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FixMyStreet is going offline shortly, probably permanently. The software is old and needs a complete rewrite, the site is being bombarded by spammers, and it is debatable whether councils are receiving and/or acting on FixMyStreet reports.

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Christchurch City Council

This is a summary of all issues for one Council. You can go back and show all jurisdictions.

Old fixed

    There are massive pot holes at the entrance of this very well use car park can you fix them please. Also do you know that there are camper vans staying in the park often, does there need to be a sign prohibiting this, and is ther a number to call to report motorbikes in the forest which is very common? Thank you
  • Dangerous pipe
    On the round grassy area immediately to the south of Cave Rock in Sumner, there is a 120mm vertical pipe with no cover. There is water at the bottom. This pipe is located on the NW edge of the grassy area and is partially covered by grass. My concerns are that a small child could fall down the pipe, or that someone could injure their foot by stepping in the pipe opening as it is very hard to see.
  • Green sofa dumped on the side of the road and has been there for weeks
    Hi a Green sofa dumped on the side of the road and has been there for weeks on the Grass at the side of the road in locksley ave. Thanks
  • several potholes in the road
    On Maidstone Road between Avonhead Road and Waimari Road. The potholes are located on the left hand side of the road if you are on Maidstone Road travelling from the Avonhead Road roundabout towards Waiamri Road. There are several potholes in the left side wheel track on the road. This makes is quite dangerous for cyclists, who must drive out onto the main carriageway to go around parked cars, but because of these potholes must cycle out event further onto the carriageway to go around the parked cars and the potholes.
  • Stagnant Water at stormwater grate
    Intersection of Palatine Tce and Buxton Tce. Next to the bridge over the Heathcote River.
  • broken street light1 update
    The street light on the boundary between 28 and 30 Creedon Glen is no longer working.
  • Road works unsafe for cyclists
    Currently there is road works on Linwood ave where it meets Avonside drive/Woodham rd. The road work warning signs have been set in Avonside drive in the cycle lane (heading east). The speed limit continues to be 50kmh and it is on a blind corner. It seems possible that a car going around the bend could hit a cyclist moving out into the road to avoid the signs. Changes: > Find the road company who put up the road works and educate them about the difference between curbs and cycle lanes. and either Remove signs onto road way, to allow cycle lane to be used. or Drop speed to 30kmh and put up extreme care cyclists merging signs. Emailed the CCC 21 st of Feb still no reply Talked with Road workers won't change it till council tells them they have too.
  • Tully Lane sign post broken
    The wooden sign post for Tully Lane has snapped off at ground level. Not sure if this is due to wind or vandalism. The sign post is now lying on the ground.
  • Hump in road
    The hole in the road or the hump caused by the manhole rising when heavy traffic goes over this is very noisy and shakes our home. Already asked council but no reply. They already filled in a similar home on the other side of the road.
  • Warning sign blocking cycle lane
    A road works warning sign for an adjacent street has been blocking the cycle lane at this point for weeks now, pinching cyclists at this point. The situation is made more dangerous by a crossing island just before the sign which forces vehicles to the left. Please either relocate the sign on to the footpath, or remove it altogether (it does not appear to be serving any safety purpose).
  • Street lights not working 1 update
    Since 17 December 2021,whole of Rotherham street lights have not been working.
  • Street Light Out - Camberwell Place Avonhead1 update
    LED light dead since approx 3 weeks ago. Someone tried breaking into cars usually lit by this light last night.
  • Broken street light2 update
    street light outside 20 Rockview Place Mt Pleasant no longer working since 09 July 2021.
  • Cycleway surface badly damaged as a result of earthquake
    There are a number of areas of broken surface and associated potholes along the cycleway between Glandovey Road and Matai Street.
  • Earthqauke Damage pot hole in front of Driveway
    CCC did have cones marking this pot hole, however someone over the weekend has removed them. This hole really needs fixing rather than putting more cones back! CCC have been advised.
  • footbridge buckling and asphalt slump
    The bridge has popped up from the footpath after the earthquake (as have so many) leaving a slump and abrupt bump . Had recently been repaired too......
  • Broken water meter box lid - hazard
    Yellow lid of pavement water meter box for 254 St/Asaph (now a Wilsons car park) is broken and created a hole that could trip or cut pedestrians. We are making a temporary garden from next week = 17 May, on land adjacent (frontage of car park) which will increase foot traffic and thus risk of injury. Your help appreciated.
  • Deep pot hole on Kilmarnock St
    On the East bound lane pothole means that traffic veer left into the cycle lane to straddle it
  • Earthquake potholes corner Purchas & Geraldine Streets
    Large and deep potholes on Purchas Street (at intersection with Geraldine Street). Created by the earthquake.
  • Test issue - ignore2 update
    Test issue - ignore
  • Test issue 2 - please ignore2 update
    Test issue 2 - please ignore
  • Test issue 3 - please ignore1 update
    Test issue 3 - please ignore
  • Small pothole
    There is a small (300MM) pothole at the entrance to Basil Place of McCormacks Bay Road.
  • Unsealed footpath after Chorus maintenance
    There is an unsealed patch on the footpath outside 114 McCormacks Bay Road that was left unsealed after Chorus maintenance. The maintenance was completed prior to Xmas.
  • Dangerous raised footpath issue1 update
    Outside property at 19 Thornlea Place, Halswell, a nearby tree (over time) has caused footpath asphalt to raise over 90mm (about 40mm width) & is now a pedestrian hazard. An elderly neighbor had a fall a couple of months back (tripping over it & damaged her face), and a visitor to the area recently stumbled over it. This section of footpath needs resurfacing please. NB: Some Contractors are today (12.04.2016) doing similar footpath work just along the street. Can we please see them also attend to this while in the area? (We definitely do wish to see the tree retained please!). Many thanks. Donald Tyree. (Resident at 15 Thornlea Place, Halswell).
  • Trees need trimming!
    Putting in a separate report as the prior seems ignored, these trees along here by the rugby club are now in places < 6 foot from the path, they need trimming before the path becomes impassable.
  • Pothole due to collapsing road sub base.1 update
    Sub base collapsing causing Pothole. Has been surface patched in the past, but opening up again.
  • Abandoned Subaru Legacy1 update
    The vehicle has been here for more than a week and is in the way of bin collection.
  • Broken glass on the cycleway1 update
    Broken glass on the cycleway heading north on Victoria St just past the Durham St /Kilmore at junction
  • Campervan MBG8151 update
    Abandoned no registration stickers
  • JTM6782 update
    Parked on Street since mid March and has not moved.Expired WOF. Blocking guttering flow and leaf collection, causing flooding.
  • abandoned car1 update
    etf204 a vehicle with no rego or warrant has been parked outside Hampton place for 12 months has an expired student parking permit 0825 in-dash
  • Subaru SVX YM3215 abandoned1 update
    Unregistered car has been sitting on side of road for many months.
  • Car with no wheels no rego or wof 1 update
    Car with no wheels rego or wof been siting on my street now for 6months, its sitting close to street corner and its a bit of a blind bend so making turning difficult
  • Abandoned car1 update
    Red Mazda has been sitting on this street for over 3 months
  • Abandoned Vehicle EEC6351 update
    Silver Nissan Wingroad. REG/WOF expired. Abandoned for several months. Creating a hazard for emergency vehicles and rubbish trucks trying to squeeze past.
  • Abandoned vehicle3 update
    Outside 21 Camberwell Place Avonhead ChCh. Red Toyota Trueno CFR 710 WoF and Rego 13 months expired. Apparently unmoved for considerable time from the state of vehicle.
  • Abandoned vehicle1 update
    This green Ford DYN746 been abandoned outside 18 Cranbrook Ave, Burnside for 3 months now. rego and wof expired.
  • Bus stop sign and pole destroyed1 update
    Bus stop by Christchurch East School approx. 317 Gloucester St has been knocked down at its base and is lying on the pavement
  • Car Parked in front of houses1 update
    There is a car parked outside brunch of houses and preventing u-turn by the end of the road.
  • Abandoned vehicle1 update
    There is a car with no registration or Warrant that has been parked on our street for months now.. Also across the road is a bus with no rego or warrant
  • Stormwater blocked below street level1 update
    Each time it rains, no water can drain down the grate outside 2 Algie Place, because it is blocked way down in the nether regions. I've tried clearing it myself, but I think the blockage is in a pipe downstream.
  • Abandoned Silver Nissan Dualis Reg HUZ9361 update
    This vehicle has been parked outside my property for 3 weeks and has not been moved in that time. It has a current registration.
  • Dangerous plant invasion of public road and pathway1 update
    Over hanging trees, shrubs and assorted greenery. Blocking the side of the road, causing car damage as the road is so narrow for people having to negotiate parked cars, pedestrians, children on bikes and scooter, dog walkers and cyclists. It is irresponsible and dangerous to leave road reserve in this state. There have been local community minded citizens whom have been trying their best to keep the road reserve tidy and mowed, but this more that one man and a lawn mower can do. It needs cutting back with the appropriate machinery and removing. This is also blocking water drainage which will cause ongoing problems for residents too. Location is Rawhiti Street, Diamond Harbour, Christchurch
  • pothole outside hillviiew svhool1 update
    BG pothole outside 136 Wilson's road
  • unregistered car parked for months1 update
    There has been an unregistered dark red Toyota Corona parked outside our house at 114 Somerfield Street for about 3 months. No idea who it belongs to but hasn't moved in this time. We would like it removed please.
  • Street Light 1 update
    The street light outside our house has come away from the pole and is just hanging there. The bolts are on the road.
  • very deep pothole1 update
    this pothole is getting bigger and deeper, very dangerous for a motorcyclists
  • Rego zc8454 subaru impressa s/w1 update
    has not moved for a couple of years and parked on a corner and restricts your vision and is a real safety issue
  • Street sign broken1 update
    The Balmoral Lane street sign is damaged and needs to be restrapped to the electricity supply power pole.
  • shingle all over intersection1 update
    shingle from trucks turning into savills all across this intersection
  • Burgundy Subaru Legacy No Current Reg No WOF1 update
    Reg Plate XM4278. Has been sitting in carpark in centre of road since at least beginning of 2012 (around 18 months).
  • Roadworks dangerous for cyclists1 update
    City Care have coned off the shoulder on both sides of St Asaph St between Antigua St & Stewart St. With the segregated westbound cycle lane finishing at Antigua St, this forces cyclists out into the general traffic lanes before they reach the reach the next section of cycle lane just before Hagley Park. Unfortunately there is no advance warning of this, with City Care only putting out a “Roadworks on Side Road” sign, which certainly doesn’t advise of cyclists merging & being in the “car” lanes for the next 200m. Surprisingly, this is all going on immediately past the Christchurch Central Police Station. Makes a total mockery of their current advertising campaign: “NZ Police – Committed to Safer Roads” (unless you’re a cyclist …).
  • Incorrect Temporary Speed Limit1 update
    There is a 30kph Temporary Speed Limit in place for roadworks on Cashmere Rd at Penruddock Rise. Unfortunately, the gated derestriction signs for eastbound traffic uses 50kph signs, even though this is still within a permanent 60kph speed limit area (you can see the permanent 50kph sign about 300m further up the road, at the point 190m west of Kaiwara St where the speed limit legally changes from 60kph to 50kph (and from 50kph to 60kph in the other direction)). This leads to a situation where different speed limits apply in opposite directions on a two-way road, a recipe for disaster for turning motorists … Assuming CTOC hasn’t approved such a dangerous Temporary Speed Limit layout, might I suggest they get the TSL signs changed to 60kph (to match the legal speed limit)? The Police should also be notified, just in case they’ve incorrectly issued any speeding tickets (which probably would apply to the 30kph section as well …).
  • Roadworks dangerous for cyclists1 update
    Roadworks on Manchester St between Armagh St & Cambridge Terrace direct northbound motorists into the northbound cycle lane without any advance warning. As can be seen from the photo, a lane shift has been set up with cones directing northbound traffic leftwards, putting them into the cycle lane. Roadworks signs associated with the next lot of works up Manchester St prevent cyclists from being able to move left out of the cycle lane & towards the shoulder. For this worksite there are no advance warning signs for merging cyclists (although ironically the third northbound sign for the next worksite warns of “Merging Cyclists” AFTER motorists are forced into the cycle lane).
  • Roadworks sign base (without sign) blocking cycle lane1 update
    Westbound cycle lane on Ferry Rd opposite Waterman Place is blocked by 2 roadworks sign. The first is a standard “Roadworks” sign, whilst the second has had the sign removed, leaving just the base and sign stand (which is still blocking the cycle lane, but is now really hard to see). Ironically the sign removed from the base & stored on the grass berm on the far side of the footpath is an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign, so the contractor who placed these signs definitely knew they were putting them in a cycle lane (contrary to CTOC LOP & CoPTTM). There is a wide footpath next to both signs – they could have been placed on the footpath, so not endangering cyclists whilst leaving enough space (1.2+m) for pedestrians to safely pass.
  • Roadworks dangerous for cyclists1 update
    Traffic Wise have coned off the eastbound cycle lane on Prestons Rd at the intersection with Bluestone Dr. Unfortunately there is no advance warning of this closure, which forces cyclists out into the general traffic lane. To make the situation more dangerous, there is a pedestrian island in the middle of the road at this location, so vehicles have no space to safely manoeuvre around cyclists. At a minimum, an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign would alert approaching road users of the hazard ahead.
  • Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane1 update
    Fulton Hogan have blocked the new eastbound cycle lane on Waterloo Rd between Pound Rd & Islington Ave with a “No Right Turn” roadworks sign. Not sure why it wasn’t placed on the chipped bark landscaping on the other side of the shared use path, or moved 10m closer to the Islington Ave intersection and placed on the muddy berm (where until the end of last week Fulton Hogan had placed a gated Temporary Speed Limit sign). With the pedestrian refuge island in the middle of the road here, there is not enough space for a cyclist and a car to safely get past the “No Right Turn” sign (and definitely no space for a cyclist and one of the many trucks driving along here!).
  • School Zone Ends speed limit sign left covered after roadworks1 update
    The 50kph “School Zone Ends” sign on Kahu Rd citybound (just over the bridge from Christchurch Boys High School) was covered up whilst a temporary speed limit was in place for work on the access into Riccarton Bush for the Uni-Cycle Major Cycle Route. Despite this work finishing over 3 weeks ago, the sign is still covered. Maybe the contractor could remove the covering now that it is no longer needed (or maybe motorists can just ignore the 40kph School Zone speed limit since it probably isn’t legally enforceable …)?
  • Roadworks dangerous for cyclists1 update
    Cones from roadworks force westbound vehicles travelling across the bridge on Tennyson St into the on-road cycle lane (just before the start of the off-road cycle lane). There is no advance warning signs at all for road users travelling towards Colombo St, with the first TTM equipment encountered being the line of cones (actually, there are 4 sign bases (without signs attached) on the shoulder/verge starting on St Martins Rd & continuing on Tennyson St towards the site – the STMS present said there wasn’t any point putting advance warning or TSL signs up since the work wouldn’t take long …). With a slight bend in the road at the bridge, approaching drivers cannot see that they are directed into the cycle lane whilst travelling at 50kph. In the opposite direction, advance warning “Roadworks” & “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” signs are in place, before cyclists are directed out of the coned off eastbound cycle lane & into the general traffic lane. With a straight approach from the west, there is good visibility of this for all road users. Seems strange that advance warning was not considered necessary for the more dangerous action of directing motorists down the cycle lane with very limited visibility …
  • Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane2 update
    Fulton Hogan have blocked the new westbound cycle lane on Waterloo Rd between Islington Ave & Pound Rd with a roadworks sign advising of the closure of the Barters Rd rail crossing. I’m unclear why it couldn’t have been placed on the grass on the other side of the footpath? If Fulton Hogan were worried it wouldn’t be visible to approaching road users there, why have they placed the permanent “traffic lights” and “70” speed limit signs on the far side of the footpath? Maybe they’ll need to move them into the cycle lane just to make sure they are visible …
  • Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane1 update
    A roadworks sign warning of “Runners” has been placed in the westbound cycle lane on Centaurus Rd just before Rapaki Rd. Why isn’t it placed on either the grass berm on the other side of the footpath or 20m back up the hill in the parking bay (uphill of the red car). In either case it would be visible to approaching road users. And it wouldn’t endanger cyclists coming down the hill.
  • Roadworks dangerous for cyclists1 update
    City Care have set up a temporary pedestrian refuge on Antigua St immediately south of St Asaph St. Unfortunately, it forces motorists into both the southbound and northbound cycle lanes to get around it, and on the St Asaph St and Antigua St southern approach there is no advance warning of this (on the Antigua St northern approach, City Care have put out an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign, so they are obviously aware of the risk to cyclists). To make it even more dangerous, vehicles turning into Antigua St from St Asaph St can’t even see the roadworks until they get round the corner, by which time they are already in the cycle lane. All of this is compounded by City Care coning off the shoulders between the cycle lane & kerb, so cyclists are forced to stay in the cycle lane with cars bearing down on them. Why didn’t City Care make the shoulders (on both sides) into a temporary cycle lane (rather than coning if off entirely)? As well as putting up “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” signs on ALL approaches? Interestingly, all this is going on just outside the carpark for police vehicles at the Christchurch Central Police Station. Yet not one of the Police officers I saw driving down the cycle lane seemed to think that this setup might be dangerous for cyclists …
  • Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane1 update
    Connectics have blocked the new eastbound cycle lane on Waterloo Rd between Pound Rd & Islington Ave with a roadworks sign. Not sure why it wasn’t placed on the chipped bark landscaping on the other side of the shared use path, as it would still be clearly visible to approaching road users (as evidenced by the “50” speed limit sign being located on the far side of the path).
  • Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane1 update
    Connetics have blocked the citybound cycle lane on Linwood Ave between Gloucester St & Tancred St with a roadworks sign. Cyclists trying to get past it are forced into the narrow general traffic lane, often in front of a whole line of cars just leaving the Gloucester St intersection. Surely it could have been placed on the grass verge (next to its current position) or moved 5-6m down the road, where the parking shoulder starts to develop. Both options would remove it from the cycle lane whilst ensuring it still remains visible to approaching road users.
  • Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane1 update
    Fulton Hogan have blocked the eastbound cycle lane on Main Road in Moncks Bay (just past the yacht club) with a roadworks sign for their Peacock’s Gallop Project. With a cycle lane symbol painted just 2m in front of the sign it is pretty obvious this is a cycle lane, so why place it here? The 2 signs in advance of it (which have been located on the footpath but still provide enough space for pedestrians) could be moved forward by 30m or so, and then this sign could have been placed where the preceding on currently is. Given that the manual traffic controller is located over 160m away round the corner, an additional 30m is unlikely to affect the safety of this setup).
  • Blue Saab ZE44741 update
    Car appears abandoned for the last several weeks.
  • 2 x 2 seater couches - dumped on footpath1 update
    2 couches have been dumped on footpath outside 31 Bucknell Street for over a week, through all the very wet weather, so will now be saturated. Please remove if possible. Thanks
  • need yellow lines on access to park1 update
    Yellow lines missing. Vehicles park across entrance
  • Street light not working1 update
    Street light not working. Located outside 54 Gosling Crescent.
  • rubbish dumped 1 update
    Just before the Fulton Hogan quarry there are numerous piles of rubbish including 2 mattresses and a baby car seat
  • Carparking causing hazard1 update
    A suggestion is to paint broken yellow no parking lines on the opposite side (airfield side) to Higgins Contractors premises between Pilkington Way & Lodestar Ave roundabout. The grass verge has a pole & wire rope fence on airfield side of road stopping parking on the grass itself but people still park on the airfield side of the road (beside pole/wire rope fence) which narrows down Vickerys road to one lane & thus making it hard for traffic to pass each other etc. Very difficult to pass as an increase of traffic now comes from Lodestar roundabout
  • Corner Vickerys Road/Washbournes Road1 update
    Stretch light marking intersection of Vickerys Road & Washbournes Road is not working.
  • Dumped rubbish2 update
    Mainly car parts dumped
  • Dryer dumped1 update
    Dryer has been dumped on the side of the road
  • pothole1 update
    pothole is getting larger. Its on the intersection of pound/savills but is more on pound rd
  • Dangerous pothole with shingle all over the intersection2 update
    CORNER OF SAVILLS AND POUND RD. This is a dangerous pothole and vehicles slide out on all the shingle that is covered on the 100kph road. This has the potential to have a major fatality if this area is not cleaned and fixed up properly !!!
  • Littering1 update
    A large pile of rubbish has been dumped in the carpark on Heyders rd near the surf club.
  • Truck use disturbances in McCormacks Bay Reserve1 update
    We live at 112 McCormacks Bay Rd.opposite what used to be quiet parkland. For the last year or two it has been used as a gravel loading yard previously to build a slip prevention structure just along the road. Since then it continues to be used for transshipping gravel for other firms often 6 days a week. How long do we who live opposite have to put up with the noise of large articulated trucks unloading and small trucks loaded with a noisy loader. There is also the dust as part of this operation and the many vehicle movemnets in and out of the yard. It has at times been from 6:30am until the evening
  • shingle across intersection of guys/ryans rd1 update
    shingle is all over this intersection
  • 100 conservators rd - road giving way on driveway2 update
    JPM trucks have been driving up and down our street up to 500 truck movements a day have caused our driveway to start collapsing. These trucks are too wide for our roads and have caused serious deterioration on conservators rd
  • Give Way Signs or road markings.1 update
    Hi Any chance of getting some give way road markings on Rosella Street and Ben Nevis ? Having lived in Ben Nevis & now just off Rosella the number of folks who don't give way properly or severally cut the corners when turning into these streets is a shocker. I've witnessed more than a couple of near misses over the years. Alternatively even a "T" painted on the road might stop people cutting the corners, especially when turning off Steadman road. Attached picture shows views from Rosella and Ben Nevis drive looking towards Steadman Road. Thanks Mike
  • Couch left outside property1 update
    I woke up to someone's couch outside our property. I appreciate that someone felt that my house may have required some more home comforts but alas I have perfectly good couch already inside my house. If someone would be so kind as to take away someone elses couch from the front of this Hay Street address that would be great.
  • Potholes appearing repeatingly on this intersection with shingle from trucks turning on the corners1 update
    This intersection is constantly being repaired for potholes. Shingle is strewn all over the road. I hope a motorbike doesn't have an accident on it.
  • Broken verge deteriorating even more 1 update
    This issue was reported a year ago and no one has come out to fix it. The verge is deteriorating even more and its getting alot bigger.
  • Concrete and other rubbish dumping all along guys rd2 update
    There is so much rubbish being dumped along this stretch of road. The concrete has been there for a long time and other rubbish keeps being dumped there. There is also lots of wiring cable in a big coil. All the rubbish down this road will become a fire hazard as we start getting into summer
  • Rubbish dumped1 update
    Rubbish has been dumped on 21 conservators rd in 2 areas. One lot is like a whole trailor load.
  • Streetlight not working2 update
    Streetlight not working near 44 Gosling Crescent
  • Rosella Reserve Tagging1 update
    Tagging on fence near play equipment has been there for over a year. Have seen play ground gear getting painted & checked but no one seems to have done anything about the tagging / graffiti Would be nice to have the whole two fences facing the park painted. (It's the back fences of the two properties corner Masham Rd and Rosella Street. )
  • Polystyrene dumped by/below 299 Mt Pleasant Rd1 update
    Four or more large blocks of polystyrene dumped by or below 299 Mt Pleasant Rd on road verge (see photo). They are breaking up and pieces are spreading up and down both sides of road
  • Assumed blown bulb in street light1 update
    Street light outside 39 whero ave has been blown for more than 2 months. It's very dark at the end of our street and I am concerned about lurking hoodlums in the dark.
  • Smashed bus indicator on bus stop 36033 outside Chch East School1 update
    Electronic bus indicator on pole is smashed.
  • Tagging on wall of Countdown, Buckleys Rd bus stop #408821 update
    Multiple tags on wall of Linwood Countdown, facing Buckleys Rd at bus stop.
  • Pothole Yaldhurst road1 update
    On yaldhurst road,while traveling towards Riccarton, there is a manhole turning into a bigger pothole and traffic generally do a sudden sharp swerve to avoid it, which could potentially cause issues in future. This is at the start of the intersection between the Avonhead left turn and Middlepark right turn
  • Vehicle with No Registration or Warrant3 update
    I bought this property (2/20 Arlington Street) and moved in on 30 January. Since being here there is a vehicle - a white Toyota Corona (Reg GLJ805) with no warrant or registration parked outside on the street. This car has not moved either since I have been here. The street is narrow with cars parked on it and it would also be nice for my visitors to park outside my home. Have spoken with neighbours and nobody seems to know who it belongs to either.
  • Moss growing on the road 1 update
    There is a lot of moss growing on this and surrounding roads. We loose tracktion in our cars and bicycles. I have fallen off my bike while turning into my driveway.
  • Sign knocked off1 update
    At the Woodbury and withells road roundabout, the sign showing Woodbury street (pointing to the left), has been bent and knocked backwards and is not visible until people start turning at the roundabout
  • Graffiti on the wall at 4a1 update
    Vandals have tagged the wall at 4 Landsdowne Terrace
  • Street light is not working1 update
    The street lamp just outside 98 Milns road and at the start of the pedestrian access to John Olliver reserve is not working for quite sometime now. If ti can be fixed, that would be much appreciated thanks
  • Abandoned vehicle with expired registration 5 update
    Honda Accord registration PF4761 parked for months in front of my house. Neighbours no nothing about who it may belong to.
  • Offensive tagging on road sign1 update
    See photo... This tagging has been there for at least two weeks.
  • Broken glass1 update
    Corner of Burnbrae Street and Riverlaw Terrace/
  • Dog signs, New Brighton beach1 update
    In the summer months, dogs are restricted on a small section of the beach either side of the pier. Some of the (very poor) signs advising this say that the restriction applies from 1st December to 1st March. Others state that it applies during the months of daylight saving - so this year would be from September 27th. I think the latter is more likely correct. Could it please be made clear which of these applies, and the faulty signs amended accordingly. Some enforcement of the regulations would also be good to see.
  • Abandoned vehicle left on the street1 update
    White car that's had a frontal collision parked at the Matipo St and George St intersection. License Plate: PU1724 Car registration appears to be over too.
  • Unnecessary temporary traffic management dangerous for cyclists1 update
    The westbound cycle lane on Main Rd in Moncks Bay is blocked by a cone taper “protecting” a Site Exit sign for the Clifton pump station repair worksite. With the cones and sign being hidden around a slight bend, the lack of advance warning of the cycle lane being blocked means drivers may get a surprise when suddenly confronted by a cyclist in “their” lane. There is also no need for Fulton Hogan to have placed the “Site Exit” sign in the middle of the cycle lane, as there is a parking shoulder between the cycle lane and the footpath where it could be safely located whilst still remaining visible. This was previously reported to Christchurch City Council via FixMyStreet (#5564) on 7th May 2015, but has remained there blocking the cycle lane for the last six weeks. Maybe one of the Temporary Traffic Management Coordinators from CTOC could post an update to explain why they have taken no effective action regarding this cycle lane blockage, or alternatively why they consider this site to be acceptable?
