards Royal Road. They are lot of people walking and cycling on Westgate Drive and it's not very long when some will get injured or killed. Cars have lost control in the wet and crashed in the street light poles. Either speed camera or a speed hump is required to slow down the motorist urgently before a major accident happens.
- Big Delays In Chursch St, Neilson St trafficHi Guys, Over the last few weeks there has been an increadible delay in traffic heading from Onehunga to Gt Sth Road Penrose. The traffic is backed up on Neilson Styreet from Church Street to Onehunga Mall. Yesterday I left work at 4.30 and it took over 25 minutes to get from Edinburgh Street to Church Street. This is about 500m. Last week all routes from onehunga heading east were blocked at 12.30. Bothe church street and Neilson Street were blocked with traffic. It appears to me the problem is at the Great South Road Lights. Traffic can not clear and all traffic is banked up behind. Could you please do something about this as is is most frustrating.
- Dangerously wet and slippery footpath from soggy bermThere is a absolutely soaked berm leaking over a driveway and footpath infront of 8 Norfolk Road. Hate to see someone slipping and hurting themselves.
- PotholesA very large pothole has been present on this road Please fill asap
- Street light flickeringStreet light goes on and off through the night, is the main source of light for the first half of Holland Road, please fix this!
- Very darkLots of non working lamps, very dark trying to walk in evening and path from City View to Birkenhead Ave, no light at all. Dangerous.
- Ancroft needs speed humps to deter speeding vehiclesSeveral vehicles have begun using Ancroft St as a quick thoroughfare and are speeding down the street while doing so. There are families with young children in the area now so this street could use speed bumps to deter these miscreant drivers.
- Yellow lines on small bit of curb between 2 & 4 Henderson PlaceWe need yellow lines put down on a section of curb between 2 - 4 Henderson Place driveways. Cars constantly park here illegally as they are less than one metre from the curb and start of driveways always. Parking wardens have issued tickets and cars have been towed. It is dangerous as trucks have to swing out wide to avoid the illegally parked cars and that means they go onto the other side of the road, and there is a corner further up so cars zap round and have to break as the truck is difficulty maneuvering around the illegally parked car. Yellow lines please.
- Road surface very degraded along Marua RoadRoad surface is severely degraded in many places along Marua Road. This causes a large amount of noise, safety issues as heavy trucks literally bounce over the surface.
- Broken yellow line needed for sunnynook rd even number sideCars parking on even number (e.g. 4) side of sunnynook Road too close to driveway and this side driveways normally sloped toward garage. It makes it impossible to see oncoming traffic when trying to pull out from driveway or turn left into driveway due to always have car parked near driveway less than 1 meter. Please paint broken yellow lines to prevent accident. thank you
- Street pole light not workingStreet light not working outside 2 Kaipara rd Technician rang me requesting which light (7.6.17) but still not working. Intersection Kaipara rd/Heard rd street light
- Light has been out for 3 monthsThe street light opposite 10 Birdwood Cres has been out for 3 months. This is the square lantern type.
- AUCKLAND how very strange¿ (people & policy)it appears auckland city loves spending rent & rates payers money have someone go out killing grass that grows around powerpoles often HOWEVER when comes to gorse that is spreading across footpath next railway tracks at bridge at kyhber pass road NO INTEREST, same issue reported here 18 months ago
- Pedestrian crossing neededHi, the free turn lane as shown next to this major intersection needs a small pedestrian crossing. The continuous flow of traffic through this free turn makes it very difficult to cross the road here onto the traffic island.
- Tree Roots raising Path and FencesTree Roots raising Path and Fences and causing hazards in our street. Council Tree roots is causing damage to my fence!! Auckland Council please fix.
- Left cars in driveway those do not belong to people living nearI always have a problem with people parking they cars near house and left for weekend and even weeks. They prevent people who lives there to park they cars and also leaving a lot of rubbish that needs to be cleaned after them. Its like every week we clean rubbish like McDonald's cups or paper bags. Also we have hard time to park our own car because someone took our place. All what we want is not to see they our entrance to home is blocked by someone for one or more weeks and lot of rubbish. They also putting chewing gum in front window of our car. They do not live here or near.i don't think anyone will be happy if they car park is blocked and mountain of rubbish. I made a picture of car that almost everyday can be seen and do not belong to people living here.
- Persistent water leakThere is a water leak that is constant and has been an issue for over 12 months. The leak is in the grass verge and flows over the footpath, into the gutter. The water is causing slime to grow and makes the footpath dangerous to walk on.
- Rubbish along berms and road side on Sheehan Ave, PapakuraAlot of stray rubbish due to litter, stray cats going into Rubbish bags and the weather, noticeably rubbish is being blown down the street, starting from the T-section of Kelvin Road and the Top of Sheehan Ave, Papakura (Could we please have a street cleaner come through Sheehan Ave regularly please) as there is Diary and a few other small shops there as this also contributes to the litter.
- Caravan and Bus parked on streetCan someone please tell me if it is legal to park a caravan and a bus permanently on the street. These vehicles are parked at the bottom of Schnapper Rock Road.
- slippy bricks in Panmaure slippry when wet & with wet sheosslippery bricks in Panmaure slippery when wet & with wet shoes, lost traction on the bricks it was only a few centimetres but could of been the start of something bigger, part of the problem if I took "women" steps think less likely to loose traction.
- Poor visibilityParked cars are blocking the view turning left and right out of witheford drive. I have had a few close calla exiting the street as the visibilty is very low due to the fact witheford drive is on a steep incline
- Road view obstructionInability to see oncoming cars when turning right out of Witheford Drive, due to cars being parked on Manuka Road. Yellow lines need to be extended or a mirror put in.
- Low visibilityThere is very low visibility for people turning out of Witheford Drive and onto Manuka Road due to cars parked along the road. Witheford Drive slopes down and with the amount of parked cars visibility is very bad. Please put in some yellow lines so that cars aren't blocking the view before an accident happens.
- x 3 Street lights not workingThere are 3 street lights not working in our street - ouside houses 8,12 and 13 Bongard Rd. This makes it feel quite unsafe to walk at night. Many thanks for your assistance.
- A pot hole on the street next to footpath need fixing pleaseThis has been an issue for a while that a pot hole has emerged in front of 27 zefiro drive. The damage is getting worse over time potentially damaging the footpath. Can this please be looked into immediately as this could get larger and pose a bigger risk to the vehicles going around and pedestrians.
- Walkway FloodedThis walkway has areas of standing water, has become dangerously rutted and was virtually impassable with a pushchair at the weekend. A better solution in required for this pathway.
- now the easter eggs have gone from teed steet..... which is good. I sure i reported this issue on fixmystreet some time ago, i wonder how many children cracked their head when fell off on to the hard concrete. Now there there are stick poking up, i wonder what injury they might cause because nobody can think inside the square on "safety"
- traffic light phasing and lane congestionThe lights at the intersection of St Heliers Bay road, Maskell Street and Riddell Road are phased wrong for those turning from St Heliers Bay Road into Maskell St/Riddell Rd, it barely gives enough time for 4 cars to get through the lights then the long queue holds up the cars wanting to go straight as there are only two lanes for a very short distance as cars are always parked on the road just off the corner creating extremely long queues for everyone, meaning if you want to go straight you cannot get in the lane due to parked cars.
- Short PhasingSince 9th May the traffic lights at the intersection of Remuera Road and Ladies Mile, westbound, have been short phasing. In the morning peak commute times, travelling west towards the city is the heaviest traffic flow and the lights are phasing so quickly only 3 cars can get through at a time and frustrated commuters are going through red lights. This is causing significantly more congestion on Remuera Road. At 7am this stretch of road would generally take me less than 1 minute to travel along, it is now taking more than 10 minutes.
- traffic light wobblytraffic light on intersection mercari and Albany expressway is loose. may collapse in strong wind.
- Bumps in roadThe right-hand turn into Triton Dr from Rosedale Rd has several bad bumps in the road surface.
- Lights on during the dayLight on during the day for weeks
- DAM "poking" rubbish bins always hogging the DAM "poking" footpath all the DAM "poking" timeDAM "poking" rubbish bins always hogging the DAM "poking" footpath all just about every street in Auckland has them, I can understand if it is rubbish day, but sometimes the whole week the DAM "poking" bins are hogging the space the whole. Earn some money go around doing spot fines
- Need yellow lines to prevent parking too close to Celtic CresCars parking on Marua Road park too close to entrance to Celtic Cres. It makes it impossible to see oncoming traffic when trying to turn left or right out of Celtic Crescent. Please install yellow lines to prevent this.
- Yellow No Parking Lines Needed At This Intersection on Odd number sideAt the bottom of Summer Street, there needs to be a clear way ie Yellow lines extended on the odd number side for at least 2 metre to allow easy flow of traffic entering and exiting this very narrow road. At present we have cars parking so close to the intersection that cars are having to reverse up Summer Street or back into John Street to allow oncoming traffic to flow. Top of Summer street works well because of yellow lines on one side of road.
- Speed humps needed to prevent speeding and corner cuttingLincoln Park ave is a hoon's dream run. So much speeding going on. It's dangerous and extremely noisy. There's a bit of corner cutting going on across the turning bays. Other drivers and pedestrians are at risk on this road. As residents we deserve to have street bumps and or median-strip islands approaching corners so drivers approaching from opposite direction don't cut across.
- Road is breaking apart and falling into side drainThe road outside 18 Ara-kotinga is rapidly and literally breaking up and falling apart. Last week an elderly couple in their car hit the hole and ended up in the drain. Can we please get this issue fixed before someone gets hurt. People in their cars are driving incredibly fast down this rural road and their left wheels are always hitting the hole
- Restricted access to DrivewayWe have difficulty entering and exiting our driveway due to cars parking adjacent to our driveway. Numerous people rent the house across the road and park on the street when we try and reverse our our driveway or reverse in we are hindered by the cars parked there as there is insufficient room to manoeuvre.
- Commercial vehicle parked on corner and street parking hindering access to our propertyA commercial truck parks right on the corner of Orton street and McHardy Place obstructing turning traffic and creating a serious safety hazard. Turning traffic cannot see when turning down McHardy Place and need to go on the wrong side of the road to enter McHardy Place staight into any oncoming traffic. I have seen numerous near misses as this is visible from our house. The houses adjoining us have multiple people renting the 1 house and they also park on our street hindering access in and out of our driveway
- Pot holes galore 50 plusPlease fix my gravel road asap by filling these potholes with packed gravel. have been reported twice not fixed yet. lots of water trapped below causing constant potholes appearing. please fix drainage/ culverts and a few ruts/ cave ins from floods
- Unsafe footpathThere is a leak we have contacted both the council and watercare over the past few years both have passed the buck by saying its the sewer pipe when it isn't. They have claimed that it is just water running off from our section which is highly impossible considering it was the middle of summer when this claim was made (last year). Its slippery and unsafe for anyone to walk on they have two choices which is either the road orthe grass area which gets extremely boggy.
- Dark section in Tiri Tiri RdI think, by design, there is a missing light in this section of Tiri Tiri Rd, around number 4-6. There is a very dark patch (to the point where you can'tm see where you are walking at night) The area can be seen as the dark area on the photo attached.
- No Pedestrian crossing at allens roadThere is no pedestrian crossing at Allens road. If you are walking from Kerwyn Ave towards Allens road the footpath ends half way, and then it is impossible to get across Allens road as there is no crossing at all.
- Serious danger - lack of visibilityDear council We are very concerned about parked cars between Castor Bay rd and Richards avenue on east coast rd (LHS when heading towards Milford). When we try to turn out of our driveway onto east coast rd during peak times, it is literally impossible to see cars coming down the hill because of the parked cars blocking vision. Please for everyone's safety - make this a no parking zone during peak hours at the very least. Thanks so much for considering this issue.
- Large pothole in road.There is a large pothole near the centre of Waitakere Road. The location is just past Hunter Road and between Hunter and Bethells Roads.Diameter of hole is 300 to 400 mm and poses a real danger to motorcycles and cars alike. There are more potholes further towards Bethells Road as well.
- Street lights out - Great South RdHi, The street lights between Vestey Dr and Mt Richmond Dr are out again this week. This was recently fixed, refer CAS-412803-G1J5W2. This morning as a cyclist I had to dodge dark green wheelie bins strewn in the road that are difficult to see in the dark. This is a safety issue being a busy road. Thank you.
- Deep pothole on Hopetoun StThere is a deep and potentially car-damaging pothole in the left turn lane at the Ponsonby Rd end of Hopetoun St.
- SpeedbumpsCould we please get some speed bumps put on Kenneth Ave? Its really not safe with a Kindy and an entrance to Gribblehurst park on the street. A lot of people speed through the street to avoid the main roads. Also, there has already been a car going so fast it flipped and crashed, a dog run over and boy racers going at least 80k on the straight.
- Wrong light sequencingTurning left from East Tamaki Road into East Tamaki Road, or turning Right in the reverse direction has a very low Green Light time while straight through to Harris Road has excessive time. Cars, including me, go throught red lights all the time as cars are backed up waiting and there is NO through traffic. On the green light often only three cars get through. This is at peak times - not sure what it is like other times. The camera should confirm this. The left turn lane could easily be made a give way sign and this would resolve the problem for left hand turns but the issue is really too much time to Harris road when there is no traffic. Many thanks.
- intersection Booralee Ave and Kurnell DriveCars are being parked in Kurnell drive right on the corner of the intersection with Booralee Ave. This obstructs the vision of drivers turning out of Booralee Ave causing a dangerous situation and near misses. The hill in Kurnell is making approaching traffic quite fast. Solution would be to put broken yellow lines around the corner of the intersection for a couple of car lengths to provide drivers with a clear view of approaching traffic.
- cnr Harris & Neales Rd needs traffic lights and pedestrian crossing1) An additional pedestrian crossing is required across Harris Rd, somewhere between Smales and Ti Rakau. This 2km stretch of 4-lane highway has nowhere to safely cross the road. 2) Traffic regularly backs up on Neales Rd trying to turn onto Harris rd. It is overflow from the heavily congested Smales/Harris intersection. 3) A decent controlled intersection here would help both these problems. ie. ease congestion at Smales/Harris, and provide a safe pedestrian crossing across Harris Rd. ** An alternative location for additional traffic lights/ped crossing would be cnr Crooks/Harris Rd.
- THE POTENTIAL KILLER pedestrian crossing faultyAs I was walking from Newmarket direction towards greenlane on the left side of the street I came to the electronic controlled pedestrian crossing, I pressed the button once & only once as that is all that is needed (unless you have a sick mind) the traffic on Maunakau road was crossing the intersection, a few seconds latter they came to a stop, then it was the turn for the traffic on Ranfurly road had there turn (well most of them did not turn they went straight ahead), Then Manukau road got the green lights next. I thought WHAT IS THIS! so I crossed the best I could and as you can see I did not get killed crossing the road because I never got the opportunity to cross the road in safety. THANKS THE LOT FOR NOTHING.
- Zebra crossings of some sort at St Marks for school childrenEpsom Girls Grammar students appear in huge numbers on St Mark's Road - coming from Remuera side. There is no connecting links for the pavements/footpaths on St Marks and Mahuru Street. With new apartments being built around this area (St Marks Apartment) and many more coming, it might be a good idea to build some form of decent connecting footpaths for children in this area to the Epsom Girls Grammar school. Safer footpaths will suit the children.
- Problematic on ramp on Gillies AveThis road (Gillies Ave) has an on ramp which is causing dangerous traffic behaviour, especially taxis, couriers and contractors that appear to know how to exploit the road system here. They normally speed through Alpers Ave on the right (dangerous because people live in this road as well) and after the traffic light on Alpers Ave turns green, the cut in to the left to go on the on ramp. Two things, (1) dangerous aggressive behaviour to squeeze into the very long line, and (2) slowing down traffic for people wanting to go to Newmarket via Gillies Ave. Is there a way to manage this i.e. cones, speed bumps, warnings signs...
- Broken yellow linesAt the beginning of this term broken yellow lines appeared outside no.4 amber place Waimauku... which means even more car parking has been taken away from Waimauku school... Have these definitely been put in place by the council? As they seem to have been hand painted and a different yellow to the other broken yellow lines...
- Dangerous corner- Sylvan Ave NorthcoteThis corner identified in the map has extremely limited vision and has been the subject of a number of crashes and near misses in recent times including a crash last week, not to mention an innumerable loss of wing mirrors. For Traffic coming from the city there are a number of "s bends" culminating in a left hand bend with no visibility of oncoming traffic. This is exacerbated when driving north with cars parked on both sides of the road reducing the lane available. The position is further compromised by buses, and a bus stop outside no 18 Sylvan Ave At speed, or with a bus stopping, residents exiting or turning into their driveways, there is no where to go to avoid a crash. The road is also used as a feeder onto the motorway in the morning, leading to city bound traffic queuing and further reducing the available road. Visibility while exiting properties adjacent to the corner in Sylvan Ave at best compromises those properties, and is considered extremely dangerous. I would ask that this be reviewed to explore what options might be appropriate to mitigate what is considered to be a high risk situation. There are other issues which need to be considered and I would suggest that an inspection be carried out on site, with interested parties.
- RoadingSeveral deep potholes just at our driveway 1549 Great South Rd Ramarama. As the road is 100 kms moving to the shoulder to allow rraffic pass as you enter the drive is dangerous.
- Slips across roadTiro Wainui Road hasn't been made properly. With any kind of rain (and especially from last week) all the properties have caved back and fallen on the road. Resulting in a large mess, big grooves cut into the road, and the neighbouring properties losing some of their property all because the road wasn't made and secured properly from the beginning. Someone needs to come out and repair this before it gets worse.
- Debris left on RoadThere are two issues with this intersection. The fencing contractors working in the paddock at the edges of both of these roads have left heavy mud patches on the road. After the recent storms, loose gravel has been dragged/blown into the corner.
- Heavy flooding caused by blocked culvertsPlease can the council waterway between numbers 33 & 35 Hill Road be cleared. Significant debris on open water fall just through road culvert. There is land slippage further down the sections caused by the recent rains. Also culverts on opposite side of the road blocked causing major run off over the road and onto number 33 causing flooding in the house
- Drain blocked - water flooding roadThe drain is blocked again that runs either side and underneath the driveway at no. 45. This results in flooding across the road between numbers 45 and 47, leaving debris and washed out gravel Please can this be properly pumped out right through the culvert.
- Bus Shelter RequestBus Stop 3953 - 163 Onewa Road, needs a bus shelter. It is the only bus stop on Onewa Road without one and it is a busy stop.
- Dangerous Gap / Hole in footpath outside 6 Park Avenuesince there has been work on the powerpole outside our property, a huge gap between the street footpath and our footpath has occurred making it a series Health and Safety Hazard. Please have someone assess this ASAP. Thanks.
- Request for New Street LightHi, I would like to humbly request for a street light to be placed on pole between 38 Roberts Road and 40 Roberts Road. There are about 5-7 cars of residents parked offstreet which at night due to no street lights is dangerous as people dont see the cars infront of the other until they get real close as this is also the part just before the hill. This area is practically pitch dark at night, the street lights on the pole which before and after it are not sufficient enough to provide illumination at all to this area. Also poses a security risk as well for residents walking at night since someone can be hiding in the bushes in either of the property boundary edges without being seen by anyone which has happened before. I hope someone is able to take this seriously and consider putting in a new street light for safety of motorist's, resident's cars, and pedestrian's walking at night. Thanks
- street lights on continuouslyhi,street lights at the corner of Manse/Argle and others nearby intersections are on continously. I originally reported this issue in January but can not find it on this site now. However lights are still on day and night. Is this a safety initiative ?
- Painted lines on the roadOn Glenmore Road at the width of The Boulevard, there used to be lines across the lanes going up Glenmore Road to Pakuranga Highway. These lines reminded people at rush hour to leave some space for those coming out of The Boulevard to merge into the traffic when it was safe to do so. There are quite a number of people who go through that intersection (when safe to do so) and go up the left hand side to turn left into Pakuranga Highway - so don't take up space in the queue waiting to go up Glenmore Road to turn right onto Pakuranga Highway. Since the lines weren't re-painted after resealing at the end of last year (2016), there is no longer a reminder to leave a space for those needing to get onto Glenmore Road from The Boulevard. This may also apply to Fordyce Ave. I also feel there should be no parking at all at that intersection on Glenmore Road/The Boulevard as it disrupts the flow of traffic when someone is turning right into The Boulevard - car's aren't able to overtake on the left hand side. Thank you for your help.
- uneven footpath causing injuryI witnessed a person fall heavily because of uneven footpath pavers last week (Friday, 3/3/17), outside the Pukekohe Intermediate School field. She injured her hand with grazes and was fortunate to be wearing a wrist brace, or I suspect she would have fractured it. She was in shock and needed assistance to continue on her way to work.
- fix my roadThis is main driveaway for 13 family living inside, have a lots of elder and small children walking everyday. Can you come have look and fix it please.
- fix my roadThis is main driveaway for 13 family living inside, have a lots of elder and small children walking everyday. Can you come have look and fix it please.
- fix my roadThis is main driveaway for 13 family living inside, have a lots of elder and small children walking everyday. Can you come have look and fix it please.
- fix my roadThis is main driveaway for 13 family living inside, have a lots of elder and small children walking everyday. Can you come have look and fix it please.
- Fix my roadThis is main driveaway for 13 family living inside, and have alot of elder and small children walking everyday. On the face of road have a lots of potholes, sand, rocks. So it is very unsafe, dirty. Can you come have look and fix please.
- 2nd report Red Pedestrian on pole 5 intermittent at Bassett & Remuera roadas I said this is the second time I reported this "minor" problem, that is minor if you don't mind getting run over. This morning I pressed the button on pole 8 "ONCE" (WARNING -- WARNING -- DORK ALERT!!) YOU ONLY NEED TO PRESS PEDSTRAIN BUTTONS ONCE)and everything worked GOOD Anyway when I got to the other side and having seen the intermittent fault, I decided to test it again, this time the fault showed up, as soon as I pressed the pedestrian button on pole 5 the red pedestrian lite for a brief second then went off, I looked across at pole 8 and the red pedestrian was still lite, while it was still off at pole 5 (so I got the fault to repeat, a few seconds later the buzzer sounded for pedestrians to walk across.
- Drain sticks out too far into road, danger for cyclistsThe drain on the inside corner of cryers sticks out well into the road, and this corner causes squeezing of traffic. Also a right turn nay on this corner makes it worse. Wondering if this drain could be reconfigured to not stick into the road so far?
- Speed of Traffic and Boy-RacersI believe I speak on behalf of many residents of Hall Ave, who are of mixed ethnicities, age and marital status. Our street was originally a closed street and has been reopened up again (connecting with Donnell Ave). There has been more houses built (approx. 50) on the street and more people using the street as shortcut from Walmsley road to Robertson road (and vice-versa). This has lead to an influx of traffic coming through. We also have a few schools nearby where children use our street to walk to and from school. With our street being approx. 800m on a straight and quite a wide road combine with the influx of traffic coming through. Motorists are using the street like a highway. There has been many cars using excessive speeds (50+km/h). It has been getting increasingly worse by the day. Our street has also become ideal to boy-racers, revving their vehicles and doing burn-outs (donuts) at night. I fear for the safety of the children and residents of Hall Avenue. I fear for the safety of my own family as we’ve already had a person who was doing burn-outs in front of our house and then crashing through our front fence as my child was about to walk to school. Hearing cars revving their vehicles outside our house only brings back that horrific memory. To prevent any unforeseen accidents and for the safety of the children, residents and motorists themselves. I would like to request a traffic review in the hopes of installing traffic calming measures, such as speed humps and chicanes and making our street safe once again. Yours sincerely A resident on Hall Ave of 25 years
- Speed Humps or Speed Reducing Measures NeededMany cars come in off the Mount Albert Road at speeds well exceeding 50 km/h, sometimes faster than 80 km/h. I am worried for the residents of our street and the many children that walk along our street to and from school. I strongly believe speed humps or other forms of reducing speed are needed to protect us all.
