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Sign at silly height

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Road/highway category anonymously at 09:12, Mon 4 February 2013

Sent to Auckland Transport 30 sec later.

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A new sign has been installed on the berm. It's a road safety sign encouraging drivers to slow down. It was installed late last year and it's right across a berm so that walkers and riders now need to step off the berm onto the 80kph road to go around it. It would be safer for us to stay on the berm, can you put these sorts of signs up a bit higher? Cars are not the only road users. Also someon'es had their car parked on the same berm with a for sale sign on it for over a month, this is also blocking the safest place for horse riders and walkers.

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Thank you, Auckland Transport, the sign blocking the berm has been removed, and the cars for sale have also gone from the berm. An excellent (and safe) result for the walkers, runners and horse riders on Riverhead Road.
Issue marked as fixed.
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