  • Another roadworks sign blocking cycle lane1 update
    Traffic Management NZ have blocked the westbound (towards city) cycle lane on Pages Rd between Ottawa Rd & Baffin St with a 30kph/50kph roadworks sign associated with the SCIRT work further down Pages Rd near Breezes Rd. Looks like the sign could have been placed clear of the cycle lane either at the end of the bus bay or on the grassed area on the other side of the footpath (which would still be easily visible to approaching drivers).
  • Cycle lane blocked with no advance warning (& no TMP?)1 update
    The westbound cycle lane on Marriner St is coned off by Fulton Hogan at the Nayland St corner without any advance warning to cyclists or drivers of this closure (unless you consider a “Shoulder Closed” sign as actually meaning that the cycle lane will be blocked!). There also doesn’t appear to be any Traffic Management Plan for this closure (associated with house repairs) on the http://www.tfc.govt.nz/current-conditions/roadworks/ website.
  • pothole 2 update
    Pothole through yellow line marking loading zone opposite the bank on st Asaph Fitzgerald cnr. If a vehicle is parked on loading zone the pothole is directly in cyclists path. Also difficult to spot if you are concentrating on approaching the traffic lights ahead and watching the traffic splitting into two lanes.
  • Heavy Vehicle Parked illegally1 update
    From 3pm May 15 - heavy vehicle MW6642 is parked in Crombie Green. Illegally parked over a fire hydrant. Should there be a fire emergency in the neighborhood there is a major problem! This vehicle is causing a safety hazard as traffic is reduced to one lane - traffic cannot see around it It is NOT displaying any safety lights & is contravening city by laws regarding heavy commercial vehicles parking in a residential street.
  • Heavy vehicle parked overnight and causing safety issue.2 update
    The heavy vehicle as seen in photos park at this residential street address on Thursday 14 May 2015 and as at Friday 15 May 2015 08h30 it has not being moved. It is obstructing the view of the street as we enter it from our driveway and causing a safety issue as we cannot see oncoming traffic, we had two near misses. I have had an issue with the construction contractors working at 1 Richard Seddon Drive, Christchurch earlier this year, (which I did not report as I thought the issue was resolved), when that kept block my driveway with another construction truck. Truck plate number: MW 6642
  • Illegally parked car blocking driveway2 update
    WW9677 illegally parked. I would note: - the car has no current rego or WoF - The car is parked the worng way on the street - The car is parked partially on the footpath - The car is blocking the driveway
  • Mt Pleasant & Main Rd bus stop vandalised2 update
    Glass side smashed to smithereens.
  • Abandoned Vehicle at 61 Carlton Mill Road - Toyota Caldina Reg ZQ12931 update
    A green Toyota Caldina Registration ZQ1293 has been sitting outside our property for over a month now. The car is in rough shape on the right side and has obviously been in an accident. Also the right rear tyre is flat. One window is half way down and the car has a number of parking tickets inside. Registration expired 21/11/2014. Please remove this vehicle.
  • Street lights out1 update
    The street lights down Neill street have been out for the past two morning when I drive down there just after 3am, it's pitch black.
  • abandoned vehicles1 update
    DAU 999 has been parked outside 75 Kingsley street for 6 weeks without any movement CZF 554 has been parked outside 75 Kingsley Street for 2 weeks without any movement This is a Business area where parking is at a premium and it doesn't seem fair that people can abandon their cars
  • Road repair ewquired2 update
    Large pot holes outside Rangi Ruru school on Merivale Lane
  • Street light flickering on and off1 update
    The street light outside our house is flickering on and off Outside 90 Heberden Ave. Sumner
  • Ruined road surface and flooding1 update
    Large gravel, large & numerous potholes, and extensive flooding are making this section of road nearly impassible, especially to cyclists.
  • Every day the same car is parked in the cycle lane.1 update
    On Barrington St at the intersection with Cobham St. Same car every day parked in the clearly marked cycle lane. Photo says it all.
  • Road sign in cycle path1 update
    Road sign in the cycle path on the South West bound side of Wainoni Road near the junction with Breezes road. Could easily go on the pavement, which is very wide at that point. Road sign is marked 'ISAAC'.
  • Pedestrian Crossing Signal1 update
    The button for the pedestrian crossing on the south west corner doesn't activate the crossing signal.
  • Dirt/mud on cyclepath/walkway1 update
    The Marylands cycleway remains covered in mud at the Annex Road end following work by some contractors laying pipes near the motorway, after they drove vehicles along the path. Can this please be cleaned up? It is quite slippery in the wet.
  • "Beautified area"1 update
    The "beautified area", or whatever you call it, on the corner of oram ave and beresford street. The wooden walkway construction is A) of shoddy construction B) is becoming more and more broken over time, with bits of wood littering the area. The grass has died, the weeds are overgrowing, and the whole area is littered in ciggerette butts and other rubbish.
  • Pothole developing at intersection1 update
    Pothole(s) in road at intersection as you turn left out of Waimea Tce onto Birdwood Ave.
  • Intersection of locksley ave full of potholes along with the rest of the road 1 update
    Intersection of locksley ave full of potholes and the rest of the road is not much better and needs gradding again. Thanks Eastside potholes hunter and group
  • Road fill of large potholes 1 update
    Hi the road here is full of large potholes that need some hotmix in them. The keep filling with water and become very scared out all the time. Thanks Eastside potholes hunter and group
  • Large pothole in road 1 update
    Hi the rest of the road has been graded which is great but there is still a large pothole in the road just a bit back from the intersection and it is quite deep. Thanks
  • Corner on Halberg street is dangerous and full of potholes1 update
    Hi the corner on Halberg street is dangerous and full of potholes . Can some hot mix please be put in the so 2 cars don't meet on the bend dodging the holes.
  • Fire hydrantl leaking and water running down gutter 1 update
    Hi not sure of the address as all the homes down here are cleared but a fire hydrant is leaking badly on locksley ave and the water running down the gutter. Thanks
  • Red light bulb blown for weeks at the Gloucester Street Woodham Road lights2 update
    Hi one of the Red light bulbs has been blown for weeks at the Gloucester Street Woodham Road lights. It is if you where driving east towards the bridge. Thanks Sam
  • 2 couches dumped1 update
    Hi there 2 couches have been dumped on the side of the road in the red zone. Thanks Sam
  • Signs blocking cycle lane - safety hazard1 update
    2 roadworks signs on Strickland Street just south of Milton Street are blocking the cycle lane forcing cyclists into the flow of traffic - a safety hazard at such a busy intersection.
  • Safety Hazard - 3 signs blocking cycle lane1 update
    3 road signs are currently blocking the cycle lanes on Strickland Street just south of Milton Street. 2 signs blocking northbound cycle lane (pictured) and 1 sign blocking southbound lane. This presents a safety hazard as cyclists are forced into the flow of traffic to avoid the signs at a busy intersection on a popular school cycle route.
  • Large pot holes that have been here for months 1 update
    Large pot holes that have been here for months and now cars have to drive on the grass which has become mud to get around them.
  • Large rut in road for weeks where work men working 1 update
    Hi there is a Large rut in road at the round about and men have been working here on the new round about but have not fixed it. Can it please have some seal or shingle in it as it is very deep and hard on cars. Thanks
  • Cycle path (Brougham-Barrington)2 update
    The cycle/pedetrian path that connects west-bound Brougham Street with the lane that leads to Barrington Street has a decent chunk of surface missing from near the western end. Can this please be fixed, as it is quite dangerous for cyclists to hit a ridge that high when speeding along? Thanks.
  • Large number of pot holes forming1 update
    Large number of pot holes forming at the intersection of Glenarm Tce and Locksley ave in dallington making driving unsafe.
  • Street lights not working1 update
    Street lights are not working in Barbadoes Street between bridge and Kilmore Street, and along Nova Place
  • Montreal / Hereford temporary traffic management1 update
    The way the left turn lane on Montreal St at Hereford St has been closed forces any person on a bike to merge into the relatively narrow traffic lane, into traffic that isn't realistically doing the 30 kmh speed limit. It would actually be possible to make allowance for cyclists within the coned-off lane without compromising safety. If this is not possible, I would appreciate being told why (I am qualified as an STMS, so will understand what you are talking about). Thank you, Ben
  • Unfinished work in bike lane both side of road in Gasson St 1 update
    There are two bits of work, one on each side of the road in the bike lanes that have not been completed. They are square holes 20 - 30 mm below the bike lane surface with sharp egdes. The contractor appears to have run out of seal and left them unfinished. They are a hazard as bikes have to swerve out of the bike lane into the traffic to miss the holes. Please arrange for these holes to be properly completed.
  • Abandoned car: No rego, no warrant, no plates.1 update
    Car left outside 121 Ashgrove Tce, Christchurch. Rego and WOF expired two years ago. No plates.
  • Glass in cycle lane outside Rannerdale War Veterans Home1 update
    Glass in cycle lane outside Rannerdale War Veterans Home.
  • Rapidly growing subsurface slump in cycle lane1 update
    There is a growing hole in Fendalton Rd between the railway crossing and Jacksons Rd, in the westbound cycle lane. There is sufficient undermining that it will soon be affected by heavy vehicles in the traffic lane, if not already. It has become a cycle safety risk due to swerving into the traffic lane, and may become a fall risk too. There is a similar patched slump a few metres to the east that may indicate an area of basecourse undermining issues. A few weeks ago a slight sag appeared. A week or so ago the seal broke through. In the last week it has become several times larger. Someone at Council would probably quite like to catch this rapidly deteriorating situation before it gets too much worse.
  • Unregistered car has been parked here for 4 months.1 update
    Silver Mercedes AZF336 has been parked in the exact same place since October 2012. The registration has expired and it's time for it to move on please.
  • Street sign missing: Renfrew St1 update
    It appears that our street sign has been stolen/removed again. The metal straps are still on the pole, but the sign is no longer. See similar issue: http://fixmystreet.org.nz/issue/2141 Please can you update the FixMyStreet website when this has been replaced? Marker on the map shows location: south end of Renfrew Street, Upper Riccarton.
  • business advertisement bolted to young civic tree 1 update
    Just in from main entrance to Broken Run subdivision, 4th tree on left, sign bolted INTO young tree. Have photo, unable to attach.
  • Unregistered car has been parked here for 4 months.34 update
    Silver Mercedes AZF336 has been parked in the exact same place since October 2012. The registration has expired and it's time for it to move on please.
  • Ford Falcon WY9198. Outside 29 Birdwood Ave, Beckenham1 update
    Ford WY9198. Unmoved for many months. Expired rego. Leaking oil onto road and into stormwater system (see photo).
  • Temporary road signs in the bike lane - Madras/St Asaph Corner1 update
    There is a sign blocking the bike lane on the north side of the lights corner Madras, St Asaph, and High. This sign could easily be on the traffic island to the left of the road, which would mean cyclist don't have to swerve in front of the traffic. Please ask the conractors not to put signs in the bike lanes.
  • Grate down drain 1 update
    The grate on a drain on north side of road where Burlinton meets Huxley is down the drain, so there is a large hole in the bike lane. Would be good to get the grate pulled out and placed on top of the drain.
  • Temporary road signs in the bike lane1 update
    There are temporary road work signs in the bike lane, for no good reason. There is a very wide footpath here and the sign would still be visible if they were on the edge of the footpath. Bikes have to swerve into the traffic to avoid the signs. Please arrange for signs to be removed from the bike lanes.
  • Sign blocking cycle lane1 update
    Sign blocking cycle lane and forcing cyclists into traffic. Very dangerous at peak times as Gasson Street is busy during these periods.
  • Roadworks signs blocking cycle path1 update
    This is the fourth time I've reported one of these on Wainoni Rd. This time we have four signs in a row, apparently supplied by 'Isaac', in the cycle path. There is grass verge next to each sign between the road and pavement, which for whatever reason has been deemed unsuitable as a home for the signs. These four signs force cyclists out into the road for the sake of roadworks *on a side road*, so there is no other intrinsic hazard on the road other than the signs themselves. Have a nice day.
  • Cable hanging from power pole2 update
    It looks like somebody pulled the cable and broke the plastic brackets securing the cable to the power pole.
  • WORKS END sign blocking cycle lane1 update
    WORKS END sign is blocking the SW bound cycle lane on Wainoni Road
  • WORKS END sign blocking cycle lane1 update
    This is the second time this cycle path has been unnecessarily blocked in recent months.
  • Roadworks sign unnecessarily blocking the cycle lane1 update
    This sign could easily be placed on the grass verge, where it would be in no-ones way.
  • Container blocking entire footpath. 102 Malcolm Ave, Beckenham.1 update
    Container blocking footpath (see photo). Elderly people, and parents with young children on scooters, or in buggies, find this sort of thing a real nuisance. It is going to take several years before all the houses in Chch are repaired/rebuilt. We should not have to put up with this until then. Please have the container shifted, have a new sealed footpath constructed around it, or, implement an approved 24 hour traffic management plan to deal with the need for pedestrians to walk on the road to get past the container.
  • Vehicle unmoved for a week1 update
    Vehicle unmoved for a week, still in exactly the same place with wheels at exactly the same angle. grey sedan, mitsubishi lancer, TA9876
  • Dangerous road works1 update
    March 13 I was biking through the Marshalnds/QEII roundabout. I was yelled at by a passing traffic management truck to get off the road. At this intersection they have continually blocked the bike path and put "caution cyclists merging" signs on the road, so I used the road. Given this incident I'd like you to pass the following message on to all roadworking staff: your job is to safely manage traffic around your work site so if you don't like the way people are using your road, DO YOUR JOB. We aren't mind readers. Thank you.
  • Flooding1 update
    The bowhill road/keyes road roundabout is now the bowhill road/keyes road river. Is dangerous to drive/cycle over esp. when you factor in the quake damage. Could do with a pump until the actual damage can be repaired.
  • Broken glass at side of road 1 update
    Broken glass in cycling area of road . 2x lots within 50 metres. Thanks
  • water flowing across the path1 update
    There has been a leak from somewhere between 67 and the house next door that has had a little river of water going across the drive of 67 and onto the path for several weeks now. There looks to be a small pumping or electrical building next to their drive which could be the source of the water.
  • Broken glass at side of road1 update
    Broken glass at side of road Owles Terrace on rive rside of road
  • Several reasonable potholes in the cycle lane.1 update
    Several potholes (that seem to be mulitplying)along the north side of the road (ie your lane if you are heading east) in this vicinity. Perhaps caused by recent roadworks????
  • large pothole2 update
    large pothole opposite VINZ / Hertz. My tyre hit this last night (poor visibility /heavy rain) and burst the tyre, bent rim etc. Nicked a road cone & placed in pot hole. This is a serious hazard for cyclists especially
  • Large hole in footpath1 update
    A water pipe was repaired here (west side of Birdwood Ave outside #51) many months ago (thank you). The footpath was dug up in the process and it has yet to be repaired. Many residents from the neighbouring Santa Maria Rest Home require the use of walking frames to get the bus stop, and this hole is a huge barrier to them. I'm sure they would appreciate having it repaired.
  • Broken glass in cycle lane1 update
    West side of Colombo Street at Thorrington Road intersection
  • Graffiti on playground equipment1 update
    There is graffiti on the children's playground equipment in the park between Auburn Ave & Riccarton Rd, as per marker on the map. It's not nice for children to have to see this when they are playing.
  • Blocked Footpath1 update
    Corner Cashel & Barbadoes Streets, site of the old hotel. The footpath has been blocked for months and really needs to be cleared. The people who are clearing the hotel site need to move all their rubbish off the path. Forcing pedestrians onto the road is not very safe. In addition cyclists need to use this path to go north because CERA continue to keep Madras St closed.
  • Roundabout sign knocked over on the ground1 update
    The yellow roundabout sign has been knocked off and the post is broken with the yellow sign bent. The bottom of the post is still in the ground, but the rest of the post and sign are lying on the grass verge. The sign needs to be replaced.
  • Street sign not legible from road2 update
    The street sign for Renfrew Street has been bent back, and can only be seen from the footpath.
  • Street sign missing1 update
    There is no sign for Renfrew Street from Auburn Avenue. This makes it hard for people to find the street.
  • Pedestrian push-button / Pedestrian lights broken2 update
    When you stand on the south-east side of the intersection (closest to Miller's) and push the pedestrian button, nothing happens. The red/green lights opposite do not light up. Problem has been there since before Christmas.
  • Street lights out1 update
    The street light approximately opposite St Helliers Cres is out, as is the lighting at the end of Woodlands Pl.
  • WORKS END sign blocking cycle lane1 update
    This sign is unnecessarily blocking the cyclelane on New Brighton Road.
  • Blocked Footpath1 update
    Corner Hereford & Barbadoes Streets, site of the old dairy. Barrier completely blocking footpath forcing pedestrians into the road. Has been like this for months and needs to be recified.
  • Unacceptable road surface1 update
    I am writing to bring to your attention the considerably poor condition (lumpy)of the road between #23 Hackthorne Road and #37 Hackthorne Road. Also outside #53 there is another shuddering experience. I am a gardening contractor and 2 or 3 times a day I travel this route,and everytime I pass over this stretch of road my mowers nearly jump off the back of my truck. Potholes also continually appear in this section and continually they are repaired. Sometimes the same hole can be repaired up to twice a year. Also the other issue is the judder bars before the stop sign at the bottom of Hackthorne Road. I would have thought that between the 2010 National Cycling Champs and this years event they could have been repaired. A friend of my hit them with his bike early last year and spent 3 days in hospital. I feel that the whole of Hackthorne Road needs to be re surfaced, but particularly the section from the bottom up to Gwynfa Avenue.
  • Broken water pipe or connection1 update
    A water valve in the street, at the end of the driveway to 29,29a,29b,29c & 29d Birdwood Ave, appears to be leaking. There is also a leak from a water meter further north along the footpath (outside 47 Birdwood Ave). Both started leaking following the recent earthquakes.
  • New Pothole - Hollow underneath!2 update
    New pot hole has appeared 19/9/11, appears to be a decent 'void' underneath!
  • Pothole Cnr Barbadoes / Salisbury Sts,1 update
    Pothole (yellow circle in photo) and general uneven surface (yellow line) makes this section of cycle lane dangerous for cyclists. Resurfacing has removed the white line (red line).
  • Another Sawstika1 update
    On the footpath outside 26 Remuera Ave.
  • Pothole at eastern entrance to funeral directors'.1 update
    On south side of road. It's about 500mm wide and 150mm deep. Filling and sealing would be great. Thanks.
  • Pedestrian crossing has large hole in surface.1 update
    For months now the pedestrian crossing here on the hospital side has had a large rectangle of the upper road surface removed, this is not good for un-suspecting cyclests as its deep enough to cause them falling off.
  • Faulty street sign1 update
    The street sign "Radnor Street" is pointing directly up my drive, having swung around 180 degrees. My address is 20 Dover Street.
  • 2 Signs have been pulled out and sitting at intersection1 update
    Someone has pulled out 2 quite large signs showing speed bumps and placed them in the kerbside bushes at the corner of Roa Rd and Tui St ChCh. Can CCC replace them (use an allen key and really tighten them)
  • Large lumps on road as result of liquifaction2 update
    There are several lumps in the road (mainly in the cycle lanes) on both sides of Strictland St in this area. They are forcing cyclists to deviate from their lane and into the path of traffic.
  • Pothole in middle of road1 update
    A large pothole (about 0.75m wide and 0.2m deep) is in the middle of the road. There was a road-cone sticking out of it to warn road users but this seems to have disappeared.
  • Yet another swastika1 update
    This time it's a large black one on a light coloured fence. You can't miss it!
  • Sawstika painted on footpath1 update
    Green sawstika painted on footpath. It's been there for ages please have someone remove it.
  • Pothole both sides of the road and footpaths1 update
    A cable or pipe has been laid under road. To do a trench was dug across both footpaths and about 1/3 of the road. I'm fairly sure they've been there since July. They was never sealed after the trench was filled in and they are starting to become quite deep potholes.
  • Road surface is severely torn up.1 update
    The road surface on the left where cycles would use (if it were not so broken) is very torn up, on the exit of the round about heading in the direction of the railway crossing. I am forced to ride out of the roundabout in the middle of the lane as the road surface is bad for tyres & comfort.
  • Top layer of seal peeled away1 update
    On Halswell Road, just south of Kennaird Pl, the top layer of seal has peeled away in a short section on the cycle path. Its been like this since just after the earthquake. There is still seal on the road but the surface in uneven.

New issues

  • No issues.

Older issues

  • Blocked culverts, flood water scouring road
    Shadbolts Road, Pigeon Bay, Culverts number 2 & 3 are blocked with deep gravel. Flood water is running down the gravel road scouring the surface. The road is impassble to two wheel drive cars at that point between rapid numbers 2 and 10.
  • Repaired road is sinking
    There is a repaired patch of road that is constantly developing holes and being repaired over and over. The hole hasn't developed fully but the road is sinking again and causing the houses nearby to shake aggressively every time a vehicle drives over it. It is not fixed, it needs more permanent work to replace that stretch of road instead of patching it over and over again.
  • Street Light Not Working1 update
  • Shrubs etc overhanging Footpath
    The footpath outside 69 Cavendish Road is partially blocked by overhanging shrubs making it difficult to walk without having to walk on the grass berm. The Postal vehicles are now starting to damage the grass berm.
  • Hole developing in road
    Pothole near the bus stop that has previously been repaired has started to develop again and every time large vehicles drive over it the houses nearby rattle and shudder strongly like an earthquake.
  • Footpath unsealed after roadworks
    Top layer of part of footpath was dug up as part water/road works in approx August 2021, has not been resealed since. 2 traffic cones were left behind to mark the dip for pedestrians.
  • Abandoned car 1 update
    Abandoned car - white Mazda NH7392 outside Chateau on the Park on Kilmarnock Street. Has no current rego or WOF. Has been parked in the exact same place since at least late February.
  • Abandoned vehicle YI9056
    Toyota Trueno YI9056. Car hasn't moved for many months. WOF and Rego expired. Narrow street with limited parking.
  • Cnr Heron Street and Rocking Horse Road
    The street light on the corner of Heron Street and Rocking Horse Road is not working. It is directly outside 15 Heron Street.
  • Street Light flickering
    Street light on the corner of Beach Rd and Pinewood St not working it flickers and goes dark
  • not enough parking
    There is not enough parking for residents on this street due to multiple town houses. Workers for out of the inner city come in and take the parks during the day and other outside of this area residents come in and take the parks on Friday and Saturday nights. There is an empty lot next to 295 armagh street which could be turned into a resident parking lot, but something needs to be done.
  • Changing every 3 seconds
    Traffic lights on the intersection of sparks rd and Hendersons hoonhay keep changing every 3 seconds with no cars activating them in the mornings.I go through at 5am.
  • Taking up parking space in street with limited availability
    The vehicle Reg. GGZ234 has been parked here since the end of March and is parked taking up 2 spaces. It hasn't moved since it was left there and the reg expired at the start of April.
  • Taking up valuable space1 update
    Black Subaru legacy SW. Abandoned outside 68, Proctor Street Papanui for more than a month. Reg FAR571. Registration expired 13July 2021. Needs to be removed to leave space for residents vehicles.
  • Bright billboard at night
    Probably not directly a council issue The billboard on Breezes Rd, opposite the one stop, near the junction with Pages Rd is really bright after dark next to busy traffic. Is it possible to contact the operator to lower the brightness at night?
  • Constant beeping
    Loud constant beeping for the pedestrian traffic lights at Selwyn St/Milton St are keeping people awake at night.
  • Possible Abandoned Vehicle
    Nissan Wingroad KQQ364. Parked (not very well) in the same place for approx 2 weeks (so far). Parked in a manner that it juts out almost to the live lane and causes vehicles travelling north to have to get close to , if not cross, the centre line which is quite dangerous on a road this busy
  • no street lights
    all street lighting both sides of the road around cashmere playground out including pedestrian crossing at least since Sat 5th March
  • Branches need to be removed
    Overhanging branches from council trees were cut down and still need to be removed
  • Drainage and poor road conditions
    My street floods with rain and has bad potholes. most of my street has been upgraded but my section seems to be left in an old damaged state
  • Abandoned car
    Location- 101 Hawthornden Rd, Avonhead, Christchurch 8042, New Zealand ·Make, model, colour and registration number- Toyota Caldina 2007, Silver, GKQ417 ·The condition it is in- good condition but not driveable ·How long the vehicle has been there- 2-3 weeks ·If known, the name of the registered owner- Ashlee- 02041172855 ·How the vehicle got there- The owner towed it to this property as the car broke down and abandoned the car as she has no money to fix the car .If it was involved in an accident- no Kind regards
  • Abandoned vehicle Mazda AGS336
    Vehicle unmoved for many months at 62 Bridge St, New Brighton, Christchurch. Rego 12 months out of date.
  • Thomson Park Public toilet locks
    Door was opened from the outside while door was locked at Thomson Park Public toiletstoilets.
  • untidy overgrown riverbank and garden
    Between the corner of Falcon street and Kibblewhite street and going towards the no exit end of Kibblewhite street the river bank is overgrown and could be a fire hazard. The garden and the corner of Falcon street and Kibblewhite street is an eyesore, and needs a tidy up.
  • Broken street light
    Light at the end of right-a-way not working, very dark and may encourage unwanted activity. Provides street lighting for 3 properties 16, 18A & 18 Lyttelton St, who also pay for that light. Many thanks
  • Sydenham Park water fountain covered in rubbish
    Sydenham Park water fountain is frequently covered in rubbish, it's still partly covered from lockdown but has had bits cleared to make the spigots accessible. It is still being covered in rubbish (including dog waste bags) though which didn't used to happen before it was wrapped in a bin bag.
  • Covid track and trace qr poster
    Covid track and trace qr poster on North side of foot bridge in Victoria Square has been defaced with a sticker
  • unkempt garden at the corner of Falcon street/Kibblewhite str new brighton.eetn corner of Falcon
    The garden area is overgrown with grass.. it used to be bark.. and has trees planted near the road which will obstruct the view at the corner for cars turning. The river bank from this area going towards Bridge street also needs mowing.
  • Street light not working
    The original fluro street light has blown both bulbs. Can it be replaced with a new LED light please like the rest of the area?
  • Northbound cycle crossing Moorhouse Ave/Lincoln Rd
    Several times in the past week I've waited through several cycles of the road lights at the cycle crossing northbound across Moorhouse Ave to Hagley Park without a green cycle light, the red indicating light on the post with the button didn't light up when positioning the bike on the sensor markings, or after pressing the button.