- Request for speed humpsRamsey Street is located between Wiley Road and Chestnut Road (entrance to Papatoetoe South School and Murdoch Park Kindergarten) Ramsey Street is often busy with children and their caregivers walking to and from school as well our our Ramsey Street local children who ride their bikes and scooters on the pavement Every single day Ramsey Street residents are having to tolerate irresponsible and inconsiderate speedsters racing down Ramsey Street well over the 50km for the street and usually ranging anywhere between 50 - 80km placing significant risk for the streets pedestrians and Ramsey Street residents utilising the road for parking
- Speed hump requestRequesting speed hump installations at several locations along Cardiff Road, Pakuranga, Auckland. Road are used on daily basis by school students and the local residents. Road is being used as a race track and due to increasing amount of cars being parked on street, the long sweeping arc in Cardiff road has become a dangerous area with near missis happening on a daily basis. There has been a couple of accidents on the rest of the road especially when raining and people loosing control of their vehicles.
- Traffic lights for Porchester Road are Short phasing during Morning/Evening Peak causing massive congestionTraffic lights at the intersection of Porchester Road and Kuaka Drive - Lights for Porchester Road are Short phasing during Morning Peak time Between 7.30-9.00 am and evening 4.30 - 6.00 pm causing huge congestion and delays. Porchester Road is the main road for the whole area but currently Kuaka Drive gets priority for green light.
- Wootton Road needs safer crossing, & strange storyNow here is something very strange, Wotton Road does not have a pedestrian crossing just near Remuera side of Newmarket, Yet Garden Road just next to Remuera shopping centre had a pedestrian crossing both roads are entry/exit to a "No Exit". Yet often I cross both roads within 1/2 a hour of both, I just about always get motor traffic at Wotton road, yet get a lot less traffic at Garden Road. There also seems be slightly more pedestrians at Wotton Road
- No pedestrain room on theAs you can see from photo No pedestrian room on the driveway that goes nowhere.
- aCROSS the road from the driveway that goes nowhere & this driver is more considerNow as you can see from the photo, this car parks just as much as the other do on the driveway that goes nowhere, BUT AT LEAST PEDSESTRAINS CAN WALK ON THE FOOTPATH & NOT FORCED TO WALK ON THE ROAD
- How to get free parking space outside your houseNow as you can see by the photo this is a "Driveway that goes nowhere" When the road was done up the driveway was put in. MY ONLY OJECTION IS TWO CARS PARK IN IT MAKING PEDDESTRAIANS ARE FORCE TO WALK OUT ON THE ROAD, oneday I saw a old man on crutches been forced to walk out on the road
- Can't see bus stopSorry map pin not working for me. At 108 Hepburn road the bus stop is on a power pole behind trees. The bus driver can't see it and misses it if unfamiliar with the route. My kids both bus home now from school and I am asking for a separate pole with a bus stop sign to be placed next to the footpath. It is stop number 5540. We would be very grateful for a more visible stop as my son has had to walk further at times when the bus has a different driver. Thank you
- Street light outHi. The street light on Woodberry drive directly opposite Thyme Court has been out for a couple of weeks. Thanks.
- Street lights deadThere is a block of street lights eastbound on Highbrook Dr that have been dead for a while. This section of such a busy 70kph road is dangerous enough with ZERO commuter cycling infrastructure or consideration at all. In the dark mornings without lighting even more so. I'd be grateful to have some lights back on :-)
- Street lights deadThere is a block of street lights on Gt South Rd that have been dead for quite a while between Vestey Dr and Mt Richmond Dr. This busy road is dangerous enough with ZERO commuter cycling infrastructure or consideration at all. In the dark mornings without lighting even more so. I'd be grateful to have some lights back on :-)
- Crossing Island 124 Golf Road TitiranfgiSafety rail on the crossing island knocked flat two weeks ago. Many children use this crossing on a daily basis. Maybe the driver could not see the rail because the yellow paint had worn off.
- Heavy trucks using RoadAt 5am this morning a heavy truck drove down our street as a short cut to Settlement Rd. We have a narrow speed bump that the driver sped over causing the entire house to shake and wake us up. This is not the first time this has happened. The trucks don't need to drive down Onslow Rd, they merely use it as a shortcut, which is especially ridiculous at 5 am in the morning as there is no traffic. This is causing long term damage to the homes on Onslow Rd and needs to be stopped asap.
- Boat trailersBoat trailers along Beach Rd and surrounding areas are causing a traffic hazard. Owners of usually large vehicles + even wider trailers are restricting traffic flow to single lanes with drivers having to make blind decisions on corners.The new yachting club is obviously attracting many more boaties to this small beach and safe parking for trailers should be considered as a priority on week-ends especially.
- Request for speed humpsThere is increasingly more cars and trucks speeding through this street. The straight allows these vehicles to reach high speeds. For our children and pets could we please get some speed humps installed. Im scared that the next incident wont be a near miss.
- Footpath unbearableDuring my cycling commute home everyday this is the most dangerous stretch of road. There is no verge to pull over when cycling and cars become very aggressive trying to pass. The side walk is the safest option but it is so bumpy that it is unbearable. Please help.
- Road crossing/driveway very steepSince moving into our house, the road crossing from Uxbridge Rd to our drive has always been very steep. My car has always scraped unless you get the angle perfect, but I have just got a new car (standard car, not lowered) and it scrapes every time. Some of our neighbours have a 'bridge' over the gutter to reduce the steepness. It it possible to get this done on our road crossing. Thanks very much for reading. Greg
- traffic light phazingEver since the recent roadworks on Glemore drive, the traffic lights at the corner of Glenmore drive and the Pakuranga highway have not been giving enough green light time to the traffic travelling up the Pauranga highway towards howick. As a result, there is always a big cue backed up down the pakuranga highway at rush hour, trying to get through the intersection of Glenmore drive and Pauranga highway. Once you are through this intersection the traffic runs freely. More green light time needs to be given to the Pakuaranga highway straight through traffic and less to the Glenmore drive traffic.
- Footpath extension pleaseFootpath ends suddenly on west/south side of cascades rd. Where are footpath users supposed to go next? Too busy to cross this section of road safely. Could the footpath be extended <1km down to the bridge, where it continues again?
- Roadside car-parks causing congestion and dangerCar-parks on both sides of this busy road are causing congestion and many near-misses as cars wait to turn into businesses and following cars can't get past. Really need to restrict parking to one side of this road only. It is too narrow and too busy to have parking both sides.
- Damaged footpathLooks like truck has driven on footpath and destroyed it, Causing a significant hazard to footpath users.
- Lethal pothole for cyclistsOn the evening of 25th January on my cycle home from work, I was cycling down Kaurilands Road and I cycled over what appears to be a new pothole caused by some new road repairs outside number 86. For a car, this pothole wouldn't cause any problems but for me as a cyclist, it nearly killed me as it nearly threw me off my bike under a car that was passing me at the time I hit the pothole. It was just luck that I managed to stay on my bike and not fall off. This pot hole is particularly dangerous it occurs after a prolonged downhill on a smooth road surface and I would estimate that I was travelling at at least 25kmh at the time this happened.
- Yellow Lines and Vehicles Blocking FootpathHi Can you please redo the yellow lines under the Pohutakawa at end of street which is a turning bay. Cars are parking all day and it makes it hard for turning. Also the house on the corner of Lauriston and Middleton on lower side has a blocked driveway access on Lauriston Ave yet 2 cars constantly park in front of this across the footpath completely blocking it for pedestrians walking on that side of the street.
- Lights on continuouslySt lights on continuously - corner Manse and Argle also Argyle and Beach
- DRIVEWAY GOING NOWHERE: incidenti just saw someone having to walk off the feetpath onto the road and back on to feetpath, becauce the feetpath was blocked by two packed up against fence (see photo other day) this was a old man on cruthes. GREAT WORK WHY DONT YOU LOOK UP THE MEANING OF "SAFETY" and dont phone FIX IT,U MAKE ME SICK
- Part 2: the driveway that goes nowhere & blocks the feetpath.As you can see, hard to walk on the footpath.
- Part 1: someone missed the boat when the road was done upThis car often parks here like this over night.
- skin ripping 'weed' spreading over feetpathThe footpath is on manukau road, but the 'weed' is growing from number 1 golf Road, the 'weed' in question could be from the cactus family of weeds. This topic is not my speciality so I am just guessing.
- No pedestrians path wayThis road has an80kph speed limit which is so dangerous on gravel road with no paths. It is a very busy road during summer with people flying down the road. I almost died from a car flying around the. Corner.
- Street Light not workingLight has been inoperative for a few days. Pole numbered 74726. Installed on North side between numbers 13 and 11 Empire Rd Epsom (near Greenwoods Corner)
- Broken stormwater coverApprox 1 month ago the road and cul-de-sac we're re-sealed - Orchid place, Te Atatu south. The stormwater cover - the steel piece over the curb above the grate has been broken at this time - leaving a sharp steel point exposed and an open hole into the drain.
- multiple street lights out on this stretch of roadMultiple street lights out between DHL and the domestic terminal
- traffic ignoring no entry signage and driving at high speeds over speed bumpsI felt compelled to also report this issue. I live on Onslow Road the speeding over the speed bumps is a real issue. The speed bumps are so small drivers largely ignore them and are able to travel over them at high speeds. From the no entry end (that drivers enter through) there is absolutely no indication of speed bumps at all. It causes a lot of unnecessary traffic noise (thumps over the speed bumps and hoons driving down the road at high speeds and is also a danger risk for children at the early childhood center and schools located at on Onslow road. I totally agree that closing off the no entry end of Onslow Road and making it a no exit would resolve all these issues.
- Loose stones on roadJern Place, along with Eastern Beach Road, was resurfaced over 8 months ago, and the roads have never been properly swept of the loose stones that didn't stick. This is causing a hazard to cyclists, damage to cars, mess on driveways & noise
- Fire Hydrant Leaking RapidlyFire Hydrant on footpath is leaking constantly and overflowing the gutter
- Invisible MarkingsHI The road markings are not visible anymore & require urgent attention. Coming off the motorway turning right into Triangle road is probably the worst & an accident waiting to happen
- Boat and car parked illegally and without regoBoat and car parked in street with limited parking for neighbourhood. Very inconvenient for ALL residents.
- speeding cars - speed humpsMoyrus Crescent is a wide street and more roads are being developed further up the hill and feeding into this street. A huge number of cars are speeding on Moyrus and there are many many High school, intermediaate, primary and kindy children in the street. You can hear them speeding from far up the road. Would like to have speed humps considered for the street as the speeding is getting faster and faster and more common.
- Pot Holes on Hellyer roadover 15 of big potholes have reappeared on Hellyer road and been an ongoing issue every month. Drivers are taking evasive action facing traffic on the wrongside of the road to avoid these potholes Hope this can be attended to urgently Thanks
- CONE or SLIPPY city?Outside 241 Remuera Road, footpath very slippery with wet shoes & footpath is wet. I think a lot of people do not file a accident report when they slip over on the footpath as it makes it a lot harder to get a real good job.
- Pothole - Newton RoadThere is a pothole forming in the area roughly in front of numbers 16-18 on Newton Road, as highlighted in the picture attached. It may be the same one shown in the picture (taken from Google Streetview), or could be a new one, can't tell the exact position driving pass. Thank you.
- uneven roadaccording to the photo, when a truck passes the red area,the house is shaking.
- Overgrown Lavendar BushThis has been the case for 2 years now. Overgrown Lavender plants to point where hardly any of public footpath available.
- Islands and with shrubbery and trees1. As you enter Anderson Ave from Pilkington road, left side no longer has poles around it. Therefore cars are unaware of the island that has drop in hole and cars are being damaged. 2. Parking: The set islands in place prevent car parking for about 8 cars. They are now desperately needed as a set of townhouses inside gated land are using the street to park. Most tenants do not use their garages. Car parking is a real issue now where our families who have been here 50 years plus have near no space to park. It feels like a competition at the moment with whoever gets there first gets it rather than simply being able to park in front of your home. Please help! Real hard to talk to new residents inside gated property as they are already parked up and inside their gated place. Some simply don't want to engage even with a friendly smile and wave. They have garages but must be using for extra room etc.
- Islands and with shrubbery and trees1. As you enter Anderson Ave from Pilkington road, left side no longer has poles around it. Therefore cars are unaware of the island that has drop in hole and cars are being damaged. 2. Parking: The set islands in place prevent car parking for about 8 cars. They are now desperately needed as a set of townhouses inside gated land are using the street to park. Most tenants do not use their garages. Car parking is a real issue now where our families who have been here 50 years plus have near no space to park. It feels like a competition at the moment with whoever gets there first gets it rather than simply being able to park in front of your home. Please help! Real hard to talk to new residents inside gated property as they are already parked up and inside their gated place. Some simply don't want to engage even with a friendly smile and wave. They have garages but must be using for extra room etc.
- Broken uneven footpathOutside 36 Kelvin Road Papakura. Damage left behind by contractor. Elderly residents having difficulty negotiating pathway. Please repair before somebody is badly hurt.
- Cars parked dangerously near the edges of my driveGood morning I have a safety issue with the number of cars that park so close the edges of my drive. Wallace Street has a lot of units and a not enough parking in them. So there are a large number of cars that park on the street. It seems that most of them are high 4WD's. I have started to back into my driveway space so that when I exit I am forward facing. It is very dangerous trying to exit. Each side of me there are usually high 4WD's, parked right to the edge of my drive, some even over the drive. I cannot see through or over them to see oncoming traffic, so I edge out very slowly, normally to a blast of a horn as someone whips by. Believe me, there have been some near misses. It also concerns me as I often have my young granddaughter in the car with me. Wallace Street is a through road from the Harbour Bridge/Sarsfield St onto Grey Lynn and beyond and therefore extremely busy, especially in the morning with vans, trucks and traffic. One photo is attached, but I can furnish you with 34 photos taken just in the last few months of these cars if you tell me where to send them to, some cars also have tow bars, parked perilously close to my drive exit. Is there any chance you could paint a one metre yellow strip either side of my drive so cars don't park over it. I really feel strongly this is a safety issue and an accident waiting to happen. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you so much
- leak goneamazing the fasted thing that ever got fix, not any trace of any repairs, it was steady get worse last week. I am sure it was not the rain that did it, very odd if it did
- Mackwood Place street light brokenThe street light outside 5 Mackwood Place in not turning on at night
- lets make it harder to see the remaining time left to crossPart of the reason why you are getting so many reports from me it is takes so long to fix the "Time remaining harder to see when crossing diagonally" at Nuffield Street & Remuera Road
- big puddleAt the end of Nuffield Street & (not the end at Remuera road)
- lets make it harder to see the remaining time left to crossSince it takes so long to fix what I think is so long to fix, on something they should be fixed easily. I just noticed this the other day, the traffic light is blocking the time remaining lights for when you cross the road without the diagonal, this is pole #6 , even the ....
- What will happen next? When will it happen? More important should I not work over it, in case it does happen?This started as just a small leak a few days ago, now it is really beginning to spread out. Over the fence it is dry. It could be behind or over the stone wall at #19 Middelton Road, a few years ago a similar leak at number at #21. Hint: maybe the pipes has gone past used by date.
- The car is getting worse for parking taking up more footpath space. On a angleI posted the details other day.
- PotholeLarge pothole
- Footpath becoming carparkI have seen a white mazda parked the a few days in the past & this morning about 11am it takes up most of the footpath leaving a very short walkway each side of the vehicle, not so good if you were in a wheelchair, you would have to get run down by motorist. Often I see a "AT" company car in the neighbourhood maybe they could be given a short detour to check it out.
- Does AT care about pedestrain safety ?Here is something very interesting, the sun shades for the amber & green lights have disappeared?? HOW INTERESTING! that the pedestrian time remaining lamps shades can not be twisted around so that pedestrians diagonally crossing can still see the time remaining! so it looks much the same as the Manukau Road & Ranfurly Road intersection
- invisable crew doing maybe pico road works (Pico = 10*10-16) with another stray coneThe photo provided was taken on Wooten road just off Remuera road, but no road works, it could very well be that the road works was on Ely Avenue because when I forked off down Wooten road there was no road works, if I had of forked off down Ely Avenue There is a another stray cone, both the cone in the photo & the other stray cone has the marking "TMNZ" painted on it in big black font
- Red traffic light not workingI was on the 500 bus turning right from Pakuranga highway into Ti Rakau Drive and saw the red light next to red arrow not working, it is on the post at the medium strip between the Howick going traffic & the Panmure going traffic.
- Short phasing of right turn arrowThe right turn arrow will usually only stay green long enough to allow traffic to turn into central park. This sometimes has traffic banking up back to the roundabout causing a blockage there. Also parents that drop off students at one tree hill college use this right turn to do u-turns resulting in near misses. Due to the lengthy delays of sitting through many phases to get a green there has been an increasing number of cars driving through the intersection to do a U-turn to get into central park or to go back to the motorway interchange.
- 1km/9km cardiac marker missingfrom corner plumber street & quay street, (i am sure i report this missing a few months ago)
- yellow line required on 1 side of the cornerThere are always cars parked on both sides of the corner, this makes it dangerous as a driver going around the corner as there is space for only one car but you are unable to see oncoming traffic.
- ClearWayThere have been cars parking overnight here for months,but there still there in the mornings after &am when the clearway takes effect. It makes it dangerous larger taffic and getting in & out of driveways.Just need a traffic wrden to monitor it just after &am Mon-Friday for a short time.
- Arkles Bay footpaths are in a decrepit state.Many of the footpaths around Arkles Strand, Mckenzie Avenue, Herman St and Margaret Street in Arkles Bay, are in a very poor state and require repair or replacement. Arkles Strand is a heavy traffic area for people using the beach and the footpaths and kerbs are in a poor state and could be potentially dangerous for pedestrians. It seems that the areas that require attention to the footpaths are the older parts of Arkles Bayin close proximatey to the beach.
- Broken Yellow lines requiredAt the intersection of Fourth Avenue and School Road vehicles are parking on both sides of Fourth Avenue. As you drive up Fourth Avenue heading east you are forced into the middle of the very steep road and into a blind spot for vehicles heading west along Fourth Ave. There have been several near misses. It is very dangerous. Broken yellow lines are required on one or both sides.
- Accident Waiting to HappenUse caution as a pedestrian when crossing this road! Cars will come up this street unexpectedly at high speeds, and there is no safe way of crossing except to use extreme caution. Many near misses have happened between cars and pedestrians here.
- Dislodged keystone wall blocksTwo keystone blocks on the wall bordering the grass reserve and footpath have become dislodged and have fallen onto the footpath. Someone has stacked them so they are no longer a tripping hazard, however, the wall is now in need of repair as it's only a matter of time before further blocks fall.
- Fallen leaves hazard/general street cleaning/weedingPhoto 3 of 3: The steps from Beach Road to Castor Bay Reserve and the street on both The Esplanade and the access road in between the reserve and the beach itself require clearing of weeds and fallen leaves. Several stormwater drains are blocked as a result. Often there are cars parked on The Esplanade which may prevent the road sweeping having access so manually sweeping with a broom regularly would prevent this. The area, on the whole, looks very neglected.
- Fallen leaves hazard/general street cleaning/weedingPhoto 1 of 3: The steps from Beach Road to Castor Bay Reserve and the street on both The Esplanade and the access road in between the reserve and the beach itself require clearing of weeds and fallen leaves. Several stormwater drains are blocked as a result. Often there are cars parked on The Esplanade which may prevent the road sweeping having access so manually sweeping with a broom regularly would prevent this. The area, on the whole, looks very neglected.
- Fallen leaves hazard/general street cleaning/weedingPhoto 2 of 3: The steps from Beach Road to Castor Bay Reserve and the street on both The Esplanade and the access road in between the reserve and the beach itself require clearing of weeds and fallen leaves. Several stormwater drains are blocked as a result. Often there are cars parked on The Esplanade which may prevent the road sweeping having access so manually sweeping with a broom regularly would prevent this. The area, on the whole, looks very neglected.
- Auckland -- the killer or injury city,Just a few moments ago I saw another lady that could of got killed stepping out on the road because she heard the buzz of a different "cross now" I said to her a few minutes later when I caught up to her waiting and said "I saw that, when you stepped out on the road" she said "yes in Canada they have different sounding buzzers" I said "yes they lay the yellow crap out all the footpaths for the blind people, (referring to the footpath cancer) how do they know which buzzer is the buzz for them to cross the road in safety?" It just goes to show what a joke the city council is laying that crap on the footpaths when they do nothing to make it safer for the blind to cross the road on the correct buzz, last time a few years ago I saw a lady try to cross the road outside Auckland city hospital, when she heard the buzzer for the driveway go off. It also happened to me last week just outside 277 when I went to the supermarket but they were closed at 8:00pm (normal closing hours at 10pm) I was thinking of walking up to another supermarket in Remuera, why don't you all just have a good laugh then maybe a few people might get killed and it might make you wake up you idiots. At least there is some intelligents in Canada
- Visual Pollution: Invasive Motorhome on-street corner for Months now.There is a huge over-sized Motorhome polluting out street belonging to the occupants of 119 Roberta Crescent (Corrected last complaint not 113 but 119 Roberta Crescent) that remains parked on our street for weeks while not in use on the occasional weekend taking up 3 or 4 on-street parks for cars. They have not shown any genuine interest in finding a place on their property (2 car garage and a double turnaround) when suggested by neighbours on 2 seperate occasions... I would like to know please if is this a fineable offense? This has been an eye sore for months now and upon asking about this they could not give two thoughts about it. Photos attached.
- Pot hole in pavementBig whole cut out causing trip hazard
- Roadside drain overflowsThe roadside drain outside our driveway overflows & the water flows down our driveway & has washed out the metal. there is a culvert pipe from opposite side of road that drains the opposite side towards our side but ourside is a low point so there's nowhere for it to go.
- repaint with yellow lines to restrict parkingthere is a triangular white line on a small section of ground between the driveways of 6 and 8 Shaddock Street and small vehicles are often parked there all day. As a result the rubbish collection truck for 6 Shaddock St cannot gain access to the driveway. Can this area be painted in yellow lines to restrict parking?
- Blocking street access for trucks, wide cars, fire engines etc.cars parked directly opposite each other preventing vehicles from entering the street. Not the first time! We would really appreciate yellow lines on the first part of the street. We had to back our house truck up in to Sandringham Road and use next street to access our house at number 18
- South head road maintenanceThe council is not keeping up with the necessary maintenance to keep kiwis safe. Uneven surface aside, the holes are forming every day, the council is not keeping up with road inspections and subsequent maintenance. I'm a resident and I'm commuting to Auckland daily, there fore if the currents rates ain't sufficient to cover the costs, these should go up,to comply with H&S legislations. Also any non residents should be subject to tool fees. I only hope to get home safe at the end of my workday.
- Phasing Variation Gt South Road, Church Street intersectionHi There My staff and I have noticed a significant change in the time taken to get from Edinburgh street Onehunga and Great South Road Penrose. This is causing well over a 1000 m of delayed traffic along Neilson Street and Church Street. I think there may be a phasing problem at Great South Road and Church Street as all directions seem to be clear after that point with the exception of the motorway on ramp northbound on the Eastern Arterial. Could you possibly have a look at this through the camera and either confirm or debunk my suspicions and let me know if you could adjust the sequence. Your help is apreciated Cheers Richard
- blocked drainsThe drain running under the drive at 45 Wilma Rd and into the creek is blocked again causing large amounts of rain water to flood across road. It is caused by the recently laid loose chip washing into the drain. The chip has now also washed into the creek below road level
- Potholes in front of propertyDue to recent developments on point view drive, large trucks have created potholes in front of my property 19 Middlefield Drive. This is creating unwanted gravel onto my driveway.
- Vehicles parking close to intersection - no parking lines requiredYellow no parking lines need to be extended outside 41 and 43 Galvan Ave, Sunnyhills. The lines should reach at least the driveway of number 41 as vehicles are parking too close to the intersection, making it difficult to turn right from Stanniland St into Galvan Ave.
