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is the radio NZ news for real about smokers trying to give up smoking in auckland

Reported in the Footpath/pavement category by Eric R at 07:25, Wed 2 January 2019

Sent to Auckland Transport 33 sec later.

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I walk past a park, people smoking, how can you convert cholesterol into vitamin D? I walk along Quay street, people outside smoking, I walk around the city people smoking, I hear people trying to give up smoking and they get "sucked back into the habit" by walking behind other smokers, it was good before about 15 years ago when they made smokers go "outside" now hardly a day goes past you dont get 'bugged" off by some fowl smoker, One day I was walking behind a smoker in Ponsonby road I said "Oh foul crap!!" instead of saying "sorry" she had a dig at me, this made it worse, before long it went on for about 5 minutes, all she had to do was say sorry, even sorry without part sincerely I would of let it go, The city smokers need to learn to stop pissing in our face!!

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