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Street blocked with parked cars every day

Reported in the Car parking category anonymously at 15:54, Mon 13 June 2016

Sent to Auckland Transport 1 min later.

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NZRPG have turned a significant portion of the Westgate Shopping Centre car-parking into Paid Reserved or Pay and Display parking. This has meant shop staff now fill our streets every morning with their cars - Lazurite, Pyrite and Arlose are narrow streets. Lazurite is not even kerbed on the park side. Local residents can't pull out of their own driveways without performing a half-dozen point manouevre. Cars parked solid on both sides of each road reduce them to less than one lane of driveability - only one car can travel in each direction at a time, creating a ridiculous "Give Way" situation. For larger vehicles it is a nightmare - many simply give up and try to find another road. Our rubbish and recycling truck companies must have complained by now - the wheelie-bin truck is actually ignoring bins since he can't reach them! To pull out of Arlose Place into Lazurite each morning, I am forced to wait for any driver heading towards me who has entered the "gauntlet" from over 200 metres away... and then wait for the inevitable next car that follows. Most often, they are cars driving up to my street to add to the parking chaos! I can spend 15 minutes just waiting to drive from my narrow suburban road onto another narrow suburban road. There are no parking bays, no room left for two cars to pass each other, and as I have mentioned there isn't even a kerb on Lazurite - many parked cars are putting wheels onto the grass verge, turning it into a mud-bath. My strong suggestion is that Council dotted-yellow-line the BUSH side of the street, and then clearly mark the HOUSING side of the street (including all Pyrite and Arlose) NO PARKING 9-4 WEEKDAYS, and RESIDENTS CARS ONLY WEEKENDS. Please take note of the uploaded photos of our street - taken in the middle of the day, on a shopping day. This idiocy needs to be stopped quickly - before council land is further damaged, and before the inevitable accident occurs. Thank you.

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