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So Who Took This footpath ****** Away Then? the Davis cresent saga

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Footpath/pavement category anonymously at 14:24, Sat 28 May 2011

Sent to Auckland Transport 40 sec later.

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On Friday at about 12:15 I fell two a very deep sleep at work, I had a fery fery bad dream, I was dreaming I was talking to someone from Auckland ******* about a posting made at this web site, I kept giving her my email address, She said "no that is not your Email address it is your Internet Service Provider ISP.", I thinking I wish I could find a new job somewhere else where I am not surrounded by wogga wogga's I spend 8 hours a day with, it would give everybody else I meet outside of work a whole Eric to interface with and the spin offs at this web site would go from strength to strength, 30 years in the work force I have never gone having daymares at work, part of my email address is part of my web site, Last time I saw this yellow ****** what was used for the temporary western line entry to go to Britomart train station & the exit for passengers from the western track Auckland line was Tuesday morning 24th May, then next time I walked over the railtrack bridge was Wednesday late afternoon 25th and it was gone, all of it as you can see in the photo. Now I will use my magic email address that is not my ISP to acknowledge I am the dude that made this posting at this web site............. By the way On the Night of Thursday 19th of May, I attended at 6pm a meeting for the Newmarket Residents organized by Rob Thomas, and spoke to him, Who I think is more normal than what I am, somebody at the meeting asked "Could someone either (1) open up Kingdom Street again to motoring traffic (thats at the other end of what used to be the temporary Newmarket train station western line) or (2) put the train station back (in which case would make the closure of Kingdom street understandable) (reply) it would cost millions of dollars to put back the kingdom street train station (then it would just a couple of minutes walk from the other two stations nearby), so then the will idea will never go back to the builders, So this why I think these bright slippery when wet and using wet shoes to treat provides great contact displacement which could and as I have been told influence one to suffer a hurting bodily injury, I in turn understand this. since no more train station between Kingdom street & Davis Crescent I think why not no more yellow plastic slippers.

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fixed maybe on 1st June
Issue marked as fixed.
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