Taking a break...

FixMyStreet is going offline shortly, probably permanently. The software is old and needs a complete rewrite, the site is being bombarded by spammers, and it is debatable whether councils are receiving and/or acting on FixMyStreet reports.

As of now, it is not possible to post new issues, or updates to published issues.

If you have submitted on FixMyStreet, thank you for playing a part in one of Aotearoa/New Zealand's early civic tech projects.

Bad Road Surface

Reported in the Road/highway category by David Clark at 16:30, Tue 27 March 2018

Sent to Auckland Transport 2 min later.

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Hi. There was road surface maintenance on Rarangi Rd a little while ago. However, now the road surface consists of tar that is too soft (melts in the sun), combined with thousands of small gravel stones that continue to get into every driveway and footpath and garage. The road surface is much worse than before the maintenance! We have to clean our driveway and garage of tar and gravel often, and our kids can no longer play on our driveway since it has often got sticky tar and sharp stones on it. This is the same throughout most of the length of Rarangi Rd and Waimarie St, St Heliers. We think that the surface should be asphalt, rather than tar/gravel, which would fix the problem. Could our road please be re-surfaced with asphalt? Please see the attached photo of our car tyre after just driving on the road. Thanks!

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