- Dangerous parking on bend causing a blind corner - numerous near miss accidentsArgyle road has now become a busy link road between Beach Road and Browns Bay Road especially parents on their way to and from Browns Bay Primary School. The road has a bend at top of the hill as you travel East from Beach Road. Cars are constantly parked on the road outside 16,14,12 & 11 creating a very dangerous blind corner if you approach from either direction. I personally have experienced a number of near miss accidentss and have witnessed a number more. Please help to have yellow no parking lines be painted on this dangerous bend before someone is seriously hurt - and hopefully not one of the many school children that travel on this road.
- Timing of light phasesCould Auckland transport review the traffic light timing at this intersection. From Monday to Friday between the hours of 7.20am to 8.00am, the lights are not in tune with the lights at the intersection of greenlane east and ascot rd. Therefore causing traffic coming from peach parade to a holt. You could sit there for at least five phases with only 2 cars getting through. The cars from greenlane east also face the same pain. There is something seriously wrong with the timing of theses lights.
- Car parking on approach to the bendThere are cars constantly parked on the uphill side of Castor Bay Road on the approach to the bend meaning one has to drive on the opposite drive of the road when going uphill. Considerable care has to be taken when driving up this road, which has become increasingly busier in recent years, as one is often blind-sighted on the approach to the bend making it extremely dangerous when there is oncoming downhill traffic. A possible solution could be to introduce parking for a limited period as often the same cars are parked for the duration of the day.
- rotary cardic footpath sign gonethe one corner plummer street & quay street, city 1km/9km marker gone away since footpath resurface
- Please fix our road it is full of potholes and damaging our carsHi Can you please fix our road it is full of potholes which are unavoidable on out wee bridge and it's starting to damage our cars. It has virtually no gravel apart from the top of the road where it join haruru road where there is a huge bump of gravel to climb over to get into adams road. This is an ongoing issue for everyone in our street and we need to have a permanent solution to improve our road
- No Street lighting at allThere used to be street lighting on Neesons Way, however it seems like the strong wind and rain recently have affected the wirings and all street lights are off.
- dangerous for passengerToo dark after the bridge. It is very dangerous for passenger. When I drive through, I can hardly see the people walking on the street.
- Street lightTree overgrown and cover the street light. Also there is not enough light for the street
- Driveway over footpath, abrupt curb.The curb to the driveway is very steep and abrupt.With todays modern cars they bottom out on the curb causing damage to cars and curb making it difficult getting in and out. There is also a raised manhole cover to manouver around. A small amount of blacktop would fix this, thanks.
- Vipond Road blind corner needs actionCars exceeding the speed limit and not adhering to the 'SLOW' road signage on this blind corner is making life dangerous for residents who pull out of their drive ways on this corner. I myself, with 2 kids in the car, feel I am risking my life every time I pull out onto the road, praying there isn't a car speeding right around the corner, out of sight. There is very limited visibility for those on the inside of the corner, I myself can only see as far as 1 driveway (on the inside lane) on both sides. Speed humps might be the only option, but something needs to be done to protect all the residents living in these homes. (The most dangerous is a shared driveway with 6 houses down it)
- Street lighting outside our houseHi, i'm hoping that you can help, the street light outside number 2 Fieldstone Court Northpark 2013, shines directly into our bedroom window. A lady i work with explained she had the same issue and the council were able to put something at the back of the light so only shone directly onto the street. kind thanks for your help.
- Green LightGreen Light does not stay green long enough from Titirangi Road turning right into Great North Road, towards Lynmall. Traffic only has a few seconds before it turns amber and then red. So as a result only three cars if you are lucky, get through. Unless the first car is really slow to move, then even less cars get through.
- Street light flickering on and offThe street light outside 119 konini road titirangi is flickering on and off at night. the cover on the light is also missing.
- Dead cat, and rubbish.By the train over-track walkway is a large pile of scattered rubbish, and, as you come off by the footpath on Railside Ave is a dead cat(most likely hit by a vehicle)lying on a blanket.
- Vehicle parked on footpath for about 7days now.Vehicle parked on footpath for about 7 days now. Top of Sunnyside road, Sunnyvale.
- Blocked intersection at peak periodsAt peak periods cars coming into Great North Road from Blockhouse Bay Road cram themselves onto the road when the lights turn green and block the intersection. If there was yellow lines covering the intersection then cars coming up great north road would leave enough room for the cars from blockhouse bay road to go through the intersection. Maybe even a camera as a deterrent taking photos of the cars blocking the intersection.
- Damaged FootpathFootpath is badly damaged and breaking away. This is in a school zone and there are many children and adults that use this footpath. The school also uses the footpath for the children's fitness, as they go around the block and through the park near the end of Porter Avenue. Many cars have been seen to park on the footpath, which has made the damage worse.
- No green left turn arrow from Gt North Road left into Felgrove Street when cars are exiting Felgrove street,Just tried to re-read what I had typed above to check for errors and it would not scroll.
- Broken Concrete on the FootpathThe Footpath outside Work and Income New Zealand and Best Pacific Training in New Lynn is broken and has been for over 3 years. A few months ago an elderly lady tripped on the broken concrete and fell and was injured and had to go to hospital for treatment. This needs to be fixed urgently to avoid more injuries caused by people tripping over the broken concrete
- Confusing Red/Green light..causing accidentsAt the corner of Croydon Road & Titirangi Road...People turning from Titirangi road right to Croydon Road having big issues & causing lots of accidents..it has lights there for Pedestrain crossing & it's very confusing...People take it Green to go right & ignoring upcoming traffic from Titirangi New Lynn bound thinking it will be red for them but it's green for them too...The green light is only for traffic going straight not turning right on croydon....I live on # 1 Croydon Road & almost every week there is an accident...Lots of people have complained about this but no action has been taken to fix this issue
- Speeding Vehicles Schnapper Rock RdMotorists constantly speeding in both directions from Albany Highway to/from North Shore Cemetery area. Speeds of 70-80kph are common in 50kph street, endangering local residents especially children trying to cross roads.
- Light outThe light at the top of the driveway to 52A Birdwood Road Swanson Is not working I think the bulb may need changing
- Oil on roadBlack car from nr 10 Black teal close leaking oil on road. Cars and bike slipping when going around corner
- A row of 15 street lights are out on Puhinui Rdrow of 15 street lights out on puhinui Rd SH20. in the area of the Orrs Rd intersection
- Road not cleared in rush hourA car parked near the address has caused 5 min congestion
- Traffic Lights beeping all nightTraffic lights beeping all night and consistently keep me awake. Corner of Sunnybrae Rd and Coronation Rd.
- Complete Danger areaComing out of Stonedon onto Cryers there are no lights or roundabout. Now have to contend with traffic coming off Highbrook. Barely able to get out of Stonedon. There is also two driveways coming out of VTNZ and Esquires directly opposite. This area is a mess with traffic and highly dangerous with multiple heavy trucks. Traffic trying to turn everywhere, and it has become very scary. Too add to this VTNZ now are doing driving tests out of there, so there are multiple Learner drivers thrown into this mix. There needs to be lights or a roundabout put in here or there are going to be some very serious truck vs car accidents in the future.
- Open storm water drainThere is a steel inlet cover which has become dislodged on Arkles Strand. It is very dangerous as its big enough for a small child or pet to fall into
- Street lightLamp not going in one street light in this vacinity
- Potholes causing flat tyresCorner of Denbigh Ave & Dominion Rd in Mt Roskill Gave me an instant flat tyre 25/07, and while changing the tyre, someone else also got one that ripped their tyre open
- New bright street light shining in bedroom windowA new street light of a particularly bright and cold colour has no deflectors fitted (or they're not adjusted right) so bright light enters our front bedrooms, even with blinds drawn.
- Street light no longer workingThe light outside 89 Summer Street is no longer working
- Speeding on street near school and childrenHi there, On Avondale road, near Rosebank road, there is constant speeding at almost boy racer speeds. This street has many school children walking to and from school everyday, and has children playing on the streets in the weekend. Some of the other streets off Rosebank road have speed bumps all the way down, but not Avondale road. Please can you do the same and put numerous speed bumps down this road to prevent people from hooning down. I usually don't do this sort of thing but I am genuinely concerned for people's safety! It just happens way to often. I know for a fact that the speed bumps would prevent these people from speeding. So please, get onto this as its a necessity.
- Speeding cars almost killing children and hitting other cards at roundaboutCars speeding around the corner of the roundable from Stanley St to Seaview Road causing concern. Cars slowing onto seaview are almost hit from behind by speeding following cars, and children crossing the street are also almost hit. There needs to be a redesign of the roundabout or a speedbump installed at the round able turning onto Seaview Rd
- traffic light timing is not working outI come out of McLoed road to turn right onto Te Atatu road every morning as it's the easiest place to make a right turn. A few weeks ago there were new corner street lights put in for pedestrians. That's great for pedestrians but the timing of the lights has changed. It's just too short. We are now finding ourselves all lined up down McLeod waiting for 3 or 4 sets of lights. It turns green and 2 cars get through then it's orange already. This morning it took 8 mini to get through this light. I am now seeing people run through the orange and red light out of frustration. This frustration is going to be a problem. They could hit another car or pedestrian as there are a lot of both traveling in the mornings. It did not used to be like this so please could you put the timing back to how it was?
- Pavement kerb brokenPavement kerb/ paving block crack and broken
- Potholes - Alfriston areaPotholes in Pacific Coast Highway between Mill Rd and Wasting Rd - mayby a little further - has quite a few Deep potholes that will damage a vehicle
- Roads not good / Street Lights not adequateHi.The roads on Francis Street, Hauraki seems like they were done 100 years ago.Can you please redo them as there are potholes appearing and it is not safe for anyone. The second issue is that the street lights on Francis Street, Hauraki are not adequate.There are lots of pitch dark areas and it is not safe to walk in the evenings/night. Please install more street lights. How about CCTV cameras on Jutland and Francis Streets?
- road not smooththe roads were done a few years back on penney av,mt roskill.but the roads are not smooth at all.it is a very bumpy ride in the car on that stretch of road.can someone please smoothen this road?
- no street lights.there is a long driveway at 14 penney av,mt roskill.there are no street lights anywhere close by.at night,people have tripped and injured themselves.plus it seems scary to walk alone in that area at night.it is a safety issue that someone needs to look at seriously.can you please install street lights at 14 penney av and specifically at the entrance or somewhere on the driveway at 14 penney av,mt roskill.thanks.
- Speedbumps / Speed Control MeasuresPlease can you investigate the addition of Speedbumps or some Speed Control Measures to this road. This is a blind corner, sloping down a hill. There are a number of road users not adhering to the speed limit almost all times of the day. To make matters worse this road is frequented by some sort of racing gang, as a number of noisy vehicles speed numerous times around here, including loss of traction around the corner and from surrounding intersections. A measure for the sake of deterring these crimes, reducing property damage (such as the total destruction of my wife's car this weekend), and the prevention of death of residents, needs to be urgently investigated. This will also deter a number of speeding vehicles at all times of the day, and almost certainly prevent someone's death on this road which children often walk along and cross.
- Light outThe last street light in this street (near the stairs to the beach) is not going and has been out for more than one week. This is a Health & Safety issue as many people use this area and without the street light operating could fall or trip
- Street light outStreet light out at the intersection of Clifton Road and Henson Road.
- Constant Flickering Street LightHi, the street light outside number 2 Thyme Court has been flickering / pulsating (and sometime dims to nothing) for months now. Is someone able to have a look at this? Thanks.
- Lumps in road on roundaboutThere are lumps in the road around the roundabout that make it dangerous when you're on a motorbike. The road surface needs to be fixed.
- Death trapThe road surface at the end of Clifton Road before it junctions with Potts Road has become so glazed over that it becomes like glass with any rainfall. I drive a 4 whhel drive European SUV and this slides on this corner section when wet at low speeds e.g. 70kmh (speed limit is 80kmh) but fortunately has electronics that counteracts any slide.
- Sunnyvale platform lights on during daytimeLights seem to be on 24/7, first noticed about a week ago. One of the lights (near the north end of the platform) needs replacing while you're at it.
- Trench not filled in properlyThere appears to be a trench of some kind dug across Gilles Avenue. It hasn't been filled in fully so there's quite a drop into it and with no warning signs up, in the dark it is quite dangerous.
- Light not workingThe light outside 54 Holland rd is not working. This is the only light in this part of the street, apart from one right down at the end. It is pitch black outside our houses with this light not working.
- Broken Storm water drain coverURGENT DANGEROUS - Wooden cover on drain stormwater cesspit broken.Corner of Anzac Rd and Routly Avenue, Pukekohe. Someone could step through it and break leg esp at night #poorstreetlighting
- No Parking lines missing on Gt North Rd at the Larch St accessWhen cars park on Great North road Avondale across the Larch St intersection the traffic travelling north to New Lynn are then forced to stop when traffic is waiting to turn right into Larch Street. Attached photo shows a damaged car parked there as it was hit due to this problem.
- Road needs sweeping of loose stones from sealingDowner sealed Oakland Road many months ago and have never returned to sweep loose stones. I jogged along here during the school drop off 'rush hour' and was getting stones flicked up at me the whole time I was running along the footpath in the section of Oakland Road between Hingaia Road and Hayfield Road.
- Maintenace required PleaseWidth in parts - single lane alongside 48 and notice on a post re this has gone missing due to housing development, many potholes and mud, lack of metal since being graded last month.
- Street blocked with parked cars every dayNZRPG have turned a significant portion of the Westgate Shopping Centre car-parking into Paid Reserved or Pay and Display parking. This has meant shop staff now fill our streets every morning with their cars - Lazurite, Pyrite and Arlose are narrow streets. Lazurite is not even kerbed on the park side. Local residents can't pull out of their own driveways without performing a half-dozen point manouevre. Cars parked solid on both sides of each road reduce them to less than one lane of driveability - only one car can travel in each direction at a time, creating a ridiculous "Give Way" situation. For larger vehicles it is a nightmare - many simply give up and try to find another road. Our rubbish and recycling truck companies must have complained by now - the wheelie-bin truck is actually ignoring bins since he can't reach them! To pull out of Arlose Place into Lazurite each morning, I am forced to wait for any driver heading towards me who has entered the "gauntlet" from over 200 metres away... and then wait for the inevitable next car that follows. Most often, they are cars driving up to my street to add to the parking chaos! I can spend 15 minutes just waiting to drive from my narrow suburban road onto another narrow suburban road. There are no parking bays, no room left for two cars to pass each other, and as I have mentioned there isn't even a kerb on Lazurite - many parked cars are putting wheels onto the grass verge, turning it into a mud-bath. My strong suggestion is that Council dotted-yellow-line the BUSH side of the street, and then clearly mark the HOUSING side of the street (including all Pyrite and Arlose) NO PARKING 9-4 WEEKDAYS, and RESIDENTS CARS ONLY WEEKENDS. Please take note of the uploaded photos of our street - taken in the middle of the day, on a shopping day. This idiocy needs to be stopped quickly - before council land is further damaged, and before the inevitable accident occurs. Thank you.
- Alpers Avenue, EpsomParking should never be permitted on the left lane of this street and there is no need for it when the right side has parking available which does not impede the right lane. The left lane is for left turning vehicles only and just one parked car will force vehicles into the centre lane motorway traffic which is usually backed up.
- Owens Road, EpsomWhy does Auckland Transport continue to pay a contractor to clean my street when the job never gets done? The gutters have become so clogged with debris that weeds are growing there and the drains are blocked. For a few days a couple of years ago, workmen with blowers cleaned out the gutters but they haven't been seen since
- Loose chip hazardousNew surface was layed to a large portion of Mountain View Rd, Western Springs some months ago. This alone was executed in an unacceptable manner and time frame. The excessive loose chip that now remains is extremely hazardous. Home owners like myself and other residents would greatly appreciate some action on this front.
- Street light outThe street light outside number 5 Ward Terrace, Sandringham, Auckland is out.
- Where in the road code?Where in the road code? Where in the road code does it say a part of the road raise to the same level is a “pedestrian crossing” as I said some years ago at the report http://fixmystreet.org.nz/issue/4767 The attached phone is what looks like the only pedestrian crossing I know of, this when motorist should stop so a pedestrian can walk safely in front of them.
- Truck parked in cul de sacNeighbour parks his large truck in our small cul de sac which sometimes causes safety issues with other neighbours cars going in and out of the cul de sac and limits vision for cars reversing out of their driveways. It parks on the wrong side of the road as well. It often has large 20/40 ft containers loaded. We have a lot of young children in our small street who all play together in the street, although they don't have children. It has no other way of leaving the cul de sac but to reverse all the way out and cause safety concerns as it reverses in to another Ensor place to drive out of Geoffrey place or back in to be able to drive straight out. They also have other unused vehicles which are parked illegally in the cul de sac.
- A lot of illegally parked cars on Glamorgan DriveA lot of cars are parking illegally on Glamorgan Drive. They are in the way of traffic causing traffic congestion and risk of head on collision. It's only a matter of time until this results in an accident. There are also a lot of vehicles parked on grass.
- Grass encrouching on pavement in Deep Creek RoadGrass is growing on the Deep creek road pavement (around 107. close to the bridge, accross the road from Sailing club greens), reducing it to a very narrow path. Council workers are trimming the grass, but this is not helping. They need to remove the layer of grass and soil to clear the path
- Large, very dangerous potholeYesterday 31 May, I struck a massive pothole, which appears to have been caused by incomplete roadworks. It caused me to lose control of my scooter, so I suggest it is fixed immediately to prevent injury/death of other motorcyclists.
- Pot holesHi yet again the same potholes have appeared after the start of the rainy season. There is a lot of traffic avoiding these potholes causing them to drive in the centre or wrong side of the road. Please either tar or do an intermediate fix Thanks
- Steet Lights Not workingWe noted around 5 street lights n John Jennings and a few on Field parade out of order for some time now. Any chance of someone fixing this as it creates opportunities for crime.
- Footpath needs to be marked “reserved for rubbish bins, all week roundThere are rubbish bins & recycle bins always blocking the footpath all week round. I could understand it if they where just out at rubbish collecting day. But this photo was taken late Friday afternoon just near the corner of Carbine road & Waipuna road, it was taken on Carbine road looking towards Waipuna road intersection. In the residential part of carbine road. There is lots of free space on the land where grass grows they could shove their bins, I have seen from time to time lady pushing prams, rather sad if the wheels fall over the kerb and the baby gets run over. I always like to pass a oncoming pram on the kerb side of the pram for this reason. On Monday a day or two before next collection day I might start collecting bin numbers printed on the bins still left on the footpaths, so you do not have to visit carbine road or any other neighbouring road, you just look up your records from your office. Note: I used number 1 Carbine road to bring up the map, number 1 carbine road is not a residential address, it is a very small park, I did not want to put in a number when they do not leave bins on the footpath I was in a rush to catch a bus on Ellerslie - panmure highway, I only had time for a quick photo.
- Drain cover missing in roadIt appears the road has been re tared recently. A drain has been covered with a thin piece of aluminium and covered with road tar. This was never going to stay in place for long and now the drain is uncovered. This is right next to the bus stop. It is especially dangerous to bicycles and motorcycle
- cars parking to close to driveway entrance/exitcars continually park to close to the driveway entrance/exit making it difficult for trucks to enter/exit number 5 and 7 causing the street to back up at times. please put yellow no parking lines either side of driveway entrance.
- Cars stopping in clear wayOn most days there are cars stopping outside shops around 108 Onewa Road in the clear way during evening rush hour. This forces the bus to break into the traffic slowing both the bus and the one lane of traffic. This frustrates the bus drivers and is a safety risk to traffic.
- Several Lights are not working and large Gaps between lightsI live at number 68 Anselmi Ridge Road. Serveral of the street lights on the road is not working. Some street lights are completely missing. This has lead to the street being very dark overall. Lack of lighting poses a risk to property, and safety of people, animals down the road
- Wellington St, Great South Road intersectionWellington Street is the final part of the Papakura bypass. Unfortunately the traffic light phasing doesn't recognise this and always defaults to traffic travelling from town centre. Time for vehicles on Wellington Street is also very short
- Clearway not clear at rush hourArea on East St from Queen to Elliot continually has cars parked after the 4pm time of the clearway causing huge traffic problems. Could this area be policed and also include the area between Coles Cres and Queen Stas part of this clearway
- Robley crescent footpath is breaking apartThere are cracks all down the old path. It hasn't been maintained in a long time. Are there plans to replace it? If not, can the cracks be sealed? There are a large number of them though so I would suspect the former would be a cheaper option
- Cars Parked on footpathWe appear to have a number of car owners that think the footpath is their private car parking space. When I go walking I have issues avoiding them with dogs in tow. Main culprits are at 30-32 Chesterfield ave and the start of athlone ave.
- Excessively loud manhole outside campgroundThere is a manhole directly outside of the Orewa Beach Camp and when a car drives over it, it makes a very loud double bang. This happens all night long and I am finding it very hard to sleep. The manhole is situated northbound just south of the lights where Centreway Road turns off.
- can not see time remaining when crossing diagonalcan not see time remaining when crossing diagonal, same problem as before the "sun shield" Corner Karangahape arggh & Symonds Street & Grafton bridge. It has not been well thought out (just like footpath cancer"
- cars parking at end of roadcars park around the end of the cul-de-sac on this busy industrial street, any chance of getting the yellow no parking lines painted as very big trucks are always needing to turn around and is becoming dangerous when cars are in the way.
- broken footpathsThe footpath on both sides of lancaster raod is in very poor condition, it's broken, cracked, crumbling and uneven, I today walked my kids to school and have taken photos of 185 different damaged section of footpath, and this is only walking from #46 up one side of the road to #1 (to the school on tramway) and back on the other. and there is more damaged paths heading down to beach haven road and along beach haven road. I can supply photos if required.
- Speeding vehicles & dangerous drivingWe've lived in this street for the last 11 years. Over the last few there has been an increase in vehicles driving up & down in a dangerous manner, drifting, passing dangerously, excessive speed & in a generally inconsiderate manner. By the time we've been able to get a look the vehicles have normally gone so we've not been able to get a decent description. This past Friday a dog across the road was killed by a driver who failed to stop & check on th e animal. This was witnessed by a couple of neighbours. I think it's time that speed humps were put in as a permanent disincentive. It's getting to the stage where someone's going to get seriously hurt soon.
- Speeding and dangerous parkingI have noticed that there are many cars driving very fast especially around bends. The landing is full of children and kids playing outside as well as beloved animals. I have already had one animal knocked over by a speeding car. I would love to see some speed bumps put in place or some areas marked 'no parking' as there are specific places that people park which blocks the view of oncoming traffic as well as pedestrians which is particuarly dangerous when speed is a factor.
- Street light not workingThe street light on my side of the road above my driveway (132 Victory Rd Laingholm) is not working and someone trying to come down the drive almost had an accident as a result.
- footpath gone awayA couple of months ago, the roadway on Lauriston Avenue was resurfaced, while they did that they included space a driveway into 23 Middleton road, At the present date the driveway has not gone into 23 Middleton road, so the wooden fence is still there, unfortunately cars park in the driveway with the front of their car hard up against the wooden fence totally blocking the footpath leavening pedestrians to walk out on the busy road.
- lights always phasing when emptyThe lights on Cavendish Dr and Glasgow are phasing for the side street and doctors facility even when noone is there
- Phasing of lights unsafeThe time the lights are green for traffic to proceed from Williamson Ave (WA) and Bayswater Ave (BA) is far too short especially in relation to the very long time traffic has to proceed straight along Lake Road. There is now constantly quite a number of cars queueing to proceed from WA and BA. There is only enough time for 3 cars in total to proceed safely often leaving 4-20 cars waiting through 2 or more phase changes!! Ridiculous! This causes drivers to constantly take risks and try to turn before traffic that has right of way to go straight ahead and also causes drivers to run orange and red lights. So often I have nearly been crashed into because of both of the above. Some cars seem to think they actually have right of way turning from BA into Lake Rd and toot abusively at those to going straight across from WA and the same the opposite way. this happened to me yesterday and I only managed to swerve in the nick of time to avoid the turning car crashing into me. The phasing needs to change immediately and give the BA and WA traffic significantly longer with the green light. Accidents and near accidents occur regularly because of the short phasing. Also there should really be 2 marked lanes on each side of the intersection, one for straight ahead and one for turning. There is room to make these changes. Cars often don't indicate if they're turning also.
