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FixMyStreet is going offline shortly, probably permanently. The software is old and needs a complete rewrite, the site is being bombarded by spammers, and it is debatable whether councils are receiving and/or acting on FixMyStreet reports.

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Excessive accidents and speeding traffic

Reported in the Road/highway category anonymously at 14:58, Mon 4 January 2021

Sent to Auckland Transport 25 min later.

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I live on Thomas Road which is approximately 1.7 kms of straight continuous road. Because it is straight we have numerous cars, speeding motorcycles, dirt bikes and boy racers driving at high speed on our road as there is nothing to slow them down. Also at the intersection of Aspiring and Thomas Road there are 'Giveway' signs but yet the number of crashes that have occurred there in the last couple of years has risen 10 fold. I have heard and seen all of them when I have been at home. Just last night there was yet another crash in which both Fire and Police attended. I know that if you were to enquire with the Police about these crashes you would see an excessive number for our residential street and these would not include those not reported. I would say that there would be a crash at least once a week. When I first moved into the street nearly 15 years ago half of it was rural but in the last several years the number of houses that have been built would easily be in the 100s and the traffic on our street now has increased exponentially with more houses planned. We also have a newly built Kindergarten on Thomas Road. Can you please make our road safer with speed bumps and a roundabout to help control the chaos that is on our street.

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