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FixMyStreet is going offline shortly, probably permanently. The software is old and needs a complete rewrite, the site is being bombarded by spammers, and it is debatable whether councils are receiving and/or acting on FixMyStreet reports.

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the cry of a cyclist “[BUZZ] ME DEAD

Reported in the Road/highway category anonymously at 11:22, Sat 26 February 2011

Sent to Auckland Transport 1 min later.

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As I was walking along Tamaki drive about 8:38am today near the Ngapipi road I heard the cry of a cyclist “[BUZZ] ME DEAD”, as I looked up there was a car turning right from Tamaki drive into Ngapipi road in the stop position blocking half the road for oncoming traffic, with two cyclist fast approaching. Been aware of the electronic sign that lights up when cyclist approach that intersection from the Okahu bay direction, thought I could use a photo of that sign in a upcoming web page. As I stood on the traffic Island waiting for the sign to light up so I could take a photo, I noticed that a cyclist came towards me and the sign did not light up. After I took the photo I decided to stand on the footpath (in the shade of a lamp post) and waited about ten minutes for cyclist to come along, for about five minute everything worked fine, cyclist came – sign lit up, cyclist went – sign turned off, then twice within a minute cyclist came but no sign of sign lighting up ~ So I suppose one could come up with the theory: Motorist are putting too much faith in a faulty sign that does not light up when it should, so they proceed, then having to stop ½ way in the other side of the road when they make visual contact with oncoming cyclist. From Eric

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I went back this morning thinking has this been fixed or is there a temporary warning sign for motorist saying something like “Intermittently faulty” no such luck. I got there at 8am and waited cyclist came and went everything worked right, then at 8:18am four cyclist heading for the city never lit up the cyclist sign that would help motorist avoiding a incident.
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