  • Sydenham Park water fountain covered in rubbish
    With no bins in Sydenham Park rubbish gets left lying around but with the water fountain taped up, people have been piling rubbish on it, including dog poo bags. It might need a hose down when unwrapped
  • Street light not working1 update
    On boundary between #13 and #15
  • Swastika on utility cabinet
    Swastika on utility cabinet on the North corner of Poulson St and Parlane St
  • Foot tunnel under the railway flooded
    The foot tunnel under the railway between Mowbray St and Lismore St is flooded at the south end (Mowbray St end) for about half its length, more than ankle deep.
  • Sydenham Park bin full
    Sydenham Park bin by the entrance opposite McDonald's is full and overflowing
  • Bridge
    The small bridge located between Bronco Drive and Broken Run is extremely slippery as is partly caked in mud following recent rains where the approach was damaged. This poses a hazard.
  • Street light out
    New LED streetlight corner Hoon Hay and Smartlea Street is out. For the last 2-3 weeks.
  • Street light out
    Street light out, very dark. Last street light before Aidanfield Drive bridge. This is a new street light that was replaced this year. Been out for over a month.
  • Sydenham Park bin is full and overflowing
    Sydenham Park bin by the bench opposite McDonald's is full and overflowing
  • Light not working
    This light is needed urgently as Nurse Maud visit every night in the dark
  • Strret light not working
    The street light opposite our property at 21 Mairehau Road isn't working.
  • Broken glass at the bus stop
    Broken glass at the bus stop outside 55 Opawa Road
  • General mess! Pot holes, cracked road, blocked gutters, dumping
    There is a constant mess on Packe street which is exacerbated by cars parked along the road due to high density housing. The road is a general mess at all times! It also is a speed way due to its width and length.
  • Street light out Capri Lane
    Light flickering on/off for two days. Now out completely.
  • Street light Fault
    The street light on the corner of Vancouver Crescent and Huron street is switching off and on.
  • Sydenham Park bin full and overflowing
    Sydenham Park bin by the bench opposite McDonald's is full and overflowing. Not helped by what looks like a domestic bag stuffed in there. What happened to the bin by the toilets, when the path was resurfaced they left a dip for it but then filled it in and covered over it?
  • Broken glass on the path in Sydenham Park
    Broken glass on the path and grass in Sydenham Park near to Colombo St just south of the gate opposite McDonald's, near the bench with the bin Looks like a broken mirror
  • White Toyota ZE4941 abandoned outside 1 Merton Place, Christchurch
    This vehicle was dumped outside 1 Merton Place for around 6 months and is slowly deteriorating. It is unregistered, unwarranted and covered in spider webs. It has signs of originally being in Dunedin or Invercargill. Could the process of removing this vehicle please be advanced.
  • Poorly kept trees and birm
    Outside 53 Tanner street The cabbage trees and gardens are not in good shape I feel they need removing or at least trimming or tidying
  • Abandoned Vehicle DQL227
    Rego DQL227. Car with severely damaged rear bumper terribly parked - sitting for over two weeks potentially abandoned?
  • Possible Abandoned Vehicle ZH1661
    Red,Mazda Familia, Hatchback has been sitting on the side of the street for over 2 weeks now with no movement.
  • Blocked drainage at entrance to tunnel under railway
    At the south end of the tunnel between Mowbray St and the corner of Lismore and Falsgrave St under the railway, a bigger than usual puddle has accumulated over the metal drain plate
  • Sydenham Park bin is full
    Sydenham Park bin by the bench opposite McDonald's car park is full Rubbish blowing around the park and some left in the toilets too
  • Start of a small sinkhole on Hastings St West1 update
    On Hastings St West, just west of the corner of Burrington St and Hastings St West, in the middle of the westbound lane, there is a fist sized hole surrounded by a depression that looks like there's nothing under there until 5-10cm down and couldn't see the sides without a torch, the depression around the hole is probably less than 20cm diameter though.
  • Excessive speeding on Landsdowne Terrace - speed bumps needed?
    We've been witness to a number of near misses near the community centre on Landsdowne Terrace. A significant number of drivers travel at excessive speed around the blind corner nearby. This endangers children crossing the street to access the playground and also those emerging from adjacent driveways. This is exacerbated when the community centre car parking overflows onto the street as the diminished space and visibility means there is even less room for error. Speed reduction measures would help greatly.
  • Dangerous Tree fall hazard
    There are trees opposite Daily Freight that branches fell from in Dec in high winds onto cars, and bits regularly fall from prior to that. There is still a hazard from the tree branches breaking again and it needs to be either assessed or felled before they do more damage or fall on people. Thanks
  • Abandoned unregistered car2 update
    Dark Blue Ford Saloon been parked here for several days, no registration or WOF visible, looks untidy
  • Sydenham Park bin
    Sydenham Park bin is full almost to overflowing What happened to the bin that used to be near the toilet block?
  • Broken glass along Oxford Tce
    There is broken glass across the pavement on Oxford Tce next to the convention centre by the bike racks near Armagh St and the bike racks between Armagh St and Gloucester St Bonus broken glass on Oxford Tce in front of the orange restaurant just south of Gloucester St bridge, and north of Armagh St by the cobbled jetty(?) by the river
  • Broken glass on the road and cycleway
    Broken glass in the road and cycleway
  • Water leak, maybe from Toby box
    Water on Bern, footpath and in gutter. Been like this for 4 yo 5 days. House is rented, tenants may not ge aware of this issue. Sending this on their behalf
  • Clean up needed1 update
    What looked like shit smeared on the toilet and graffiti on the walls in one toilet, paint all over one of the other toilets
  • Broken glass on roadway
    A reoccurring problem for the last 6 months. I have experienced numerous flat tyres on my bike as the glass cannot be avoided. On WICKHAM street and surrounding area
  • Broken glass on roadway
    A reoccurring problem for the last 6 months. I have experienced numerous flat tyres on my bike as the glass cannot be avoided. On WICKHAM street and surrounding area
  • Swastika in Sydenham Park toilets
    Swastika drawn on the wall on Sydenham Park toilets One of the toilets is out of paper too
  • Seal moved.
    Looks like there was a patch done here but has moved with the bend. Now if you strike it it feels like vehicle slides left.
  • Street sign broken
    The Primrose Street sign is broken
  • derelict house
    18 Taylors Ave has been abandoned for years and is now extremely overgrown. The building is falling apart, the vegetation is a fire risk and there are an increasing number of rats and mice in the area
  • Joy street drifters!!
    Out of control again . It’s been 2 years since I was told no money for speed humps.Early hours woken with the fear of them coming through the house. Its so bad I challenge the ccc to come and look at joy street and see the road marks ! We pay our rates.
  • Deep hole about 30cm x 10cm
    There is a hole on the side of the road - quite deep at least half a metre
  • Street light is not working1 update
    Hi The street light out of 10 Wardell st, wigram, Christchurch is not working for a week already. It makes the street extra dark. Please fix it. Cheers Lin
  • water leaking
    water leaking over footpath for several days from a water toby adjacent to the footpath
  • Broken glass on the path in reserve
    Broken glass on the path in the reserve between Ruskin St and Burke St (46 Burke St?), nearer to Ruskin St
  • Broken glass on the cycleway
    Broken glass on the cycleway, just past unkown chapter and before fairview heading west
  • Sydenham Park soap and toilet paper dispensers vandalised
    Sydenham Park soap and toilet paper dispensers damaged. Swastika previously reported is still visible too
  • Abandoned Subaru Legacy Registration MGR4861 update
    The vehicle has been here for more than a week and is in the way of bin collection.
  • An old neighbourhood sign
    A sign with two nails and washers has blown off. We have it at home to pick up or I can take it somewhere
  • Broken glass
    Broken glass on the road and footpath as a result of a car being abandoned outside our apartment. The car has now been removed but the glass hasn't been swept up. This is a concern as we are very close to Waltham primary school so young kids are walking over this each morning. And i can't park outside as there is glass on the road.
  • MAin's Leak
    Water Main leaking from water mains to road
  • Safety Risk : Need for speed humps to eliminate excess speed on St James Avenue
    Safety request to have raised speed humps or more speed humps : We regularly have cars speeding down the street in excess of 50kph. They fly over road humps and do not adhere to the 20kph sign. Resident parked cars have been hit as people are inpatient which the Police have attended. Pedestrians have nearly been hit as people are rushing. Several animals have been hit and as a result have died. The noise is very excessive and people race down St James avenue , Papanui , Christchurch to miss the traffic and lights on papanui road. After talking to the several neighbours they are sick of the excessive speed. People treat this street as a race track which spoils the tranquility and the character with it being a memorial street. Plus ultimately a safety risk for the residents of the street who are a mixture of elderly, professional couples and families. Please let me know if we need to start a petition to have raised speed humps or more to be put in the street. We want to save lives.
  • Swastika vandalism in Sydenham Park toilets
    Red swastikas tagged on the wall and toilet seat in Sydenham Park toilets
  • Subaru Forester Reg FCQ7
    Vehicle has been sitting for months reg expired on 17/03/2020 and is very hard to find car parks on this street as it is without abandoned cars sitting forever on the road.
  • apparently abandoned car
    Red two-door BMW car licence plate EWC924. Been parked in the same spot for several months.
  • Bin full and overflowing
    Sydenham Park bin by Colombo St opposite McDonald's is full and overflowing
  • multiple unregistered cars parking1 update
    4-5 unregistered car parking over a month now.
  • Flickering street light
    Light flickering opposite 4 Caldberg close Westmorland
  • Abandoned vehicle - EKC459
    Abandoned Toyota on side of road with "free" spray painted over it.
  • Light Out
    The street light on the cycleway adjacent to the wooden gate is not working
  • Broken glass across the road and tramway
    Broken glass at the junction of Lichfield, Manchester, and High streets
  • Rubbish
    Rubbish bags piled up next to skips and liquid leaking out.May attract vermin and pollute wastewater drains.
  • Asphalt breaking up
    The asphalt at the intersection of Malvern and Rutland Streets is breaking up and needs repair. The area is in Rutland Street on the Malvern Street side, in the intersection just in front of the entrance to Malvern Street.
  • Abandoned vehicle - Southshore
    Company vehicle for "Gleaming Window Cleaning" has been parked on the street outside 78 Rocking Horse Road for at least 3 months. Plate # DLW597 Registration and WOF both 8 months expired.
  • Broken glass on the cycleway
    Broken glass on the cycleway heading north on Colombo St north of Tuam St, a little north of the hoyts entrance, roughly opposite the bus station cycle parking.
  • Glass on cycleway
    Heading north on the cycleway next to Colombo St post hoyts there's a patch of broken glass roughly opposite zesto
  • Street Light not working
    The street Light is not working, creating a security and public safety issue at nighttime.
  • Drain covers missing by the tramway on Cashel St
    Several drain covers alongside the tramway on Cashel St from rollickin gelato to h&m are missing, leaving gaps, some are not in the right place / not laying flat
  • Broken glass on footpath and cycle way
    Broken glass over the shared path on the North East corner of Durham St North and Armagh St.
  • Traffic Hazard - Large Truck (sometimes 2 of them) parked in suburban street
    There is a large long-haul truck parked outside on this part of Warren Crescent - it is a traffic hazard. People have to swerve to go around it. This means that they are going over the white centre line as they go around the corner. Sometimes there are two trucks parked there, which increases the risk even more. This street is too narrow to have vehicles this size parked there.There have been accidents on this corner previously. The owner(s) of the trucks need to park them somewhere else.
  • Pothole in dangerous location1 update
    Posted by Graham Smith at 23 July 2020 - 10:11am.# Dangerous pothole at 299 Mt Pleasant Road. Danger due to the hole being at a tight part of the road that only just fits 2 vehicles through. Vehicles swearing around it now. A lot of heavy vehicles in area due to construction. Light temporary fixes have not worked as trucks break the cheap asphalt Up quickly and another hole appears.
  • Broken glass on cycle way
    Broken glass heading west on St Asaph St cycleway just before, or outside Unkown Chapter. Two other patches of broken glass east of this on St Asaph S, in the road access across the cycleway but I'm not sure of the exact location.
  • Broken glass on cycle way
    Broken glass heading west on St Asaph St cycleway just before coriander restaurant
  • Road and street condition
    The Packe Street road from Bealey Avenue up to Edgeware road is in a poor state with many patch works completed over the years. The road has a 'rainbow' bow from curb to curb which is wide enough to land a plane, due to this width it is seen as a speedway for those cutting across from Barbados Street through to Madras. The street requires severe investment to warrant the high density housing being implemented, including the high rates being garnered from each resident. During a rain full the gutters become clogged with leaves and dirt, including mases of puddles which need to be avoided both on the road and on the foot path. The road needs to be revamped with allocated parking to match the high density population housing which is clearly being signed off by the Council. The road would benefit from a little tree planting too. Many Thanks Tony Hampton
  • Broken glass in road
    Broken glass on the road heading south on Colombo St under the Moorhouse overpass,, more in the cycleway further south before the top of the rail bridge
  • Broken glass on cycle way
    Broken glass on the cycleway next to Wilsons reserve North of Ara Institute of Canterbury, alongside St Asaph St
  • Possible abandoned car parked on the street1 update
    JKK890, Subaru Impreza - Dark blue Rego and WOF expired 2019, has parked on the street since mid-June and this car has never moved since. This car has minor damage on the sides/front of the car,
  • Broken glass on footpath
    South side of Cashel St heading east just before the High St crosses, outside h&m
  • Broken glass in road
    Corner of Cashel St and Cambridge Tce, North Lane of Cashel St before the lights
  • Street lights are all out
    Street lights are not on in Spencer street and other surrounding streets
  • Broken glass in tramway
    On the High St just north of Lichfield St, and North of the tram barrier there's broken glass between the team tracks nearest Manchester St
  • Broken glass on footpath and cycle way
    On the south corner of Gloucester and Cambridge Tce nearest the river there's broken glass on the shared footpath/cycleway, there's more broken glass heading south on that footpath/cycleway in two places before reaching Hereford St
  • Repair street gutter
    The metal plates over the street gutter at 24 Cornwall Road, Lyttelton have moved becoming unsafe.
  • Street ligjt not working
    24 Wharenui Rd Riccarton Chrsitchurch
  • Abandoned car
    Car has been sitting untouched for couple of months in the private parking. WOF expired. (It is in the carpark building behind Thai chef&Monster chicken restaurant level 1)
  • Abandoned vehicle sitting outside 40 Waimairi Road
    SW5820 has been sitting outside 40 Waimairi Road for at least a week. It is nearly blocking our driveway. Where it is situated you can usually park 2 cars but because it is parked in the middle of the kerb it is hard to.
  • Mitsubishi Mirage DHZ967
    A Mitsubishi Mirage, licence plate DHZ967, has been parked outside my residence at 29 Wildberry Street, Woolston, for several weeks and has not moved. Registration lapsed in 2019.
  • Parking sign loose
    The parking information sign outside KTS haircuts/starfish swimwear is not secured in the post hole.
  • Overflowing bin in Sydenham Park
    Rubbish bin at the entrance to Sydenham Park near the toilets is full to overflowing
  • Broken glass on cycle way
    Broken bottle on StAsaph St cycleway just east of Manchester St
  • Un registered car on public road
    1995 Toyota Hilux with an out of date rego by 7 months
  • holes in road1 update
    pot holes on road
  • Corrugated Roading
    out side 66 and 68 and 106 Marine Drive the road is very corrugated and now this corrugation is deteriorating into potholes, they are on the left hand side of the road travelling to town. Time to get them fixed before an accident happens. This damage causes drivers to take evasive action to avoid the vehicle to be pulled into the footpath or the other side of the white line. .
  • Slump
    There is a slump in the middle of Te Ra Crescent that has been there for almost 2 years. This is very dangerous to both traffic, cycles and walkers, I cannot count the amount of times I have lost my footing when walking in the dark. Please fix
  • Traffic light cowling damaged
    Cycle traffic light damaged southbound alongside South Durham St where it crosses Gloucester St
  • Rubbish blowing west on St Asaph St
    On St Asaph St between Madras St and Manchester St rubbish along both sides of the road, some has blown past Manchester St
  • Give Way sign - with convex mirror
    Give Way sign presumably hit by heavy vehicle and now lies on the ground Repair appreciated as this is a multi use intersection frequently used by vehicles with children
  • Abandoned truck
    Unregistered truck been abandoned on side of road for months at 9 Somerset cres, Christchurch. Registration PA5978
  • Antigua/Disraeli intersection cycle light
    Riding the cycle way on Antigua towards Disraeli triggers the intersection light to immediately turn orange & red, rather than allow a cyclist to ride through safely on a green cycle light. Please check it as it appears to be incorrectly programmed.
  • Cycle lights not activating at Antigua/Strickland St & Brougham St intersectionintersection
    For weeks we've ridden up the Chch cycleway Antigua across Brougham and back same way (Strickland St across Brougham). The cycle light does not get triggered at Brougham intersection either way. Please fix it before a cyclist crosses in frustration from waiting multiple changes without the cycle light turning green and gets hit! Thank you.
  • Abandoned Car on Southey Street
    This car has been parked on Southey Street since end of January 2020. The council and police have been called but both advised there was nothing they could do. The car is in an untidy condition and unregistered since 28/1/2020.
  • BMW 530i Car
    2007 BMW registration MAB270 with registration expired.
  • Dip in road causing flooding and vibration felt in house
    Dip in road outside house is felt underfoot when weighty vehicle drives by, also fills with water.
  • Parked over a fire hydrant
    Silver Subaru Imprezza, parked with passenger window half down, tyre in the back seat, spare wheel on the driver's side/front.
  • Broken glass on footpath and cycle way
    Heading north on Waltham Road there is broken glass in two places, near the top of the bridge and about half way down. The cycle lane to turn east on Moorhouse, between the left and right turn car lanes, also has quite a lot of rubbish
  • Street Light Out
    Street light on the Radley Street bridge is out.
  • Abandoned and no car tire
    Has been sitting outside our house for more than 4 weeks now. Has no rego and 1 of the back tired has been removed. Make of car is a mercedes
  • Local real estate agents parking advertising on Rossmore Reserve
    Pippa and Tim Macklin 0800 825576 It’s a recreation reserve, not a billboard area. This trailer creates a nuisance for park users.
  • Car Parked in Cycle Lane
    There is a silver Subaru Impreza registration DHL546 parked in the East bound cycle lane on Prestons Road about 100 meters east of the Prestons New World. It has been parked there for over two days now so I suspect it has been abandoned there as it is not outside a residental property.
  • Car in Hornby bowls/tennis club car park
    The car has no tyres, and has a lot of damage. It is in the carpark behind the bowling club.
  • Broken glass on footpath and cycle way
    Broken glass on Tuam St by the pedestrian crossing just before Durham St South, North side of the crossing
  • Broken glass on footpath and cycle way
    Broken bottle northbound on Colombo St /Tuam St junction by the foot crossing by hoyts entx
  • Broken glass in road
    Broken bottle in the middle of Allen St where it joins Madras St
  • Broken glass on footpath and cycle way/road
    Earthbound on Hereford St just before the junction with Manchester St, broken glass on the footpath cycle way and road
  • Broken glass in road/tramway
    Broken glass across the tramway at the junction of Oxford tce and Hereford St near the cafe
  • JDK327 is an unregistered car & has been outside 6 Honeysuckle Place for most of this year.
    I don't know who owns the car. It seems to be permanently parked outside a P120 sign. Its removal would enable others to park in the P120 zone. The car is black and a Nissan Juke. Please do not show my name publicly
  • Abandoned Car down our street!
    Car rego: YX4519 This car has been left down our street for nearly 6 months and now the back left window has been smashed in. Another car has also been left there this morning smashed up against it - rego BSY343.
  • Cashmere Road ditch slump
    A ditch across Cashmere Road, probably from a pipe repair, has slumped enough so that vehicles passing over it make a quite load bang. Trucks actually shake the house, bringing unpleasant memories of earthquakes. This continues despite the recent speed limit change from 60 to 50 kmh. The ditch is near 266 Cashmere Road. Repair would be appreciated.
  • Repairs
    We have a large and growing pot hole on the edge of the road at the bottom of our drive. se pic's attached. The depth and width of the pothole is now a hazard to both cyclists exiting and entering the drive way and cycling along the road. We respectively request urgent repairs to be carried out before the onset of the winter months which is likely to increase the problem further. Thank you
  • Rubble spill on Gasson St
    Rubble spilt on road and cycle way on Gasson St just north of the train tracks, northbound lane, and at the junction with Moorhouse Road
  • damaged post and mirror
    Give Way sign has been hit and now leans at dangerous angle. Convex mirror also broken
  • Broken glass on footpath and cycle way
    Broken glass on footpath and cycleway on north side of Tuam St a short distance west of St Michael's school
  • Abandoned car
    This car has been parked on the road for more than 2 years and has never moved. WOF and REGO are still in 2017. There is no indication that anyone owns the car. Please tow it away. It's always stopping here (just in front of my house) and it's unreasonable to occupy the road. In addition, this situation is prone to security risks.
  • Turning Arrows Required
    The Traffic Lights on Prestons park drive/ Prestons Rd require red turning arrows. Over the last 12 months i have witnessed many near accidents involving pedestrians and vehichles that have failed to give way to pedestrians on a greeen man signal. The reason for the email is because i was nearly hit twice in one day with my family from vehichles failing to give way. From what i understand its a combination of a new exit point from Alpine view onto prestons park drive, a number of the near misses have been caused by Elderly drivers. I believe it would be very neccesary for red turning arrows to be installed to potentially save a life. Marshalands school children cross at this intersection along with familys like myself walking to drop kids off at the preschool on Te Rito St. please phone for more information if required.
  • Light has been out for over a month1 update
    The street lamp at the end of the driveway of 527 Worcester street, Linwood has been out for some time and is in need of a new bulb/fixing please.
  • Broken glass on path and grass verge
    Broken bottle on grass and path near Edmond's Clock Tower
  • Street light out
    Can someone please fix the street light. Thank you.
  • Broken glass in road
    Broken glass on road cycle way on Manchester St southbound, just south of Tuam St, just north of the BNZ centre
  • Broken glass on cycle way
    Broken glass on cycleway outside coriander's /220 St Asaph St
  • Abandoned vehicle
    Outside 73 Canon st, st Albans. Silver Nissan note rego:KFB98 Parked outside for over 3 weeks.
    Pot holes on this section road sealed section of road on your way upto 455 Weston valley Road Little River Christchurch
  • Broken glass in road
    North bound on Colombo St opposite smith's city, broken glass in road
  • Abandoned car on steadman road broomfield
    a TOYOTA IST GYD366 has been abandoned on our street for over a month now.
  • Corner of Armagh St and Manchester St broken glass
    Broken glass spread over the footpath and cycle path on the corner of Armagh St and Manchester St (South Side) next to the play area and across to the curb, didn't check the road for glass
  • St Asaph St broken glass
    Broken glass on footpath and cycle way at a couple of places on this stretch of St Asaph St
  • Street light and street sign
    Hi, for many months now we have been missing our ohau drive street sign, post is still there jst no sign. Also the street light stopped working approx 6months ago and needs to be fixed as its our only street light for our street and is very dark at night time
  • Street sign
    Street sign falling off power pole.
  • Broken glass causing bicycle tire punctures at Lincoln Road railway crossing area
    At the beginning of this week (6/01/20), me and several of my colleagues had a punctured tire while riding on bike lane across the railway crossing on Lincoln road towards the city.
  • Give way sign broken
    Corner Broomfield tce and Horseshoe lake road. Give Way sign broken off at ground level
  • Abandoned vehicle at 3 Upland Road Hoon Hay ChCh
    Nissan Bluebird LKB58 No current Rego, exp 13/10/2019 WOF exp 02/20,vehicle left outside number 3 Upland Road for over a month. It has now been vandalised by having window smashed, glass is a danger on grass verg and pavement area. Gangs hanging around it at night, residents are worried it will be set on fire.
  • Dreadful road repairs and huge potholes1 update
    The road repairs done recently have degenerated due to the poor job done. The bends are corrugated and an extremely large pothole has appeared on amongst the repair area which is possibly a vehicle damaging depth, definitely dangerous for cyclists and motorcyclists which use this road at speed. Further along the same road towards Tai Tapu is another deep and only slightly repaired pothole again this is dangerous to road users, Bizarrely the repair to this was halfheartedly done as it looks like they ran out of tarmac, but this is what you come to expect with the level of contractors workmanship. Badly done, badly managed. Hopefully you will also get around to fixing the rest of the road where it has broken away by the verge making vehicles have to cross the centre line to avoid these.
  • Multiple vehicles on road
    Hi Address 15 lookaway place, Huntsbury, Christchurch Too many vehicles parked on both sides of road, Most days vehicles just about have incidents as there isn’t vision to go up or down hill safely. Needs yellow lines on one side of road to make it safe.
  • Uneven road surface
    Unevenly patched road surface + a progressively worsening dip in the middle of the north travelling lane of Selwyn st before the intersection with Milton st. Damaging to cars going over it+ extremely damaging to the nearby houses caused by a lot of vibration and shaking when trucks and trailers go over it, accompanied, every time, by a mighty thump
  • Glass on right hand side of road when travelling towards Riccarton Rd
    A large amount of glass is in the road, perhaps from a smashed car window?
  • Water leakage
    Water is leaking from the grass verge at 50 Amyes Road, Hornby across the footpath
  • old car has been left for about three weeks
    Redissh 1998 Nissan Pulsar. XP8780
  • Eastgate Shopping Mall Ccentre - No Pedestrian Crosswalk AT ALL with Signal from Mall to Bus Stop
    Eastgate Shopping Mall - No Pedestrian Crosswalk with Signal from Mall to Bus Stop Across the Street. Many cars race down the street and do not watch for pedestrians. A brand new full pedestrian crosswalk complete with lights has to be installed to prevent accidents and fatalities.
  • Car crashed into tree outside 88 Olliviers Road
    Car crashed more than a week ago. Not removed by owner. Not reported to Police. Registration expired DQQ551
  • Abandoned Vehicle JBZ48
    Volkswagen Bettle JBZ48 has been sitting on Main North Road outside Canterbury Landscape Supplies since Saturday 26/10/19. its parked in a bad spot and could be a hazard to cyclists and motorists
  • Silver Audi 2 door vehicle
    A audi car with flat tyres, no number plate or reg ticket has been parked on Waller tce for at least a month.
  • Unregistered Vehicle on street
    White Mazda Unregistered Van Registration UN6050 on street outside entrance to 6 and 6B Macmillan Avenue, Cashmere 8022.
