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traffic light timing is not working out

Reported in the Traffic lights category by Toni Watson at 14:27, Wed 6 July 2016

Sent to Auckland Transport 41 sec later.

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I come out of McLoed road to turn right onto Te Atatu road every morning as it's the easiest place to make a right turn. A few weeks ago there were new corner street lights put in for pedestrians. That's great for pedestrians but the timing of the lights has changed. It's just too short. We are now finding ourselves all lined up down McLeod waiting for 3 or 4 sets of lights. It turns green and 2 cars get through then it's orange already. This morning it took 8 mini to get through this light. I am now seeing people run through the orange and red light out of frustration. This frustration is going to be a problem. They could hit another car or pedestrian as there are a lot of both traveling in the mornings. It did not used to be like this so please could you put the timing back to how it was?

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