Taking a break...

FixMyStreet is going offline shortly, probably permanently. The software is old and needs a complete rewrite, the site is being bombarded by spammers, and it is debatable whether councils are receiving and/or acting on FixMyStreet reports.

As of now, it is not possible to post new issues, or updates to published issues.

If you have submitted on FixMyStreet, thank you for playing a part in one of Aotearoa/New Zealand's early civic tech projects.

PLEASE get up off the public footpath so we can take a photo of the moss!

Reported in the Footpath/pavement category anonymously at 11:01, Fri 15 July 2011

Sent to Auckland Transport 48 sec later.

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This was taken last night about 5:12pm corner of Middleton road & Joseph Banks Terence. I problem is I lost shoe traction a few weeks ago, yesterday I had wet shoes and it got me (almost a trip to hospital), I blame it onto shoe retailers who do not give the information on "wet shoe traction" for their shoes on sale. The photo is called SlipOverMoss.jpg

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