  • No sign left into Watts Road Sockburn off Main South
    Is there a sign for "Watts Road" as you turn left off Main South Road? Two of us in the car this morning could see no sign of one. Used phone GPS to confirm where we were. (Sorry can't pin that intersection on the map, as my laptop is getting "Oops! Something went wrong. This page didn't load Google Maps correctly")
  • Car on highway with no WoF
    The car JMN2 parks regularly on Kittyhawk Avenue, it has no WoF, and the label has been tampered with to disguise the fact that it's out of date! The car is registered for road use until June 2020, so it could be used illegally for many more months. The other day I found it parked over a fire hydrant. Please do not use my name for any purposes.
  • Broken down car- no warrant, no rego
    Light truck in illegal driving condition parked on side of road for 2 weeks across from 13 Lookaway place
  • Building work forcing cyclists to merge with traffic on busy inner city road
    For the last 6 weeks plus building work at 218 Madras Street Christchurch has been forcing cyclists to merge with traffic on this busy inner city road. This is causing an ongoing significant risk to cycling members of the public heading into the city using Madras Street. I cycle into work every weekday along Madras street and am constantly surprised to see cyclists are still being forced into the traffic. Please can this be urgently investigated. Many thanks.
  • A bus parked at an intersection causing safety issues
    A travel bus has been parked at the intersection of Hubbard street to Kittyhawk avenue for a while now. I am reporting this as an issue because I am afraid that this may cause a car accident at some point. This bus is obstructing the sight for drivers who are waiting to turn from Hubbard Street to Kittyhawk Avenue or vice versa. It is very dangerous that the drivers have to take a guess that no vehicle is coming towards this intersection while they turn. There were two incidents with myself, where the driver of the car that turned from Hubbard Street to Kittyhawk avenue did not see me coming from Kittyhawk Avenue because of the bus and our cars almost crashed. I am worried that we will not be lucky every time like it was those two days. Somebody took the bus away once in the last three months, but I did not see the driver to talk to as they must have taken the bus very early in the morning and that is the only time I have seen the bus away from that parking. I am hoping that council will help to get the bus removed from this location and get it parked somewhere appropriate that it would not cause any danger to the people (or their vehicles) who drives around here daily. The registeration number for the bus is LTJ306
  • Abandoned Property with rats, health hazard.
    Site is being used to dump cars, old paint, diesel and petrol cans. Empty house full of junk, books, timber and other household items. Section has long'ish grass. I can see rats and vermin and it's a health hazard.
  • Street Light Not Working
    The street light between 334 and 336 Wairakei Road is not working
  • Tree dying and splitting - possible risk of collapse
    Copper flowering cherry tree on berm is old, dying, and its boughs are splitting. There is a risk that a bough will break, which could be a hazard. Most trees on Chedworth Avenue were replaced several years ago, but this one escaped at that time. This year would be a good time to replace it.
  • Traffic lights timing
    The lights at this intersection are not well timed,a long delay coming along Rutland St turning into st Albans St this morning at approximately 10.10am I think the timing needs to be checked
  • van left parked for months
    Silver van parked for months never moves
  • Green turn arrow onto Curletts not workinh
    Green turn arrow on the Riccarton side of the intersection is not working. This means the first driver in the queue to turn right from Yaldhurst onto Curletts Road can't see their turn arrow because they are directly under the one that is working, and needlessly waits for oncoming traffic while drivers behind can see the arrow on their side and get impatient.
  • Car with bed in the rear been abandoned
    Car with bed in the rear been abandoned for over a week. No sign of anybody visiting it, not anything to do with neighbours.
  • Street Light Out
    The street light outside the entrance to nos 12 and 14 Clifford Avenue Christchurch 8014 is not working.
  • Car wiped out signs
    Looks like a car has clipped a Give Way sign and ploughed into the street sign on the roundabout on Ron Guthrey and Syd Bradley Rd. The missing give way sign it at the north tip of the roundabout and the broken street sign on the roundabout is also lying on the north part.
  • Vehicle in front of house hasn't moved in over 3 months1 update
    This car has been in front of our house for over 3 months and hasn't moved
  • Dangerous parking
    The intersection of Bealey Av with Packe St is really narrow and it is an only one-way street. Constantly we have to report cars parking really close to the corner (less than a meter) which really difficult the entry from Bealey Av. We have talked to the city council about it and they said we should request yellow lines, as it is the only way how to prevent that happening.
  • No street lights - Oakley Cres, Hornby
    There are no street lights currently operating in Oakley Cres, Hornby
  • Car parked facing the wrong way
    There is a car parked facing the wrong direction at 36 Tippet Crescent, this is a very narrow 2 ways street.
  • Couch
    Couch left outside 51 King Street on footpath
  • Illegal inconsiderate parking.
    There are a number of cars parked outside No.17 Josephine crescent with some facing the wrong way on the road and making it dangerous for other road users and local residents. I believe that legally you must park the same way as the flow of traffic which some of these people aren't doing. If a parking enforcement officer could come and have a look that would be great.
  • Give Way street sign on sidewalk
    We have recently moved into the office at 99 Clarence Street, Riccarton, and there is a Give Way street sign lying down on the sidewalk that needs removing please.
  • Abandoned Car
    There has been a car on Garreg Road for at least a month, it has not been moved during this time so we believe it has been abandoned. It is a red VW Golf, registration FMA 309. Parked outside of 50 Garreg Rd.
  • Abandoned Car
    Mitsubishi Mirage GLX Licence Plate RR6664 Abandoned for over 12 month, no rego
  • Confusing traffic sign
    When travelling North along Madras St around Latimer Square, turning into Gloucester for a short way and then continuing North again, there is a sign instructing Right Turning Traffic Give Way. However, opposing traffic is controlled by traffic lights. Nevertheless, it always makes me feel nervous as I bear right to continue along Madras St. Why is the sign there? To whom does it apply? Thank you
  • Abandoned car
    Daihatsu has been there for more than 6months. No rego. Inside full of tyres.
  • Pavement Failing Again
    Asphalt patch overlays completed on Pound Road last April are constantly falling to pieces (there are quite a few). There are a few areas that have a patch within a patch and are constantly falling apart. One in particular is ready to blow out as the integrity of the surface has gone completely. There is a mosaic of asphalt simply sitting in place. Next heavy rainfall, this area will fail and blowout. As this is a recurring issue, you may want to ask your contractor to look into the subgrade layer, as it's looking likely that it is causing the issue. Asphalt overlay isn't enough to stand up to large pavement deflection on a road with so much heavy traffic. Simply filling it in with more mix isn't working.
  • Street Light need replacing
    Street Light opposite 17 Manuka Street needs replacing
  • White mini van parking illegaly
    Whit mini van parking over the end of the drive way and on the grass verge of a public hospital outpatient department rego KBZ709. Have tried to contact motel across the road in case the drive is there but no answer. have photo on my phone unable to upload.
  • Toyota HNL618 - Wrecked Vehicle
    This car was dropped off by towtruck on Good Friday, 19/5, covered in police tape, and undriveable. Hasn't moved since. Rego up to date but WoF expired in January 2019. Taking up valuable parking spaces, and looks appalling!
  • Burst Water Main under road
    This was reported last week. But problem has increased in intensity. There are 2 areas where water is coming through the road seal and much water on the road and neighbouring properties. Which I imagine will be causing damage. Water pressure in this area has been lowered perhaps due to this
  • Street light has gone out
    Street light outside our address has stopped working & we would feel more secure if it was working again please.
  • Street lights not working
    Street lights along street not working. Turning into street is a safety hazard as lot of people walk there dogs around the blind corner very hard to see people. Issue was resolved in March but has failed again
  • Large pot holes causing traffic to serve to miss or hit and run risk of losing control of car
    There are three issues on the Charteris Bay road in front of the golf and tennis clubs. One is a man hole that has been painted around to be fixed but never has been (approx 2 months) drivers have to navigate either side of the holes around this to avoid grounding there vehicle. Two other problems are similar, where the side of the road has broken away causing quite large holes deep enough for wheels to get caught in and causing the vehicle to change trajectory. Very dangerous. I watched a lady with 3 kids in her car hit the largest one which caused her to go onto the grass verge. luckily she was able to correct the vehicle. Both of these holes are deep enough to do damage to both cars and perhaps worse for cyclists and motorcyclists. This problem would be better fixed urgently before someone is hurt.
  • Illegally parked car
    Car parked too close to private driveway making it impossible to get in and out
  • Loud Beeping
    The constant beeping of the traffic lights on the corner of maidstone and waimarie roads that's started up a few weeks ago and goes throughout the night is quite loud and keeps me and my flatmate up at night.
  • Green right turn arrow not working
    The green right turn arrow is not displaying for traffic turning from Yaldhurst Rd onto Avonhead Rd. Oncoming traffic on Yaldhurst is still receiving the signal to stop, but turning traffic doesn't receive the turn light.
  • Water leak with potential to cause issues to my property
    The water main is leaking from the street down the drive at #7 and into my garage area at 5b
  • Speed on Travis Road
    The speed of cars and trucks driving down travis road had been a longtime concern of mine and my families, our property backs onto Travis road and when a truck drives at such speed and shakes the house we cannot help but worry, and at night when you hear a car roaring at high speed you just hope there is no innocent person pulling slowly out of a side street to get in there way. They seem to continue the 70km speed off Anzac Drive and Frosts Road and now with two new schools opening in the area this speed issue and volume of traffic on this road needs to be addressed.
  • No rego or warrant
    Green Toyota van Expired rego No warrant Broken tail light Looks like a mattress in the back Been parked there for weeks
  • Large Pot Hole
    Large pot hole around manhole in road. Its been like it for the last 4 months!!
  • Light not working
    Street light adjacent to 94 Oxford Street not working
  • Street Lighting Failure1 update
    The street lights along Becmead Drive have not been working all evening so far. There does not appear to be any issues with the power in the houses.
  • Street lights not working along the street
    Street lights along street not working. Turning into street is a safety hazard as lot of people walk there dogs around the blind corner very hard to see people.
  • Car partially blocking driveway
    Car is parked partially over the edge of the driveway at 11 Bourne Crescent Papanui making it extremely difficult, takes multiple maneuvers, to get into and out of the driveway
  • Noise from Heavy trucks
    When The Lyttelton/Sumner roads open this month its designated use has been categorised for heavy trucks. This will means trucks 24hrs a day to deal with Port business and they will be using air brakes to control their speed coming down Evans Pass. Currently being at home during the day I can hear and feel the vibrations from the working trucks. Would someone ( council? /land transport?) consider erecting a "no air brakes" sign before the trucks reach the residential area
  • Not working properly
    At 5pm today I was on Wharenui Rd turning on to Blenheim Rd and it went through at least 5 changes of lights on Blenheim Rd and ours stayed red the entire time. A similar thing happened last week.
  • Appalling road repairs, could be dangerous
    Corrugated road surface after road repairs done last weekend. Very dangerous on the bends in particular. It is 50km currently but once back to 100kms this could put people in danger if on a bike or motorbike. Also at least a 30cm pile of gravel on the Gebbies pass and Akaroa Road again a skidding hazard from those people exiting Gebbies Pass Road.
  • Abandoned vehicle
    TQ3755 Toyota corona red, expired warrant and red. Not moved since at least october
  • Large Pot Hole around manhole - Sawyers Arms Road
    This has been reported on a couple of occasions now but the pot hole around a man hole is causing the foundations of my house shake when a truck hits it, this has been going on for months now and I wish something to be done. I would also report new pots holes further down the road on the city bound traffic from John Road.
  • Abandoned red car
    DCD635 has no rego & been parked here since October
  • blocking street light
    The trees at the end of Creedon Glen have grown around the street light again. It is also possible the light is broken although this is difficult to clarify as it might just be the growth.
  • Street light not working
    The street light outside of 42 Celia Street, Redcliffs, Christchurch is not working.
  • Public Toilets at Burnside Park Lighting out
    Connected to street lighting outage at 320 Memorial Avenue
  • Two abandoned vehicles on Packard Crescent
    Hi, There are two vehicles on Packard Crescent, Halswell that have not moved in some time. Neither has a current WOF or Rego. I assume they are owned by residents in the street but as the street is quite narrow and parking is difficult to find it would be good if the owners could move them off the road. One is a black Honda, registration AFN970, the other is a Mitsubishi Ute with a flat tyre, registration SF5142. They are outside 42 and 44 Packard Crescent. Thanks.
  • Unwarranted and Unregisted Vehicle parked Here all day.
    Blue Hatch, dented, WOF expired mid last year and no registration. Has been outside our property parked < 1m from our driveway and on yellow lines all day.
  • unregistered vehicles and no wof1 update
    2003 Holden Commodore VRN: HUY19 Subaru Legacy VRN: BQS549 Mazda 323 VRN: SC9385 Visiting vehicle Mazda Atenza VRN: FSP362
  • water overflow from water meter box on to the footpath
    Water overflow from the water meter box in front of 18 Blakehall Place.
  • Stormwater grate missing - hazard for bikes, cars, etc
    The stormwater grate is missing on Memorial Ave just as the left turn lane commences for Roydvale Ave. If a bicycle wheel hits that it’s highly likely to result in serious injury. Even a car wheel would likely suffer significant damage. Please resolve this urgently. Thanks.
  • Toby Tap Cover missing.
    Toby tap cover missing at 44 Buchan street, CHCH 8023. Tempoary timber unit in place but need replacement metal item.
  • needs repair1 update
    asphalt in culdesac broken and needs repair please. On CCC roadway beside #59A Rossmore Tce letter box
  • Large Pot Hole
    Large pot hole outside 397 Sawyers Arms Road. This has been fixed serveral times but its getting worse, please resolve it shakes the house when a truck goes over it.
  • leaking water
    One of the 2 covers outside 13 Wiggins Street is leaking water onto the footpath.
  • Poor quality of streeting, lack of infrastructure and design
    I have come to learn that Packe Street is one of the oldest roads in Christchurch being named after George Packe 1836-1882, the first publication of Packe Street is 1903. Having learned this I was extremely disheartened when I drove down the road that it lacked any connection to Christchurch and was basically a poor, unmaintained, wide road with no character, thought or design, there are no trees and to which the area looks very industrial. I would like to see this road invested in with trees and grass being planted including a reference to George Packe a Lieutenant-Colonel who served with the 23rd Royal Fusiliers.
  • Street Light Not Working
    Street light not working outside 20 Kimberley Street, Casebrook, Christchurch. 8051
  • Street Marking
    I have sent a email some time ago, because at this location we are having problems with people parking on our driveway. I have requested marking and here is your answer: Hi, I have your request to provide markings for the parking spaces on this street. For this suburban location, we wouldn’t provide markings for every individual space. However, I will organise parking tick markings on this section of the street, at the locations next to a driveway or access, to discourage drivers parking too close to them. I’ll mark out the locations very soon and this should be completed within weeks, subject to the contractor’s programme. It has been done in some places, like crossing the st from my house, but not every where and frequently I have to call city council to report cars blocking the exit. Please, I would like to have a solution soon.
  • Faulty street light
    The street light located between 86 and 88 Cheyenne street is not working. Have noticed it last night.
  • Abandoned and unregistered
    There is a car parked in front of my house has been there for months is damaged and un registered. I would like it removed please
  • Has been left here for several weeks. Flat tyres.
    White 1996 BMW Rego FMW 413 expired August 2018
  • Vehicle been on roadside for 3 months
    CWK646 Car has sat in Clifford Ave for 3 months, hasn’t moved.
  • dangerous parking on bend outside number 17 Bella Rosa Drive
    On numerous occasions there have been near miss collisions with vehicles,pedestrians crossing the road and cyclists due to cars being parked on the bend.
  • car parking all day in council 120 minute limit
    Workers from nearby factory parking daily in Bella Rosa Drive and Cataluna Place.
  • Street light out across road from 3 Maurice Stanton Place
    Light outside 4 Maurice Stanton Place is out.
  • Retaining wall collapsing at intersection roundabout
    The 'roundabout' at the intersection of Palm Drive and Laguna Gardens contains a large palm tree in a raised retained garden. The retaining walls are starting to separate as per the attached photos. The columns in 3 corner have separated from the walls, and the wall have cracks in the centres.
  • Broom on Grass Berm
    The broom is out of control again. Needs to be cleaned out properly. Has now spread onto my property. The whole berm needs to be cleaned up in that area. It used to be all grass. People are continually dumping rubbish. It could be kept mowed if it was cleaned up. The broom is in full flower at present.
  • Pothole
    Pothole in Rd outside 194 Yaldhurst Rd inside lane.thanks
  • water supply leak on footpath
    Outside 236A Grahams Road, Christchurch, the water meter box is leaking across the whole footpath. Becoming progressively worse. Potential slip hazard for pedestrians.
  • Xk6961
    Abandoned for a few weeks. Rego had been taken out. Car stopped working. Owner emptied contents and has never been back to collect.
  • Street light not working on Belgrave Close,
    Street light not working on lamp post opposite 2 Belgrave Close, Halswell
  • Abandoned vehicle1 update
    Silver Mitsubishi Colt. Registration: KEL81. Registration expired 9/05/18. This vehicle has been parked on Ballantyne Ave for the past 8 months approx. It is parked outside No.18 Ballantyne Ave. It is not parked close enough to the kerb and is taking up too much room on a corner.
  • Fast-growing pothole spreading gravel across the road
    There's a pothole which is growing very quickly and spreading gravel all across the road. It's getting dangerous as it is close to a bend and drivers have to swerve around it, driving over loose gravel in the process. Concerned someone going too quickly could loose control and hit someone else coming around the corner.
  • Street light not working
    A street light in Gosling Crescent, Halswell is not working. Outside number 42.
  • Abandoned vehicle in a P10 outside 268 Wairakei Road, Bryndwr
    Registration WQ4267 - no wof, no registration - abandoned since last 06/10/2018
  • pothole damage in cycle lane.
    Hello there are a few big potholes in the cylcle lane outside Vegeland in Marshland Road , Christchurch which is pretty tricky when the traffic is heavy . Im sure there are a few of us that would appreciate them being filled .
  • pot hole/road brekup
    Hi at the Port Hills Road end of Chapmans Road.As you come off Port Hills Road just passed the give way onto Chapmans road the road is breaking up and has made a large pothole.Very hard to avoid coming around bend after give way.
  • Street light out
    Street light at 78 cutts rd is not working.
  • Abandoned vehicle
    Cnr Brougham and Gasson This vehicle has been stationary since at least June this year. The rego is now expired and it's filthy. It is taking up precious parking space. I have checked it on the Stolen Vehicle list and it is not listed Plate - CRH604
  • Possible broken water main1 update
    Water coming from under the seal at the junction of Te Ra Crescent and Rawhiti Street, Has got worse since Friday. Water bubbling up through road seal.
  • Impreza car Abandoned
    WOF & Rego lapsed. not moved for 3 weeks
  • Damaged fencing on footbridge
    The wire mesh on the fence at the riverlaw terrace end of this bridge is damaged, and poking out into the pathway. Passing pedestrians on my bike, the pedal caught on the wire and I was thrown to the ground, injuring myself. To be clear, this is part of the fence that is on the South side of the ramps leading up to the bridge.
  • Street light out
    Hi, just to advise you that a street light is out on the lamp post at 4 Armitage Street Bishopdale
  • Abandoned damaged car outside 84 rattray st
    Car partly on verge. Windows smashed. Appeared sometime between sat and sun afteroon 25 26 august
  • Graffiti in passageway
    Graffiti on metal fence in passageway. Thank you.
  • Street light out - ongoing H&S issue - consider using LED1 update
    Good Morning, Street light is out again at 35 Springbank street. This is an ongoing issue as the lights down the street are regularly blown, this is a health and safety issue as the street is used as a thoroughfare to the Wairakei shops and the Little brown jug at night. When one of these bulbs blow, it is very dark down this street and is a health and safety issue. Please consider using LED lights down this street as they will not blow as often.
  • Parking across driveway
    Hello, we have had a car parked outside our house for 5 days and it is parked on the entrance to our drive and is making it hazardous to get in or out of our drive and with the influx of new cyclists Im concerned I wont see one. Can somebody please help.
  • Abandoned car no rego no warrant
    Car rego KZF879 has been abandoned. Has no warrant and no rego
  • Honda crx
    Car hasnt moved in months. Has no rego or wof. Maybe stolen? Needs towing.
  • street light not working
    the street light on the footpath at the end of my driveway is not working
  • Abandoned Vehicle
    Abandoned Vehicle, EEY85 has been outside our workplace for a long time but now has had the back window smashed in. Not ideal as we are a school and have a preschool next door.
  • Broken glass
    Broken glass on Brougham Street pedestrian/cycle crossing (Collins/Simeon Streets). The glass is on Brougham Street itself (both traffic directions), the centre crossing, and the crossing approaches on both sides.
  • Marking street
    At the address and whole length of the street, the residents are struggling with the parking, as there are not signals around the entrance of garage, so everyone is parking closer to 1m how it should be.
  • Footpath and drain blocked
    Someone has placed an old printer on the footpath which has been now kicked into the gutter and may block water flow. It has been there for weeks.
  • Blue Subaru Station Wagon
    Has been parked in same place since approx 5 April. Neighbours not aware of owner. Possibly has been abandoned as people shifted out of area at that time. Registration EQL112
  • Leaking meter box
    Water meter box is leaking, has been fixed once before a few years ago
  • Some Street Lighting Not Working1 update
    We have some street lights not working on Bowhill Road, New Brighton. One outside 111 Bowhill has not been working for two nights now. There appears to be more not working further down. Very unsafe and dark outside to see any further. Please fix urgently.
  • Missing street sign
    The PABLO PLACE street sign has been missing for nearly a year, making it very hard to give address directions. When can this be sorted??
  • Damaged vehicle parked on roadside
    This vehicle must have been damaged on 6th March 2018. It has been parked right on the entrance to our driveway. We are a back section. I am not sure if it is allowed to be parked so close to our driveway, we have trouble getting out and it must be a curse for rubbish pickup as there is a car right behind it. The airbags in the vehicle have been deployed so vehicle is in driveable at present. Should it still be allowed on road?
  • Invasive weeds Rapaki Road and track
    On the left hand side of Rapaki Track in the pines there is a large patch of multiple weeds - blackberry, ivy, cotoneaster, spindletree, agapanthus, periwinkle etc. I'd love to see this cleaned up before these spread into the native plantings nearby. Also a lot of thistles and mallow spreading up Rapaki Track, seems worse in the last few years since recycled gravel was spread on the track. Many of these weeds are spread more generally in the road reserve on Rapaki Road. E.g. patch of periwinkle near turning area, agapanthus apparently dumped on the roadside etc. ref: http://www.weedbusters.org.nz/uploads/plant-me-instead/Plant%20me%20instead%20Canterbury%20.pdf
  • Multiple deep pot holes
    Multiple potholes at the intersection of Hills Road and McSavennys Road. Because the road is narrow people are moving across the centre line to avoid these deep potholes. Further down Hills Road where Hills Road splits in two at 703 there is shingle and pot holes developing.
  • Abandoend car UG7812
    Teal Toyota Corolla UG7812 left in same park on street for several weeks. Has not been moved. Not reported as stolen on NZ Police site.
  • Potholes at edge of road (Watford St)
    Long standing potholes in front of 128 & 130 Watford Street. These are at the verge of the road. Hopefully there will be no cars parked there when you check it out.
  • Mazda car KKZ122
    Has been in accident and left at scene with air bags off and windscreen cracked .Is blocking view of oncoming traffic for residents
  • Stop sign completely behind foliage
    Approaching Port Hills Road from Curries Road, the stop / give way sign is now completely hidden behind foliage. We only stopped in time because we noticed the writing on the road at the last moment.
  • Water Leak
    seeping from road
  • Pot Hole Outside 399 Sawyers Arms Road
    These Pot holes have been fixed previously but have come back again, these pot holes need to be repair properly, not just filled in.
  • another load of rubbish dumped along guys rd
    rubbish dumped on guys rd. closest number to the rubbish is near 33 guys rd
  • Water Leak
    There is a water leak in front of flat 1 at 49 bishop street
  • Electrical control box covered with graffiti
    Box has been tagged with graffiti front and back
  • recently repaired potholes all opening up again
    due to the amount of trucks now driving down savills rd, the potholes will just keep opening up. road not suitable for trucks
  • big pile of rubbish dumped on side of road
    Looks to be like a trailor load of rubbish including a mattress dumped on the grass verge
  • Honda Accord left in same position for several days
    A white Honda Accord Lxi reg YM1928 has been parked outside 235 Ashgrove Terrace for several days. This is causing problems with CCC Bin collection.
  • Trailer Nuisence Parking
    This trailer (at number 4a Somerville) is remaining parked with part of it obstructing the footpath, it is a hazard as it is dangerous to disabled persons who may not see it, or have to navigate around it. Council delivered notice to owner in December and no change has occurred. This remains a hazard to all footpath users
  • Sharnbrook Reserve
    My house is on the border of Sharnbrtok Reserve. This Reserve has no lighting at night along its path, & is only made darker by the inadequate lighting from the one and only street light at the end of Creedon Glen. The branches of a large Pin Oak tree growing right beside the street light ( who would plant a tree that is going to grow to a massive size right beside a street light?!) completely obstructs any light from that street light at night. I have requested attention for this tree before, but CityCare has only nibbled away a few branches, which seems to enable to tree to grow back thicker & taller than before! This tree needs to be removed as it is too close to the street light & the neighbouring Pin Oak tree. I don’t know who was initially responsible (probably the developers) for planting this collection of cute little Pin Oak trees 19 years ago, but obviously they had no understanding of the size that they would grow to be. We even have a Pin Oak right beside my neighbour’s water mains, & their roots have proven to be destructive to the pipes!! This street is too dark & potentially unsafe at night. We have already had burglaries in the street. We would really appreciate it if this one tree could be removed please..
  • Toyota Vitz car - white CPP295
    This car has been in an accident and the rear end of it is over the white line - sticking out into oncoming traffic. It has been there for over 2 weeks
  • Toyota Vitz car - white CPP295
    This car has been in an accident and the rear end of it is over the white line - sticking out into oncoming traffic. It has been there for over 2 weeks
  • Street light out
    Outside 56 Vancouver Crescent the Street light is not working. This is opposite an alley way which makes it very unsafe for anyone using the alley. This is about the 3rd time this has happened.
  • Vehicles Illegally Parked
    As in picture, the white vehicle is on th cycle path, the black suv is parked illegally on the traffic island (yellow lines).
  • Hedge obscuring footpath
    Front hedge for 74 Lyttelton Street is obscuring footpath
  • Unregistered car abandoned 3+ months
    AGW499 has been left on road for over three months now. Appears abandoned
  • Abandoned desk
    A desk has been left on the footpath opposite my home. Can it be disposed of as its a eye sore.
  • Mowing
    Can we please have the reserve in Mable Wood Dr mowed.
  • Weeds
    The weeds that are growing on the median island where the railway line crosses over Main South Rd at the Carmen Rd intersection need spraying.
  • Weeds
    Weeds need spraying along the edge of the footpath on Masham Rd from Buchanans Rd to Yaldhurst Rd.
