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Who gives a hoot about Pedestrians?

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Footpath/pavement category anonymously at 17:44, Sat 26 March 2011

Sent to Auckland Transport 54 sec later.

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As I walk around the city I often think who gives a hoot about the pedestrians, and on rubbish days you soon get the feeling there are morons (or should that be zombies) in Auckland city, when there is a holiday in the week, the rubbish/recycle bin is always out the same day of the week no matter what, blocking the footpaths for pedestrians a extra day when this practice does not need to happen, I might add a able pedestrian like me ~ no problem with the challenge solving, but a Visual Impaired Pedestrian or someone in wheel chair, what a major “flip” off. Take our upcoming Easter/Anzac day holiday break next month for example, It does not help one become a “self induced moron buster” If one looks at the Area 1 http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/services/rubbish/pdf/recyclingcalendarEAST.pdf “Recycling collection calender 2010/2011” Good Friday 22nd April is highlighted when it is clearly not a collection day while Saturday 23rd should be highlight as that will be the temporary collection day. Then we have a look at Area 2 http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/services/rubbish/pdf/recyclingcalendarWEST.pdf Easter Monday/Anzac day April 25th is highlighted, and then Saturday 30th should be highlighted, maybe a little arrow “→” included on each of those days might help from Tuesday 26th to Friday 29th to remind bin movers that the normal bin collection day has been moved a day later due to the holiday in that week. Personally I blown away by the number of years this practice has been going on, I thought one might know now. From Eric

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Oh great work with the new 2011-2012 calenders.
Issue marked as fixed.
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