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Death trap

Reported in the Road/highway category anonymously at 15:17, Thu 23 June 2016

Sent to Auckland Transport 24 sec later.

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The road surface at the end of Clifton Road before it junctions with Potts Road has become so glazed over that it becomes like glass with any rainfall. I drive a 4 whhel drive European SUV and this slides on this corner section when wet at low speeds e.g. 70kmh (speed limit is 80kmh) but fortunately has electronics that counteracts any slide.

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The entrance to the Whitford Tip and Clifton Rd are almost opposite. There have been numerous complaints and near misses her and reported to your organization. Today I almost had a head on collision with a truck and trailer turning into the tip. The truck was approaching the entrance to the tip when I pulled out of Clifton. He was obviously only looking at the oncoming traffic traveling up the Whitford Maraetai Rd. He had obviously sped up to get across before the oncoming traffic. Had I not stopped he would have hit me head on. He drove over two of the barrier markers as you will see. This intersection is undoubtedly going to kill a less experienced driver, or just less lucky. The tip used to use an alternative entrance off Trig Rd which has a proper median, and is not opposite a road which confuses drivers. They must start using this alternate for safety reasons. The highway has drastically increased flows due to large development at Beachlands. I have much experience with risk assessment and mitigation. This situation is without a doubt high in both its probability and consequence (probable death). I wish to see a risk assessment signed off by a traffic engineer over this intersection.
The entrance to the Whitford Tip and Clifton Rd are almost opposite. There have been numerous complaints and near misses her and reported to your organization. Today I almost had a head on collision with a truck and trailer turning into the tip. The truck was approaching the entrance to the tip when I pulled out of Clifton. He was obviously only looking at the oncoming traffic traveling up the Whitford Maraetai Rd. He had obviously sped up to get across before the oncoming traffic. Had I not stopped he would have hit me head on. He drove over two of the barrier markers as you will see. This intersection is undoubtedly going to kill a less experienced driver, or just less lucky. The tip used to use an alternative entrance off Trig Rd which has a proper median, and is not opposite a road which confuses drivers. They must start using this alternate for safety reasons. The highway has drastically increased flows due to large development at Beachlands. I have much experience with risk assessment and mitigation. This situation is without a doubt high in both its probability and consequence (probable death). I wish to see a risk assessment signed off by a traffic engineer over this intersection.
I drive this road in an SUV and a horse truck - and despite taking it easy due to the condition of the road, I still feel my vehicles moving about on the glazed surface. I worry about my family - and the many families who drop their children at the daycare at the end of the road. This week a big vehicle has gone through the farmer's fence. I have also witnessed cars on their roof, slid into trees and in the middle of roadside paddocks. I imagine it's only a matter of time before there's a fatal accident. Imogen
I drive this road in an SUV and a horse truck - and despite taking it easy due to the condition of the road, I still feel my vehicles moving about on the glazed surface. I worry about my family - and the many families who drop their children at the daycare at the end of the road. This week a big vehicle has gone through the farmer's fence. I have also witnessed cars on their roof, slid into trees and in the middle of roadside paddocks. I imagine it's only a matter of time before there's a fatal accident. Imogen
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