  • Street light out
    Light is outside 111 Patterson terrace Christchurch 8025
  • Caravan parked dangerously
    The h/o at no 8 Days Road,Lyttelton have parked a large caravan on the narrow street on a slight bend, it is impossible to see oncoming traffic. It is a hazard.
  • Missing street sign
    Rifleman Lane has no street sign - fell off after earthquakes and now temporary replacement has disappeared. New houses being built on the lane and tradespeople cannot find the lane. Lots of lost people driving up and down the hill trying to find the lane!! :)
  • Footpath still not repaired after fibre optic work
    A patch of footpath had its seal removed some months ago. See photo. 1m X 1m approx.
  • Street light not working
    Street light on the corner by 15 Hawkhurst Road ,Lyttelton has been out since 15/01/18. As this is on a blind corner, a repair needs to be made ASAP.
  • potholes opening up again
    potholes along this stretch of road are opening up again
  • street signs all down savills rd broken or removed
    street signs either broken or removed all the way down savills rd
  • shingle all over intersection
    shingle from trucks turning into savills all across this intersection
  • Traffic light delay
    The excessive delay between activating the cyclist crossing lights and the change of the lights means that many cyclists do not wait for the lights to change, but cross when the road is clear. This means that on many occasions the cars are stopped for a non-existent cyclist (since they are now steaming down the cyle path). Ideally, the lights should change almost straight away, causing minimal delay for the cyclists and not causing frustrating waits fo the drivers.
  • Street lighting not working
    No street lighting on Maclaren Road between Kittyhawke Ave and Vale Terrace and no street lighting on Kittyhawke Ave between MacLaren Rd and The Runway and north of The Runway No street lighting on The Runwayeast of Kittyhawke Ave I first let you know about Marlaren Rd and Kittyhawke Ave on Sunday 31 December 2017 it was then working ok on Thursday 4 January 2018 but the last Three nights when other lights come on about 9.20pm they are not working
  • Street lighing not working
    No street lighting on Maclaren Road between Kittyhawke Ave and Vale Terrace and no street lighting on Kittyhawke Ave between MacLaren Rd and The Runway
  • leaking water connection
    leaking water connection outside the property at 3 Holmwood Road - water is leaking across footpath to road
  • deep hole
    hole at exit onto cranley street. tyres of cars drop inti it
  • Water leak
    Water is bubbling out of a leak, which is causing the road to slump, outside 9a,b,c Elmwood Road. There also appear to be leaks where Elmwood Road meets Strowan Road
  • White Legacy B4
    REG GBE159. Abandoned in car park for several months. Registration Expired mid 2017 WOF Expired mid 2017
  • Missing pavers
    Missing pavers on footpath by motorcycle parking is causing a trip Hazard. It is straight across from the ANZ and we had an ANZ Customer trip and injury herself.
  • Unsafe for pedestrians
    Harrison Bloy Plumbing are shocking for parking illegally over the footpath, and driving forklifts around those illegally parked trucks. It's only a matter of time before a pedestrian gets hit - either by one of the plumbing vehicles or a motorist coming over the Wigram Rd overbridge (because the pedestrian has been forced onto the road).
  • Trailer Hazard to Disabled Persons
    This trailer (at number 4a Somerville) is constantly parked with part of it obstructing the footpath, it is a hazard as it is dangerous to disabled persons who may not see it, or have to navigate around it.
  • Potholes and very uneven road surface along Centaurus Road
    Terrible road surface from the Brickworks pub through to Princess Margaret Hospital. Needs urgent attention. Little work done recently but they seemed to have missed the laminated road surface issues where driver are forced to take evasive action to avoid all along this part of a very busy road.
  • Possible abandoned unregistered vehicle
    CAG900 dark blue car broken side back window, unregistered and unmoved for 5 days.
  • Unregistered unwarranted vehicle parked on roadside
    Rego OL1229 Navy Blue Holden parked week days in Heron Street has no current rego or wof needs to be ticketed. Disappears @ weekend
    Directly OUTSIDE OUR RESIDENCE,8 WROXTON TERRACE,there is extensive cracking and elevation of the pavement and kerbing. This has resulted in one elderly woman 'face planting' onto the pavement and one other street resident, having several near miss falls. She has poor eyesight, so has an increased risk. Small children use this damaged pavement as skate board and scooter entertainment, challenging one another to travel at high speeds over the raised and cracked pavement and kerb, which is particularly badly damaged. This has also resulted in some injuries. Poor lighting in the street, increases the risk of damage and disability, as when it is dark, this damage to the surface, is easy to miss. Drainage of any surface rainwater is also impaired, creating mould and a slippery surface. This pavement ad kerb Cracking is resulting in vegetation growth through the cracks, also adding to an insecure surface, when wet and presents an unsightly appearance. Considering the high council rates in this area, we do not think that it is unreasonable to ask, that you will remediate these problems and in doing so, negate the potential for any further injuries or potential disabilities.
  • Vehicle abandoned on road side
    Black Fiat Rego BLK 363 has been abandoned on roadside outside this address for well over a month. It has no current warrant or registration and has damage to back of vechicle
  • Abandoned vehicle1 update
    Registration No WO8033 Toyota Camry This vehicle is unwarranted and unregistered and has been parked outside 1 Queens Ave for a number of months. It has not been moved and appears to be abandoned.
  • Uncut grass an lack of landscaping
    The Wigram basin, medium strips & other parks in Wigram used to be mowed on a regular basis and were always kept tidy. They are now all a big mess. The grass in Wigram Basin is long enough to cut for hay and is an eye-sore. We all pay our rates in this area of town the same as others, so why is the area not being mowed????
  • Potholes forming and generally poor road service
    A pothole forming near the pedestrian island. Also the road surface in this area is poor (has been so for some time).
  • Two pot holes on cycle way crossing
    Two pot holes on Barrington St where the new cycleway crosses the road
  • Dozen potholes and disintegrating road surface
    A long the length of Leitch St there are at least a dozen potholes. The road surface is also pretty poor and disintegrating in places.
  • Northcote Road to Main North Road Turning Arrow
    The right hand turn arrow from Northcote Road into Main North Road does not allow enough time for traffic. In the morning only 2-3 cars are able to turn on the green arrow. Traffic is backing up to Cavendish Road (800m) blocking traffic turning left into Main North Road or travelling straight ahead into QE2 Drive.
  • Bachelors Road needs graded
    The whole road is in poor condition with bad corrugations and potholes, right up to 145.
  • Roundabout Effectiveness
    Hi - I am not sure whether the roundabout at the intersection of Wigram Road and Aidanfield Road is the most effective control here. The traffic backs up down Wigram Road (Awatea Road side) significantly due to the high volume of traffic coming from Aidanfield Road. The traffic flow is incredibly slow because of this. Perhaps there is a better way to control the intersection that would improve traffic flow.
  • Pot hole in road
    A large pothole as you turn from Wordsworth into Gasson St toward the city. Causing vehicles to turn into outside lane when turning to avoid the pothole.
  • Large Depression in road around Man Hole
    A large depression around a manhole has formed, the road is continually used by HGV's. The vehicles are hitting the hole and it shakes the houses on the main road. Please fix the repair ASAP
  • Abandoned vehicle
    1990 Honda Civic DX (blue) Reg: PG8975
  • Roadworks started before traffic management in place
    Roadworks on Antigua St through the Moorhouse Ave intersection have shifted lanes sideways, narrowed up the lanes & taken over the cycle lanes. There is signage for these works on Antigua St both approaches (30kph TSL, “Cyclist Merging” signs, etc), but nothing on Moorhouse Ave. This lack of signage on Moorhouse Ave includes no 30kph TSL signs & no 50kph derestriction signs. Whilst I was there Fulton Hogan started putting up the required signs on Moorhouse Ave, but with lane shifts already in place on Antigua St and work on site underway, this is a bit late (& contrary to CoPTTM which states “Tapers and delineation devices must only be placed once all signs have been installed.”). Attached photo shows single 30kph sign on left hand side of Moorhouse Ave looking towards Antigua St, with the right hand side on still stored on the median waiting to be deployed. Without gating of the 30kph TSL, it may not be visible to all road users on the 3 lanes on Moorhouse Ave, and is certainly not enforceable. Also (just) visible in the photo is the Fulton Hogan TTM trucks working their way westbound along Moorhouse Ave setting up signs on that side (nearest truck blocks view of digger working & cones on Antigua St). Maybe CTOC could remind Fulton Hogan of the mandatory order of worksite establishment, and even get out and do its job of “ensuring that all TTM measures are in accordance with CoPTTM”!
  • “Cyclists Merging” sign but no works affecting cycle lane
    There is an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign in advance of roadworks southbound on Antigua St between Disraeli St & Burke St. However, the extent of the works is completely contained within the shoulder, leaving the southbound cycle lane past the works totally unaffected – so cyclists do not need to merge and motorists do not need to watch for merging cyclists. Leaving redundant signs out like this makes them less effective when they are really needed, since motorists start ignoring them. Why not take the “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign down whenever the works don’t affect the cycle lane, and put it back up when the works require cyclists to merge into the general traffic lane?
  • Roadworks very dangerous for cyclists
    Roadworks have taken over half the road width on Antigua St immediately south of the St Asaph St intersection, with north & southbound lanes squeezed into what’s left. This includes forcing motorists into the northbound cycle lane & forcing cyclists out of the souuthbound cycle lane into the narrow general traffic lane. Unfortunately there is no advance warning of cyclists merging on any of the 3 approaches (Antigua St north & south and St Asaph St east). There is a 30kph TSL in place, but on the southern approach it is located after motorists have already been forced into the cycle lane, so not really very effective. Since there is so much wrong & dangerous about this site, maybe CTOC could come out and do an audit (after all, it is their job to “ensur(e) that all TTM measures are in accordance with CoPTTM”). And maybe the Police could explain what actions they took regarding these dangerous & non-compliant (with CoPTTM) works underway immediately outside the Christchurch Central Police Station. This should include an explanation from the police officer(s) in the marked Police car JSR170 which turned into the Police Station from Antigua St south about 9:25pm. And an explanation from the police officer(s) in the marked Police van CQK231 which turned into these works on Antigua St south from St Asaph St east about 9:30pm.
  • Roadworks dangerous for cyclists
    Marked cycle (and bus) lane on Tuam St immediately east of Antigua St has been blocked by roadworks. There is no advance warning of any works on Tuam St at all (a “Roadworks” sign with “On Side Road” supplementary plate is on the right hand side of Tuam St for building work on Antigua St). Why not put up at least a token “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign …
  • Another Fulton Hogan Roadworks sign blocking a cycle lane
    Fulton Hogan have again blocked the eastbound cycle lane on Main Road in Moncks Bay (just past the yacht club) with a roadworks sign for their Peacock’s Gallop Project (same location and same “Please Stop on Request” sign as FixMyStreet #9440 reported on 11 October 2017, removed by 13 October 2017). With a cycle lane symbol painted just 1m in front of the sign it is pretty obvious this is a cycle lane, so why place it here? The 2 signs in advance of it (which have been located on the footpath but still provide enough space for pedestrians) could be moved forward by 30m or so, and then this sign could have been placed where the preceding one currently is. Given that the manual traffic controller is located over 160m away round the corner, an additional 30m is unlikely to affect the safety of this setup – although the two 30kph TSL signs still blocking the cycle lane between this sign & the MTC might affect the safety of cyclists (see FixMyStreet #9441 & #9450).
  • Unlawful Temporary Speed Limit
    A 30kph temporary speed limit has been put up by Fulton Hogan for the Peacock’s Gallop Project on Main Rd between Moncks Bay & Sumner. Unfortunately the spacing between repeater signs is greater than the 400m maximum allowed by CoPTTM, rendering it unenforceable & probably dangerous, as there is no “reminder to road users of the maximum speed they may travel past, or through, the worksite”. In particular, heading westbound there are gated 30kph TSL signs (starting the TSL area) immediately to the east of the Esplanade. There are then no more 30kph repeater signs on the left hand side of the road (as required by CoPTTM) until halfway along to Shag Rock (despite there being coned off safe zones, shoulder & berms on the left where they could be placed – the attached photo shows an unused sign stand on the left hand side opposite a 30kph TSL sign on the right hand side). According to Google Earth, this is a distance of 590m, which is well over the 400m maximum! Fulton Hogan should both review/correct the layout of their worksite and check with Police that no incorrect speeding tickets have been issued.
  • Little River Cycleway blocked, no safe alternative provided
    The Little River Cycleway along Shands Rd has been dug up from Marshs Rd to north of Sir James Wattie Dr for works associated with CSM2. Infuriatingly no safe alternative route for cyclists or pedestrians has been provided, and the signage for the inadequate alternatives are very confusing & likely to lead cyclists & pedestrians into conflict with vehicles on Shands Rd. Between Sir James Wattie Dr & Edmonton Rd, the signage directs cyclists & pedestrians onto the Shands Rd carriageway, “protected” only by a line of cones between them & passing vehicles. There are no barriers, safety fences or conebars, and no lateral safety zone at all. The width of this diverted shared path varies between 0.5m & 1.5m, which is well short of the 2.2m minimum width required by CoPTTM. If cyclists & pedestrians cross to the other side of Shands Rd (a tricky task with no median refuge provided), they come out from behind the side barrier onto the shoulder with no “protection” beyond sporadic cones along the edgeline. With works beside the shoulder, the available width gets squeezed down to 0.5m (still with no lateral safety zone) – and this is beyond the 50kph temporary speed limit protecting the workers further north on Shands Rd, so trucks & cars are passing by at 80kph. The entire site is an absolute mess, and presents a real risk of death or serious injury to cyclists & pedestrians. I would suggest that CTOC actually do their job (“ensuring that all TTM measures are in accordance with CoPTTM”!) and send a Traffic Management Coordinator out to do a full audit on this site!
  • Shared path works dangerous for pedestrians & cyclists (x2)
    Tactile paving is being laid in 2 locations at the Waterloo Rd/Halswell Junction Rd roundabout at the entrance to the Waterloo Business Park. Regrettably the contractor doing this work has left gaping holes in the footpath around both lots of tactile paving, & have made no effort to fence them off, divert pedestrians/cyclists around them or even provide any advance warning (the fallen over sign seen in the photo is the only sign on site, and it has been in that sorry state since at least Saturday 14-Oct-17). The photo also shows the southbound cycle lane on Halswell Junction Rd being directed onto this section of shared path, and then straight into the hole in the pavement.
  • 30kph TSL signs out, with no roadworks and no end of TSL signage
    Gated 30kph temporary speed limit signs have been placed on Kilmore St halfway between Manchester St & Colombo St. There are no advance “Roadworks” signs, there is no work on the road (or within the road reserve) past them (apart from the Town Hall & Victoria Square works on Kilmore St & Colombo St, which have been there for ages without a TSL), and no derestriction signage at the end of the TSL. With regard to the lack of signs for the end of the TSL, luckily there are gated permanent 30kph signs on Colombo St (south of Kilmore) & Durham St (south of Kilmore), and gated permanent 50kph signs on Kilmore St (east of Durham), though these latter two are just on 400m from the start of the TSL. Unfortunately there are no gated speed limit signs on Colombo St (north of Kilmore) or Victoria St (north of Kilmore). Maybe CTOC could do an audit of this site, since CoPTTM seems quite clear that installing or leaving in place inappropriate or unnecessary TSL’s will result in the instant issuing of a non-conformance.
  • Three pot holes right on bend-large amount of left over sihingle on road
    Right on the bend 2 right on gutter other one on road also large amount of shingle on road side 1to 2 metres out from the gutter this was left from contractors who seal the road mouths ago also double grate missing from gutter young child could fall in have contacted Ccc before a about this near get any action on as they turn a blind I to it as this road runs cross the red zone this is our only in and out to Landy street.
  • Footpath blocked, pedestrians forced onto segregated cycle lane
    Temporary fences have been put up outside some of the bars on the southern side of St Asaph St just west of Colombo St to corral patrons wishing to enter their establishments. Unfortunately these entirely block the footpath in at least 2 locations, forcing pedestrians onto the segregated cycle lane. This presents a hazard for both cyclists and pedestrians. Are these bars really allowed to take over the footpath like this? If not, maybe they could fund works to either widen the footpath or provide a barrier between the footpath and the cycle lane?
  • Pedestrian hazard from roadworks sign bases (without signs attached) x12
    Roadworks sign bases have been prepositioned on the footpath at 12 locations on Moorhouse Ave, Durham St & Montreal St. The signs and stands have been left on top of the bases next to the kerb, with a traffic cone added on either side, so they take up over half the footpath width. And having cones on either side, rather than in front/behind, doesn’t make the obstruction between the cones much more visible. Two of the sign bases have been placed at bus stops on Moorhouse Ave, so are likely to be dangerous for passengers getting off buses there (pictured). Another sign is on the only footpath on the Durham St overbridge, and has fallen away from where it was leant against the fence, so now blocks most of the footpath and presents the sharp edge of the sign at shin height for pedestrians trying to squeeze past. If it is totally necessary to preplace this equipment before it is used (rather than when the traffic management is actually set up), might I suggest connecting conebars across the top of the sign bases between the cones on either side to make the obstructions more visible?
  • Roadworks sign blocking footpath1 update
    The footpath on the western side of Durham St approaching Moorhouse Ave has been mostly blocked by a roadworks sign for works on the Durham St overbridge. With a fence on the non-road side already constraining the width available, there is now less than the CTOC required minimum width of 1.2m. Why not place it on the road, leaving the footpath clear for pedestrians (there are 4 lanes at this point on Durham St, so plenty of lanes available for motorists, even if the right hand lane ends up partially blocked by the sign …)?
  • Redundant roadworks signs
    Approaching the Milton St/Strickland St intersection, “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” signs have been placed on both Milton St approaches and the Strickland St north approach. Yet none of the cycle lanes approaching, through or leaving the intersection are blocked, so cyclists do not need to merge anywhere. Around the intersection cones have been placed in the gutters next to the cycle lanes (so not impeding cyclists in the cycle lanes at all) – presumably they were moved there when work finished on the site for the day. Temporary speed limit signs have also been taken down on all of the approaches (but are still there on site). Why couldn’t the “Cyclists Merging” signs also have been taken down? Leaving out signs that are not relevant will just lead road users to ignore them in future, which may be in a situation where cyclists & motorists are forced to merge.
  • Roadworks dangerous for cyclists
    The eastbound cycle lane on Wigram Rd between Broken Run & Aidanfield Dr has been blocked by roadworks. The 2 advance warning signs are both in the cycle lane, with the second one (ironically the “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign) totally blocking the cycle lane. This situation isn’t helped by this “Cyclists Merging” sign currently having been blown over, so it isn’t providing any advance warning (as well as being even more of a hazard for cyclists since it is a lot less visible when lying flat on the cycle lane). With the cycle lane (and footpath) closed for over 150m in a 60kph speed limit area with narrow (2.75m?) lanes, why isn’t there a Temporary Speed Limit in place (as required by CTOC)?
  • Roadworks dangerous for cyclists
    Cyclist travelling eastbound on Waterloo Rd are directed from the cycle lane to the new signalised cycle crossing at the intersection with Pound Rd. Unfortunately, on the other side of the crossing the cycle path is closed off with cone bars, forcing them back onto the road. As they turn out of Pound Rd north (where the cycle crossing has dumped them), they are immediately confronted by a coned off cycle lane (coned off so green sand can be painted on). There is no advance warning of the cycle lane closure on either the Waterloo Rd or Pound Rd approaches.
  • Roadworks dangerous for cyclists
    Cycle lane northbound on Pound Rd at new intersection with Waterloo Rd has been coned off so more green sand can be put down on the cycle lane. Unfortunately, there is no advance warning that the cycle lane is closed (just a “Roadworks” sign) and that cyclists will need to merge into the general traffic lane. And if cyclists wanting to turn left follow the direction of the “Cyclists Use Ramp” sign, they can’t as the kerb cutdown/ramp is within the coned off area! The coned off cycle lane also extends around the corner, so westbound cyclists on Waterloo Rd are forced into the general traffic lane just as they leave the intersection (and where a raised median island constrains the lane width). Again, there is no advance warning on Waterloo Rd for road users approaching the intersection from the east.
  • Roadworks dangerous for cyclists
    Stella Traffic have coned off the citybound cycle lane and shoulder on Wainoni Rd from the Anzac Dr intersection through to Hampshire St. They have an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign on Wainoni Rd on the other side of Anzac Dr, but no advance warning for motorists approaching on Anzac Dr itself. With very limited visibility around the corner, vehicles turning into Wainoni Rd may be confronted with cyclists forced into “their” general traffic lane. And with cyclists approaching the intersection on the shared path (not on the road), motorists are unlikely to be expecting cyclists. The presence of a 30kph temporary speed limit will reduce the likelihood of a cyclist being hit, and the severity of injuries received, but advance warning before the intersection will alert motorists to their potential presence. On a technical note, since the derestriction at the end of the 30kph TSL is not gated leaving the intersection eastbound on Anzac Dr, the 30kph speed limit is not enforceable. If Stella want it to be legal, they will need more than just the single 70kph sign on the central median i.e. one on the left shoulder as well …
  • Roadworks sign dangerous for pedestrians
    Downers have place a roadworks sign right in the middle of the pedestrian crossing on the eastern side of the Manchester St / Hereford St intersection. They have even “thoughtfully” placed it in a direct line with the tactile paving, so all sight-impaired pedestrians are directed right into it! Why not move it 2m to the east or 3m to the west, where it will be out of the way of pedestrians (& cyclists, since this is a shared path), won’t interfere with motorists and will still be visible to all?
  • Redundant roadworks signs
    ITS have had “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” signs on the Victoria St, Durham St & Kilmore St approaches to Durham St for the last couple of weeks, but there is absolutely nothing happening on Durham St which requires cyclists to merge (apart from the “Keep Left” sign ITS have left on the left turn sliplane from Kilmore St to Durham St, which serves no purpose as the road is totally clear after it …). Leaving out signs that are not relevant will just lead road users to ignore them in future, which may be in a situation where cyclists & motorists are forced to merge (and, on a technical note, it is also non-compliant with the temporary traffic management requirements in CoPTTM).
  • Footpath closure dangerous for pedestrians
    Fences around the Ace Video building on St Asaph St at High St block most of the footpath, leaving less than half a meter for pedestrians to squeeze by (assuming they’re not in a wheelchair or mobility scooter, in which case they can’t get past at all). Whilst this is an improvement from when pedestrians were required to walk on the road to get past the fence & parked cars (see FixMyStreet #5292 from March 2015), it still falls well short of the minimum standards from CTOC. Also, what is the point of the fencing? If it is to protect pedestrians from falling masonry or awnings, it is an epic fail. If it is to keep people out of the building, why does it need to take up all of the footpath?
  • Building works flooding cycle lane
    Water being pumped out of either the Justice Precinct or Hoyts buildings is flooding the segregated eastbound cycle lane on Tuam St between Durham St and Colombo St. There is no advance warning that the cycle lane is flooded, nor that cyclists will be forced into the general traffic lanes. Which is odd, as large pipes have been installed to pump the water into the cycle lane, and a wooden pedestrian ramp has been built over the pipes as they cross the footpath. So surely somebody would have thought about the effect on cyclists and their safety …
  • Another roadworks sign blocking cycle lane
    Fulton Hogan have again blocked the eastbound cycle lane on Main Road in Moncks Bay (a bit past the yacht club) with a roadworks sign for their Peacock’s Gallop Project. At least the “Please Stop on Request” sign they’d blocked the cycle lane with on Tuesday night is gone (FixMyStreet #9440), but with this 30kph sign hiding in the cycle lane around the bend, it is probably more dangerous. Since the original 30kph sign (also blocking the cycle lane – see FixMyStreet #9441) is still there just 40m further up the road, not sure what the point of this sign is. Especially as Fulton Hogan now have no advance warning for their manual traffic controller, but do have two 30kph signs blocking the eastbound cycle lane virtually next to each other.
  • Roadworks sign dangerous to cyclists
    Spraymarks have placed a “Cyclists Merging” sign totally blocking the shoulder on Hendersons Rd eastbound just before the Cashmere Rd intersection. Since it is placed just on the exit from a curve, it is not readily visible to approaching motorists, who may be surprised to find a cyclist popping out into the general traffic lane to get past the sign (especially as they won’t be exercising “Extreme Care”, since it is the “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign that is causing this problem). Would be great if Spraymarks could move it 20-30m further away from the corner and onto the grass next to the shoulder (where an unused detour sign is currently located).
  • Roadworks unsafe for cyclists1 update
    GSL have coned off the shoulder on SH1 Main South Rd eastbound between Halswell Junction Rd & Parker St, which forces cyclists out into the general traffic lane (just at the merge after the Halswell Junction Rd intersection and in a 70kmh speed limit area). The only advance warning signage is a “Shoulder Closed” sign, which doesn’t provide any warning for motorists that they may encounter cyclists in “their” general traffic lane. The situation is aggravated by the presence of the eastbound cycle lane on the other side of the Halswell Junction Rd intersection, which feeds cyclists onto the shoulder (which is then closed off …).
  • Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane
    Roadworks sign is blocking the southbound cycle lane on Halswell Junction Rd just south of the Commerce Cresc/Industry Ave roundabout. Sign is associated with construction work on the new O’Neill Rentals building (which has now finished) and could easily be placed on the grass verge next to the cycle lane without affecting sightlines for approaching road users. It is not clear why Thompson Construction thought it was necessary to have a “Works End” sign (especially as CTOC’s Local Operating Procedures require the “Works End” sign to be omitted on all worksites)? Nor why it has been blocking the cycle lane since June this year?
  • Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane
    Fulton Hogan have (again) blocked the eastbound cycle lane on Main Road approaching Shag Rock with a roadworks sign for their Peacock’s Gallop Project. Admittedly there isn’t a lot of width to work with here, but Fulton Hogan haven’t even tried to place the sign close to the barrier (signs have previously been placed in this (and nearby) locations on the walkway side of the barrier, with the sign stand hard up against the barrier, which has left enough space for pedestrians to safely get past without jeopardising the safety of cyclists).
  • Dangerous potholes
    Potholes constantly opening up and we have to dodge these big holes to avoid damage to our cars. I know these potholes are there but for tourists and for those travelling at night or on motorbikes these can cause major accidents
  • Dangerous potholes
    Potholes constantly opening up and we have to dodge these big holes to avoid damage to our cars. I know these potholes are there but for tourists and for those travelling at night or on motorbikes these can cause major accidents
  • Many potholes
    Many potholes that have reopened up due to trucks constantly running over them. Large hunks of tar seal are now lying over the road. This is a major hazard especially for motorbikes as there is no street lighting.
  • 2 abandoned cars1 update
    There are 2 vehicles, whose registrations have expired, parked outside our house. They have been there for over 2 months and have not moved during this period.