- Short phasingThe green arrow from Blockhouse into New North road is too short - cars frequently sit through 3 sets of lights or go through the red due to frustration...
- street light outStreet light out on south side of skilling place as you enter the cul-de-sac.
- Street Light OutThe street light outside 38 Galloway Crescent is out. It has not been working since about April 19, 2016.
- difficult access for my car and neighboursCars park outside No 9 each day. It makes it difficult for me to get my car in and out of the garage as there is a concrete post beside the exit. They park so close that I can't back out. If they park forward they restrict access to the property next door at the end of the street. Those owners have a van and it's very trick to get in and out. Yesterday there were two cars parked outside No 9 and access to the neighbours property and my garage was seriously restricted. Often they park half on the pavement which restricts access to the gate. The idea would actually be dotted yellow lines like the opposite side. I also have another issue of someone dumping a huge thing like a satelite dish across the road - Ill do another issue for that. Many thanks. I don't like to complain because I understand the parking issues but people are not respecting our access. Many thanks, Rosemary Wheeler
- Boy racers in Mount WellingtonOver the last week or two, boy racers have moved into Mount Wellington. My nights are now filled with the sounds of revving engines and squealing tyres. Last night I was woken at 3:30 am by what I assume from the sound was a street race that had at least one car pass down my street. I don't know exactly where they are, but they can be heard clearly from what I'm sure must be several blocks away and seem to be there most nights.
- Massive hole/mound in middle or roadHi - a huge hole was made in the middle of our road (Verena Place) presumably by a large truck, at the beginning of this year (2016). A very rough job was undertaken to fill the hole which then created a massive mound of tar-seal (think higher than a normal speed hump). This mound has subsequently been squashed and is now a hole, plus mound on the sides, with broken road, covering almost the entire width of road. I understand large trucks will continue to use the road while construction of two houses is yet to be completed, however, the hole/mound is now so bad you cannot avoid it by swerving and the bottom of our car scrapes along it every time we drive up or down the street. If left as is, we will likely soon have to park at the end of the road and walk to our property. We would greatly appreciate at least a reasonable short-term solution. Perhaps a temporary plastic covering/bridge. Many thanks.
- Lamp housing damagePosted by Anonymous at 18 April 2016 - 10:38pm.# Streetlight outside 44 Nigel Road, Browns Bay, next to the 11KV transformer needs adjustment, causes bad glare to the west and doesn't wash street properly to the east. Looks like ceramic lamp holder internal to fitting has slipped/broken from its mount, no longer sitting where it should in the reflector. This makes it execced the recommended degree of tilt as per the Auckland Transport Code of Practice for Street Lighting, 19.7.1. Should be relatively straight forward fix.
- Very narrow road -also no car parkdown the bottom in near 5 Percy Greens is very poor - there are new houses but no additional on-street parking. There is a grass verge outside number 5 Percy greens, Silverdale - suggest grass verges are turned into carparks.Street is very narrow
- Cars losing tractionThis area of Kimpton Rd is increasing become a junction for cars doing donuts, day and night with little regard for anyone else. Also cars speed along Kimpton Rd in excess of 70kph at a guess. There's a crash waiting to happen. I would suggest a traffic island at the junction of Hamilton rd and perhaps speed humps along Kimpton Rd.
- Two sections of street lights not workingBetween 130 Rangatira Road, Beach Haven and down to the roundabout there are two separate sections of street lights not working.
- Street light not workingStreet light outside 8 Manse Road not working.
- Burnout (tyre) marks on the roadBurnout marks on the road from boyracers. Please remove them as they make the street look horrible.
- streetlight not workingThe streetlight flickers on and off and has done for the last year and a half. PLEASE fix. Thank you :-)
- Traffic Light PhasingHi guys, Ever since some roadworks were done on Mays Road Onehunga, the traffic lights at the intersection of Captain Springs Road have been on a timer - when they should have been moved back to normal sensor traffic flows. The timer is meaning that traffic is building up in the surrounding streets, including past the nearly by school (Te Papapa Primary). Can i request that this is looked at? Thanks in advance. Dean
- Overhanging bushes and treesThe bushes and trees on the property at 86 Williamson Ave (on the Beaconsfield St side of the property) are dangerously overhanging the footpath at head level and making it impossible to use the footpath. The property owner has never trimmed these plants back and also relies on the council to do their grass verge so that area is also often overgrown.
- Street light too brightHi, the street light across the road from us (between 263 and 265 Penrose Road) was recently repaired at the same time we trimmed our hedge and it now shines very brightly into our bedroom at night. I've seen some lights with a partial cover on them - is it possible for one to be added please?
- RatsLarge rats nest at the bus stop. Three entry and exit holes by the Bus Stop sign. Lots of rat activity and a couple of recent dead bodies.
- Overgrown Hedge Obstruction FootpathThe boundary hedge at this property runs alongside the footpath for over 20m. It is overgrown and forces pedestrians to walk on the grass berm. In addition, there are bougainvillea branches carrying long thorns sticking out that are like strand of barbed wire that can catch unwary pedestrians.
- Speed bumps needsThere is a constant flow of speeding vehicles including large trucks that rattle houses as the fly down the street. There are preschools and a sports ground on the street and it has got increasingly bad since maich Rd got speed bumps.
- Car parking across footpathThe property recently constructed a new garage without the normal setback for parking. They now park their car across the footpath. Why did the council allow the garage to be built like this in the first place. This problem was always going to happen. Now pedestrians have to walk into the road on a dangerous corner.
- No footpath on seaside of Stanmore Bay Road, WhangaparaoaThere is no foot path on one side of the road and as this side has a steep bank and has blind corners it is very unsafe for pedestrians including many school students to walk safely and or to cross to the footpath side where bus stops are located and the back entrance to the Whangaparaoa College. It was my understanding that it was a priority for footpaths to be completed around schools? Even if students took themselves to the front gate before crossing as there is no consistent footpath this also put them at risk. If we are going to achieve a community where parents are to feel safe about letting our kids walk/bike to school this can only be done of there are footpaths available. Whangaparaoa is a developed suburb that is not holiday place any more that deserves better for its residents.
- Dangerous pot holeWest bound lane has pot hole on narrow portion of road as you go over bridge. Vehicles are swerving to miss it and narrowly avoiding a head on collision due to the narrow bridge
- street lights out6th night running no street lights.Why hast any thing been done about it. This is not the first notice. Phone me with update
- Street lighting not working.The street light just outside my house on the Peek Street side is not working. Needs to be fixed as is a security risk to cars parked around the area and also to pedestrians walking around at night. Other street lights around the area are working.
- street lights not workingthis is the 5th night running that street lights in Chantal Place, Fairdale ave and settlement road that we have no lights. nothing getting done about it, very unsafe, dangerous
- Yellow Lines needed on the side of the road.It is very dangerous for us coming out of the driveway and wanting to turn right because when cars are parked on the side of the road it is very hard for us to see cars coming down the hill and it can create potential crashes.
- Trash in bus stopThere is a lot of trash in the bus stop outside 26 Triton drive - drink cans, bits of paper shoved into gaps in the shelter etc.
- Park lighting broken - Taylor's Park, Mt EdenBoth lights in Taylor's Park aren't working
- Street lightingStreet lighting on Fred Taylor Drive between Northside Drive and Hailes Road not going - has been out for several weeks - very dark, and dangerous especially trying to go into properties and speed limit along this stretch is 80kph so traffic travels a bit faster
- Very dark and scary footpathHi, just noticed that lights were placed onto Jenanne Place but the spot where the entrance to Wanita reserve footpath remains so dark and feels so unsafe. They did put up a new sign over the footpath but more importantly is lighting as it could lead to accidents. This is a downhill path from Jenanne and I have seen some older people trip and fall on the way down to the reserve.
- Uneven road (dip) on Great North RoadGoing down Great North Rd, at the ped crossing outside the school is a dip in the road, as trucks and trailers go over it the load crashes and bangs unnecessarily, waking residents (such as myself) in the middle of the night, the whole house shakes when it happens.
- Pedestrain Underpass/bridge for school students at Silverdale primary.Please can a pedestrian underpass or bridge across millwater park roadway be constructed for school children to safely cross the road. At present there have been news items and 'mums' protest about cars running red lights. A pedestrian underpass, or pedestrian bridge, will improve traffic congestion along millwater parkway before / after school hours.
- Light sequencingThe roads have metal detecting loops - if there's no cars on bankside road, or school road, please adjust light sequence to give priority to through traffic on Millwater Parkway.
- Wet patch on foot pathPermanent wet patch on foot path, not leaking from watercare nor privately. Suspect ground water.
- xtraThe repeated rego. numbered cars are obstructing to go in and to come out from the driveway. this evening from 5.20 onwards more than 35 minutes 25% of drive way was blocking and might be still not moved yet. please fix it.
- Litter on the streetHi. I just wanted to report that there is a lot of litter on the road as you enter Norrie Smith Avenue, Flatbush. These include bottles, cans, paper and a mattress. Can this issue please be looked at. Thank you.
- Litter on the streetHi. I just wanted to report that there is a lot of litter on Penion drive, Flatbush as you enter the street. These include bottles, cans and papers. Can this problem be fixed. Thank You.
- Potholes and bad CorrugationBad Corrugation on the road, needs to be fixed
- Short Phase Traffic Light Turning Right from TristramThere was a short phase right turn light at 11.10am this morning which only let through one other car and our own turning on to Forrest Hill Road from Tristram Ave.
- Car Repeatedly Parking on BermThis car is constantly parking on the berm outside my property, churning up the grass, making it patchy and difficult to mow (particularly when covered by the car). It also obscures the view of the road from my driveway. The car is often there before 7am and after 7pm, and on occasion, all day. The road is of a good width (as evidenced by the other cars that leave all 4 wheels on the tarmac), and there is no excuse for having to continually park on the berm.
- Speeding trafficTraffic travels down this road at speed (it is used as a 'rat run' to avoid Glendale Rd). The road is a narrow, residential zone, with access pathways to the local primary school and kindergarten.
- Wobbling cycle standThis stand is wobbly and needs fixing please
- Red Light runnersCars driving north through The Furlong intersection don't look at lights next to them but further up road at Glenora Rd. Lights turn red at The Furlong but 50metres up Gr South Rd the Glenora Rd lights are still green. This causes a hazard for pedestrians about to cross at The Furlong
- Street Lights are Remaining On 24/7Something is wrong with the Switching Gear as the Street Lights have been remaining on since Xmas.
- short phasing in morning trafficTraffic lights short phasing on Friday morning around 830am creating a massive backlog of traffic along great north road, backing up to Glendene.
- Speeding in Juliet, HowickDrivers are doing excessive speeding down Juliet Ave, Howick. Not only is it extremely loud, but extremely dangerous. It's almost like drivers feel like they have to try and pick up speed as soon as the enter the road from the east side and gun it as quickly as they possibly can. This is very concerning as it's completely unsafe for kids walking remotely close to the side of the road, nevermind crossing the road. Something needs to be done here - be it a speedbump or even a speeding camera. Please consider this to a great degree of urgency.
- street lights are not workingCan you please fix the street lights? the two lights between No40 and No46 Moncrieff Ave Clendon Park. That two street lights are out for a long time. It leaves large parts of road and foot path in the dark.
- Cars parked across footpath - Puka StCars regularly park over the footpath on Puka St. There is no grass berm between the footpath and the road so cars that park half over the road are directly on the footpath. The footpath is already narrow and filled with obstacles (telephone poles, bins on rubbish day etc). Pedestrians often use the road to walk the whole length because of the number of obstructions. Two examples of cars are shown in the picture - left hand foreground and right hand background.
- Street sealing is breaking upStreet resealed in Oct. Tar melting, stones chips loose and are being flicked up by vehicles and causing safety hazard to peds. Also street is on a slope and weekly rubbish/recycling truck is making the situation worse. It is ripping up the surface. Stone chips are being carried into residents homes, due to soft tar, on shoes, car tyres etc. Other residents are experimenting the same problems.
- Need Yellow No Parking Lines on Lucia GladeHi Can we please request the council to paint yellow lines on one side of Lucia Glade up to the area beside the Our Lady of Fatima presbytery? During mass times, people park on both sides of the street. This causes traffic congestion and a risk in case of emergency when fire trucks or police cars need to get inside the area. The parish priest has been told that putting traffic cones on the street even just during mass times is not permitted as it is council property. We look forward to your kind consideration. regards
- Need traffic lights intersection westney road and kirkbride roadVery dangerous and heavy traffic flow area needs traffic lights to reduce accidents and near misses.
- road floodingattached is the reason why there was flooding, I went passed this spot on the howick & eastern bus about 9am Sunday morning after the big rains had stopped the flooding was at least 1/3 way across great south road, since most of the buses now have radio contact with their base, it surprises me that the base does not have a "hot line" so they can report it to Auckland City.C. and it can be cleared of the flood before it stops raining. The address is outside 216 not 224 as I reported on this web site yesterday.
- Great south toad flooded greenlaneRound about 224 great south road outside Laura fergerson trust
- overgrown trees obstruciting pathproperties 69 & 71 Malvern road both have trees obstructing more than 50% of the path. At least one of the properties is tenanted and they dont seem interested in doing any maintenance
- Sinkhole formingThere is a hole approx 6 inches wide approx 12 inches away from the edge of a grate across a culvert in the road directly opposite my driveway (straight outside 43 Codrington Cres). Whilst small now there is nothing underneath so it looks like a sinkhole is forming that could become dangerous.
- CrackSome crack/ damage on the side of the pavement.photo attached.
- Recommend installing traffic lights in this dangerous intersectionI want to strongly recommend the Auckland Council to install traffic lights in this dangerous intersection. As I write this letter, there has just been a serious car accident at this intersection. This is an intersection which does not have traffic lights. It has a high volume of traffic, especially through Gladstone Rd and St Stephens Ave. The layout of the intersection is unconventional, therefore drivers are often confused as to who has the right of way. Cars turning into Gladstone Rd from Takutai Street (or St Stephens Ave) has to look for traffic in three directions, and I have had a couple close calls myself. This intersection is right next to Parnell District School, and it poses a danger to the children attending the primary school. I look forward to hearing back from you. Thank you.
- Dangerous/Slippery Utility GrateThere is a dangerous utility grate in front of 2A Diamond Street in Eden Terrace that becomes extremely slippery when wet. Because it is located on a steep hill in the middle of a narrow footpath, it is easy for people to slip and fall. Some sort of non-slip coating would be appreciated.
- Broken Footpath opposite 18 Goodwood DriveThe large Tree needs to be Cut Down. It causes Leave Problems in the Winter, plus the Roots have broken up the Footpath and it is now a Serious Safety Hazard. Please cut down Tree ASAP and Fix Footpath and all us neighbours will be happy.
- Install traffic lights-T junction between ramp road and sunset road is extremely dangerous and extremely busy in mornings and afternoons. With the lack of driving confidence of more than half of the drivers using the road, it is made even more dangerous. There is a lack of the understanding that while all traffic coming along sunset rd and wanting to turn left on ramp rd, a driver from ramp rd waiting to turn right on sunset can go, while still being mindful of traffic on sunset road. However if traffic on sunset wanting to turn right on ramp rd, do not wait behind the line, drivers from ramp rd aren't able to turn right on sunset. -Sunset road carries a huge amount of cars in both directions coming from unsworth heights, east coast road and sycamore dr and cars do go very fast, not leaving big enough gaps to take turns out of ramp rd onto sunset rd. -The fast speed of cars also contributes to not seeing a smaller car traveling along sunset behind a bigger vehicle, for example van or truck, the truck turns left onto ramp rd and if a driver from ramp rd doesn't pay close attention the smaller speeding car "jumps" out from behind the turning truck. If the driver from ramp rd is already started to turn right onto sunset rd, you are toast. Please please please can a solutions for a better intersection be found please please, have been traveling this route for years now and it's getting more and more dangerous.
- Overgrown traffic lightsOn c/o Rosedale and bush rd, on the corner by the daycare centre, traffic lights is overgrown by tree branch and leaves
- Traffic Lights needed at Intersection with Harrison Rd & Ellerslie-Panmure HwyWith development of the new Sommerset resthome and the ever-growing commercial headquarters on Harrison Road this intersection is often very busy. Once the resthome is opened there will be even more demand on this already busy junction. Traffic lights are desperatley needed here.
- Speeding cars - Speed hump requestVictoria Street gets used as a cut through from Mt Smart Road to Church Street and/or Neilson Street. The road appears to be widest between Mt Smart road and Arthur Street roundabout. Cars are regularly speeding up and down the street and its quite dangerous to get out of your car if you park on the street. Peoples cars are getting side swiped too (unknown if reported)and one of the neighbours cars was written off while rear ended when it was parked. I have seem 3 car wing mirrors on the street in the last 2 months. Trucks are going far too fast down Victoria street too.
- Traffic light turn right from nelson strret to cook street is offHigh priority. The right turn light from Nelson street to cook street,auckland central is off. Could AT fix it, please? I saw near miss accident on this intersection.Vehicle almost hit pedestrian From nelson street turn right to cook street, the right turn light is off
- Speed bumpsHi there, growth and housing developments have greatly increase the number of vehicles using our road and using it dangerously by speeding. There is a school within 200m end of our street and a park which lots of children use. Cars regularly race through the chicanes (which look incomplete). I think speed bumps leading into the S bend near the park and on the downhill sections will make it much safer. We recently reported a car crash but the police were too busy to attend.
- High crash zone in Intersection of Great North Road & Awaroa RdThe intersection of Great North Road & Awaroa Road, Glendene requires attention. Since moving to the area in August, I've witnessed 6 car crashes, one of them serious. This intersection covers two lanes each side & a side street (Awaroa Rd). The biggest safety concern is the Right-turning traffic from Awaroa Rd onto Great North Rd, and the right-turning traffic from Great North Rd onto Awaroa Rd. Vehicles making a right-hand turn have to cross two lanes and watch for on-coming traffic. Traffic from Awaroa Rd have a 'Stop' sign, but this doesn't help. There's have been too many near misses. There are traffic lights at either end of Great North Road, which help with congestion a little. But doesn't help make it less dangerous. The logical approach would be to remove the right-hand turn from both Awaroa Rd and Great North Road. Lights will only make the congestion worse
- CArs driving on the pavementHi, I commute along universal drive Lincoln road and onto the the city bound motorway mon - fri at approx 6:15 am. For the last few weeks the traffic has got extremely congested. SO much so that cars are now mounting the pavement on Universal drive and driving up to the cut through at Tudor road. then once on Lincoln road there has been a massive increase in road rage incidents caused by motorists cutting in from the left lane to the right lane near the light at Triangle road. There is going to be a serious accident or serious incident here soon. The remedy I believe is to make both lanes on Lincoln road able to access the city bound link to the motorway easing the congestion and stopping the temptation for motorists to drive down the pavements. for a very short period of time earlier this year it was done and made a huge difference to the traffic flow and driver anger. If what I have explained isn't clear I'd be happy to come and explain my point in person. Yours very concerned Graham Bastow
- St.Heliers Bay Rd. and St.John's Rd traffic lightsTraffic lights on intersection of St.Heliers Bay road and St.John's Rd are working very weird.In particular,it is almost impossible to turn right from St.Johns. Rd to St.Heliers Bay Rd due to phasing for a right green light arrow is so long,taking up to 5 minites,therefore traffic building up on St.John's road.Some motorists are so impatient,so start performing dangerous manoeuvres.Please fix!
- Parking off street on private roadHi iam a resident of 2E/18 joesph banks terrace, remura. We got one car park at cellar. So my partner uses that car park, so there are some car parks off the street, some of them showing conditions of parking (guest parking).. some of the car parks dont have any signage so iam using that car parks and i never had issues with the landlords but recently my building manager threating in a bad way which makes unsecured and panic. I asked him give some thing written that shows no parking, but he saying thats my order. Can you please advise me on this issue . If you need more information or pics i can submit. Thanks Murali 0221875277
- Damaged footpathThe fibre broadband cable company that recently installed into our street, damaged the footpaths with their heavy vehicles crossing onto the path. They know that we have seen them damage it, and told us they would reinstate it when they patched the holes where the cables are entered underground. They've done the surface of the holes, but not repaired the footpath.
- motorist make it hard for pedestrians to stay on footpaththis is a common problem how pedestrians have endanger their safety and walk on the road, but ACC would not know the meaning of safety.
- Green traffic light is offOne of the green traffic lights is off on the intersection of Hill Rd and Charles Prevost Dr (I've attached a Google Street View pointing to it). It's been off for about 2 months already and would be nice if it is fixed. Thanks!
- Driving on the berm all the timeHi, The berm outside my property was in bad shape. A neighbour on the opposite side is always driving on the berm to park and reverse the car. We requested them several times not to drive as we are planning to put new grass. We have levelled half of the berm and planted new grass last weekend. The neighbour is still driving on it. We would appreciate it if the council can address this issue by issuing the occupant at 86, Tamahere Drive, Glenfield some kind of notice to desist from driving on the berm. Kind regards
- Speeding on Mahoe AvenueAs Mahoe Avenue is the only street that links Combes Rd and Manawa Rd and consequently Victoria Ave and Orakei Road, drivers tend to drive much faster than the speed limit on Mahoe Avenue to get to either of these feeding streets. As Mahoe Avenue is also a narrow street with cars parked on either side, the speeding cars are a danger to the walking school bus, people crossing the road and residents coming out of driveways. I believe that speed humps on the road would improve the safety of pedestrians and all drivers.
- Phase very shortWhen making a right turn out of plunket ave onto cavendish drive the phase lasts about 6 seconds, barely enough time to let through 3 cars. It is causing a big backlog and obviously people are just running the arrow through frustration.
- Parked cars obstruct getting in and outAmherst Place, the part between house numbers 26 and 44, has often only narrow corridor left on the middle of the street for driving between parked cars on both sides of the road. It makes driving in and out from the property for the residents very challenging. Also, the high congestion of the parked cars makes the street look quite "ghetto-ish". The majority of the cars belong to visitors that do not want to park their cars tiny bit further, without obstructing the traffic, and walk an extra one minute to the house. I pledge for disallowing car parking on one side of that street and hope that this will be reviewed by Auckland Transport.
- Missing cobblestoneOne of the cobblestones is missing from the footpath outside 472 Queen Street (just between Le Garde-Manger restaurant and the next shop).
- New Traffic LightOver the past few years, there have been several near misses in the traffic coming from the HarrowGlen subdivision merging to Oteha Valley Rd. A traffic light should be in place to control the flow of traffic to mitigate any accident from happening.
- Serious uneven roading surface around pedestrian crossingThe road surface around the pedestrian crossing on Meola Road is really uneven and not pleasant to drive over. This has been the case for a number of years.
- Carparking Wernham PlaceCar parking down the bottom of Wernham Place is very poor - there are new houses but no additional on-street parking. There is a grass verge outside number 27 Wernham place - suggest grass verges are turned into carparks.
- Street lighting on Wernham Rd is very poorStreet lighting is very poor, not enough light at night at the bottom of Wernham Place which is a saftey hazard and dangerous for parked cars.
- the street light is not workingThe street light on 81A Killybegs Drive, Pinehill 0632 has not been working for several days.
- Left turn arrows not workingWhen coming down Remuera Rd to turn left into St Marks Rd both traffic lights at the corner of Remuera Rd/St Marks Rd are not showing the green left turn arrow. This has not been working for at least a month.
