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FixMyStreet is going offline shortly, probably permanently. The software is old and needs a complete rewrite, the site is being bombarded by spammers, and it is debatable whether councils are receiving and/or acting on FixMyStreet reports.

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Who cares about Auckland pedestrians?

Reported in the Road/highway category anonymously at 00:05, Sat 15 February 2014

Sent to Auckland Transport 48 sec later.

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I gave the new Panmure train station a visit yesterday, I wanted to cross Ellerslie – Panmure highway intending to head for Ireland road I had to risk live & limb to cross the road “WHAT A “POKE” OFF.” this was no pedestrian crossing I could see, there is one it you want to cross the bus terminal. Coming back I thought I would take a different route the electronic crossing at Lagoon drive was not to far down the road I used that. The crossing was way down Queen Road. I thought screw that I am not walking way down there, not since I survived crossing Ellerslie – Panmure highway with no pedestrian crossing, this should be a piece of cake, so I walked in between the traffic waiting to use the round about. …............................................................................ If there is a pedestrian crossing over the busy Ellerslie – Panmure highway (maybe it is way up the Ellerslie end) then maybe it would be handy if a sign was put up so pedestrians could “bang” into it as they leave Panmure train station, as banging into a sign would be less fatal then crossing Ellerslie – Panmure highway when the civil engineers “free to air TV intelligent“ When the consider pedestrian safety. WAKE UP AND GET THIS STRAIGHT, IF YOU PEOPLE WANT TO MAKE PEDESTRIANS SAFE ALL THE TIME, THEN I WILL USE THE SAFETY APPROACH ALL THE TIME!

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