  • damaged street P 30 sign 1 update
    The P 30 Road sign is bent over by New Zealand post and Fabric Vision
  • Pothole on bend
    Hey, there is quite a deep pothole with loose shingle in and around. Caused my vehicle to slide when crossing it.
  • Major pigeon plague
    We manage commercial property within Chch and have been having major problems with the huge numbers of pigeons that have taken over the inner city. They present a significant HSE problem and Council needs to take urgent action to address the issue. Buildings are being damaged and tenants are being affected by lice. Section 53 of The Wildlife Act, 1953, lists feral pigeons as a pest species, and entitles local councils to remove them from public places. See http://www.hamilton.govt.nz/our-city/parks/pigeonmanagement/Pages/default.aspx which provides details of how the problem is being dealt with in Hamilton. Urgent action is required.
  • Kerbside water leak
    Water has been leaking for many months now.I live next door and have been waiting for the owners of property to get it fixed.Sick of waiting;
  • Crashed car has been left abandoned parked outside 9 Rex Street
    Red 2004 HONDA ODYSSEY, registration CJL270 appears to have had a front collision with a pointed object or pole, damaged front bumper, radiator and bonnet; likely undriveable. Exterior car body has scuffs/other damage at the sides but relation to frontal damage is unclear. Currently it is not listed as stolen. Has been abandoned at this location for almost two weeks.
  • 2008 KIA CERATO - Abandoned
    A blue 2008 KIA CERATO has been left parked on the side of the road for over 1 month now. Have asked around the neighbors and they dont know whos it is
  • Buses shaking the shit out of our house for the last 6 years
    BANG!!! Two more purple heaps of crap fly over the bump in our knackered road (both empty of passengers). The second bus hit the bump so hard that it shook my chair. It made my door rattle long before it passed. So needless. After a busy day at work, I am quietly fucking seething. My anger is not necessarily directed at the road workers or their bosses. My anger is toward the government, the council, and the bus company who really don't care, and of course - mother nature. The road may be patched for the 6th time, or it may not. Meanwhile - I am saving for my move back to England, away from this work in 'progress', and the speeding empty buses.
  • Verges deteriorating very fast turning into potholes
    Numerous verges along guys road are giving way and creating potholes. Cars end up hitting potholes due to insufficient room for the many trucks that are travelling from the quarry
  • Abandoned Tractor
    On Trevor Street, Hornby there is an abandoned Tractor mid way down street on side of road. The owner of the empty lot 15 Trevor Street is the owner of the tractor and when clearing his section he put it on the road. Please ensure you charge that lazy man for doing that. I'm sure if you talked to the neighbours etc they can verify my claims as it was pretty obvious when he did it.
  • Damaged car on footpath
    A car was involved in an accident on Monday 4th September. This was pushed to the side of the road and left. It has now been moved to outside our premises with half of the vehicle being on the footpath. This is now a hazard for pedestrians and for vehicles exiting our gateway. The vehicle is undriveable.
  • Potholes outside The Salvation Army on Southampton Street
    There are 3 or 4 potholes outside The Salvation Army on Southampton Street (corner of Colombo). Lots of stones on road too.
  • Broken street light
    The street light is no longer working at the entrance of Penmarc Lane
  • Unfinished repair work.
    There is a section of road pulled up for over two months and now there are several potholes that have developed as well as shingle across the road.
  • Grass berm uneven after fibre install
    After enable installed fibre down grass berm the lawn is now uneven and hard to mow. areas up and down, plus missing grass. Also a trip hazard
  • Tree
    Hi there, the tree in front of 89 Poulson Street drops lots of leaves and junk. Is making the footpath very sticky and gross. Is it possible to please get the tree pruned?
  • Abandoned Car in the Red Zone
    Found a smashed up car on my morning walk today. Assume it has been stolen. On what would have been Mundys Road in the red zone (up on the curb at the intersection). Rego number: GBC509. Thanks!
  • Boy racers / trucks
    Joy street has had 2 crashes into parked cars in the last 7 months , one of them crossing the centre line on the blind bend . Over last 3 months the boy racers have returned . Rubber,smoke,noise ! Also the trucks delivering to the Palms mall have increased , cutting through joy instead of keeping to main roads . Including early Sunday morning big Countdown truck . This is shacking our houses . Years ago CCC was going to put speed bumps in . I think this would help both problems .
  • Abandoned red toyota
    Number plate OS9393 has been sitting in the same spot for weeks without use
  • Street light not working
    The street light near 4 Days Road has not been working for months.
  • Dangerous congestion every day
    The roundabout intersection between Opawa and Ensors road is dangerously backed up every morning and afternoon. There is no safe place for pedestrians to cross despite there being several schools in the area and traffic is frequently backed up at both side of the roundabout and numerous collisions, road rages and near misses occur in this are. There is an urgent need to replace this roundabout with traffic lights.
  • Ford/Culvert needs cleared properly
    During the heavy rain a few weeks ago the ford at the bottom of Bachelors Rd got blocked. It has not been cleared properly - some men came out and had a go but it hasn't sorted the issue at all. During the last lot of heavy rain it got worse, and is now starting to erode the road going into the ford, making it even worse for vehicles. There has also been some rain damage in several places on Montgomery Rd after the last lot of rain, and getting up the top of Bachelors also has some damage. If we get another big dump this will only get worse.
  • very large sangerous potholes
    Hi team, there are three very large potholes that have opened up in the past coupe of weeks half way along the main straight on Whincops Rd. The northern most one requires vehicles to cross the white line quite significantly to avoid which is very dangerous during peak traffic times (around 8-8:30am especially). there are also many smaller ones along the edge but the there big ones are getting very dangerous now. Thanks guys :)
  • Massive potholes- causing damage to vehicles
    There are 2 giant potholes almost across from Leggett Rd. We regularly have staff damaging their cars from driving in them. It is hard to avoid the potholes without driving dangerously close to the middle/ right side of the road. When big trucks swing around off Leggett Rd cars are forced straight into the potholes.
  • Large potholes in roadway
    Many large potholes have opened up in the area of recent roadwork.
  • Footpath Parking by Residents
    Each morning there are residents vehicles parked on the footpath . This forces pedestrians onto the road. Cambridge Terrace just before Barbados Street.
  • Light Out
    Opposite 140 Office Road
  • Road undermined by slip
    Following recent rain there have been slips on the road and my property. The first slip occurred at the culvert discharge beside my gate and has undermined the road. The second slip extends onto my property from the first. I'm going to have to make changes to regain access and would like to know what is likely to be done to fix the road. Both the road and more of my driveway appear likely to fall away further.
  • Abandoned vehicle
    There is a red Ford Telstar with a flat tire, no rego & no WOF that has been sitting abandoned for over 3 weeks
  • Neighbor
    My neighbor puts rubbish in my bins I notified the council then the council sent me a letter telling me that I was doing this I was disappointed at the council's lack of follow up
  • shingle on road
    A pile of shingle has been left on the road after roadworks, making it dangerous for cyclists. It would be good if the contractor could finish the job properly. It is dangerous when going fast or in the dark.
  • Speed limit signs moved?
    We live near the corner of Sabys Road and Quaifes Road, where the speed limit changes from 80 to 50 km in order to slow traffic down as they are on Sabys Road approaching Halswell Junction Road. Cars do not slow down fast enough and speed at the corner of Sabys and Quaifes Road a lot. Is there a way to move the 50km sign further back to see if cars slow down earlier? They speed on a busy street and it is dangerous.
  • Road makes the houses shake
    Trucks that go too fast and are heavy driving on Sabys Road make the homes shake. The road needs to be fixed on Sabys Road to stop this. It feels like earthquakes.
  • Street light not working
    Street light not working outside 69 Fleming Street this is the Sea Eagles Reserve end of Fleming Street do not show my name
  • Red Toyota EYE803 seems to be abandoned
    Red Toyota outside property for around 3 weeks. Has been in substantial accident and looks like it may have been dumped. Has a rego and warrant.
  • Abandoned Vehicle
    Vehicle has not been used for 6 months. Registration DCH902 - red holden barina hatchback 2005. Expired warrant of fitness dating 30/6/17, expired registration Mar 2017.
  • Rubbish
    Neighbors continue to put their rubbish in my bins without permission I have rung the council and reported this in the past
  • shallow but large pothole on the street
    At 61 Centaurus Road just before the Whaka Tce sideroad there is a pothole that is shallow but quite large so each truck or bus that comes that way bumps into it and it rattles the house (1 Whaka Terrace) quite badly. It must have been a recent change as the though house had rattled before this, but significantly more in the last 1-2 weeks. The exact location is: - 61 Centaurus Road - in the lane further from the river - right at the pedestrian crossing (without a zebra) I've attached a photo of it, please note that due to the angle the sense of depth is distorted! I'm happy to provide more details if needed and I would really appreciate if you can dispatch a team to fix it. Thanks in advance!
  • Pot Hole again
    The pot hole that was fixed in June, has sadly returned. Bigger, and deeper than ever at the entrance to 7 Settlers Cres.
  • Landrover Discovery
    vehicle left outside our place over 5 weeks. Neighbours surveyed. No one knows who this belongs to. Seems to be abandoned, or maybe stolen and left.
  • Enormous potholes now much larger
    Potholes are enormous now
  • Street light out 1 update
    The only street light in our street has been out for weeks. It is extremely dark without it with having no other lighting in our street. We would love for it to be fixed as soon as possible.
  • Abandoned Vehicle
    Abandoned Vehicle parked on North Avon Road now going on three weeks taking up two car spaces
  • Bad road condition southbound opposite Barrington mall
    The road surface on the east side of Simeon opposite Barrington is very bad. Worse than any other between my home in Rapaki Road, and my mother's on Lyttelton Street.
  • House Shaking
    We have been here since December and have noticed the increase in trucks along this road from 5am weekdays. All traffic creates shaking in the house that moves pictures/mirrors etc. The shaking feels like small earthquakes and has resulted in doors in our house sticking...this problem is also noted by residents further along the road by the golf course and also down Avondale road in peoples new houses
  • Pedestrian crossing
    Pedestrian crossing crossing Northcote road and main north road, sight impaired buzzer is faint or not working.
  • General appearance
    Grange Street is currently looking an absolute mess because of vehicles parking and turning on the green berm. The street was scheduled for re-landscaping just prior to the earthquakes. Is there any chance of this work now being rescheduled? At the very least, putting in a concrete edging and gutter on the road edge would be a huge improvement. (We realy don't need the chicanes and road humps that were part of the original plan!)
  • Potholes
    2 Potholes getting larger on savills rd just before the bend in the road. Can"t miss them.
  • Vehicle obstructing driveway
    There is a Subaru Legacy rego - ZA9166 parked outside my house on North Avon Road obstructing the driveway entrance to my house.
  • Unregistered Car abandoned
    EEE711 Audi, left after tenants moved from the property 10 days ago. Not registered not moved for 6 months.
  • Dumped bags of rubbish
    On the footpath of 25 Watts Rd, Sockburn has been dumped half a dozen rubbish bags full of household waste. We opened one up and it had a flight itinerary for Paul Weiss and Sara Hauser. The itinerary is in the office of A&A Furniture and the bags are still on the st. Thanks
  • Unnecessary Traffic Lights
    Presumably to do with the ridiculous cycle lane. What are these lights supposed to be for? The traffic density does not support the installation of lights let alone the cycle lane. Remove them! And place them on the intersection of Edgeware Road Hills Road where there is a need that gets continuously forgotten.
  • Overgrown
    The cycleway between this point and the Showgrounds is becoming reduced by weeds and other foliage leaning over it. The weeds (that should be sprayed or mown) have had nothing done to them for many months, and the path is reduced by up to 1m in places. Please can the contractors who are paid to do this area be instructed to manage this.
  • Vehicles Daily and Overnight Parking on Footpath
    On the sharp corner just before Barbados St residents are parking cars on the footpath making it impossible to get through without walking on the road.
  • Expired registration
    A red 2005 Holden Barina has not moved for >4 months and has an expired registration from March 2017. ?abandoned car
  • Abandoned car?
    This parked Audi, reg YJ5974 with expired registration, has not moved for about 2 weeks.
  • Missing SpeedSign
    There is a missing stop speed sign (50) just before Beach Road when travelling north on Frosts Road on the left hand sign. The right hand side still has its speed sign. It looks like it was crashed into. It has been down for about 3 weeks now.
  • Road relevelling and resurfacing
    Sugden Street is a small residential street that has been the bypass for busses and trucks whilst re roading and diversions ahve taken place in Simeon and Coronation Street, and the Fire station in Simeon Street, Leighs construction use Sugden Street for their truck access. All this along with numerous holes being dug up to inspect drains in the past 2 years had made the suface of Sugden Street to the point you alomost need a 4wd to get down it. there are 4 properties for sale and they are not selling which is contributed to by the general appalling state of Sugden Street roading surface. In 2016 the footpath was replaced which is great, however the contractors did a very messy finishing job which they should be back to fix. Can we PLEASE get Sugden Street re surfaced, and it woudl be really great to beautify this street with some trees - (like Fisher Ave ) which would assist with the increase in property values then the council can get more rates - win/win !
  • Street Light not working1 update
    Street light right by the mailbox of 40a Delaware cresent is not working. The light flickered and then stopped working. It has been this way for 2 days now.
  • Street Lights out
    We have a street light that that has been out for about 2 years
  • Hole in the road
    A hole has appeared in the road. Approximately 30 cm diameter. Very dangerous particularly for bicycles or motorbikes.
    This street has lost its street sign name to identify it - off Corfe Street
  • Missing no right hand turn sign
    The no right turn sign on the island preventing right hand turns from springs into Garvins Road went missing some time ago. It has now become a major hazard as cars are attempting to turn right and creating congestion at the intersection. There will need to be rev education got Road users if it is reinstated (which it should be)
  • Rubbish dumped
    Half trailer load of rubbish dumped on the bend on conservators rd
  • Heavy roadwork vehicles being stored overnight on residential street
    44 Springbank St using the residential street to park heavy motor vehicles in this overnight on a daily basis. Significant danger to public as the street is narrow and has a blind corner, we have already have witnessed one head accident.
  • Nissan Primera
    Reg uf480 Broken drivers seat, missing lh front wheel, broken tie rod ball
  • Poor traffic management - no safe pedestrian path
    Chorus installing fiber on one side of Arawa St (in front of #8-#14) - has closed footpath on this side. Retirement home under construction on opposite side of the road (now only side with footpath open) has no traffic management and worker vehicles parked all over the footpath - meaning there is no safe pedestrian walkway for this end of Arawa St.
  • 2-3 Cars & container abandoned in Whitehall St
    AHN582 Two Tone Subaru Legacy Station wagon hasn't moved in at least 6 months. Have asked residents whose house it is parked outside and It isnt theirs. BUU680 Red Bmw infront of it has been parked and not moving either. There's also a shipping container on the council verge coming up 2 years now, lawn growing around it - Is this not against council by laws to have it stored for such a lengthy period of time - this would surely not be for EQC repairs as they wouldn't take that long to undertake? All are unsightly and are a eyesore!
  • Dangerously parked car and trailer
    This car and wide trailer have been parked on the road side verge (near 617 Harewood Rd)for many weeks and is a danger to traffic. Sorry but this may not be a problem for you, but I can't find who else to contact! Could you please pass on my comments to correct folk.
  • Vickerys Road parkiing (Pilkington way to Lodestar Ave)
    A suggestion is to paint broken yellow no parking lines on Vickerys Road on the opposite side (airfield side) to Higgins Contractors premises. Between Pilkington Way & Lodestar Ave roundabout. The grass verge has a pole & wire rope fence on airfield side of road stopping parking on the grass itself but people still park on the airfield side of the road (beside pole/wire rope fence) which narrows down Vickerys road to one lane & thus making it hard for traffic to pass each other etc. Very difficult to pass as an increase of traffic now comes from Lodestar roundabout.
  • Dangerous Carparking over Street Intersection Corners - Ilkley Place, Ilam
    Due to the lack of car-parking at the University we get cars parking on both corners at the intersection of Ilkley Place and Wadley Ave. This blocks visual access and turns Ilkley Place into a single lane causing a serious health a safety issue as cars can't see to turn into or out of Ilkley Place and pedestrians can't cross safely. We suggest yellow lines are added to both corners with at least a car length or two of yellowlines continuing into Ilkley Place and Wadley Ave. Please fix urgently as there is likely to be an accident if this isn't resolved as it is currently extremely dangerous.
  • OZ9765 rego
    This car parked in front of 111 Francis Avenue has been in the same spot leaking oil for over a month. I am not sure if it is abandoned but the rego has lapsed and no one is ever around it.
  • Car under cover hasn't been moved or attended to in months
    There is a car in my street that has been under a cover and unused for several months... no one i know of has calmed ownership of the vehicle but i know it to be a Porsche and in an un-roadworthy state, i have recovered this vehicle several times during storms in an effort to help protect the interior and requests for removal from parking space has been ripped off and nothing has happened, I fear that the vehicle may one day roll down the hill as it is perched on top of the curb as it is... If someone could come and have a look and leave something legal in place of the hand written notes the neighbours leave that would be greatly appreciated. Regards J. Arkadhian
  • Traffic Hazard
    Travelling from Dunbars Road over the bridge a continuing on Awatea Road, I am often stopped by a line of traffic waiting for someone to turn right into Summerset Village. Considering the density of traffic on Awatea & Wigram Roads and now from the new housing area on the left, perhaps it is time to consider a bay for those turning right and permit those continuing along Awatea Road to be able to. An issue could occur if traffic was really heavy that those coming over the bridge could slam into the backs of waiting cars. Thanks for your consideration
  • Unregistered car
    There is a black Nissan pulsar that parks either outside 21 Greenpark street, or 19 Greenpark Street. It is unregistered and has been since October 2016. I'm unsure if the WOF is up to date or not.
  • berms
    Hi Could we please have the Berms grass cut down at 27 44 48 Kawau Crescent Bromley one is nearly one metre long ALL VERY UNSIGHTLY. Thank you
  • Road obstruction/ rundown road side
    The corner of Eastwood rise and Aston drive, old rundown planter boxes in need of reapair and paint. Also the flax bushes have grown quite large that it is hard to see what traffic is coming and I have had 2 near misses here as cars travel reasonably fast down this stretch of road. Also the general upkeep of the forest walkway and road side is in need of a major overhaul as it looks very rundown in general which is disappointing.
  • Street light not working
    The street light out side our house is not working.
  • trailer load of rubbish
    trailer load of rubbish dumped on side of road
  • pothole 3 update
    pothole getting larger. located close to SOLs quarry turn off bay.
  • Water leaking through road
    Water is coming up through the road, possibly from a broken pipe, been like that for a week. On left lane towards Memorial Ave opposite the coffee shop.
  • Cars cutting into cycle path
    Since the concrete barriers were removed on the bend in Ilam Road before Creake Rd just past the bus stop, cars are once more regularly cutting the corner across the cycle lane. Could you please fix.
  • Dumping
    Large amount of items dumped on the side of the road, on the grass. Receipt found on top of items shows identifiable information
  • Water meter box lid can't be closed
    Trip hazard for people walking along the road outside the school, next to the road crossing (opp Creselly Place complex)
  • Footpath
    Outside 3 Sandra street. Hole subsidence formed. hazard 30cm across 20cm deep. Right beside fibre installation.
  • Cars in Cycle Lane
    Constantly cars are using the cycle lane (to avoid a queue waiting to turn onto Durham Street), heading east at this intersection. This is hazardous to cyclists, as they have to negotiate the nearby tram tracks. Solution is to increase signage, policing, or put plastic bollards there to keep cars off the cycle lane. This is a major feeder route to the central city for cyclists from Hagley Park.
  • No footpath
    Due to the closer from Wairakei Road going to the motorway we are experiencing more heavy traffic flooding Stanley’s Road in Harewood. This has increase sufficiently and it continues to grow. Also the increase of foot traffic has increase due to the opening of the underpass from the intersection of Russley Road and Harewood Road opened late 2016. Stanley’s Road has now because a mini motorway in itself. My concern is the children that live on Stanley’s Road and many of the children commute by bicycle to and from school on a daily basis. I live on Stanley’s Road and have children that attend Harewood Primary. I have seen a few accidents by vehicles giving way to cyclist and also for cyclist wearing full safety cycling gears are having to give way to vehicles. There has been several little accidents with children going down the ditch because there is no footpaths and it is a great concern and I’m terrified that a tragedy could happen with someone purely innocent behind the wheel and a cyclist taking all precaution to keep safe and because of no foot path on both sides and a narrow little road for all this traffic coming through it is catastrophe and needs to be address to council to have this rectified it is extremely hazardous to all travellers.
  • Car parking over driveway
    There has been an ongoing issue with cars parking over this driveway. Today this has happened twice. The first time at 4 pm and the car was towed . The second time at 7 pm the police tried without success to contact the owner
  • Dumped electronics on our lawn
    Hi there Someone has dumped a whole lot of rubbish / old tv / microwave out the front of our house. It occured between 2-5pm sunday 26th april. Can this be removed please??
  • abandoned car 2 update
    Green car abandoned on kauri street . 3 Kauri street . there is a 60m sign but car has been there for 3 days
  • Overgrown Weeds and Grass
    This is the third time I have logged this, CCC. The area alongside the cycle pathway between Curletts Road and Aidanfield Drive has weeds and grass over 1m high. This area has had no attention for many months, the growth is leaning well over the pathway and it is reducing the area available for cyclists and walkers to use, causing potential crash hazards on narrow sections. Please can the contractors (Delta I have been told by the CCC) do their job, do what they are contracted to do, and maintain this area.
  • Sign Bent
    Bent Parking Sign (no parking) outside the address of 8 Lesley Keast Place, Hornby
  • Abandoned car in the parking lot next to the road
    Green 1997 Holden with number plate FGT82, large patches of paint peeled at the front and at the back, parked since a few days and that too in a way that causes inconvenience to the residents of the street.WOF expires in June 2017 and Registration expires on 01/07/2017
  • KET 484 Silver Toyota
    Vehicle appears abandoned. Has been parked on berm facing wrong way for 4 days blocking access to driveway. House is not occupied. Checked Police website. Not listed as a stolen vehicle.
  • Hazardous vehicles in residential street
    Large commercial traffic management vehicles are parking on this residential street overnight (44 Springbank St). This causes a narrow corner to become extremely hazardous.
  • parking across driveway
    Parents dropping kids off at Rawhiti school park across our driveway on Grantley st. Has happened 4 times since school recommenced. Sick of being late for work (about 10 minutes today) and being abused in return for complaining - not often but enough to make me want to take a hammer to their vehicle. It is quite obviously a driveway but people seem to think it's okay because "I'll only be a few minutes.
  • 2014 Ford Fiesta HGK747 Ecoboost Sport
    Maroon Ford Fiesta has been parked in our street now for about 10 days. It is registered until 2 February 2018.
  • car needs moving
    very old beat up car appears to be un-used sits on side of the road outside 7 Hillcrest Place.
  • Dangerous drop off the side of the road
    The is a narrow stretch of road where there is a fence hanging in mid air. A while back a lady with two kid in the car went off the road there as another car was coming towards her. Fortunately the fence stopped the car from plunging several meters into the stream below. Her car had to be towed out. I also experienced the same thing riding a quad bike and a on coming speeding motorist. I too was fortunate not to go over the edge. We have been told for a while now that the road is going to be fixed. I hope we don't have to wait for a serious crash before something is done.
  • Light has not worked for 3 weeks
    Light not working. Making it unsafe to walk down Guise Lane at night. Also you can't even see the entrance to Guise Lane as it's so dark.
  • Light not working
    The single street light that illuminates the turn-around area has not worked for four weeks. This is a health and safety issue.
  • Littering from car
    I'm not sure this is the correct forum for this. I was behind a ute on bealy ave yesterday that threw a half full glass bottle into the verge between the carriageways. I have a photo of it's number plate if it's worth anything?
  • Abandoned vehicle - ABH133 - Wrights Road
    Blue 1994 Nissan Cefiro with plate ABH133 has been abandoned on the side of Wrights Road for quite some time. Has a smashed front windscreen. Not listed as stolen, but looks like it doesn't have a WOF.
  • Car parked across foot path
    Had been blocking the footpath for nearly a week. Also overfilled bins left out every day. Owner converted the existing garage into bedrooms!
  • Amber lights not working
    The amber lights aren't working on two of the three lights pointing down Tennyson St, for Tennyson St traffic.
  • New narrow road layout - dangerous driving
    The new road layout to accommodate the 2-way cycle lane has made the lanes for other vehicles so narrow that drivers regularly straddle the centre line. This is especially so on refuse collection days when there is no space for the refuse truck to pull to the side and no place for other traffic to pass the truck for the length of the road from the railway line to the intersection of Sawyers Arms Road with Main North Road. Impatient drivers are passing the truck in the face of oncoming traffic. Space allocated for parking along the road is also contributing to the lanes now being so narrow that traffic often straddle the centre line in order to avoid colliding with car doors being opened.
  • Mattresses Dumped on berm
    23rd Feb 2 old mattresses have been dumped on the grass berm outside this property.
  • Poorly fixed road
    This road recently had new asphalt installed but there was a gap that was not repaired. The transition is quite violent and should be repaired by the contractor.
  • Abandoned Vehicle
    A motor vehicle has been left abandoned outside my property. It has been there since Mon last week (13/02). The details of the vehicle are: 2006 Blue Ford Focus. Reg no. DMB515 I have checked the Police website and this vehicle is reported as NOT stolen.
  • Loose chip centre line
    A lot of loose chip was left by the contractors working on the road approx. 1 month ago. There remains too much chip about the centre line and with vehicles moving to accommodate cyclists chip spray is still a frequent nuisance
  • Double yellow line and traffic turning right into Papanui Leagues Club
    New road markings and narrow lanes seem to be forcing traffic turning right into the Papanui Leagues Club to cross and wait on the wrong side of the double yellow lines - directly facing oncoming traffic. There is no provision for traffic turning right into the club. This happens daily.
  • Overgrown large Housing NZ section Rowses rd
    Large overgrown section on Rowses rd that used to have State Houses on it,Houses removed and now long dry Grass waist high,just waiting for a firebug to come and torch it, Recent fires have demonstrated how dry CHCH is,Empty sections should not be allowed to remain like this putting other residents property in danger,especially when government owned.Needs to be enforced by Council to prevent Future disasters potentially happening
  • Disgusting state of local park since road work site trucks have left
    Delaware park was used as a base for road works & infrastructure,They were there for months,have ruined the lovely park we had,just moved on out and left it overgrown and an eyesore in our community,when will it be fixed!!we all pay rates around here,residents never consented to park being used in first place and feel gutted it has been left in a terrible state with no thoughts for the people who live in the area and cant use it and have to look at it on a daily basis!Surely wouldnt have been left like this if in Merivale or Sumner.
  • Abandoned vehicle1 update
    Hyundai Sonata reg YP8460 has been parked in the same spot since before Christmas. It is not coming up as stolen but has a broken window and no rego or warrant.