- Speed BumpsHi I work at Mt Roskill Early Childhood Centre which is located on Somerset Road in Mt Roskill. This is a busy street at times as it links families with not only our centre but the other campus schools aswell. The problem we are finding is that we have a number of cars speeding around the corner and towards the centre which has caused frequent near misses from people exiting our carpark. The vison from our carpark is obstructed by vehicles parked on the shoulder so we do have trouble seeing cars which are coming. And if they are coming at speed then a collision could be imminent. It is worrying having cars speeding around our street as we also have pedestrians who walk their children to preschool, we were hoping perhaps speed bumps could be put in place around our street to help control the speed at which cars are travelling past our preschool. This would be relevant to Frost Road as well where the primary school is located as vehicles travel down the hill at high speeds before coming to a school crossing!! Any help or ideas to help reduce speed around our schools would be greatfully recieved
- Repeated incidences of burnouts and racing up roadRoseanne Rd, Manurewa. People are using this road to practice their wheel spinning. Especially on the weekend we get repeated incidences of wheel spinning, white smoke, incredible noise, even had someone drifting and crashing into a tree. It's a child-dense neighbourhood with a primary school just 100m away. It is so dangerous. People also use this road as a shortcut to avoid Coxhead Roundabout and consequently drive far too quickly around the streets. Please can you install a speedhump? We're all fed up with the noise and smoke and speed.
- Safe crossing neededThe intersection of Mt. Albert Rd. and Alberton is very busy. In the morning and at the end of the school day, there are lots of young people walking to and from school. Many jay walk across Mt. Albert Rd. In the morning, a bus drops students on the west side of the road. Even when there was a traffic island further down, they never used it. My heart is in my mouth sometimes. Please, please, please put in traffic lights at the intersection or a light-controlled pedestrian crossing to the LEFT of the T-junction on Mt. Albert Rd. (towards Owairaka) and don't just put back the traffic islands. Please!
- urgent!!!! 2 x traffic lights go green at same time!!!!!!the lights on tower hill go green to drive left, straight, and right, at the same time as the lights going green on the other side of whangaparaoa road coming out of the pacific plaza. i have nearly had a crash multiple times and have had many witnesses to this. It is ridiculous and has been like this for as long as i remember and is highly dangerous to drivers who are not aware of the issue.
- Not workingStreet light opposite 20 Laud Avenue Ellerslie not working
- Traffic speed in Fowlds Avenue, SandringhamTraffic speed and volume in Fowlds Avenue is becoming more of an issue with vehicles using it as a thoroughfare between St Lukes road and Mt Albert. There are several Schools just off Fowlds Ave and a school girl was recently seriously injured. We have witnessed several near misses. Can the council investigate the use of speed bumps etc as a means of better controlling traffic speed on this road.
- Accident ProneHi there, I just want to report that there are too many parked vehicles on Joseph Rd causing issues. Sometimes the driver who's turning left from Hirimate Pl to Joseph St can't see the incoming vehicle as the view is being blocked by parked vehicles. On the T section of Thomas Rd and Joseph St, vehicles are turning right to Joseph St from Thomas Rd usually taking the middle lane as there's no divider on the Rd. If both drivers are rushing accident may occur. Please do something about it before anyone gets hurt. Thanks.
- Poor / broken lighting on path under Central Park DrPedestrian / cycle path under Central Park Dr is poorly lit. There is a single working light under the bridge, the other 2 lights no longer work. There is also no lighting on the path on either side of the bridge. At night this is very hazardous as the single light under the bridge ruins night vision, but then there is no lighting as you continue along the path.
- pavement repairHole has been roughly dug in concrete around powerpole outside 101 rockfield rd for earlier repair to phone lines perhaps. Approx 2sq ft, with rubble inadequately backfilled over damage. Had been approx 6 weeks since damage done to relatively new pavement, and no sign of repair. Needs new concrete patch layed.
- Traffic Light Post Damaged for over 4 weeksPlease fix the Bent Traffic Light Pole on the Insection.It is a disgrace why this has not been repaired earlier.
- Street lighting not working/brokenStreet light between #11 and #13 has been out for a week or so. It is also slightly leaning (as if someone has hit it).
- Traffic Lights Short phasingTraffic light for traffic coming from Reeves across onto South Eastern - Lights at Ti Rakau Short phasing for this direction in Morning Peak time Between 7.30-8.30 am causing huge congestion and delays.
- truck parking at night too close to drivewayHello for the past few nights a truck CWQ 626 (blue)has parked on the road by the entrance of our driveway. He does not leave any space for entry or exit. Last night he parked right at the edge of pavement. So when you drive out you do not see the oncoming traffic!
- truck parking at night too close to drivewayHello for the past few nights a truck CWQ 626 (blue)has parked on the road by the entrance of our driveway. He does not leave any space for entry or exit. Last night he parked right at the edge of pavement. So when you drive out you do not see the oncoming traffic!
- Speeding car - children cannot cross road safelyMcLeod Road is one of the busiest in Te Atatu South and there are so many speeding cars all day and night. We live towards the soccer club end of McLeod and with all the apartments at the end of the road the speed and volume of traffic is the biggest concern. I often have to help school children cross the road before and after school as there are too many cars for them to cross the road safely and cars are going far to fast. Many times I have seen some very close calls with cars speeding and school children crossing. Boy racers have races up and down the street which further puts the public at risk. It's not just a couple of people speeding its the majority. Most of the other neighbouring streets have speed bumps or islands that narrow the road - why can this not be done down McLeod Road? This will surely help the cars slow down. Please do something about this to help reduce the speed of cars before there are serious accidents.
- Pothole perennial breakoutRight on a bend; nasty surprise that revisits the unwary driver. THERE'S a worst one outside entrance to Gull petrol station, Whenuapai on Brigham Creek Road.
- Road subsiding danger. Road drainage issueon Wairere Rd - on the right past Mildon, the gutters on the left are too small and are not cleared, the road contour leans to the right (towards my land). Part of the side of the road has an enormous crack - about 3 metres long. 1 metre wide. That part, and a lot more with visible cracks is going to cause a landslide down the hill, destroying native bush/trees and potentially kill someone, or dump the hill on my house. Further down towards Mildon - on the same side (again bordering my land) a power pole is leaning, again land subsidence caused this - due to above reasons (all my land is being saturated and looking to subside - knocking down bush, landing on people, animals & buildings). That pole will go - falling down onto my land/bush & cottage below it. It will also knock out power to some 60 other properties. My land is in the foothills of Waitakere Ranges, 15 Mildon Rd - the bush is supposed to be protected by me - let alone council. Either they change the contour of the road or make huge drainage to cope with lots of rain we get here, put in retaining walls, or in sections at a time of that road is going to subside - slipping down hill and clearing native trees & bush with it. Real danger to my home, family also. Previous attempt to divert the water - tiny little tar bump is clearly not working, and small uncleared gutter on other side is completely inadequate - and now a slip in many places looks imminent. Think this problem is council, road transport, vector, gutter maintenance. Lot more cost effective to properly fix now, and overt further expense, risk to bush, people and animals. Problem spans at least 500 metres in length
- street light on permanentlyHi The street light between 2B and 2C Hoskins Ave Hillsborough has been on all day and night for over a week now. Can someone please check to see if there is a fault. the light shines into my dining room during the day and it is getting annoying. thanks
- Visibility issues onto a busy roadFisher Crescent, Mt Wellington, Auckland Fisher Crescent is a busy Road with a lot of businesses. We have had more than a few near hits with cars exiting our business driveway onto Fisher Crescent, there is a lack of visibility due to vehicles parking close to the drive causing a blind spot, we would like yellow lines. We have made our staff aware of this issue when parking in the area or exiting the car-park. Vehicles also park on the intersection of Ponui Place causing visibility issues.
- Bus Shelter RequestA bus shelter is needed on Onewa Road near Park Avenue heading towards the city. I had contacted the Council on this issue previously and was told that the pavement was too narrow to place a bus shelter there. Now that the Onewa Road upgrade has been completed, the pavement has been significantly widened making it a suitable site for a shelter. This bus stop is very popular during peak times and seems to be the only bus stop on onewa road heading city bound without a shelter.
- Keep Clear zone at Park AveThe residents of Park Ave in Northcote need a Keep clear as morning traffic is queued right down onewa road in the morning heading to the city, making it impossible to turn right heading up towards schools in Highbury. I notice that Aorangi Place has a Keep Clear in place. This is a safety issue as more visibility is needed as Onewa Road is now a 4 lane road.
- Street Lights not operatingAt 3am on 8th of August there was a huge thunder clap here which may have something to do with these lights above & below Jackson Place intersection & down Jackson Place not working since.
- naughtycar at stonedon drive East TamakiWhen is a footpath a footpath or a car park?
- still no action on slippry steel at Panmure train stationGoes between panmure train station and number 5 bus stop.
- forced to walk on road, as not wearing gumboatsBig puddles on footpath, between 23 Margot street & Clyde street.
- Road Clean-up Requested– Rotting VegetationTrees along Gordon Road have left branches and vegetation on the road which has started to decompose and has become very slippery for vehicles using the road / road side parking. Can we please have the council clean this up? Best time for this would be before 7:30am, after 5pm or during the weekend when road side parking is not in use.
- Street lighting has been out for monthsStreet lighting on Beatrice Tinsley Cres has been out for months, the street is very dark. This street has a large amount of through traffic and needs better visibility
- Street light not working since heavy rainThe street light outside 43 Kirby Street is not working. I am not sure when it failed but during the heavy rain a few weeks ago the storm water level reached the base of the pole and may have caused a short. Please be careful.
- Street light not workingThe street light outside 3 amuri place has not been working for the past 3 months making the cul-de-sac extremely dark at night. Please fix A.S.A.P as it is becoming a safety issue for the area.
- Light on the street not workingThe light on the street is not working since the storm a few weeks ago. Could you please fix it as my wife gets scared when she is home alone.
- Car park exiting in all directions - likely to cause crashesThe car parks of Countdown, New World, Muffin Break and the video shop are close together and all face each other. On-street parking is here as well. Cars leaving the parks can all turn left and right. A serious crash is likely to occur between left and right turning cars. Please put signage in to make all these exits left-turn only.
- Driveway badly concretedLooks like the owners have taken it upon themselves to create a ramp from the street onto the footpath and have made a messy job of it. There is a hole allowing some water to drain through but with recent heavy rains it's causing problems in the street.
- Slip pad danerous while wet (during raining)Dear Auckland Transport, The attached photo was taken nearest Ellerslie -Panmure highway. Now I know you absolutely hate fixing slippery footpaths, but I really think that sometimes some people have to make a dash to catch a bus this "slip pad" goes from the corner of Panmure train~bus interchange station (approx south western corner of the building) to where a bus door would if there was a bus at #5 stop (#1 & #2 been assigned to the train stops) (#2 & #3 assigned for bus stops for either Pakuranga or Ellerslie direction
- Traffic light about to fall offThe overhead traffic lights facing the westbound traffic at Stoddard Road and Glenarm Avenue has gradually twisted around over the past 2 months, and is now 90 degrees off, facing the shopping centre exit. The entire panel of lights have occasionally stopped working and seems to be pushing against the eastbound light mounted behind it, making it move too. It may be in danger of falling off onto traffic below, particularly with high winds, and should be repaired immediately. Not to mention it's probably confusing exiting shoppers, displaying a completely wrong phase.
- Water mains access coverMy partner stepped off the grass to avoid the recycling bin on the pavement outside 72C Carlisle Road and stepped onto the oval ?water mains cover which his leg went directly through up to his knee causing injury. The cover was not on properly (like others in the street) and could not be replaced securely. The injury meant we could not continue our walk due to pain.
- Broken glass in bus stopSomeone has broken a glass bottle in bus stop 4145 at 19 Triton Drive, Albany.
- Parking on footpath and bermI got a 40 dollar ticket for parking on berm, why doesn't the council come down to alma crescent Papakura and ticket the black Subaru that parks daily on the footpath and berm. Fairs fare I say!
- slip pad photolets see if this works this time
- Speed bumps neededWe have so many people speeding up the whole of Ennis Ave and the streets coming off it (like La Trobe). Someone once killed themselves coming around a corner hitting a tree, numerous pets have been hit by fast drivers, our car was written off (was parked on the street) last weekend as someone lost control around the corner, burn outs are the usual from young hoons... The list goes on. It's a very long street and has a school on it ... I think it's about time speed bumps are placed along it as it's quite dangerous and I can foresee a child being hit. Unsure if I'm on the wrong site to report this or not! If I am, sorry. Many thanks
- Street lightThis street light has been flickering for over1 year. I have reported it before. We had a truck broken into 3 weeks ago and sure it is due to the lighting. Could you please get this fixed as it is a very dark patch of the street with a park opposite. Thanking you
- Trucks parked across my deivewayThere are many houses being built near my own and many share a large driveway. On countless occasions I have been blocked in and cannot leave my house as the driveway is blocked by trucks and cars from the construction sites. This is extremely inconvenient as it is stopping me from getting to work. The property managers need to be more in control of this and ensure everyone still have access to and from the road.
- Short phasing at top of Ayr StreetI have been driving this route for over 10 years, along Shore Rd, up Ayr St and into The Domain. The phasing was the same length for many years and worked pretty well to move the traffic swiftly through. More recently the phasing is being changed to short bursts. The queue of cars gets so long it goes all the way back along Shore road causing a real hold-up. THIS PHASING RESULTS IN MUCH SLOWER TRAFFIC MOVEMENT! As Ayr St is quite steep, getting the traffic started each time the light turns green is slow adding precious time, so doing it less often and keeping the momentum of movement going is the best option. The clog-up of cars and the time it takes is the evidence. It's taking an extra 5 mins with the short phasing. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE change it back to long phasing and leave it be! "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
- Lights not detecting or slow to detect vehiclesTraffic lights sometimes don't detect vehicles turning right from Edmonton road onto central park drive, also in mornings very slow detecting traffic turning from central park drive onto Edmonton road.
- Cars parked too close to intersectionThe intersection of Coronation Road and Hillcrest Ave is an accident waiting to happen. When approaching Coronation Rd from Hillcrest Ave, cars are often parked within about 5m of the intersection on the hill which means you have to swing out wide to avoid them. You cannot see other cars that are turning into Hillcrest Ave because of the layout of the road and the fact that its on a hill. There have been several near misses. Additionally, when you reach the top of Hillcrest ave to turn right or left into Coronation, there are always multiple cars parked close to the intersection on the right hand side (in Coronation Road) preventing drivers from seeing approaching traffic coming up Coronation Road. It is especially bad from 3pm when traffic in the area increases because of the schools located close by. It would be great to either get people to park their cars a bit further away from the intersection, or put lights here.
- Large Open PotholeThere is a large open pothole in the street, which is growing each day due to heavy vehicle traffic.
- No parking lines required on dangerous cornerVehicles parking on road side near blind corner mean traffic must cross the centre line. It is also very dangerous for residents reversing out of or entering driveway when a car rounds the bend without slowing. 30km sign plus mirror would also help to slow traffic
- Street lights not workingThe street lights in Astor Pl and Waldof Cres Orewa have been out for over a week.
- Traffic Signals on Ormiston running to maximum green without demandOn any given day at any given time for traffic using Chapel Rd (in either direction) the traffic in Chapel Rd just sits there waiting for the signals for Ormiston road on green to change. Ormiston in both directions for the full green just goes forever until it runs out to a ridiculously long maximum green phase. Fine if there was traffic in Ormiston Rd triggering the loops in Ormiston Rd to keep the signals green, however its not the case and everyone just waits forever in Chapel Rd (both sides) traffic backed up back over the small bridge to the north of the intersection toward the dangerous bend on Chapel by the church all waiting for nothing running on Ormiston Rd. Been like it for over a month now just hopeless and now people are simply driving through red lights or doing manoeuvre's around traffic islands to duck into Ormiston and out again, Stupid accident promoting stuff I grant you however its caused by signals that AT or their techs have fiddled with and have not monitored - yet again! By all means have a good Max Green phase when there is continual demand on a main corridor, however if there is a 10 gap with no traffic at all the green phases should drop to amber red and deliver a green phase to waiting traffic in Chapel Rd. Auckland has most of its traffic congestion simply because of stuff like this.
- Chip seal breaking up and loose chip on roadHuia Road on the hill beside Nihoputu Dam was resealed 2 or 3 months ago. The new seal started breaking up almost straight away. There is a lot of loose chip on the road being flicked up by cars-our car windscreen was broken by a stone thrown up by another car. The road needs sweeping immediately (and regularly)and the surface needs resealing.
- Lights not workingStreet lights have been off for weeks, repaired & worked for a night or 2 but off again for weeks now.
- Dangerous pedestrian crossingThe pedestrian crossing on St John's Rd near the corner of Ipswich is very dangerous. The crossing is just to the left of Ipswich and often cars turning left are too busy watching the traffic to notice people waiting at the crossing. I have nearly been hit twice here -once while pushing a pram. I have also seen at least one accident, where a car has suddenly stopped upon noticing the crossing, only to be back-ended. Is it possible to move this further down the street so it is a bit safer?
- Visibility of St John's RdWhen cars are parked on St John's Rd, close to the east corner of Dorchester and St John's, it can be impossible to see around them when you are trying to turn right out of Dorchester. Often cars pull out on this busy road without full visibility and there have been a number of accidents at this spot. Is it possible to extend the yellow no-parking line eastward for another few metres? It would make a big difference to safety
- Street Lights on Day and NightThe street lights on this section of road (and down the walkway) are on day and night. This has been going on for approximately 2 weeks.
- Pothole near lefthand turnThere is a HUGE pothole been made on the left hand turn from Popes Road into Porchester Road by the Stop sign. It is close to the road and my car has fallen in it before. Please fix
- Street lights not workingHave raised this several times and they get fixed for one day and then stop working again. Sapphire Place Bayview, the lights at the end of the street near to #32.
- All street lighting on Brook st not workingAll street lighting on Brook st not working
- Tarseal breaking up adjacent to speed bump on Oak Tree avenueAdjacent to a speed bump, the seal is breaking up, and with the amount of cars / buses passing this bump, it will soon turn into a hole, which could end up damaging vehicles trying to negotiate the speed bump.
- Large pothole in Howe StDeep and dangerous pothole near top of Howe St, next to building site
- Speed BumpsThere is a great need for speed bumps to be put in our street, as it is used as a loop road to bypass glengarry road we get a lot of boy racers skidding all the way up the street. There total disregard for the residents and the public astounds not only me but several neighbours. The issue has been raised with the Glen Eden Police on several occassions. We have several young families in our street, will it take one of them to be killed to get action. In winter our street and neighbouring streets such as kashmir road and Nandana drive are used by these by these little hooligans as their personal drag strip, we need speed bumps to discourage their actions and make our streets safer please
- Uneven, narrow, broken up footpath with overgrown grass and weed "wall"The area I am referring to is Beach Road, Browns Bay, from Aria Bay rest home going up the hill. The path is very narrow (not helped when Jim's Mowing doing landscaping on the new area of Aria Bay park completely on the footpath!). The path is cracked and in pieces all the way along. There is a "wall" on the inside of the path which makes it impossible for people going in opposite directions to pass each other without walking on the road, and this is often overgrown.
- Street light blownStreet light has been out for weeks
- not registering car arriving at intersectionTravel through these in early hours of morning (2am - 5am). In the past you would arrive at the chapel road lights, and they would change within a minute. But since they removed the trees along Ormiston road to start the development you have to wait a few minutes or until at least four cars have arrived on chapel road at the intersection. Occurs every morning.
- Street lights going on and off intermittentlyThe street lights have been going on and off intermittently over the last few nights. This is a busy stretch of road and people tend to go to fast and a pedestrian could get bowled over with the street lighting being out.
- Street full of leavesMatuku Place in Papatoetoe has piles of leaves up to a foot thick from trees on council verge. As rubbish collectors will not take bags of leaves could the council please send a street sweeper to clean them up. They look horrendous. Thank you
- Missing street lightA street light was removed from a pole which has been there for many years due to the arm it was on was rotting. When this light, which lights up the rough road which is one way was replaced it was removed within one day.I believe that someone complained and contacted the council and it was removed within 24 hours of being replaced.The local people now will not walk along the street at night drive as it is not safe to walk when you cannot see the ups and downs in the road. Could this light please be replaced with a shade on the fitting so it does give light on the road but does not shine directly into the houses.
- corrugating and potholesBeach St, Sandspit is in terrible condition. it has not been graded recently and now has little metal on it, is corrogated, and has an increasing number of potholes
- lights not workingat least 4 lights not working in Ridge View Crescent, Anselmi Ridge subdivision
- Short Phasing (4 car) - Ormiston Rd to Chapel Road, Right turn, evenings (5pm-8pm ish)Issue: Short Phasing. Lets approximately 4 cars through per cycle. Location: Right turn from Ormiston Road to Chapel Road. Time observed: Weekday evenings (5pm-8pm ish) Reason for reporting issue: Short traffic light phasing is causing right turning traffic from Ormiston Rd to Chapel Rd to bank up apparently unnecessarily (other traffic queues at the intersection are short)
- Cut through during morning and evening peak causing risk to lifeour street is residential with many young families, pets etc. it is also the first street that gives access to the northern end of Point Chevalier. With the work on the waterview connection and St Luke's motorway, great North Road is becoming more and more congested during rush hour. So the number of vehicles using Riro Street as a cut through has now increased to a dangerous level. I can only see this issue becoming worse as the traffic volume increases when these connections are completed. The street also has a blind corner which many treat as a racing challenge. This combined with the fact that everyone is in a rush either to or from work, means it is only a matter time before there is a serious accident. What is the process for getting the council to look into this properly, ideally with a view to installing measures which either deter people using the road as a cut through or at least slow them down when they do?
- Hindering TrafficAt the intersection of Trugood Drive and Cryers Road, East Tamaki, you can either turn left or right. Most traffic turns right to go to the Highbrook onramp of the motorway. People generally wait patiently to turn right, however, there is an increasing number of impatient, inconsiderate drivers who bypass this by turning left, doing a u-turn and then driving straight down Cryers Road, causing a hinderance to the traffic waiting to turn right. This causes longer delays for patient drivers who are trying to do the right thing. At the other end of Trugood Drive where it intersects with Ti Rakau Drive, it is a free left turn or a traffic light controlled right turn. In the evenings, people wait patiently to turn left, but others bypass this, going through the lights when they go green to turn right - by turning left and causing near misses because the person legally turning left, is not expecting anyone to be coming from the right, as all traffic is stopped from that direction. Police have been notified about both ends of Trugood Drive, but the Council needs to do something about it, as it is getting worse.
- Cnr Kiwi Tamaki & Roscommon roads wiriSince the traffic lights have been installed/changed its extremely irritating when turning from roscommon into kiwi tamaki from manukau end or turning from kiwi tamaki into roscommon turning either epway. You can sometimes sit through the lights changing for other traffic except for the turning. Sometimes having to back up and forward multiple times to try to activate the sensor. Now tjere is the prison so even more cars and other vehicles using it, but still extremely delated wait times.
- millhouse and botany road traffic lightsTurning right from millhouse road into botany road. Traffic light timing is 7 seconds, has been happening for the last week. Traffic backs to to orangewood drive in the mornings.
- Large potholes at 41 and 37 Wilma rdThere are very large potholes at approximately 37 Wilma rd as well as large subsidence of the road at 41 Wilma rd
- No lights working in Botany DownsApparently this happened last weekend also (although it maybe not so wide spread)Highland park to howick to point view drive to botany road and at least down to botany town centre all street lights out.
- Metal Road - wearing out and developing potholesKiwi Road is a rural metal road, over the past few weeks with traffic and weather the road has deteriorated and potholes are developing. Is it possible to get some metal put down and the road graded before the winter? Please note for some reason the last time the road had metal applied 3+ years ago the contractor only did part of the road, can you please ensure that the whole road is done if possible please.
- Street lights out for entire streetStreet lights not working on entire Noeleen Street. Not working for 3 consecutive nights
- Traffic lights change way too fast - Right hand turn - Stanley Street onto Alten Rd.Hi there I work in the CBD and on my journey into town I have to turn Right from Stanley Street, into Alten Road - I have been using this route for over a month now, and each morning (approx 8.20am) I have observed that the Green light arrow only lasts for 7 seconds approx - only enough for 3 or 4 cars to move Right from Stanley Street into Alten Road. Very, very frustrating if you're the 5th car along etc!! You then have to wait about 4 minutes or so before the Green arrow appears again. This also has a flow on effect of backing cars up in the Right hand turning lane, and the cars further back then ‘spill’ out into the 'straight' lane that heads cars onto the Motorways (because not many cars can turn Right in the time available at the Green turning arrow from Stanley onto Alten...the root of the problem). The duration needs to be extended for the timing of the Right hand turning Green arrow from Stanley Street into Alten Road. Thanks you – from all those who use this set of traffic lights.