  • Abandoned car in the parking lot next to the road
    Blue Honda Accord 2.2 Lxi with registration number TO 954 parked outside 44 Torrens road since a few weeks.
  • Council flats extensively tagged
    Graffiti tagging on council flats at Cresselly Place
  • Street
    There is a hole because a metal grate of the pipe line is broken.
  • Street lights out
    the street lights are out on worcester street, between fitzgerald ave and stanmore road
  • Street lights have not been working since Wednesday 25th January 2017
    No street lighting in Chesterfield Mews or Avon Gate. This is a safety issue and needs urgent attention.
  • Damaged Unregistered Car Abandoned
    Damaged car has been abandoned outside of 36 Amuri Street Hei Hei Christchurch for 6 months. Rego is not current. Number plate FBC851
  • Traffic Lights taking too long to change - North Avon Rd & North Parade
    Recently this intersection has re opened and the traffic lights take over two minutes to change. This use to be much quicker. It has gotten to the point where I am seeing people running the red light to get through as they think it might be broken.
  • Tree roots creating dangerously uneven footpath
    Roots of trees on berm pushing up asphalt to a dengerous extent. I am aware of one person who tripped and sustained bad bruising and grazing, and I myself have tripped; although with only a minor knee injury. They were marked by someone a few months back, but nothing has been done since then. I will send a photograph if required
  • Collapsed steps
    The bottom section of the public pathway and steps from Le Clare Lane (off Hempleman Drive) to Beach Road has collapsed (again). Although a sign has been erected saying the track is closed children and others are still using it to access Beach Road from Hempleman Drive. The collapsed area represents a continual hazard to the public. It is also causing the side of the adjacent private section to collapse.
  • Truck with ads block view at pedestrian crossing
    A truck advertising fruit & vege prices is permanently parked on Harewood Road close to the pedestrian crossing point opposite Cotswold Avenue. This makes it dangerous to cross at that point. If it were 30m or more further back that would be a lot safer for children (or even adults!) crossing there. Many people cross there because of the bus stop and Bishopdale Park playground.
  • plate ZC1351
    Car licence expired 2014, has totally flat tire. Been there for ages unmoved.
  • Missing Street sign
    The "Gibbs Place" sign has gone missing from the post that stands between Gibbs Place and Rearsby Drive, Halswell 8025 Christchurch. Can you please replace this. Thanks
  • rubbish dumped on side of road
    Household items, tyres and other rubbish have been dumped in one heap. Approximately a trailor load.
  • Pothole
    pothole is getting bigger. i have to drive on other side of road to avoid hitting this pothole
  • Dark brown Nissan station wagon DYT997
    Rego now expired and has been left outside 124 Woodham Road for several weeks (more than 8 weeks)
  • Old TV left outside house
    An older style TV has been dumped outside this address, partly blocking the pathway
  • Abandoned vehicle
    There is a red vehicle abandoned on the corner of Crosby and Minaret Streets. the registration number ZB4123 does not match the vehicle on searching therefore I assume the registration is false. This vehcile has been abandoned there for three weeks.
  • Black Ford Explorer not moved in over 12 months
    G'day, There is a black Ford Explorer, rego JJJ790 that has been parked outside 42 Champion Street for over 12 months and hasn't moved. It is a nice looking vehicle and doesn't look very old. I was wondering if you could contact the registered owner to a) see if they are okay and b) find out if the vehicle has been stolen and dumped maybe? Cheers.
  • Water pipe broken
    Roadside water tap leaking right by the kerb outside church.
  • Stormwater blocked below street level - Highfield place
    Stormwater pipes either side of entrance onto Highfield Place (off Maidstone Rd) are blocked. Water as far as Colina Street is flowing all the way down to Kirkdale Place. When the water backs up it floods the intersection causing drivers to drive on wrong side of the road around a corner!! Have sent photos to CCC last year but nothing appears to have been done.
  • Overgrown hedge at 282 Centaurus Road
    The hedge covers half the footpath and may lead to a pedestrian using the roadway in an area where traffic travels quite fast.
  • lights not working1 update
    street lights not working along orchard road
  • FSC354 Silver Subaru
    Car has been not moved over a month, no parking cones due to roadworks (trucks have to reverse down) makes road very narrow (black car opposite on private park). Rego 15.12.16, WOF 05.17
  • Excessive Speeding & Broken 50kmh sign
    Since the John Road redevelopment started we have consistent speeding HGV's down Sawyers Arms road toward Gardiners Road. Vehicles from 4.30am until 10.30pm are regularly speeding. The illuminated 50 km/h is also not working, this however does not slow people down. What would be good is random speed checks by the police to deter motorist from speeding.
  • Overgrown section
    This section is a fire Hazzard and I have no way of contacting owners as section has been on sold since initial purchase
  • Long Grass
    Vacant Section with overgrown long grass creating fire hazard 97 Glenstrae Road Redclifs This is the second time in 2016 that we have had to report this property, it has become a dumping ground for builders rubble as well as some gorse bushes and very long grass
  • Car damaged, unlocked and not moved for some time
    FMQ744 has been sitting in same spot for weeks. Badly parked. Door is not shut properly on street side. Front grill is missing. Abandoned? Lots of cars at that property. Running a business? Please don't reveal my name.
  • Van, no rego, no warrant appears abandoned
    A white van has been parked on Harry Ell Drive for months and appears to be abandoned. The plate is YX4018. Please do not show my name anywhere. Thank you.
  • Parking of large commercially owned truck
    We have a neighbour parking his truck which is used for an entertainment movie set (we think) in our culdesac. The neighbour also has a generator operating from this vehicle which can be heard several houses away. This generator often runs from approx 3.30pm till 10.00pm. Just wanting to know if this is legal. The truck is quite frankly an eyesore and is a hazard to vehicles trying to pass it and the noise of the generator a pain. Please advise.
  • Overgrown footpath between Mt Pleasant Rd and Major Hornbrook Rd
    Path starting near 82 Mt Pleasant Rd heading up to Major Hornbrook Rd is overgrown and needs trimming (refer photo), thanks.
  • Car - Nissan Cefiro 1995 - Black EDB310. Reg Expired March 2015. WOF Expired May 2015.1 update
    This car has been parked outside 39 Bucknell Street for over 1 month and has not moved. It is parked opposite 2 driveways which makes reversing out onto the road difficult. It has a metal trim/strip (appox 5cm wide) along the side, and the end of this trim on the drivers door is bent out onto the road, which could possibly be hit by a cyclist going past. It's WOF & Registration expired Mar & May 2015. Could this car please be removed. Many thanks for your help
  • abandoned car Ryan Street
    XC8592 on yellow lines outside school entrance making it difficult to drop of my children at school
  • massive expensive sign structures with events boards 3 month's out of date!
    So there was quite some push back from the community when these I think 4 or 5 structures were put in place due to the large expenditure, but we were told the idea was to inform the public and visitors alike .well if that was it's intention they seem to miss the mark as all the events shown finished at least 3 month's ago! What therefore is the point if they don't carry current information (goodness knows what visitors to our fine city think when they look to see what's happening in Chch )
  • Cycle crossing light hard to register1 update
    Despite pushing button and remaining over pads at crossing from Sth Hagley Park to Grove Road, the lights didn't change (at least 2 whole phases). I used the pedestrian crossing instead.
  • Water leaking from fire hydrant
    Water appears to be leaking from yellow fire hydrant. Near 39 Culahill Street, Christchurch.
  • Rubbish dumped in water race
    Old TV, car parts and rubbish have been dumped in the water race close to Frews Quarry
  • shingle on intersection making it dangerous for motorbikes
    I have contacted SOL quarries to fix this problem of shingle appearing on the corners of these intersections. Nothing has been done. This intersection is dangerous as our vehicles slide out on the corner
  • Bad repair on road
    Outside Grants Brothers on Savills Rd the road has had a bad repair on it and when I drive along Savills Rd I swerve to avoid this area. Looks like they tried to do their on repairs on the road but not very good for drivers!
  • TV under footbridge
    TV left under the footbridge over the Heathcote River.
  • Cars Using Cycle Lane
    The cycle lane is somewhat indistinct at this intersection onn Armagh Street travelling east, and it is often full of cars, meaning cyclists have to ride on the tram lines, which causes some difficulty. CCC please paint the lines on the road, or install some barriers to keep cars off the bike lane - this is hazardous when a tram is nearby, and dangerous for cyclists. Note in the photo, there is no turning lane so cars travelling straight through are using the cycle lane, leaving right turning vehicles in the car lane.
  • Grass (recently cut!)
    CCC, the contractor who cuts the grass alongside the cycle path from the Curletts Road to Aidanfield section of the cycle path needs a rev-up. This photo shows recently cut area, where the blades were so blunt it did a terrible job. It also shows the parts they just didn't do. Grass and weeds are up to 1.5m high along here, right through from Curletts to Aidanfield. And weeds are covering up to 40% of the pathway. Can we please have something done about this contracting, it is just disgusting.
  • Broken Barrier
    The barrier fence between the motorway and the cycle/pedestrian way has been smashed into by a car last weekend, and part of the fence including a post is leaning onto the path, posing a safety hazard to cyclists in particular. This has been broken for a week and needs attention with some urgency.
  • broken glass on cycle path
    Broken colourless glass bottle on the cycle path behind Fire Fighting Pacific, Halls Place. Bottle seems to have been thrown from a car on the motorway and hit the white concrete wall of the building.
    a bag has been left on the street for over a week. Black household rubbish bag, could this please be collected. Many thanks
  • Car abondened on street 1 update
    Blue Datsun Ute abondened on Berry Street, St Albans, with no rego. Registration TT2863. Would appreciate its removal to free up tight street parking.
  • Long Grass
    Whoever is contracted to cut the grass along the footpath needs to come back with a weedeater and do the fenceline. It is about 1m high in places.
  • Skip Blocking Half Footpath
    This creates a hazard for people who have impaired vision - these builders seem to think it is ok to have a skip over the footpath if they have a fence around it. It creates a nuisence for those who cannot see well, elderly, and families with prams. Please do something about this.
  • Strickland St by exit from Becks Ale House
    Hi. Glass from a car accident. Saw a cyclist with a puncture less than 500m after biking through this bit of road. Glass all across road.
  • 1994 White Mazda Familia
    Reg No: YT8347 Car registration expired 11/07/2015 WOF expired Feb 2016 Likely abandoned vehicle sitting on Aorangi Road opposite St Aidan's Church.
  • water tap cover
    Recently Fibre was installed, digging up the burn area. Enable have covered over the lid/cover for our water tap at the road. Can not see the lid, was well below the surface previously. Thank you for correcting this problem .
  • re:van
    hi there i have an abandon van outside my place has no rego
  • City Care truck illegal parking
    City Care asphalting truck is too large for street. Has damaged stormwater and causes danger for neighbours exiting properties. Parked outside of white lines causing danger for cyclists. Should not be in a residential area. Please remove immediately or begin placing parking fines on vehicle.
  • Overgrown Weeds and Grass
    This is a great cycle facility alongside the Southern Motorway that seems to have been ignored for months, with weeds covering overgrowing the path up to 20% in places, and grass up to 1m high. Please maintain these facilities that exist CCC before putting in more.
  • Overgrown Weeds and Grass
    Grass up to 1m along this stretch of footpath. Please maintain.
  • Tree/Bush Blocking 50% of Pathway
    A bush at the end of Glen Arife Place has grown to block 50% of the pathway. Please trim/remove.
  • Red Volkswagon Polo
    A red Volkswagon Polo has been abandoned on Arosa Place. Its WOF and Rego have expired some months ago, and it has not been moved for well over a month
  • Aidanfield Reserves
    Hi, I am a regular dog walker around our reserves and over the last couple of years our reserves are getting more and more unkempt. 60% of the grass is overgrown and needs cutting and strimiming.
  • second lot of broken glass on cycleway
    broken clear coloured glass bottle just on the hill side of the cycle path under the motorwar alongside wrights road. About 10m from the green glass bottle reported a couple of weeks ago.
  • dumped carpet
    A load of carpet has be dumped on the grass verge its alot of carpet and makes the street look like a dump Do you think we could have it removed
  • Abandoned car
    This white Mitsubishi rego number CUQ928 has been parked facing the wrong way for nearly a month and is a hazard being right near the corner.
  • Street light out
    Street light no working outside 77 Colman Ave
  • Abandoned Car
    Mazda Premacy, registration number GPH 115. Registration expired 1 Aug 16. Car has been parked outside the entrance to Aidanfield Christian School, untouched for a couple of weeks.
  • Broken Street Light1 update
    Broken Street Light at 36 Canterbury Street.
  • Street light out 5 coleridge tce
    There are only two street lights up our short street and one is blown we are having major site works done on the street and all residents have to walk up the road as it is closed thus making it dangerous.
  • Pothole1 update
    Please can we have a pothole fixed at 24 Kawau Crescent just outside the lamp it is getting bigger and small ones too.Thanks John
  • Street cleaning
    Hi there, Just would like to let you people know that i am a rate payer as well as the other residents on my street.My concern is that my street which is Parkstone Avenue hardly gets cleaned by the street cleaning truck. My street is so dirty. It's so close to college of education and the international students go there to study. When they come here they are expecting NZ to be a clean country.Please can you do something about it. The other streets around our area gets cleaned regularly. Thanks.
  • Abandoned Car
    1996 Nissan Primera CSD582 has been sitting outside 5 Lombard Place for around a week, completely trashed, no wing mirror, flat tire, dents and scratches all over car, front bumper has fallen off, no front plate, no reg or warrant. None of the neighbours know who's car it is either.
  • Heavy vehicles parking causing hazard
    Multiple heavy vehicles are being stored roadside overnight causing siginficant hazard in narrow street with a blind corner
  • Broken Street light
    Hi The street light in Merle Place is broken and hasn't worked for sometime.
  • Slump hole in middle of street
    Road undermined and collapsing slowly. Not huge - but growing.
  • broken road seal
    Road has broken up next to footpath along 263 centaurus road where previous works had been done. Becoming dangerous for cyclists.
  • Flooding of footpath
    footpath floods even with very little rain or watering,making it unpassable and council lawn saturated and unable to be walked on.Floods garden we are trying to create following rebuild.
  • Large pothole
    Outside no. 161 Whincops Rd is a large pothole that has opened up a lot recently and is exactly where your left wheel needs to be to take the nearby bend when travelling south. At night it would difficult to see this pothole. Other potholes in the are were repaired recently but that one and another nearby were not for some reason. It would be great if this big one could be repaired too :) Thanks
  • Been here for 3 weeks
    Young mans car broke down and I had to push it into the spot outside my house and he said thanks and walked off and now it's been here for 3 weeks and there's no sign of him.
  • Car Parked Across Driveway
    Once again have a car parked across driveway blocking access to our property on Papanui Road at 1.45pm August 24th.
  • Broken glass on cycleway
    Broken green beer bottle / shards of glass on cycleway directly under middle of motorway overbridge. Been there a couple of days now so getting spread around but would still be good to clean up plse.
  • car parked wrong way not reg aas606
    car parked 2 days wrong way in somerset cres 8024 no rego curren aas606
  • Abandon Vehicle
    Rego: TL2653, champagne coloured Toyota Corolla has not moved for at least 4 weeks. I think it has been abandoned. WOF is still current.
  • Abandoned Car1 update
    Saab EWY475 has been parked outside 5 Birkenhead St for at least 4 months. Now has no licence or WOF and recently a broken window.
  • Yellow Lines for No Parking
    The yellow no parking lines on the corner of Vincent Place and Opawa Road are no longer visible. Delivery trucks are parking there to deliver to the two dairies. For those turning left/right from Vincent Place onto Opawa road cannot see oncoming traffic because vehicles are parked on the corner. The yellow lines are no longer visible. People using the pedestrian crossing cannot see approaching traffic because vision is obscured by vehicles.
  • Left-turn traffic light not working
    The left-turn traffic signal, southbound on Main North Road to turn into Prestons Road, is not working. The arrow remains red, even when Prestons Road traffic lights are green and there are no pedestrians crossing.
  • Car Park Pot Holes
    Upon being up at sugar loaf for a walk with my dogs and mum i got a flat tyre due to the pot holes up there. With all the road works happing around Christchurch i would have thought these pot holes would have been delt with. they have been up there for over a year now.
  • unlevel pavement
    entrance to 50 Victoria St where pavement butts up to tiling in front of door has a large dip that couriers have advised is a Health and Safety issue for them to deliver goods and require to be fixed.
  • Abandoned car HAJ528
    A white car has been parked at this location for approximately one week without being moved. It has a ticket on the windscreen, notice # 5531645. There is a bag and a box in the back seat/boot area, content not visible.
  • car has been parked in P15 area about two weeks
    Toyota ZE3716, warrant expired July 31 2016. Has not been moved from P15 area for about two weeks. Very narrow street, we are renovating our house, but the car parked opposite makes it difficult getting vehicles into our driveway.
  • Blown street lamp
    Corner of Bridle Path and Cunningham Tce Lyttelton. Street might not working.
  • Abandoned vehicle
    Hatch back white vehicle on Bailey street been there approx 2 months
  • Abandoned vehicle
    There is a Honda Civic registration ZG8696 that has been parked in Dovedale Ave and not moved for more than 2 months - the registration has now expired on the car.
  • Faulty street light
    Street light is not working outside number 121 Patterson Terrace, Halswell, Christchurch
  • Dip in Pavement
    There is a dip in the pavement asphalt at the entrance to 50 Victoria Street building. Couriers etc have complained it is a Health and Safety Issue that they are not happy with. Can you please get the asphalt levelled with the tiling at the entrance to 50 Victoria Street
  • Abandoned car1 update
    Silver Mitsubishi registration number WC3450 appears to have been abandoned outside 429 Armagh St and has been there for several months. It has an expired WOF and is now collecting tickets.
  • light out
    Street light out outside house at 65 Westlake Dr, Halswell, Chch
  • Speeding cars
    Hi there We live on this street and current speed limit 50km Cars often speed past and don't slow before roundabout. Lots of kids around with the local school. Can you look at more speed humps or speed camera please?
  • Overgrown weeds in walkway
    The walkway between Gosling Cres and Graycliffe St (Near 22 Gosling Cres) needs to be maintained more frequently - the grass is always overgrown and the weeds grow large and send their seeds all over the neighbourhood
  • Red Honda Civic UE3469
    Car has been on the street for over 5 weeks. Abandoned. 25 Glandovey Road, Fendalton. Please remove.
  • Street light not working
    Street light outside 56 Vancouver Crescent has stopped working. Needs to be fixed quickly as there is a walkway through to another street opposite. There is usually a lot of foot traffic.
  • Right Turn Arrow Light, not working properly
    Right Turn Arrow from Curletts Rd into Lunns Rd is not working properly. In off peak times it stays red with multiple straight circle light phase changes. It has been seen that it has only been red for over 20 minutes with multiple vehicles ignoring the red arrow and turning.
  • Pedestrian crossing
    Nearly got hit by a car crossing Bealey Ave as I was walking down Colombo street. I was crossing with the green pedestrian light. I am a young, fit person and was able to avoid the car in question as they turned onto Bealey Ave. I had to run across the road to avoid being hit but an older pedestrian would have been severely injured. This is a dangerous intersection at the best of times so I would suggest having all pedestrian lights go green at the same time to solve this particular problem.
  • Light not working
    Street light not working between Ripon Street and Days Road on Canterbury Street. The light is near the ramp by the cemetery.
  • Abandoned Vehicle
    A white Subaru station wagon, registration DLM458 has been parked outside 60 Middlepark Road for well over a month and has not moved. It is registered but has an out of date warrant so unsure why it has been parked on the street for this length of time and if it has been abandoned.
  • Road needs repair1 update
    Road got damaged about a year ago by Canterbury stone piling now out to middle of road.
  • street light not going
    next door to 43 Landy street Dallington Christchurch as my family walks this street at night it the safety of my family.
  • Damaged and abandoned car
    Black Subaru Legacy registration JAK19 has been involved in a crash and is badly damaged. The car has been poorly parked half on the verge and half on the street, outside 191 Clyde Road. It appears to have been abandoned, as it has been over a month since the crash occurred.
  • 2 street lights not working at this end
    2 street lights have not been working for over two weeks now.
  • Pot holes and damaged corner1 update
    Damaged roading on the corner of Grigg Place and West Watson Avenue. Photo is too big to load
  • Abandoned Vehicle with no rego
    Abandoned vehicle with no rego sitting on the corner of Vivian Street and Reginald Street. Vehicle has no back windscreen and does not look road worthy. Hasnt moved in over a week. Believe it has been dumped.
  • Trees overhanging the corner of West Watson Avenue and Harling Avenue
    Trees overhanging the corner of West Watson Avenue and Harling Avenue. Please have the long branches trimmed so they don't touch you when walking past.
  • Very dark streets
    Harling Avenue and Charles Upham Avenue are extremely dark at night (even when the one bulb that is currently out is going). It's not very safe after dusk. Please make our area safer
  • Rubbish bin at Halswell quarry
    Can you please put a rubbish bin at the Halswell quarry for not only the rubbish that gets dumped along the tracks but also the dog waste that is left everywhere in bags
  • West Watson Avenue street sign has been pulled down
    West Watson Avenue street sign has been pulled down and is lying on footpath
  • Gutters getting full of Autumn Leaves all down Harling Avenue
    Gutters getting full of leaves all down Harling Avenue
  • Broken pavement outside 10 Harling Avenue
    Broken pavement outside 10 Harling Avenue and multiple other addresses on Harling Avenue. Easy to trip on.
  • Broken pavement along most of the street
    Broken and uneven pavement down most of Charles Upham Avenue. Quite hazardous to walk along at dusk.
  • Street light out
    Street light not working on corner on Harling Avenue near the bean street intersection
  • Trees/bushes over pathway
    the bushes along the pedestrian path on the southers side of Wigram Road, along the frontage to Broken Run are hanging over the footpath making it difficult for people to pass. There are many elderly who walk this path, along with people with prams and children.
  • Unfinished Repair to Pavement
    Footpath was cut to lay cable to street light upgrade some months age, and has not been repaired, creating a hazard for walkers on this pathway.
  • Lighting too dark
    At night its practically pitch black, the street lights are in the trees which are blocking the light and need trimming. It's especially dark since only one side of the road actually has any lights. Please make it safer.
  • Pedestrian Crossing Danger
    Hi, when crossing Bealey Ave (Colombo to Colombo crossing towards the Gift Shop) the green man comes on but traffic is still allowed to turn right while pedestrians are crossing (the red man starts flashing straight away). The vehicles are often too busy checking for cars and don't see us walking across the road - I have nearly been hit a couple of times now! I feel there should be a red for those turning right as it is very dangerous.
  • Uneven road/hole on Innes Rd/Roosevelt Ave intersection
    Every passing truck and bus going West down Innes Road shakes the whole house.
  • Street sign missing
    Roosevelt Ave Street sign missing at Innes Road intersection
  • Street lights not working for more than a week
    Last week there were two white vans in our street. We think CCC or Connetics. The two street lights in our street have not since been going. Would appreciate someone getting it sorted soon. We note that Meridian have sent a notice about temp interruption on 10th June. They do not know if it is related. Thanks,
  • Broken board on a bridge
    There is a broken board on the bridge. The school bus goes over it every day it could cause a accident. There is also a broken board At the Montgomery Rd entry bridge.
  • Bus shelters seats and windows removed
    The bus shelters have had the seats and windows removed. Why is this.
  • Lighting
    Hi, could you please fix the lights in the toilets at Halswell Quarry as most of them don't work. Thank you.
  • blockage in gutter under driveway bridge
    I emailed re blockage under driveway bridge at 28 Checketts ave back in April. To this date it does not seem to have been looked at and now with all the rain there has been flooding. The blockage has narrowed the tunnel under the bridge and rubbish is becoming stuck therefore preventing water and debris flowing through.
  • Water leaking from water meter
    The cover is missing and its filled with water, tap is also missing
  • Crack and uneven pavement
    The pavement located outside 6 Matisse Place is cracked and uneven due to expanding tree roots that have broken the surface. Other surfaces are also crack and have small pothole cause by movement underneath. There is also a broken water pipe coming out from the property causing floors when it rains as dirt is accumulating and blocking the pipe.
  • Repair failed
    Hi, the stormwater/wastewater road repairs done 2 years ago have failed. There is a big slump in the road at the intersection of nancy Avenue and innes road. Trucks going over the slump make the house rattle/judder like a magnitude 3.5 quake several times a day. Please could you take a look as we are worn down.
  • Red bus parking on yellow lines outside school gate
    Redbus run a school bus service to Aranui High School which they are parking their buses on the yellow lines outside the school gate every day even though there is a bus stop for the buses 50 metres away down the road. When they park on the yellow lines people coming out of the school driveway can't see past the bus for the traffic and this of course is the reason why the yellow lines and bus stop were put there.
  • Traffic island removed because of repairs needs to be reinstated
    Traffic island on Pages Road for pedestrians needs to be urgently reinstated as was removed by contractors repairing the road. This crossing is used by dozens of schoolchildren and others every day to reach the bus stop outside Cowles Stadium from Shortland Street schools.
  • Street light not working
    A street light on Drayton Drive has not been working for some time now. It is near the corner of Drayton Drive and Law Lane. Thanks for your help.
  • Large Truck permanately parked reducing street to 1 lane
    Large truck (ADZ718) parked permanately outside 1 Smacks Close. Reducing street to single lane. Makes it dangerous, several near misses with traffic turning into our street and people trying to get around truck.
  • Vehicle appears to have been abandoned
    There has been a van registration aqw195 parked outside our house for around 3 weeks...our address is 137 Studholme St Somerfield Christchurch.
  • Vibrations to houses from heavy vehicles
    We are getting very strong vibrations from heavy vehicles travelling along Gamblins Road. Large trucks & all buses that pass down here seem to send a sudden shudder through houses, it feels just like a mini earthquake. And as you can imagine, as buses pass down here on a frequent schedule, it isn't very pleasant at all. I understand, that roughly 2 months ago, some remediation work was taken out on the road, from St.Martins road round-about, up to number 10 Gamblins road, which had some positive effect, for a little time, but it seems to have settled back to almost worse than it was before the works were carried out. I am concerned mainly, on what the constant sudden movements are doing to the structal integrity of my house over time, and I was wondering if there are any plans to do any further remediation work on this road?
  • Street Light not working
    The street light outside 22 Rock Hill Drive is not working
  • Abandoned vehicle
    Toyota ISIS 2004 Grey REgo JPD906 abandoned in narrow street about 4 weeks ago outside 42 Wychwood Cres Bishopdale, Christchurch
  • Speeding cars
    Hi, Breens rd has a major problem with speeding cars, its is especially dangerous as there is a preschool, intermediate and a church all on Breens rd. Some cars fly by so fast you couldn't read the number plate if you tried. There are alot of kids and pets who also live down the street and it is a danger to all when cars are clearly travelling in excess of 100km/h in a 50km/h zone. I would love to see speed bumps and a speed camera van down here to catch all those people who are making our roads that much more dangerous to travel on.