- Speed limit sign neededAs there is no speed sign between the Beachlands/ Maraetai roundabout and Te Puru Park it is difficultt to determine the speed limit. There is one as you exit Maraeti indicating an 80 k zone but not one that I have seen in the opposite direction.
- Overdue completion of road construction - road dangerousRoad construction started in early January at Verrans Corner intersections and roundabout in Birkdale, Auckland, immediately adjacent to the bus station. The construction teams and equipment left some weeks ago leaving the road in even poorer repair, with uneven asphalt, loose gravel, and unclear road markings which now cause severe traffic delays at all times, made worse by the bad condition of the road. Please arrange for these works to be reviewed and completed asap.
- Congestion Carlton Gore & Park Rd - Lights & Bus laneEach afternoon I drive up Carlton Gore Rd and wait to turn left into Park rd for several light phases. Traffic entering that stretch of Park rd from either Carlton Gore Rd or the Hospital end of Park road are restricted by the bus lane on Park rd leading to the Khyber pass intersection. At the Khyber Pass intersection Park rd has 3 lanes and traffic can turn left, right or travel straight, but the bus lane means that only one lane of traffic can use Park rd until just before the Khyber Pass intersection. What generally happens is a few cars from Carlton Gore to Park can get thru then the intersection is blocked.
- Speed bumps neededThere has been an previous issue highlighted about speeding vehicles along Wordsworth road in Manurewa. A request for speed bumps along this road would minimise speeding vehicles and make this through road safer for the number if primary schools that come off this road. As well as the noise associated with speeding vehicles at night especially.
- Waka Street trafic lightsThe green phase for pedestrian crossing has an extremely short duration. It is impossible to cross the road at normal walking speed within a green phrase. This is extremely dangerous as the crossing is over Gt South Rd with 2 lanes in either direction, plus cars coming from Waka Rd. The crossing is used frequently by people with small children to access Stewart Dance Studios. it is extremely difficult to cross safely in the dark with 2 children .
- Light out on steps between Jervois Rd & West End Rdlight out half way up steps, very dark
- Street lighting out for Fairclough and tramwayStreet lighting for fairclough and tramway is not working
- Light is outStreet light is out on the corner in front of properties 198A/198B - unsafe on a blind corner and makes the stretch of road incredibly dark
- Trip Hazardfour raised bolts are protruding 30mm from footpath where a sign has been removed. A very serious trip hazard.Location is traffic island corner of Pompalier and Sheehan St. Urgent attention please .
- Broken curbing and no curb ramps for pedestriansWe have a number of elder residence with mobility walkers and unfortunately Doug Goodwin Pl has no curb ramps, which can be a dangerous barrier for those with limited mobility. There are a number of areas on Penney ave with curbing loose or broken free. It would be nice not to think that these could be used as opportunistic break-in devices. Thank you for your time.
- street lighting outHi there, all the street lights up from DeLisle Pl, going up Centorian Drive, to the top are all out. So are the streets off, like DeLisle Pl, Landsberg Way and so on.
- Street light not workingThe street light outside 48 Alberton Ave, Mt Albert, Auckland needs fixing please.
- Street lights not workingStreet lights not working on Sapphire Place Bayview
- Traffic lights short phasingThe traffic lights when heading west from the city along great north road - at the intersection of great north road and titirangi road are short phasing. Traffic has been congested through that intersection for a few weeks and I noticed tonight at 5.30 pm being peak time only around 15 cars are making it through the lights.
- Road RepairsWhen is the contractor going to finish fixing Tiri Tiri Rd ? After putting up with the inconvenience of stop /go traffic management & large construction machinery parked in the street , drivers are now bumping over sections of road removed needing to be resurfaced. This has been going on for nearly a couple of weeks.
- Green arrow needs changing back to green spot onlyThere is a 'forced green arrow' turning right from Manuka into Easton Park. Often there is NO traffic either way on Manuka so time is wasted waiting for the arrow. There used to be a GREEN SPOT only here so people could use their judgement. Please bring back the green spot! :) Thanks :)
- light not workingLight not working for at least a month
- Bus stop needs cleaningThe bus stop at 19 Triton drive needs a clean - it's strewen with rubbish and plant matter (sticks, seed pods, leaves etc) and the frame is covered in cobwebs.
- Parking across drivewayHello, My neighbour and I have an issue with people parking in the small gap between our driveways. Quite often it is blocking one of our driveways, unless they have an exceptionally tiny car!And even if we are able to get out our driveway we are unable to see oncoming traffic when pulling out as the car is obstructing our view parking so close. Can we please have yellow lines or something else done about this?
- light outside 57 Cochrane avethis has been out for at least three nights
- Street light On / Off faultThe street light outside 1 Butterworth Ave goes on and off all the time. Mostly off. The bulb either needs replacing or there is another issue.
- not working at 71 Macleans Road, Bucklands Beach, Auckland 2014This lamppost is located on a bend which has been the site of several accidents, so it is important that this is fixed ASAP please.Thanks
- No Public Rubbish Bin at the Bus StopDue to a lack of a public rubbish bin at this bus stop, all the people waiting for the bus tend to throw their rubbish on the ground which in turn, all gets blown into my driveway. The bus stop directly across the road has a rubbish bin, why not this one?
- Street Light outStreet light outside 1 Butterworth Ave is faulty. Comes on sometimes but most times off.
- Street lights outThe street lights are out between 183 and 271 Beach Road and have been so for about a week now.
- Uneven road surfaceThe road surface past the turn off to Wyatt haulage and the top of the hill heading towards Sandspit, contains a number of large dips in the road. These are getting deeper by the week and are becoming dangerous, as cars are thrown about when travelling over them or try to drive around them.
- Speeding - vehicle and property damageCars are speeding constantly up and down Eugenia Rise. They have speed cameras often but thats not enough. Its dangerous, lots of foot traffic and a accident occurred Tuesday, not 6 months after the last.
- needs traffic light corner of Duncan mclean link and st lukes roadNeeds traffic light corner of Duncan mclean link and st lukes road Morningside 1022 urgently as it is very dangerous
- Unlicenced vehicles on bermTwo unlicenced and un-WOF vehicles parked on berm and apparently abandoned??
- Left turn filterleft turn filter arrow never turns green, just red or off. Please check and rectify
- Crime: Only one street light in Felstead StreetAt present there is only one street light in Felstead Street and that is at the bottom of this cul de sac Its position is such that it throws no light up the street. We are troubled by vehicle crime (three broken car windows outside our property (No 6), one attempted car theft, packaging from shop-lifted products on our front lawn, a stolen computer recently left in our front garden, and sexual activity in plantings at our frontage. We have requested additional street lighting in the past but no action has been taken. Just one lamp halfway down the street would make a huge difference to our local community's security
- Dangerous crossing - footpath vs carpark entranceWe have a carpark at the front of our school and it is used by mobility taxis dropping off and picking up students. The entrance crosses the footpath and is dangerous for the other children arriving and leaving the school. Is it possible to put a raised section or pedestrian crossing marks on the footpath where the vehicles cross? We are a Travelwise school and are keen to have our walkers stay safe.
- Traffic Light Sensor PlacementTraffic Light sensor is placed too closely to the line. When coming from Puhinui (side where Great South road is) turning right into Carruth Road. The sensor seems to be placed too close to the line. So when cars stop, and leave a 1 metre gap before the line, the light will not go green, untill the car has moved right up to the light. This causes traffic to be backed up when turning left and causes frustrations. This problem only started after there were roadworks. It seems upon fixing the road, the sensors had been moved futher up.
- Number of cars parked on both sides of the Road in Convoy LaneAlong the street about 150-200 meters down from the intersetion with Luke Street East, there are quite a number of cars that park on both sides of the road basicly cutting Convoy Lane to a single lane. With these vechicles, some of whcih are large vans, it is difficult to see around them and there have been a number of both near misses and accidents as residents further down the street driving throught his area of the road and not seeing cars driving out of their driveways, or the residents leaving their driveways and not taking enough care and causing the incidents expressed above. Can comething be done about this.
- Orange Turning Light not workingThe traffic lights for straight and turning on the (driving to) airport bound situated on the George Bolt/Kirkbride side by Rent a Dent, the orange arrow is not working.
- Ongoing safety and security issues due to faulty streetlightThe streetlight outside 10 Oaklands Rd, Mt Eden, has had numerous issues, such as not working at all, flickering, working sporadically etc. Currently the light is not working at all. This creates both safety and security hazards. Uneven footpaths are an accident waiting to happen in the dark, and lone commuters walking after dark are plunged into a patch of quite intense darkness. I would appreciate a more permanent solution to this issue than has been offered in recent years. Thank you.
- Street lights outStreet lights are out and have been for a few weeks now. Neighbours have been broken into last week.
- Broken Traffic LightUpper Harbour Highway corner Carribean Drive, Go signal Eastbound does not work.
- Speed bump requiredBoy racers going up and down this school road day and night.Endangering school kids lives. Speedbumps required
- Speeding, Traffic calming measures required urgentlywe have people entering Lazurite drive from Westgate drive and accelerating up Lazurite drive at speed with turbo blow off valve going once sometime twice before they pass Arlose place where they either carry on at speed up Lazurite drive of drive up Arlose place. Some come down Arlose place and wheel spin as they head to Westgate drive turbo valve blowing. I have seen a metallic blue subaru and a small 2 door red japanese car rego starting with AT. There are a lot of children in the area with access to walks to the shopping centre who have to cross Lazurite drive to get there. We must have some traffic calming to stop these hoons before a child is hurt. We had one child knocked of his bike last year.
- Traffic light malfunctionThe traffic light sensor for vehicles turning right into Chichester Drive from Beach Road in Papakura is too far forward for vehicles. Drivers at the front of the queue do not think to inch forward slightly - hence the rest of the line has to sit through 4 - 5 cycles.
- Speed bump to stop excessive speeding pleaseThere is a lot of traffic on Angelo ave and much of it is going way too fast! Most people on the street park on the road, as nearly all of the driveways have steep curbs, so most parts of the road have very poor visibility. We hear people zoom by regularly and there are many young families around us as well as pets. My cat was run over last year and the today my kitten was hit as well. I think a speed bump would be a great way to slow down the traffic and deter people from using Angelo ave as a short cut to avoid the traffic lights on Pakuranga road.
- Restrict parking to help ease traffic congestion in peak timesI would like to submit a proposal that parking opposite the shops on Ashby Avenue be limited during school drop off and pick up times. Because there are so many schools in the area traffic flow is increased significantly during these times but as cars are often parked on Ashby outside the medical centre it restricts the flow for traffic turning left into West Tamaki Rd and causes lengthy queues down Ashby.
- Water leaking all over the footpathShowing as photo attached, this is the third time i report, workers have came twice but did not fix it. Can you please check what's going on? Thank you :)
- Excessive speeding of cars on Riddell RoadWe live on Riddell Rd and regularly shudder at the sounds of cars excessively speeding up the road. With all the corners, hills and straight patches, Riddell Rd provides a 'perfect' spot for those who like to rally drive. There are many small children and pets in the neighbourhood and it's only time before someone gets hurt. Surely this road could benefit from some measures to slow the traffic?
- Speed controlThe bottom of Portland Road is very dangerous. The traffic speed is always being exceeded and at night the cars roar up and down the road. Is it possible to get someone to investigate some speed bumps or chicanes to help slow the cars down
- 2 Street light not workingTwo street lights are not working: near 41 Evans Road and 47 Evans Road
- Intersection desperately needs a roundaboutThe intersection of Kesteven Ave and Bardsey Street would benefit greatly from having a roundabout installed. We have witnessed a number of accidents at this intersection, mainly caused by drivers speeding down Kesteven way too fast and drivers coming from Bardsey failing to stop in time. This is the main thoroughfare for both cars and pedestrians to access Churchill Park School, Glendowie play centre and the guides and scout halls. There are quite often events held at these places in the evening as well as the daytime and Kesteven Ave is regularly used as a racetrack in the evenings. Some of the cars would be travelling over 80kph at times (so loud, we can't hear the tv) and a roundabout may help to slow them down.
- Dangerous footpathThe footpath on all of Kesteven Ave is dangerously cracked and pitted. This is a busy street used by a lot of children to get to local schools. There are also a number of elderly people who live in this neighbourhood and have trouble walking down the footpath without tripping up.
- Traffic Light PhasingMidway through the Ameti project the traffic light phasing at the intersection of Ellerslie Panmure Highway (EP) and Mt Wellington (MTW) Highway has been changed in favour of west bound traffic coming from Panmure. Cars waiting to turn from EP to MTW now wait three or more phases - this is more noticeable at low traffic times. E.g. Approx 0630hrs; Light is green for west bound and east bound when I arrive EP to turn right into MTW, I have a red arrow. Cars are already waiting on the MTW side to turn right towards Panmure. Lights then phase Red for East/West to allow the MTW cars right turns through in the east direction towards Panmure. Despite me having sat at the red arrow for more than thirty seconds the next phase returns to East/West flow and still with a Red arrow. I count over another thirty seconds of East/West flow for about 10-12 cars before I finally get a green arrow. By now there are 7-8 cars waiting to turn EP to MTW. I have seen this green arrow turn orange when I am the first car to turn i.e. a less than 5 second phase! It is not long enough for 8 cars! Many waiting either go through a red/orange or end up waiting through another THREE phases before 7am when traffic is light. Prior to the AMETI project. The traffic lights for right EP-MTW turn, used to go green arrow with the east bound through traffic from EP towards Panmure. It would phase after the MTW right into EP, BUT BEFORE the west bound through traffic on EP. It worked well. There is a CCTV camera on the traffic lights and long lines of turning traffic can build up, yet the green arrow is never long enough. If the phasing cannot be returned to the prior settings, could we at least get a longer green arrow after 0600hrs to allow all the waiting traffic to turn right from EP to MTW please - 5 seconds is just NOT LONG ENOUGH on a major intersection right hand turn over two (there is space for three) lanes.
- Drivers speed along Thomas Rd from Murphys RdDrivers from Murphys Rd travelling through Thomas Rd to Te Irirangi Drive, speed without regarding the safety of the residence in the area. Coming out of Joseph St feels like playing the Russian Roulette, you won't know when you'll be hit.
- Pedestrian crossing lights not working on Don McKinnon driveThe lights for the pedestrian crossing are not working on the east (Pak'n Save) side of the road on Don McKinnon drive. This causes many people, including elderly people heading to the bus stop on the other side of the road, to cross without waiting for the cross signal. This is obviously very dangerous on such a busy road. If you have trouble seeing what I mean, stand on the Pak'n Save side of the crossing and press the button (it all works fine if you come from the other direction).
- Right turn red arrow from Glenfield Rd to Highbury BypassThe red arrow on the lower traffic light turning right from Glenfield Rd to Highbury Bypass has been out for a couple of weeks. I have seen a couple of cars turn thinking they have a free turn.
- Street lights not turning offStreet lights on corner of Fanshawe and Halsey streets have been on continuously for at least a week. Day and night.
- Nowhere to crossGlengarry has two blocks of shops halfway up (approx #96-108) but there is nowhere to cross the road to get to them. This section of road is fast, yet a lot of people walk around including kids from the many nearby schools. I believe the leaseholders in these two blocks are struggling for lack of foot traffic. Pushing a pram around there recently I really had no safe route, going from Rosier Rd to Eden Super 7, then across Shetland Street (also unsafe and wide) to Glen Dairy and back to Rosier. There are many houses nearby but the area only seems planned to serve those who use their cars. Can you add a crossing (or three! - see image!) or let me know how to petition this please.
- Speed calming - Rosier RdIs this the to request investigating the viability of getting speed bumps or road calming curves installed at Rosier Road. It is a long and straight wide road with a slight downhill, so naturally people speed, then there are those who really speed. We live in the middle so experience it firsthand. There is also a school and a daycare so twice daily it has a lot of peds. The only crossing is located dangerously on the corner. There should be at least two speed calming measures on Rosier Rd, either side of the crossing, if not 4-5 along the street creating a safer environment.
- Obscene image carved into concrete outside primary schoolSomeone, at the time the footpath was done, drew a large picture of male genitalia into the concrete. Given that this by a pedestrian crossing, across the road from a primary school and little kids pass this every day, could something please be done to remove it.
- boy racers and speeding carswe live on Wairere Rd which has totara park in walking distance which is frequented on a daily basis by at least 200 people , this includes families walking, children cycling , people exercising and people walking their dogs and people using the parks facilities and elderly . on a daily basis there are cars not adhereing to the 50 km speed limit there are a lot of cars that feel it is their right to fly down our street at a high speed , just because they have cars that need to travel fast , also they speed out of totara park spinning their tyres to show off also we have boy racers who come down before the park closes especially on wet evenings and use the carpark as their personal burtout pad very soon some one will either be hurt or killed due to the idiotic mentality of these ididots we would like the speed limits of this section of rd to be reduced to ensure nothing major happens by either placing speed bumps or reducing the speed limit to 40 kms and policing it , this section of rd is just a accident away from a major fatality .
- Street lighting not operative St Leonard's Road Devonport 0624Street lighting not operative for at least 8 days now Adjacent roads ie High Street and others also have no evening street lighting
- Street light not working.Part of the street lighting not working for a week on Flat Bush school Road. Areas affected are from 142 to 158 Flat Bush school Road.
- Repair to pavementPavement broken and uneven. Needs repair.Thanks
- SpeedingAllthrough the Day and Night cars speed along this road, I dont understand why there is a corner at one end and a stop sign at the other. Its extremely dangerous for kids walking around and going to the dairy. Its more than one car, even saw one today with a child seat in it.
- SpeedbumpsThere is an ongoing issue on this street, particularly from number 40 and above, of people speeding up and down on a daily basis. Speeds are excessive and this occurs frequently; there are many burnouts and squealing tyres - this occurs all day but is more frequent in the evenings. There is a primary school on this street and many young families, so speedbumps would greatly improve the situation. A previous survey was done of the street and speeds not found to be excessive, however this survey was probably not done in the evening and did not capture the true picture of living on this street. Many of our neighbours feel the same way and are frightened for the welfare of the children - they shout out at offending vehicles but are ignored. Please reassess the situation - in particular in the evenings (when lots of children are outside playing) - and see how dangerous it can be. Please seriously consider putting in speedbumps along the street.
- Burnout (tyre) marks on streetMultiple burnout marks on our street that should be removed to discourage more of the same behaviour
- Traffic light phasingBefore 6.00am each week day, I pass the Te Irirangi Drive, Bishop Dunn Place, traffic lights. It is not uncommon for the Te Irirangi traffic to be stopped, in favour of a long green for traffic coming from Sancta Maria Way, when in fact, there is no traffic coming from there.
- Broken glass on footpathThere is always broken glass and often vomit on the footpath at the top of douglas st (close to ponsonby road)
- Loose stones on roadThe road has recently been tarred but there is a whole load of loose stones that for one is creating a lot of road noise but has also kicked up loose stones that is chipping my cars paint work .Some of the local teenagers are also finding it fun to try drift their cars on this road. Anyone that happens to walk on the road then has what appears to be wet tar on their shoes and this road was done weeks ago.
- Traffic light sound for pedsHello there, The traffic light sound for pedestrians doesn't work. It is at the Beach road and Tangihua street crossroads. In the direction from cafe "Saigonz" towards "Waldorf Scene Three".
- Parking on this road is causing a hazzardThere is currently a large number of cars that park on both sides of the road, this road has small rises and blind corners and is also not a wide road. With cars parked on both sides and the speed the some people do along this road, it makes it very dangerous. i live on this road and i have close calls at least 3-4 times a week. If we can reduce this road to parking on only one side it would be good.
- Traffic light has turned unable to see signalTraffic light on right hand side of road in front of Shell Takanini has turned and unable to see the right turn arrow at all (coming from Walter Strevens Drive onto Great South Road.
- Traffic light phasingAt 5.45am each week day, coming from Kilkenny Drive & going to Smales Rd, the lights are set to a long phase for traffic driving from Smales Rd to Kilkenny Drive. Previously I got a green, very soon after arriving at that time in the morning.
- Street lights on during the dayAfter not working at night, the street lights in our area are now on all day. Eban, monarch ave etc in Hillcrest
- Millen Avenue Traffic Lights.1 x Red and 1 x Green turn arrows out, turning left from Millen Ave. Been an issue from late December.
- Excessive SpeedingThis road is used by a lot of traffic in preference to Blockhouse Bay Rd. Unfortunately there are also a number of idiots that seem to think as it's a long straight road, it also makes for a racing track. While there a lot of drivers that seem to think 60-70 is an acceptable speed, the real danger is those that think 100+ is ok on this residential street. I have witnessed a number of incidents over the past couple of years on this street. Something needs to be done, and perhaps that means speed bumps - particularly near the train crossing and side streets.
- Sound signal for traffic light does not workThe visibly disabled pedestrian moving from the Countdown towards the fuel station will never hear the sound signal. It has been broken for ages.
- Street lighting not workingThe street light at No.41 - 43 Waitaki Street, Henderson has not been working for approximately three months. The light illuminates the intersection of Waitaki and Kaikoura Streets and this intersection is hazardous without the street light. Thank you.
- Exposed wiringThere is a street light beside the letterbox at 22 Barnfield Place and the inspection plate has come off at a level where children (aged 1 - 8) could poke their fingers in.
- speeding vehiclesVehicles(trucks included) are constantly, exceeding the speed limits, these drivers simply do not have any safety concerns whatsoever. Please put speed bumps to save lives. Thank you. Sincerely,concerned citizen
- Large truck parked on side of road dangerousThere is a very large truck that parks on the side of the road every day and night. It takes up half of the road and it's just after a corner, extremely dangerous for kids in the area, bikers and other cars. Arran road is a very narrow road, and this is a tremendous hazard.
- Dangerous crossingA lot of people and especially kids are crossing the Deep Creek Road (105) to get to Waiake beach. A lot of vehicles are speeding here as the road is straight and steep. This is an accident waiting to happen. I have personally witnessed a few close calls. Currently there is no marked pedestrian crossing or a traffic light here. The closest pedestrian crossing is in front of Torbay School which is far. Please install traffic lights or at least a zebra crossing before we have an accident.
- P90 Parking used for all day parkingP90 area not inspected regularly. Street being used for all day parking by regulars ie the same cars overstaying past P90 day after day, week after week. It means parking not .available for legitimate short term parkers
- dangerous speedingGlen Road and Birdwood Road are being used day and night by drivers to race at high speed due to the lack of speed bumps or cameras. This is partly a noise nuisance but more importantly a safety issue. There are many children living locally as well as the kids bmx track in the old birdwood winery. The roads are desperate for speed bumps to stop the racing and protect our residents.
- Street lights not working for a few daysThe street lights on East Coast are between Glenvar and Carlisle Rds are not working. There are also several street lights out on Carlisle Rd. These lights have been out for about three days now. Thank you.
- Pedestrian Traffic Light is BrokenThe pedestrian traffic lights that crosses Casurina Road at the Fortuna-Pigeon Mountain-Casurina intersection is broken. Pressing the button from either side has no effect. It has been like this for just over a week.
- Pedestrian crossing not workingThe lights and walk/don't walk indicators on the pedestrian crossing on Don McKinnon drive haven't been working properly for a couple of weeks.
- Car parked illegally on footpathCar parked illegally on footpath, making it difficult for pedestrians to walk.
- This intersection needs traffic lightsCars waiting to turn right into Cryers Road from Trugood Drive, are having to wait for arseholes who turn left and do a u turn and then drive back down Cryers Road, causing the people waiting to turn right to wait even longer! Traffic lights need to be put in there to stop this and to free up traffic so it doesn't bottle neck. This interesection is shocking and I'm surprised there's not more accidents due to impatient idiots on the road.
- MalfuntioningGirls Grammar school the lights are malfuntioning. Cross now keeps going on when there is nobody crossing
- Long lanes of slow trafficover the last 30 days or so traffic trvelling towards the eastern arterial has been very very slow taking 30 min to travel from Angle street to great south road at 5.15pm. This is triple what it used to take. Please could you re-look at the phasing of the lights. Thanks
- public walkway needs tidy upWalkway between Bishop St and Pukehana Ave is overgrown with weeds and bushes need trimming back to make it easier to walk through.
- cars speedingThis road is a residential street but it is also used as an alternative access to the motorway and te atatu road. every day all day, cars speed up and down the street at speeds that are well in excess of 50 kph. someone is going to get injured or killed, so can you please investigate installing JUDDER BARS, like have been recently put in merchant avenue,to slow people down, asap.
- Pothole has formedpothole has formed on dangerous narrow corner causing traffic heading downhill to swerve in to oncoming traffic
- Street lights outStreet lights are out on the path above great South road between the two ends of otahuri cres. Makes path dangerous at night
- Dangerous speeds San Marino DriveOriginal site plan called for a round-a-bout at San Prospero Crescent & San Marino Drive. This was abandoned for some reason without any public consultation that affects the neighbourhood. We have a large park here with lots of children playing on it. Cars are speeding up and down this road because its about a 500 metre run between round-a-bouts. We have people driving their cars onto San Bernardino Reserve doing donuts, neighbors have reported speeding as well. Its not about whether the average speed may be within reason, it's about slowing motorist down and protecting children at the park. So what are you going to do about that and also somehow prevent them from driving onto the park and doing donuts and off-roading.
- Green traffic light too short coming from Lake roadThe traffic lights at the intersection between Onewa road and Lake road don't seem to be fair for the lake road commuters. I have seen some days where the traffic builds up back to Pupuke road, while Onewa road is fluid !
- scaffolding @ 200 BroadwayI have raised this issue before and not had a response. There has been scaffolding in front of the Footlocker shop for over a year. It causes pedestrian interference and is not being used. There is no construction on the shop canopy and it is a hazzard
- water leaking on walkpathwater leaking on the pathwahy very badly and has been a long time shown as photo attached
- missing postThe bus stop's post was broken and stolen 2 week ago and the concrete footing is protruding from the ground. So there's no longer a clear and safe location for people awaiting for buses.
- Missing street lightWe go walking at night and there used to be a light along the Strand. We were so pleased when you put a new one then bugger me it disappeared after two days. Why??? It is very dangerous walking along that lane as the road isn't very even, Please Please can we have our light back.
- Lack of PavementNo proper pavement up Hilltop Road leading to Redoubt Road. Busy area for walkers, joggers and pderstrians going to Totara Park Urgently need a pavement please!!
- Plans for very wide berm on Kaipara Portage Road, Riverhead.I was wondering if Council or Auckland Transport had a specific plan for the wider sections of Kaipara Portage Road once the South Riverhead development is complete and the road is re-surfaced and repaired. In some places the property frontages are 14m from the edge of the existing paved road.
- Broken PaymentPavement outside 54 Seabrook ave, New Lynn and some other parts of the street is broken for so many years and never been repaired. The attached picture shows the damage in 2009 and 2014.
- Pothole forming in roadPrevious work cut a trench across the road and then filled it. The fill is subsiding creating a deep dip and the road surface is starting to crack into a pothole.
- stopped workingsomeone pulled the wire out
- street light between 17 & 19 Salamanca Rd, SunnynookThe street light at this location is in danger of tipping over. A large gum tree is pushing against the light fitting. Requires prunning. Thanks for your attention.
- Dangerous intersection (Rewi Street/Beach Rd/Rock Isle Rd, Torbay)Dear Sir/Madam Thank you for recently painting improved road marking signage on the intersection of Rewi Street, Rock Isle Road and Beach Road in Torbay. Regrettably, this new road marking has created a dangerous road accident situation, in that vehicles travelling down Beach Road from the Torbay shops, wishing to proceed straight ahead into Rock Isle Road, ignore the road markings as they can not easily see them, and they run straight across the "Give-Way" road markings for Rewi Street residents. So you have a dangerous situation, where a car travelling on Rewi Street-when reaching close to the Give Way road markings, will easily be hit in the side by those vehicles entering (cutting across the markings) into Rock Isle Road. What is needed, is raised kerbing (traffic island) with arrowed signage, which will provide those drivers with better signage and clear direction when entering Rock Isle Road. Thank you. Sincerely Graham Forbes 18 Tui Street Torbay 09 928 30 45 Bns
- flickering lightStreet light turns on and off at the end of the road, next to the entrance to train station
- Large pothole, newLarge new pothole in the middle of Hillsborough Rd outbound, up from St Davids. Deep/large enough to bounce axles. Location on map approx, but pretty obvious.
- Traffic light for Pakuranga Road short phasingThe traffic light for the main road, Pakuranga Road, is short phasing since last week. This is causing a huge back up along Pakuranga Road all way back past Bucklands Beach intersection.
- Overgrown property blocking footpathTrees and bushes from this overgrown derelict property are starting to encroach and grow over the footpath making it dangerous and impossible to use the footpath. It's especially dangerous at night as 2 people have tripped causing injury.
- scaffolding200 Broadway Newmarket auckland. More than one year there has been scaffolding on the footpath obstructing pedestrians passage. Needs to be removed. No work being done on the scaffolding
- The lane markings at the Swanson Road roundabout are wrongThere is a roundabout at the intersection of Swanson Road, Don Buck Road and Universal Drive. This is hard to explain without a diagram but I'll try. Traffic coming from Henderson along Swanson Road in the left lane often cut across traffic in the right lane so they can go up Don Buck Road. This happens really often to me. There are some broken white lines which need to be properly blacked out to try and stop them. Also at the same roundabout, traffic going left from Swanson Road onto Don Buck Road see broken white lines indicating 2 lanes for them. In fact there is only one lane. This causes people to pull out and cut off traffic from the roundabout. These lines need to be blacked out.
- Unnecessary pedestrian lightsPlease remove unnecessary pedestrian lights.
- Lights out for 4 days nowStreet lights in between 18 & 20 Vetori Place Clover Park have been out for 4 days now. Our street is a dead end street and only has 1 lighting down the end of the street which is not working, half of the street is in darkness.
- Blown Traffic LightsA number of the Red and Green Traffic Lights at the intersection of the Grafton Gully Motorway Offramp (429B) and Wellesley Street East are not working and appear to be blown.
- Not workingIts been almost 2 weeks since I reported about street light not working but no action has been taken.
- Street lights are not workingThere are 2 street lights out in Tuparekura Rd, South Head. The first is on the Northern side of the junction of Tuparekura Rd and South Head RD and the second is on the left of Tuparekura Rd just past Kaipara Lake Rd.
- Too many parked cars blocking dead end roadPeople for the park, sports and dance classes fill the road, park over orange lines and reduce the road to a narrow one way lane. Worst on Saturday, but also some week nights. We need more no-parking zones or change all of it to resident-only parking.
- Missing Fire Hydrant CoverThe fire hydrant cover outside our building has been stolen leave this hole exposed.
- how long is this going to be here?this framework has been here for a very long time how much longer, The bridge between Onehunga & Mangere took about seven year and maybe should of taken one or two years without the industrial dispute, maybe this is going for a new record, outside shops 220 & 222 boradway Newmarket, I was very surprised when I went to google street photo it did not show.
- Pedestrian almost gets lights smacked in by motorist.I was crossing Domain drive about the spot half way along where the bus would be in this old photograph and a car stopped going towards Park Road on the other side of Domain Drive wanting me to walk in front of him, I yelled out “THIS IS A GIVEWAY NOT A PEDESTRIAN CROSSING, LEARN YOUR RODE CODE – IDIOT!!” he said “CFOYUU “ [these letters have been put in alphabetical order to make it socially more acceptable] in his foreign accent, so I walked behind him, and all I heard as I walked away all was “CFOYUU “ “CFOYUU “ “CFOYUU “ it was a good four times maybe five or six. I had to change my walking direction in-case he decided he want to punch my lights out in case he waited for me on the other side of the park. When are motorist going to get their crap together and learn a three sided triangle means "give way" at a T road junction, motorist give way to other motorist not pedestrians. Four sided diamond shape is needed as motorist before a pedestrian crossing this is when motorist give way to pedestrians. Anyway it was good fun I will have to repeat it tomorrow if I get another motorist poked in the head.
- Potholes have re-appeared J Tolhopf & Ahuroa Roads, PuhoiPotholes have re-appeared on J Tolhopf & Ahuroa Roads. Really not ideal as it's been less than 3 months since they were fixed! Quite bad in some parts causing motorists to drive on wrong side of road to avoid them. Please can this be looked into urgently. Thanks for your attention.
- Street light not workingStreet light not working outside 8 Arthur street Onehunga
- Judder bars required to control speed on Keystone AveCars travel too fast down Keystone Ave and often cut the blind corner (see picture) joining Akarana and Keystone Ave at bottom of the hill. This is a popular morning bypass for the traffic lights on corner of Mt Albert/Dominion Roads. Dominion Rd School is in close proximity but people still speed and cross the centre line on the corner, the picture clearly indicating excessive speed. There is also a limited view of traffic coming from Dominion Rd from addresses close to Fearon Park, making exit from property a dangerous affair at times. A judder bar placed anywhere between 50-100m from the corner on Keystone Ave would help alleviate these dangers
- Pothole caused by trucksPothole has been caused by trucks turning out of Point View drive turning onto Middlefield drive. This causes loose gravel in front of the driveway.
- slippry footpath cnr carlton & geogre streetthe footpath is steep on the sharp bend when it is wet this footpath is very slippery and has the ARGH!!! factor.
- pedestrain sign "cross now" sign bocked by busseswhat happens is, when there is a bus at the head of the cue, and there is a bus behind wanting to use the free turn, sometimes the bus creeps forward blocking the "cross now" sign so pededestrains wanting to cross over to Karangahape ARGH can not see it, maybe the sign could be reerected higher.
- more slippery footpaththere is slippery footpath at the shops near the corner of park road and graften road opposite were the old nurses home used to be on park road. near the the shops is a little sit down area and some trees just near that is a message engived into the semicircle stone footpath this footplath is very smooth and so when it rains the slip factor on one sheos does not be greater than the slip factor of the footpath and so one looses tractoin in the wet
- footpath cancer still left on footpathgoing over railwaywack from when newmarket train station was rebultcan i be aurthrised to remove it, please!!! this bright yellow footpath cancer is darn dangerous when it is raining and you have wet sheos
- Extremely dangerous for pedestrian's crossing to transport hubThere is no pedestrian crossing or pedestrian lights for people walking to bus/train from the direction of Ireland Road. To cross safely with lights means another 6 or 7 minutes walk and no one is going to do that when it might mean missing a bus/train and being late for work/school. Cars come off the busy Panmure roundabout at speed and are not expecting pedestrians running across in front of them. This is an accident waiting to happen and when it does it will be a serious one. Is this what it will take to get the road crossing safer?
- Extremely dangerous for pedestrian's crossing to transport hubThere is no pedestrian crossing or pedestrian lights for people walking to bus/train from the direction of Ireland Road. To cross safely with lights means another 6 or 7 minutes walk and no one is going to do that when it might mean missing a bus/train and being late for work/school. Cars come off the busy Panmure roundabout at speed and are not expecting pedestrians running across in front of them. This is an accident waiting to happen and when it does it will be a serious one. Is this what it will take to get the road crossing safer?
- Large potholeA large pothole has developed 100m up the hill from the one way bridge.
- No Parking LinesCars and Lorries are double parking on Bay Park Place, primarily at the top of the street as cars drive in and out which is very unsafe not to mention illegal. Can we please have yellow lines painted at the top of the street on both sides to prevent any accidents. Further, the public footpath is used to load and unload the lorries preventing public use of path.
- Heavy vehicles (trucks/diggers) parked in dangerous locationHeavy vehicles (trucks and diggers) are continually parked outside 47 Kittiwake Drive (the vehicles owners house). Many accidents have almost occurred due to the fact that these heavy vehicles are parked right on the bend of the road obstructing the view when driving from both directions. I suspect that putting yellow lines on the left hand side of the road (outside this house) would only result in them parking their heavy vehicles on the other side of the road which has happened in the past. Maybe fines may be in order?
- street lighting post is tiltedHi there I have noticed tonight at 11.00 pm the Lighting post by my house 32 leburn cres, flat bush, auckland is moved ( tilted ) and it seems that someone had hit the post with a car or a truck. The land next to my house is getting built which is right to the post and I am 100% sure that one of their contractors or builders have done this as it was not like this . The post have moved quiet a bit and it can end up with a massive tragedy if it falls on the cars parked in the street or could fall on my house. I require an immediate assistance please with this issue. I am really worried about the safety of people around and in my family too. Please contact me by Tomorrow ( Wednesday ) to know when the council can fix it. Many thanks Kind Regards Saif Ismail
- Light outThe street light outside 14 Joanne Place, Rosehill, Papakura has been out for quite a few months. Would be great to have it up and running again.
- Street light turning off and on all nightHi, Since a power cutt approx a month to six weeks agao the street light outside no 18 Bertram Rd Kawakawa Bay keep turning on and off al night.
- Cars parked at the bed obscures view of trafficCars exiting driveways or attempting u-turns are unable to see traffic coming up from around the bend. Often the cars are also speeding as they come down the hill and around the bend. A speed bump and yellow lines should both be installed to slow down traffic and provide unimpeded views for save driving.
- Lifted driveway crossingCrossing for 29 Newbliss cres has lifted quite severely and is a major tripping hazard. Lifting has been caused by nearby tree roots. Footpath beside tree and crossing were repaired but only sloped up to meet driveway.
- Sunkin Road following reinstatementDirectly outside house # 100 Porchester Road there has been earlier underground work on this road without sufficient compaction causing a sudden dip even at 50 kmph. While non urgent this dip is enough to make a truck bounce.
- Kerbside parking blocking traffic flowHi, the current kerbside parking at the bend in Mahuru St (near Nuffield St T junction) creates a traffic flow hazard when two cars are coming around the bend in opposite directions simultaneously. At times buses travelling south, have almost got stuck, as the bend is made too narrow by the cars parked on either side of the road. The easy solution would be to prevent kerbside parking on both sides of the actual bend, to allow vehicles to stay wider on the southbound side, and cars travelling northbound can hug the corner. I raise this now in the hope that yellow lines can be added as part of the footpath/roadworks that are underway at present. Thanks!
- Horse float park on curb sideThere is a horse float parked on curb side obstructing and taking up parking area on road. Notice the council and other collection trucks have issues as they cant get there trucks close Backing out around this area is difficult as they are causing blind spots on road. Is this legal been there for weeks now and cars come around corner fast
- Street & Walkway entrance lightingStreet light outside 9 Park Estate Rd not working again. Has been blacking out intermittantly for past month or so.
- Faulty Street LightStreet light outside number 16 keeps switching itself on and off all night. Only stays on for 10 seconds then switches off for 10 seconds. Has been like this for a couple of months now.
- Street Light Cover hanging off after bad stormThe Street light cover is swinging on a hinge after bad storm last week. The light is very bright fron street light without the diffuser cover.
- street lights outthere are at least 3 street lights out on the roundabout between 213 to 215. This is an extremely busy and at times dangerous roundabout. Also the street lights provide better security for our properties
- Hole in footpath - Tai Ping SupermarketNasty hole in concrete by entrance to Tai Ping Supermarket. 25 Porana Road, Glenfield, Auckland.
- Street light outThe street light at this location has been out for at least a month, it'd be great if it coul d be repaired.
- Traffic Light Sensor Doesn't pick up MotorbikesHi, When heading North on Wheturangi Road when you get to the Greenlane junction the traffic light sensor does not pick up motorbikes to allow you to turn right. This is very dangerous as when on the bike you either have to wait for a car to come up the road behind you or run the red light. In the evenings you can sometimes wait for up to 20 minutes for a car to come and if you decide to run the traffic light greenlane can be very busy and dangerous. It would be great if this could be fixed. Thanks
- Debris spread down the street.There was torrential rain last night and debris has washed down Green Lane & Jackson Place. This debris appears to be a lot more than has occurred at other times. Can this please be swept up please.
- Please fix the street lights on Sylvan Ave, Northcote, Auckland 0627We've had no street lights for approx. three weeks.
- Phasing incorrectAt 5.45am each week day, coming from Kilkenny Drive & going to Smales Rd, the lights are now set on a long phase for Chapel Rd before changing. Previously I got a green very soon after arriving at that time in the morning.
- Lights not phased long enough for cars exiting College RdCars exiting College Rd have to wait many phases of lights (up to 10 minutes) to turn out of College Rd on to Akoranga Dr. Cars passing through the lights along Akoranga have no delay.
- Parked vehicles block our driveway.Dear Sir/Madam. Re: Vehicles parked between the driveway entrance of no.1 Phillipa Place and the one driveway that serves No 3a,3b,5a,5b,5c Phillipa Place. The parking space between the two driveways is to short for a vehicle to park without blocking one of our driveways. To make maters worse the driveway for house 3a to 5c enters the close at an angle which causes further problems trying to enter or exit the driveway. I have had to have vehicles towed on numerous occasions due to not being able to exit or enter my property with a trailer attached to my vehicle. My neighbours are continually fighting with drivers parked over our combined driveway. Please install some road markings and make this spot a no parking spot. It will really prevent further confrontation between neighbour who have had to deal with this problem daily for years. I have had to removes rocks used to hold down rude note from car bonnets and boots placed their by angry neighbours before the offending driver discovers them and the problem escalates. Please assist me in bringing peace to our street. Regards. Mick
- street light not working properlyStreet light faulty and the light cover is broken/gone
- Street light out againstreet light on corner of paisley street and mc millan place is out again
- Footpath obstruction13 Dromorne Road is a building site. The security fencing at the front of the site has now crept out to cover over half of the footpath.
- Car dealer parks vehicles over footpath in a very busy streetJust like in the following streetview link, only worse. Sometimes there is only about 1 ft left for pedestrians to walk past, and the cars are very close together so there's no way to walk between them. https://www.google.com/maps/@-36.921338,174.828445,3a,75y,177.22h,84.19t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sps4nJyQeUelcjpe87kp4SA!2e0
- Street Lights been off for 2 weeksHi, The street lights in Belle-Mer Place and Island view have not been working for the last 2 weeks. Can we get them turned back on please. Thanks
- Street lights not workingStreet lights not working
- Two lights blownHi. Both lights on the left as you enter Margarita Rise from Kayes Rd are blown and has been so for some time. Don't know the reason this time why but we have noticed people kicking these lamp posts in the past and the light would go out then come back on. These two lights seem to be off permanently now, maybe strengthening the posts in future might make them last longer. Cheers
- street lightstreet light opposite 4 trent st is intermittent,can be normal,late or not work at all.
- No Street Lights - Falkirk Street, Blockhouse BayWe have not had any Street lighting for around a month!!
- all roads avoiding eden park traffic are now unservicable.as sandringham road and dominion road are now regularly packed with eden park traffic, residents who must traverse the area use local knowledge to avoid these roads. the council in their infinite wisdom has now placed judderbars on every single alternate route to dominion road and sandringham road from mt albert. these render the road practically useless for transit, as they provide unreasonable vehicle wear and severe congestion to commuters travveling these routes. why have you done this? surely you should be spending money IMPROVING ROADS, rather than screwing them up so that they are all but useless??? you are essentially spending taxpayer money, on ruining roads!? what is the rationale?
- Unacceptable FootpathFootpath is very broken up and is unsafe to walk on
- Traffic lights have spun in wind, now facing in wrong directionSee photo - one of the '->' lights for traffic turning right onto the westbound ONramp is now facing the traffic turning right from the westbound OFFramp.
- Very uneven footpath with potholesThe driveway/footpath area around 79 Atkinson road is in a state of disrepair - very uneven and dangerous. There is a huge pothole that has gotten worse since the photo was taken. I notice that the upper section of Golf road has just had improvements to the footpath carried out and was wondering if there were works planned for Atkinson. A lot of parents use this footpath to go to/from Kaurilands school and Glen Eden intermediate and it is difficult to negotiate when pushing a pram.
- Traffic Lights PhasingThe traffic lights are short phasing. This has been happenning for 2 days.
- Whole stetch of Street Lighting OutWhole stetch of Street Lighting Out
- Large road cover (new) creates speed bumpA new metal road cover has been installed incorrectly and creates a sharpe judder bar causing damage to vehicles and safety concerns. Needs corrective action to level out the road and metal cover. At western end heading west just past hospital entrance.
- Street light not workingStreet light outside 12 and 14 Aumoe Ave is out yet again, this is the 4th time in the last 4 - 5 months. It seems to be mainly when the weather is bad.
- Kaipara Portage Road, RiverheadIt is getting to the point where you cannot drive on Kaipara Portage Road with the number of very large potholes
- Street Light is leaning over and will fall to the ground soon!Street light on kirbside outside 22 Columbia Crescent is leaning over and looks like it will fall to the ground soon. Considered a Safety Hazard!
- Street Light flicks on and offStreet light on kerbside at 8 Columbia Crescent continuously flicks on and off during the night when other lights in street are on.
- Roundabout needed! busy intersection!!Corner of Felton Mathew Ave and St Johns Road, St Johns, Auckland. Very busy and traffic is qued up to turn right from Felton Mathew into St John's Road.
- TRAFFIC LIGHTS NEEDED! GRAND DRIVE/ABBOTS WAY REMUERAvery busy and dangerous intersection seen many crashes here traffic lights or roundabout needed!
- Speed humps at round about on beach roadThere have recently been speed humps installed on beach road round about in Browns Bay. I highly doubt that these comply with any bylaws or legistlation. They are clearly over 100mm high which would contravene the VTNZ standard of vehicles requiring 100mm clearance. They have the potential to create a serious accident and are not even the full width of the road but humped up in the middle. I am sure that this will be causing damage to motorists vehicles. This needs to be sorted out, this roundabout used to operate flawlessly.
- Street lights outStreet lights along Manapau St from train station to Tahapa Crescent have not been working for the past month.
- Street Lighting not Working Laureston AveStreet lights on Laureston Ave, Papatoetoe are not working each night, is there some reason? Very dark driving in to street otherwise.
- No street lightThe street light in this cul de sac has not been working for at least the past month. The street is much too dark, it creates a hazard -especially for pedestrians.
- BAIRDS ROAD, POTHOLES!can we please have the at least 30-40cm deep pot holes on Bairds Road just before the main intersection filled? damaging pot holes!
- Street lights not working on Chelsea View DriveAt least 2 bulbs are not working, it's an hasard as a busy location/intersection (New World supermarket's exit)
- Debris in street guttersAfter the recent storm the gutters in Ladies Mile opposite the school are full of debris from nearby trees and need sweeping as the debris is blocking the cesspits every time it rains
- Pothole in middle of roadPothole outside of 53 Alfriston Road and opposite Choice Kids kindy. Nearly in middle of road, but more on the number 53 side. It's getting bigger.
- Uneven NEW RoadThis road has been widened, by using the hard shoulder, in 2013. It has already had one fix of the potholes in the 'recovered' section (seriously - who is doing your roadworks, and who monitors them!) I suggest you urgently send an engineer out to survey the road. Its abysmal.
- Street lightsTher is no street lightening on in Bay Street and sour rounding areas for about 4 days now
- No lights at all in top block of Elgin Street since last weekend stormThe street lights on Elgin Street between Crummer Road and Great North Road have been out since the storm last weekend (5 days now). It is VERY dark here. I think they are also out between Crummer Road and Williamson Ave. The lights along Crummmer seem to be working.
- Street lighting not workingStreet lights on Holly Street from Colarado Place to Eastdale Rd are not working
- Water damageThe recent heavy rain has created its own open drain / ditch across the middle of the gravel road. The erosion created along the south side of Taiapa Road leading to this new 'ford' is worth inspecting to prevent further damage also. Taiapa Road was also recently graded but the damage from the heavy rain and regular traffic means it should be inspected again for new potholes.
- PotholeDeep pothole outside of 195-197 drive way, many cars are driving into it, needs to be fixed urgently before a speedster loses control and plow onto the side walk or nearby houses, its happened before
- Waimauku Huapi SH16 PotholesSH 16 between Huapai and Waimauku has been recently repaired. The repair is of a shocking standard with numerous potholes and uneven surfaces. This is at least the 4th time in 8 years this stretch of road has been repaired. Why is it not done properly? The potholes this time are a danger.
- Confusing Traffic LightsOn the intersection Nuffield Street / Remuara Road it seems that a traffic light has shifted due to the storm from last night, which confuses drivers coming from Nuffield street. You see red and green at the same time. Please refer to the picture. It's the traffic light on the right hand side.
- Bus stop requestThere is no bus stop on this side of the road which means bus users are forced to stand in the rain and wait for their bus. For some reason there is a bus stop on the opposite side of the road which makes no sense as all bus routes terminate within about 1km of that bus stop at Long Bay. This side of the road needs a bus stop.
- Walkway between Ceramco Place and Acacia Road unlitThe walkway that links Ceramco Place and Acacia Road is completely unlit and makes users of this walkway very vulnerable at night considering it is completely open and has many spaces for people to hide. Personal experience is that you feel very unsafe using this at night.
- car parks on my driveway,I need a white line for people to park their cars away from my driveway.They park their cars very close to my driveway or block a part of it. It blocks my view when I drive in or out of my house. I reported this problem a few times and the council towed away those cars but the problem stil exists and it really affects me and my family's safety because Market road is a very busy road and people drive quite fast. It feels dangerous to drive in and out because of poor vision. Could you draw a white line for proper parking,please?
- Yellow LinesToday the council came and painted yellow lines on Bucklands Beach road (in front of 228) from the Public post box to the newly erected road crossing. THERE WAS NEVER ANY YELLOW MARKINGS THERE BEFORE today, and as a shop keeper at the Mobil corner shops, experience has taught me that this will only compound the parking issues we already have and more people will park in the church grounds much to their aggravation. PLEASE remove these yellow lines ASAP. Thank you.
- Road is knackeredThe road at 600 Island Road on Puketutu Island is atrocious, it's to the point now I couldn't really call it a road as it has so many holes and it's so rough, this needs to be fixed as it's at the point now where it will start causing damage to all road users trucks and cars alike
- Broken Street LightStreet light opposite 6 Emirau Place is broken. Flickers consistently, stays off for long periods of time. Is one of the only sources of light for the upper street, and must be fixed.
- Pedestrian lights no workingTwo days ago all of the lights at this intersection failed. The traffice lights now work, but the pedestrian lights are not. This is a very busy intersection and there are schools nearby. Interestion at Carruth and lambie Drive, papatoetoe
- Manhole Cover above the footpath surfaceManhole wooden cover is higher than the footpath surface which make it hazard for people walking on that footpath and also for people skating in the area. Area is next to Victoria park play ground area. Please feel free to contact me if you need more details.
- Dangerous roundaboutRecently this roundabout corner Hugh Green and Spenser, was put in. Problem is that cars driving south from McClymonts through the roundabout are not slowing down and driving through the roundabout at excessive speed. This is due to the fact that the roundabout only has a very small island in the middle, it is not enough to deter speeders. When travelling from East coast Bays rd and turning right or going straight from Spencer Rd it can be quite difficult to see the cars and then deal with the speed they are travelling at. This is right outside Pinehill primary and needs to be addressed asap.
- Footpath/pavement broken away and dangerousThe footpath/pavement is broken and is harmful to car tyres and those crossing the road because it just drops away.
- Brick detail inlay with messy concrete patchingUnacceptable workmanship. Trip hazard. It would pay to review all of these inlays along this road [This message is with particular reference to the one outside The Bottle O]
- Car is parked unlocked - been parked for 1 weekReg DBE531 expired 11/05/2014 Honda Accord US Wagon - papers on seat suggest owner may be Suzanne Joy Keesing
- Blocked Storm water grillsLeaves seriously blocking two storm water grills outside nos 12 & 13 Huntington Drive. These are a trap and the old council was cleaning four times a year. Two agressive deciduous council kerb trees causing Problem.Have tried to contact council & it is not obvious how to do this. Please help ot we shall have a flood.
- Green arrow turning left onto Easter Park Pde has a huge delay turning onThis has bugged me for years! The arrow turning Left (from Manuka Rd) onto Eastern Park Parade is delayed for too long once the main light (going straight) turns red. I have never seen such a delay before and it is truly annoying! Many people ignore the delay and don't wait for it to turn green, they just go, knowing that it will turn green shortly. It confuses a lot of people and people are often having to toot the people in front once the arrow eventually has turned green.
- Appleby Road needs a set of traffic lightsMy 2 children attend Albany ABC and it is a nightmare turning right out of that intersection. Even if I leave work early, the traffic is solid and it is still difficult to turn right safely. Appleby Road is a busy enough road to warrant traffic lights. This is paramount for the safety of the preschoolers and albany jr high school kids. It should be a high priority.
- Dirty bus stopPlease arrange cleaning of the bus stop OPPOSITE Auckland city hospital. The glass and metal trim are filthy and covered in months of dirt. Thank you. Also, your app "fix my street" no longer seems to work.
- street light not workingWe have a street light that works then cuts out. It needs to please be replaced. Thanks
- street lights outStreet light outside 29 Sunnyside Crescent not working. Also I suspect on either side of 29 lights are not working as street appears very dark at night.
- help the Visually Impaired PedestriansVery strange looks like a tree stump stuck in the footpath outside 52 Symonds Street Auckland, I did not have a ruler and I did not look closer be bending down but looks like about 5 to 10 millimeters sticking out of footpath LOOKS LIKE TRIP HAZARD FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEDESTRIANS
- Kerb/Crub crumblingThe kerb outside 13 Marama St, Castor Bay, Auckland is crumbling and is need of repari
- footpath raised by tree rootsthere is a significant step in the concrete footpath at 11 Park Ave, Grafton. It is beneath the tree, so is in shadow at night.
- Drain at the Bus StopVery large rats nest going in and out next to the drain where the bus stops
- street light not working 52 grotto st onehungastreet light not working 52 grotto st onehunga
- Street lights not workingStreet lights not working which makes it hard for people to see returning from rugby at Eden Park
- Golf Road / South Lynn Road intersection poor for pedestriansThe above intersection is unsafe for pedestrians going to or from New Lynn from the Hilling Street area. It is a particular wide intersection with overly large sweeping radii that encourages higher vehicle speed and long desire lines for crossing pedestrians. Please can you provide a safe crossing location to the west of the South Lynn intersection for those users travelling west from South Lynn Road (the new zebra is too far off the desire line and would disadvantage pedestrians if that is suggested as an alternative). The radii are also far too large and should be reduced make the crossing of South Lynn road easier as the newly provided pedestrian refuge is in the wrong place if you want to head west from South Lynn road on to Golf Road. I have had a number of near misses with trying to cross this intersection as vehicles travel too fast up golf road.
- Old and poor street lightingHilling Street was built in the 1960's as part of a larger subdivision. Since this time the light standards have been updated and this street is no longer compliant with the levels required for an operational bus route. It is very dark at night to walk along and many people have to use torches to see. Please asses the current lighting levels and provide new lights, with closer spacing's and modern white lights (Ceramic Metal Halides or perhaps so of the newer 25W LEDs).
- Birkenhead - no street lighting Onewa Rd, Mokoia Rd, Glenwood AveThere is a wide area of street lighting currently not working in Birkenhead. from top of Onewa Road, Highbury Bypass, Mokoia Road, Glenwood Ave, Glenbush Place. Has been like this since Wednesday 16th April 2014.
- Bournemouth Terrace Murrays BayStreet lighting for entire street not functioning
- Street light not workingCalled auckland city council on saturday last week and lodged a complain that the street lights are not working, they said they will fix it but now its 6 days and nothing has been done. Its really shocking services from the council.
- light not working in parkLight not working in park. The Guide hall/den does not have any lighting outside (for safety/access during winter months)
- PhasingThe past 2 days the lights have been short phasing at the bottom of Hillsborough road where it crosses the South Western Motorway. This has resulted in a 4km queue up and along Hillsborough road encountered at 8.20am today and a resulting 30 minute delay.
- Pedestrian phase not workingwalking from Newton road, crossing Piwakawaka Street, ped phase not working, despite pressing button and beep noise happening... no green man, and no gap between car light phases for peds to cross
- blocked turning area danger to childrencars parked in the turning area at the end of Dorothy Road mean commercial vehicles have to reverse out, damaging cars and a threat to children playing. Agree with other complaint that no parking signs, markings are vitally needed
- blocked turning area danger to childrencars parked in the turning area at the end of Dorothy Road mean commercial vehicles have to reverse out, damaging cars and a threat to children playing. Agree with other complaint that no parking signs, markings are vitally needed
- Lamp lights intermittantly On/Off during darkness.As above, faulty light.
- Ranui Station Road / Swanson Road Traffic Light PhasesHi there, the phases at this intersection is creating longer than necessary delays for people travelling along Swanson Road. Swanson Road is the main road here but the phasing for cars coming off Ranui Station Road allows 20 plus seconds when there is rarely more than 2-3 cars. Can this be reduced to around 5 seconds on green? (with extra time only if pedestrians are crossing. At any time of day there seems to be cars waiting on red with nothing else happening - so to sum up, more priority to Swanson Road through traffic and less to Ranui Station and Armada Drive.
- fire hydrant leakHi leaking fire hydrant for approx 2 weeks, outside #20. Have rung x2 with no results. Watercare needs to come and repair please. Water all over lawn, footpath and street. Thanks
- Kirk str. Street light on day and nightBottom of kirk street before right turn into keppel str this orange street light is on 24/7. An unnecessary use of electricity?
- Pedestrian crossing activated all the timeThe popular intersection of St Heliers Bay Rd and Long Drive /Ashby Avenue has the pedestrian crossing ‘active’ at all times, with or without pedestrians. These has two major implications: -By day, and specially at peak times, there are traffic congestions and problems to turn right due to shorter traffic lights changes -By night the typical sound signal for pedestrians can be heard at all times (usually without any pedestrians crossing)
- Not workingStreet lights are out in deeming place. May be some on one side of park ave as well
- Short phasing lights at intersection of Wilkinson & Ellerslie-Panmure HighwayThe traffic lights, controlling traffic merging from Wilkinson Road onto Main Highway and Ellerslie-Panmure Highway is letting on average 3 cars through in the mornings before they go red. Causing a queue stretching back almost to Gavin St. They have only been like this in the last month.
- variable message sign for travel times pleaseHi there, We'd really appreciate a variable message sign before this roundabout (perhaps even at Kumeu), telling us travel times to the city via SH18 or SH16 please. That way we can decide our route or elect to get the bus or ferry on a really bad day (hey why not add ferry or bus times to the city too!)
- main street light surging, flickering all nightThe large street light that is located outside the villa at 138 Victoria Road, Devonport surges high and low and flickers any time from 2am every morning til light. Our household would be terribly grateful if a low watt bulb could replace what is there. Thanks very much.
- Street LightingStreet lights both side of the road not working since last saturday, its very dark. Lights are between 464 and 470 Te Atatu Road, Te Atatu Peninsula.
- Blown Street LightThe street light out the front of 2 Buchanan Street no longer works. It is now quite dark on the street and a potential hazard
- Street light not workingStreet light at the end of the street is not working, assume bulb blown.
- Agnes shop at 20 High Street placing stickers on footpathThe shop named 'Agnes' at 20 High Street (or possibly 18 High Street) has placed stickers on the footpath, essentially 'advertising' their business on public property. The stickers are blue stars. This shop has put stickers on the footpath previously, just a few months ago.
- Blind Spot Caused by ScrubWhen turning right from Cornwallis Road into Huia Road, there is a point where traffic coming from the right become hidden due to the scrub growing at the side of the road. In years gone by this has not been an issue but has now become a real danger. Some one will be "T Boned" if you don't sort this out. Easy fix - cut back the road side scrub over for about a 20m distance and 2m into the verge. Have been driving this road for 36 years so speaking from experience.
- A section of street light have been off for OVER a month!The section of street light from 97 to 125 had stopped working for over a month already. This is the second time I've reported this. Please fix it as soon as possible.
- PhasingWhen I pass at 5.45am each week day, the lights are defaulting to Bishop Dunn Pl/Sancta Maria Way when there is no traffic waiting, thereby impeding the Te Irirangi traffic flow.
- Button Not WorkingKhyber Pass Road bus stop opposite Osborne Street in Newmarker, Auckland. The Page Down button has never been working for a long time since it was serviced about a year ago. Only 1 page of listed buses ever shows (for a very busy bus stop!). Very frustrating at times. Many people I see try to use it and also can't access more than about 3 listed bus arrivals.
- stop has 2 numbersbus stop 1089 also has 5727 on electronic display near by
- Pedestrian lights are not workingThe pedestrian light (just after the roundabout in the direction heading to Northcross; near Meat King) does not seem to be working. When I press the button to wait to cross, the red 'man' does not light up.
- Uplifted/damaged concrete pavementTwo concrete slabs on the pavement outside 143 Woodlands Park Road are cracked and being uplifted creating a serious tripping hazard on the pavement
- Street light not workingThe street light outside 20 Mariri Road, Onehungs, Auckland 1061 is not working
- Training observers to be dangerous.The Photo taken one hot afternoon shows or should show a air conditioning unit dripping water on to the top of a brown box that has a label saying “DANGER active electrical equipment” The box has to be water tight as this brown box and many more around the streets nearer you. But all the same in the interest of electrical safety having water drip onto a electrical box, whoever installed the air conditioning unit directly above the electrical box knowing that the air conditioning unit was going expel water during its operation must be poked in the head. It makes one wonder if the installed was done by a qualified electrician. The photo show a footpath around the electrical box is wet, this photo was taken at the corner Sarawia Street and Parnell Road. Just a couple of meters from Parnell Road.
- Street light shining in bedroomI live at 10A Wynne Gray Avenue, Stonefields and directly across the road is a street light that emits so much light it affects my bedroom at night. Is it posiible for side shades etc to be affixed to deflect the light downwards
- entry to roadEntering and exiting Dominikovich Road, Pollok, Awhitu Peninsula is a dangerous and scary experience. When turning into this road from the main Awhitu Road you can not see around the corner and have to drive to a right angle then zoom across as fast as possible before being hit by on-coming traffic. Coming out of this road and turning left is not too bad as you can look through the pine tree plantation and watch for and guestimate the speed of cars, trucks, milk tankers coming up the hill before deciding whether or not to risk pulling out. Turning right out of this road onto the main road is simply too dangerous.
- Street lighting pole damaged.Street light and pole was felled about 5 weeks ago,adjacent 18 & 20 Glen Ave Papatoetoe. When could we expect reinstatement please.
- Who cares about Auckland pedestrians?I gave the new Panmure train station a visit yesterday, I wanted to cross Ellerslie – Panmure highway intending to head for Ireland road I had to risk live & limb to cross the road “WHAT A “POKE” OFF.” this was no pedestrian crossing I could see, there is one it you want to cross the bus terminal. Coming back I thought I would take a different route the electronic crossing at Lagoon drive was not to far down the road I used that. The crossing was way down Queen Road. I thought screw that I am not walking way down there, not since I survived crossing Ellerslie – Panmure highway with no pedestrian crossing, this should be a piece of cake, so I walked in between the traffic waiting to use the round about. …............................................................................ If there is a pedestrian crossing over the busy Ellerslie – Panmure highway (maybe it is way up the Ellerslie end) then maybe it would be handy if a sign was put up so pedestrians could “bang” into it as they leave Panmure train station, as banging into a sign would be less fatal then crossing Ellerslie – Panmure highway when the civil engineers “free to air TV intelligent“ When the consider pedestrian safety. WAKE UP AND GET THIS STRAIGHT, IF YOU PEOPLE WANT TO MAKE PEDESTRIANS SAFE ALL THE TIME, THEN I WILL USE THE SAFETY APPROACH ALL THE TIME!
- No right turn phase for cyclists and motorcyclesCannot turn right legally exiting Mount Eden Road onto Symonds St. Cyclists and motorcyclists do not get a green light and run the red with a blind corner on their left.
- Street light not workingStreet light in front of 5 Kestev Drive is not working again. It was restored about a month ago. Thank you.
- street lightsHalf off the street lights in oranga ave are out,the half down to rockfield road,its pitch black at night. its been like that for at lest a week.
- Loose and noisy manhole coverLoose Telecom manhole cover on transit lane bangs when cars and large vehicles drive over it. Please fix.
- 2x street lights out of order for some timeThe street lights outside 11 & 15 Valley Road are not working.
- street light is out of orderStreet light between 27 and 29 landscape road is too dim. and sometimes it stops working.
- Street lights not workingThe street lights between 108 Great South Road and the junction with Mauranui Avenue in Epsom have not been working for several weeks. This stretch of the road has become hazardous for pedestrians and cyclists after dark.
- Side of road collapsing leaving hazard to road usersPart of the road is collapsing, leaving a big pot/sinkhole next to the give way sign at 1 Pickaberry Avenue, Karaka Lakes, Papakura. The hole is going in much deeper as can see on the photos and is increasing in size on a daily basis, it is creating a hazard for vehicles that is turning left and people using the walk path.
- over cambered roadSince the last time the road was relaid B-train trucks are consitently getting stuck reversing out of our Brett Ave drive way. Every time the road gets relaid the road gets higher and higher in comparison to the foot path and drive. The road is now over 200mm higher in the center of the road in relation to our driveway.
- Srteet Light FluctulatingLight operates normally,then appears to lose power,then operates normally for a short time.Has been playing up for many months. Situated opposite Waiwera Dairy,and at driveway entrance to Coach Trail Apartments.
- Road surface potholesBetween 69 Oaktree Ave and 95 Oaktree Ave, Browns Bay, the seal is breaking up, needs repair.
- Poor Grip On Road SurfaceThere is poor grip on most sections of Redoubt Road creating a very dangerous situation in the advent of rainfall. My wife lost control of her vehicle on this bend after some showers even though she was within the speed limits. Something needs to be done. 129 accidents have been reported on Redoubt Road between 2006 and 2010 according to a Stuff report. Something needs to be done to prevent any further accidents.
- Street light not workingThe street light in front of 5 Kestev Drive, Flat Bush, 2016 Auckland
- Broken/Out Streetlight opposite 55 Tiriwa DriveThere is a broken/out streetlight opposite 55 Tiriwa Drive Massey. It is on a blind corner and there are a lot of construction vehicles using the road. It is a hazard.
- Public access way is overgrown with hedges and weedsThe public access way between the end of Bishop Street and Pukehana Avenue in Epsom is overgrown with weeds and neighbouring hedges. Please trim hedges and remove weeds, as these are untidy and if left, will make the walkway difficult to navigate. Thanks.
- LightingStreet Lights on in daylight for last few days, also extends to Mt Eden Road
- Street lights not working 2+ weeksHello, the street lights in Parkfield Tce are not working. A lot of people walk along it, and it should feel safe. Also 2 break-ins apparently in the last 2 weeks.
- Heavy trucks shaking my houseThere is a manhole on the road just outside my place Recently there has been increase of trucks, lorry and trucks with trailers using Lagoon Drive (possibly because of AMETI Project) They drive over a steel round plate in the road (manhole) It shakes my whole house it is really stressful…my house is old and it will be damaging it no doubt…clank clank bang bang!! I really need someone to help address this situation ..i have been putting up with it for the past 6 mths
- Burnouts, HooningNon-residents (and residents) are doing burnouts and doughnuts with high powered cars in the cul-de-sac. A physical solution - like speed bumps at the end of the circle in the cul-de-sac could prevent this.
- sinkholeA month old sinkhole at a busy intersection where a walking school bus walk as well as other school kids and pedestrians. Particularly dangerous in wet weather as pavers are slippery too. Please address before someone gets hurt!!
- Puka Street, Onehunga, AKL 1061 - EMERGENCY ACCESS SEVERELY HAMPEREDThis short street is not wide enough to accommodate parking on both sides whilst maintaining safe and easy access for residents and through traffic but even more importantly for emergency vehicles. In the event of a fire in the evening/overnight - this being the most common time for house fires – the Fire Brigade would find access to right-of-way properties in particular severely hampered. The ability for the Brigade to manoeuvre a truck to gain access to the middle of the street from either end and run hoses to hydrants for high pressure delivery via the truck will be virtually impossible in the evening, and the use of low pressure delivery from Grey St or Heretaunga Ave has the potential of life threatening delay in reaching people trapped. Low pressure delivery would also cause substantial water damage to property and surrounding homes. The majority of the homes on the street have ample off street parking for their own vehicles. Parking is available in surrounding streets for those living in the units who may require more than the allotted off street parking space available for their particular unit. Residents would be pleased to see yellow lines installed strategically to ensure ease of passage at all times for emergency vehicles. The addition of yellow lines would also serve to improve visibility and safety for the many young children resident in the street.
- EMERGENCY ACCESS SEVERLY HAMPEREDThis short street is not wide enough to accommodate parking on both sides whilst maintaining safe and easy access for residents and through traffic but even more importantly for emergency vehicles. In the event of a fire in the evening/overnight - this being the most common time for house fires – the Fire Brigade would find access to right-of-way properties in particular severely hampered. The ability for the Brigade to manoeuvre a truck to gain access to the middle of the street from either end and run hoses to hydrants for high pressure delivery via the truck will be virtually impossible in the evening, and the use of low pressure delivery from Grey St or Heretaunga Ave has the potential of life threatening delay in reaching people trapped. Low pressure delivery would also cause substantial water damage to property and surrounding homes. The majority of the homes on the street have ample off street parking for their own vehicles. Parking is available in surrounding streets for those living in the units who may require more than the allotted off street parking space available for their particular unit. Residents would be pleased to see yellow lines installed strategically to ensure ease of passage at all times for emergency vehicles. The addition of yellow lines would also serve to improve visibility and safety for the many young children resident in the street.
- Loose metal on tarsealEarlier this year Jackson Place was coated with tar and metal chip laid down. A letter to residents stated that this procedure was to provide safer/better traction on the road. The road condition was good prior to this. Now there is loose metal accumulated at the intersection of Jackson Place & Green Lane causing vehicles to loose traction, especially when entering Jackson Place after running downhill from Green Lane. There is also loose metal causing loss of traction at various spots in Jackson Place. Can this loose metal please be removed before there are accidents in this area.
- 10 and 11 not synchronised correctlyWhen all the lights turn red for all the cars. Only two out of three crossing options light up green at the intersection for pedestrians to cross. The lights on the poles marked 10 and 11 stay red, but then the next time, they go green so it is as though the skip a green light each time.
- speed bumps requested to prevent dangerous drivingMany people drive at speed up and down this street at all hours (it is wide and leads onto the Opanuku Stream walkway), in cars and on motorbikes and mopeds (licence plates removed). Those on motorbikes and mopeds use it as access to the walk/cycle way (on which they are not allowed). Cars often do burnouts (evidence can be seen at the end of the road nearest the reserve), the drive off at speed. This is particularly dangerous as there are many children living on this street, playing at the end of the street (dead end) and there is a primary school located on this street. Speed bumps would likely be a significant deterrent to these dangerous drivers.
- Pothole/DipLarge dip on corner of the road, no possibility to avoid by driving around because it is a blind corner so risk of head on.
- Loose stones spilling onto roadThe gravel driveway crossing that feeds 31, 33 & 35 Cornwallis Road spreads well out onto the road. This is on the outside of a corner on a narrow road and causes drivers to dangerously cross over the center line to avoid it. It was recently cleared a little but returned again with the next heavy rain. The same issue to a lesser degree occurs outside number 37, 39 & 67. These crossings are clearly part of the road verge land and should sorted. Note that residents are charged more than city rates for sub city standard roads and paths & services out here.
- Speed bump urgently required due to cars speedingPlease consider urgently installing the speed bump on Fernhill Way between houses No.92 and No.96 next to the reserve, before anyone gets seriously hurt. There is a reserve on both sides of the road and the road is sloping down from both directions. I live on this street since 2008 and daily witness cars speeding down in both directions; quite a few of them are accelerating on purpose. Sometimes it is impossible to cross the road for a few minutes because the cars are going too fast. There's a sign "Look out for Ch