  • Disgusting weeds
    Disgusting weeds on median strip, very bad! tidy Halswell Junction Rd - near Whincops. Thank you!
  • abandoned car
    Car has been sitting here for at least three weeks, and is not known to any local residents. Appears to be dropping oil on the road. Can the CCC or the owner tow this away, it is blocking our narrow street and parking is already quite limited at peak times (weekends). Its sitting outside 74 Vernon Tce.
  • Hole in footpath
    Hole in footpath outside 24 Kawau Crescent 10inchx10inch approx kids school in same st worried one might trip in hole.
  • Apparently abandoned vehicle
    A 1992 Toyota Windom rego WH9406 has been parked outside 241 Memorial Avenue (the Telephone exchange) for at least 8 weeks, and traps leaves which then block the gutter.
  • Parking over yellow lines
    Cars parking over the broken yellow lines on Matlock Street blocking visibility on the Randolph St / Matlock St intersection. There was a serious accident here on Tuesday 19/4 with a car damaging the fence of the household who are parking illegally.
  • Tagging at junction of Sloan Terrace and Centaurus Road
    Hi, Unsightly tagging on both sides of box. Thanks
  • Tagging at junction of Hollis Ave and Centaurus Road
    Hi, Lots of recent tagging in the area. See photo. Thanks
  • Slump in road
    There is a severe slump in the road at the bridge outside 18 Rose St. Buses and large trucks cause vibrations to the properties when they hit it. Some bus drivers know it's there and move across the road in order to avoid it.
  • bloackage under bridge onto driveway
    Everytime it rains the water does not flow freely under the bridge over the driveway at this address. I have tried to poke a long stick through but there is something obstructing I think it is concrete and it narrows the channel, therefore any rubbish is being trapped. It is also resulting in a pothole being formed in the roadway.
  • Weeds in median strip
    Could something please be done with the weeds growing in the median strip, they are unsightly and lower the look of the area.
  • Sofa
    Abandoned sofa - been there over a month and makes the area look so rough.
  • weeds1 update
    Overgrown weeds
  • Deadly nightshade
    As I was walking through the park this afternoon I noticed a lot of weeds along the fence that look a lot like deadly night shade. was thinking it's not the best weed to have around a playground where children may end up eating the berries which are just starting to ripped and look quite appetising
  • Water leak
    For several months, every time I go past this point, there is a constant stream of water spilling into the gutter here. Possibly stormwater, or a leak from a private residence. On the left hand side of the road, when approaching the roundabout with Wilsons road etc. Thanks.
  • Speed bumps needed
    Every day during rush hour, dozens of vehicles use Spalding Street, and Mooray Avenue as a shortcut to Farrington Ave. This results in numerous drivers speeding excessively down this stretch. Most Friday and Saturday evenings/mornings this also turns into a racetrack, with "boy racers" driving over 100km/h. We expect a fatality in this area, unless something is done to restrict the speed. Thanks for reading my submission.
  • Abandoned
    Stripped down Subaru derelict in street for almost 2 weeks, needs to be removed asap!!!
  • Timing issues
    These lights on the Linwood Avenue, Keighleys, and Hargood intersection had work done to them last week and prior to that were running okay. It's a dangerous intersection anyway if coming from Keighleys or Hargood Street. Since the work, the light sequences have been shortened somewhat on these sides and only 3 to 4 cars can get through at a time. I sat through 6 sets at 3pm yesterday. Between 8am and 9am is also terrible with queues of traffic backing up a considerable distance down Keighleys Road. Please look into changing the timing of these lights urgently and/or installing a turning arrow at this intersection.
  • Flooding
    Every time there is a little bit of rain this corner from Halswell Junction Road onto Murphy's Road floods, this has been happening for at least 2.5 years. This not only affects the motorists turning onto Murphy's road, as they try and avoid the mass of water and in doing so, almost hit (actually it looks like someone has already hit) the rail of the pedestrian crossing island; but also pedestrians trying to cross the end of Murphy's road. Pedestrians are having to avoid using the island that aids in the crossing of that road as there is about 20cm of standing water in the way. I've seen, on more than one occasion, an elderly person getting into some trouble trying to cross this road.
  • Unfinished work by Enable after fibre installation
    Footpath dug up and metal plate left over it, grass bed dug up and left open to collect rubbish 2 months after. Enable said they would fix it but nothing has occurred.
  • New Native trees
    can you please send someone to re-strap the native trees in Gosling Cres, and also trim them, they need to be sorted before winter, the trees are growing on an angle and need some support from the winds in Halswell. Sometimes the trees get blown onto cars parked in the street.
  • toyota being stripped
    white Toyota corolla is slow being stripped of parts . has had wheels removed (on blocks) no rego /warrant and number plates. interior and bumpers also being removed
  • Unregistered vehicle1 update
    There is an unregistered vehicle parked at the end of Crohane Place, Addington. It is unregistered and unwarranted, rego ACC107 Red Honda and has been there since September last year and is taking up a car park space that the residence usually use. It needs to be removed.
  • Cabinet left on side of the road
    Hello, some lazy person has left an old cabinet on the side of the road at the intersection of Kingsford Street and Broomfield Terrace. Can this please be removed? Also can all the old cones and other rubbish in the area also be removed. Thanks
  • lots of tagging nearby
    Lots of tagging in the area
  • reseal of halswell rd,
    Is this rd resealed to a standard? It appears worse than it was. As a rate payer I belive we have not been delivered quality we should expect.
  • Blown street lamp1 update
    Dark without lighting. Quite a few cars park on the street and the bend in the road is rather dangerous in the dark.
  • Parking on broken yellow lines
    Volvo parked on broken yellow lines on the brow of a hill, causing traffic to have be in the path of oncoming traffic with limited visibility. Safe parking spaces available.
  • 'Give Way' signs knocked down and broken
    The 2 'Give Way' signs at the corner of Mathers Road and Hoon Hay Road in Christchurch have both been flattened by someone. This is a dangerous corner and the signage needs reinstating urgently.
  • Vibrations to houses from heavy vehicles
    Large and long heavy vehicles, particularly the public buses ascending and descending Soleares Ave, as they hit the base of the hill - making our houses shake to the point where we think it is another EQ. Neighbours all feeling it too. Suspect some kind of subsidence under road in a couple of spots to blame - there are a couple of dips in seal just as road comes off hill onto flat. Affected addresses~19-11 Soleares Ave, both sides of road.
  • Blocked Driveway
    A car has parked over our driveway. Not overhanging it a wee bit, its right over it. Been there for half an hour already. Blue Toyota Rush, Plate # JDH508
    The street light outside our house has not worked for a week or two
  • Street sign missing
    The street sign Coles Pl is missing and needs replacing
  • Dip in the road, rattles house
    There is a dip/pothole in the road that has shaken our house for a while now when trucks hit it which is multiple times a day. Since the earthquake on Sunday 14th February 2016 this has been worst and shakes our house more drastically now. We would love if this could be looked and and fixed as it is causing a lot of anxiety within our home due to the feel of it being like an earthquake
  • Fencing in the berm
    Fencing at number 20 Hawthorne St and a new fence at number 28 Hawthorne St fencing in the public berm, make it dangerous for vehicles leaving neighbouring properties and disrupt the whole aesthetic of the street. When the street channeling and kerbing was done the plan was for a nice public garden and space on those berms, it didn't happen.
  • reserve Tce Cemetery
    Why are the cemeteries in lyttelton not maintained. They are a disgrace. They use to cut the grass on a regular basis now its overgrown.
  • Light Bulb has blown1 update
    Light bulb has blown outside 8 Avon Gate Russley Christchurch 8042 This makes the Street very dark.
  • 2004 Subaru Outback HPW603 - possibly abandoned?
    Vehicle has been parked outside 106 Hinau Street at least 2 weeks, probably longer. Registration expired 7 Jan 2016. Passenger door mirror broken off and was lying for more than a week on grass verge (now placed on vehicle windscreen). Looks pretty abandoned to me.
  • Light cycle too short for right turning
    Intersection at Innes and papanui road has a set of lights which cycles too quickly. Filter for right turning isn't on. Total cycle is 10seconds. This is not safe for right turning traffic as can only go half way through orange lights due to on coming traffic going through oranges. These are two busy roads and it is very unsafe.
  • Smashed Bottles in Buke Lane
    There is a lot of broken brown glass in the cycle lane between Fitzgerald Ave and Churchill St, on Bealey Ave heading south-west from Fitz.
  • Dumped mattresses
    X2 mattresses have been dumped on my lawn, been there for weeks - unable to mow the grass. Corner of Pandora and Britannia streets
  • Big blue hose over both entrances to elderly ladies house
    Recent roading works have left a big giant blue hose over both gates of this elderly ladies house, a major safety issue. The road works are all finished and city care have said its not 'an urgent issue to remove this' even though they acknowledged it didn't even serve a purpose now, it's just sitting there.
  • burnt car
    burnt probably stolen car totalled on grass on candys road will need hiab as wheels totalled grass is burnt and will require landscaping to repair
  • Abndoned Signs
    There is some abandoned roadsigns thrown in the garden by the corner of Highpeak and Broken Run. Would be nice to see them returned to their owners, rather than becoming a feature of this garden.
  • Stagnant water
    The water collection pond on the corner of Valiant St, Wigram Rd, opposite Broken Run, does not seem to be draining adequately, and is still containing stagnant water, and in this warm weather it is mosquito breeding-heaven in there. Can this please be looked at and drained, it has not worked very efficiently since construction, possibly a developer's issue to rectify.
  • Safety Barrier Damaged
    Someone has driven into the pedestrian safety barrier in the refuge crossing on the southern side of the intersection of Aidanfield Drive and Wigram Road.
  • Overgrown Trees
    The trees and bushes around Wigram Road footpath area are overgrown, blocking the footpath making it narrow and dangerous for less able users. This is the entire length of the pedestrian access along Wigram Road from Aidanfield Drive, beyond Broken Run to the south-west.
  • Need Trimming
    Two large trees along Broken Run from Wigram Road are hanging low, and are a presenting a hazard to visually impaired pedestrians, and elderly.
  • Inground Lamps
    There are two inground street lamps along the footpath on Broken Run, between Wigram Road and Highpeak Pl that have not worked for over a year now. I have reported this a number of times and nothing seems to be done about this.
  • Covered in Broken Glass
    The separate raised bike path on Lincoln Road outside the Rest Home, heading into the city, from it's start to end, is covered in broken glass. This looks intentional, and needs sweeping urgently.
  • Abandoned Vehicle
    Sedan parked on corner with yellow lines, has a parking ticket already. Appears unlocked. Has been parked there since approx 24/01/16.
  • Grass Berm
    The Grass Berm in Buchanans Road and around the corner on Masham Rd needs mowing. Also the median strip needs weeding on Masham/Carmen Rd.
  • Abandoned van
    Van has been abandoned and without a valid WOF since before Christmas.
  • Silver birch
    This tree is a Nuciance. Both myself and neighbours in all sides have issues with this tee if we open our doors or windows on hot days we end up with thousands of seed pods through out the house they stick to things and are hard to remove. The seed pods also stick to cars and need to be washed off to avoid paint damage. This in turn also wastes a lot of water to achieve this on a daily basis. They also block guttering in the houses nearest to the tree. my elderly neighbour the neighbours daughter and I have had issues for the past 4-5 summers with constant sneezing and coughing only when at home and have been informed the tree is the likely cause
  • small park hasn't been mowed for ages
    small park @ corner of Westminster & Courtenay Streets hasn't been mowed for ages, grass is very long, also many weeds
  • very rought roads on/around roundabout
    Courtenay St & the roundabout @ Westminster St are very rough with many dips, lumps, holes & patches
  • large hole opening up in middle of foot path
    on west side of street in front of 2 story house
  • cycle lane delaminating
    the green cycle lane is coming off the road surface @ intersection of Dilworth & Clarence St where traffic turns left from Dilworth on to Clarence
  • 2 Small deep potholes
    intersection of Deans & Kilmarnock, middle of the lane. been there for awhile now
  • Grass Growing in gutters
    The overbridge guttering has not been cleaned for sometime, if at all, and long grass is growing in the gutters.
  • 2 problems in rhodes st oppisite Rangi Ruru1 update
    large truck has become a fixture in what is virtually a 1 way street and hedge and overhanging trees in area astonishingly near this truck Map is just green
  • 1999 Dark blue Nissan Pulsar CJ HJC645
    Car's been blocking part of Reserve Terrace for over 10 weeks now and has never moved - does not belong to any of the neighbours.
  • Street light not working
    Street light adjacent to 85/87 Chartwell Street, Burwood is not working leaving the whole cul-de-sac in darkness.
  • Yellow line markings please
    Hi, We are a business at 45 Pilkington Way, Wigram. We have deliveries made each week by a B-Train truck, along with lots of other trucks. But with cars parked opposite our gate, the b-train trucks have a real issue trying to back into our premises. Some can't get in. We are wondering if it possible to have yellow line markings put on the opposite side of the road, to stop cars from parking there?
  • Street Name
    Street Name has been removed and is sitting in the corner of the yard of nr 88 Conway str. This is not the person who removed the street name. He has just placed it there for safekeeping.People cannot find the address due to the missing street name.
  • missing road sign
    Hi,at the Cutts road end the Bentley Street sign is missing.Russley
  • Tagging on Fence and Concrete
    In the underpass between Broken Run and Aidanfield. On fence, and concrete.
  • Lamp on Pole
    The lamp on the pole is hanging down due to the strong winds today 15th Jan. Just worried it may come completely down and hit a pedestrian.
    We have a lot of cars going down our street way to fast, some of them go way over 100kph our street is a 50kph zone. I have just lost one of my pets due to speeders, My family have lived down this street for a very long time, and this is not the first pet we have lost. We as residents of this street believe there needs to be speed bumps down our street. It would be much appreciated if this could be done.
  • Damaged street light1 update
    The glass cover is open and the fluorescent tubes are exposed and swinging loose. Lights still go but electrics are exposed to the weather
  • Good size hole in footpath
    Hi,theres a good size hole in footpath outside 32a Bentley street Russley.About a metre by half.Trip hazard.
  • Smashed Bottles on Separate Cycle Path
    On the path outside the motels on the left side of Lincoln Road heading east.
  • Broken Bottles Galore on Bike Path
    There are a number of broken bottles on the separate cycle path outside the rest home on the journey to Addington.
  • Abandoned Large Aquatic Vessell
    This reasonably large boat has been unmoved on our street for over 4 years. It is slowly deteriorating, proving to be an eyesore and it narrows the street around its location. The boat is very old and no motor is attached, the trailer's wheels are flat and are so old that they are cracking, so we can assume it has been abandoned on our street for years! Please get rid of this.
  • Fridge Freezer Broomfield Terrace
    Hello, someone has left a fridge freezer on the footpath on Broomfield Terrace (Kingsford Street end). Can this please be removed as it is dangerous for kids. Also can the forgotten road cones on both sides of New Brighton Road at Kingsford Street intersection also be taken away, thanks
  • Grit in bike lane
    The centre bike lane in the Ilam Road Memorial Ave intersection next to the doctors rooms still contains grit from last winter when the roads were icy. It is easy to slide on. Could it please be removed.
  • Overflowing bins
    2 rubbish bins at Sandy Beach have been overflowing since October (when I lodged my first complaint). Can they please be emptied on a fortnightly basis like our wheelie bins. They stink are a mess, attract possums and are a disgrace for visitors and locals alike to our lovely city.
  • 2 street lights not working
    2 street lights next to each other not working. One is near 93 Inwoods road.
  • Street light works intermittently
    The street light outside 7 Kissel St turns on for 30 seconds and then goes out again for 1 minute or so. It has been doing it for months now.
  • Abandoned motorhome
    Blue motorhome Registration DNH474 has been parked outside 1 Queens Ave for a number of weeks and appears to be abandoned Appears to have expired registration and expired WOF
  • Under the motorway bridge
    New tagging under the bridge
  • Cycle Lane
    Vehicles and trade trailers are parking daily in the marked cycling lane on this road, on the left side heading towards Wigram Road. This makes it hazardous and dangerous for cyclists to travel this cycle-lane-marked route, as many construction heavy vehicles use this road, and it is not very wide. Either this should not be marked as a cycle lane and thus implying it is a safe/preferred route for cycling, or there should be no parking in the lane by vehicles.
  • Cracking
    Crack in seal on cycle path just on eastern side of Aidanfield Drive aprox 15m from start of pathway is widening, needs repair, weeds are starting to grow in it which will result in much deterioration. This seal was done badly when laid relatively recently.
  • Endless misery of buses on rough road
    House shakes, doors rattle, thumping noise heard as buses speed over bumps / depressions in sunken road which has been patched over 5 times. Very sick of this, after 4 years, it's disgusting.
  • Damaged vehicle - no warrant or registration
    On Wittys Road at the corner of Nortons Road their is an abandoned maroon nissan station wagon which has been parked outside our house for about 6 weeks. It is extensively damaged. Police have no record of it being stolen. Our property and two adjacent properties are currently on the market and this vehicle makes our normally quiet and tidy suburb look undesirable. It would be greatly appreciated if the removal of this vehicle could be addressed urgently so that the sale or our properties are not negatively impacted. Thanks for your help.
  • Unruly grass
    The grass area in front of 37 Gresford Street really needs a desperate trim. It looks awful on the street and it is such a shame that that it is usually the only area on the street where the grass is in that state. Also they park their cars on the grass, damaging it and also it looks quite dangerous, as there may be an accident from cars coming out of the driveway as well.
  • Alignment of drainage cover slots along bike path seems designed to catch wheels
    All the stormwater drainage covers on the surface of the new bike paths (e.g., Tuam St and Ferry Road) have the slots in line with, rather than across, the direction of travel. This seems designed to catch a wheel - the only safe way to ride them is to avoid them. The wiggle pattern doesn't help - just will force a wheel one way then the other. What's the thinking behind this layout? And how can they be fixed on these existing paths, and equally importantly, on any new paths?
  • possible abandoned vehicle with expired registration
    Red Toyota Corolla. Number plate WL5354
  • Signs blocking turning lane
    Why is the right turning lane at the Manchester Tuam intersection STILL blocked by a no entry sign. All the other intersections have been reopened and there has been no entry at this particular intersection since the red zone was reopened after the earthquake - for over 4 years. Why would people expect it now when Tuam st has gone one way in the other direction ? Can't they take the signs away?
  • Car parked on driveway blocking footpath1 update
    Car blocking foot path had to go on road when pushing baby stroller
  • New Zealand flag at the New Brighton cenotaph
    The Christchurch City Council is responsible for the maintenance of the flag at the New Brighton cenotaph (war memorial.) For the past month, the flag, which was already frayed and in need of replacement, has been caught around the top of the flagpole, as shown in the attached photo. Many council staff members must have seen this situation, but nothing has been done. Such disgraceful treatment of the national flag would be a hanging offence in some countries, and this continuing state of affairs gives the impression there is no respect for the flag here. Several visitors to Christchurch have commented unfavourably about it, so can we have some urgent action, please?
  • pothole between 8 & 10 lakewood drive burwood
    Big pothole next to gutter directly outside driveway of number 8. please fix
  • Glass all over cycleway and car park
    Green broken glass all over cycle-way and car parks on left side of Kotare Street heading east. Thank you.
  • Two street lights out
    The street light approximately opposite St Helliers Cres is out, as is the light at the corner of Woodlands Pl and Breezes Rd
  • Crossing for cycles
    1) Pressing the button for the cycle crossing over Oxford Terrace from Antigua Street (heading North) does not work - they never turn green for cycles heading for the Antigua St bridge. Cycles are ignoring the lights, which is dangerous. 2) Heading South, the lights are activated if one presses the button but the sequence isn't efficient - it always return to giving priority to Oxford Terrace traffic, even if there is none. Cyclists then have to wait through a sequence where the lights on Oxford Terrace is green before they are given the green light to proceed.
  • Armco cuts off footpath and any walking along Sumner Raod
    Armco has been erected along Sumner road cutting off the footpath abruptly and forcing walkers to walk on the road side of the Armco. This is not acceptable practice to remove all footpath access along road.
  • Burst watermain or similar
    Constantly leaking section of road that has been recently dug up and resealed
  • Cars parked on grass verge
    Numerous cars along the street park on the grass verge - it looks terrible and is ruining all the grass.
  • Abandoned vehicle left on street1 update
    HQL88 has been parked on the street for weeks without moving. It is parked very close to the driveway and its registration expired in 2014.
  • Traffic Lights Require Maintenance
    Hello Traffic Lights controlling pedestrian crossing: The 4 traffic light poles are in need of maintenance. The yellow paint has almost all gone and they are not as visible as they would be if repainted. (They appear to have been left off a maintenance schedule as they are in the worst of conditions that I have observed). Most traffic lights around the city appear well cared for, well done.
  • Bed frames and mattresses dumped on side of road
    Two bed frames and mattresses have been dumped on the grass verge between the footpath and road outside 271 Woodham Road, Linwood. They have been there for aproximately 4 weeks. They are unsightly and dangerous given the extensive road works in progress on Woodham Road.
  • Cycle lane blockages
    I have recently written to The Press about this issue, no Council response was posted so I am going through the direct route. An ongoing problem in Christchurch is roading contractors placing temporary road signs in the cycle lanes when there are obvious alternatives that cause no obstruction. This is probably a mixture of apathy, ignorance and laziness. What I wrote to Thre Press - "I usually cycle to work and road cones and signs are the things I have to dodge along the way and if there is no alternative to placing them on the road, I can accept that. But I was extremely irritated to see Fulton Hogan had placed signs on Centaurus road in the cycle lane, and placed blanking covers on them prior to the weekend. These signs were not required until the next week, they were placed right on a corner with an adjacent intersection and there was ample room to place them on the side of the road - out of the cycle lane (where they ended up). But it is not just Fulton Hogan, 500 metres down the road it McConnell Dowell did the same thing and blocked the bus stop and again Men at Work on Wilsons road were at it too (no working men to be seen). Now if I parked my car in these lanes I could rightly expect a ticket, why is the council not fining these companies and taking away their signs?" Damn, I can only upload one photo! Needless to say that I have moved the offending signs to suitable positions. What are the council going to do about policing this issue, If I have to keep doing it I am going to get mad.
  • Potholes Horseshoe Lake Rd / Broomfield Terrace
    Hello, there have been about 5 potholes on the road adjacent to 80 Horseshoe Lake Road for about 6 weeks. Can these please be repaired? For some reason potholes always appear here after rain. Thanks
  • Lowered kerb recently raised at crossing point
    At the corner of Austin St and Waltham Rd the lowered section of kerb where people cross the street was recently replaced with a raised section. There is no logical reason for this happening as this street corner is where people have always crossed the street.
  • Footpath subsidence
    footpath is separating from the kerb and subsiding
  • No drop kerb on southbound Wainoni Bridge cycle path1 update
    Before recent repair work there was a drop kerb for cyclists heading southbound over Wainoni Bridge joining the dedicated cycle path over the bridge with the cycle lane on the carriageway. During recent repaving work around the bridge this drop kerb was not reinstated and there is now no safe way to join the cycle lane on the road. Cyclists are forced to ride a further 100m on the pedestrian footpath before the next drop kerb.
  • BBB 405
    Silver car BBB 405 has been left outside 377 Cashel Street for several months now.
  • Broken glass on pedestrian island
    There is a beer bottle broken on the pedestrian island on Brougham Street between Collins and Simeon Streets.
  • Street Light
    Street light not working
  • Street light out
    Street light out, outside 58 Jennifer Street, Bryndwr.
  • Depression in the road
    There are about three depression in the road one of them bad enough that people drive on the wrong side of the road to avoid it.
  • Street light not going
    outside 19 Coolspring Way
  • yellow lines on the corner of jamell and avonhead rd worn away
    yellow lines on the corner of jamell pl and avonhead rd worn away. cars continually parking on the corner over the yellow line on both sides making it impossible for cars to enter and exit jamell pl. white lines also need by residents driveways to indicate were a metre is to stop cars parking over the driveways in Jamell pl.
  • Rubbish dumped by pine trees near top of Mt Pleasant Rd
    On Mt Pleasant Rd on right heading down from Summit Rd, approx. 200m from top.
  • Car abandoned since 17 the August
    Abandoned Toyota caldina navy unregistered ARZ 921
  • Road marking hinders traffic
    If on Grahams Rd heading towards riccarton the road layout is ridiculous.There are 3 lanes, the far right inside for right turning accross traffic.Middle lane for straight ahead traffic and the left lane should be for left hand turning traffic only. As across the other side of the intersection there is no lane for merging traffic. Cars are going up the left hand lane and trying to merge with straight ahead traffic in the middle of the intersection ,this is not only dangerous but frustrating for traffic that is in the correct middle lane.The far left lane needs to have a left turn only sign or road marking on the road to prevent a crash and make the traffic flow better and more safely.
  • Hollis Ave sign defaced
    Local comedians have painted black paint over part of the sign, so it now reads 'Hoes Ave'
  • massive pothole
    there are two potholes outside my house, one large and the other very large. The bus keeps hitting it and it shakes the whole house. Please fix this asap. Thank you very much
  • Street light glare
    Street light pole on McCormacks Bay Road is on a lean and fitting produces excessive glare into residence.
  • Street Light is not working
    The street light outside our house is not working - very dark!! this is where we park cars so need it going for safety. Thanks for your help in this matter.
  • Speed Sign About To Fall Off
    There is a 50km p/h speed sign on Acheron Drive that looks like it is about to fall off its pole. The screws have come out and all that is holding it together is a metal band. It is quite windy so the sooner this can be fixed, the safer it will be for anyone passing :)
  • Parking on Araucana Way at the entrance to Cameo a Grove Subdivision
    Staff working at the Burwood Hosptial site are parking along the entrance to the cameo grove subdivision. The first section of Araucana Way is narrow and when cars are parked on one side it obscures traffics vision turning into the street and cars frequently have to reverse out to allow another car past. Cars are also parking within 1m of residential driveways within the subdivision.
  • Edgeware Rd Christchurch outside Dominos pizza
    Last night at approx 630pm I parked outside Dominos. I got out of car and went to footpath. The weather had been raining and roads were shiny. The lighting was mainly from the shops but it was not totally dark. I tripped on the road and fell hard. I was carrying only my car keys but nonetheless could not stop the fall. I am 55 years old. I was unable to get up without assistance from a passerby. I had grazed my left knee despite wearing jeans. I hv bruises on left arm. Right ankle twisted and swollen. The hearing aid in left ear was damaged though nah alg brah marks to face. I hv had one day off work.
  • Roadside Trees Destroyed
    It appears that someone has selectively destroyed a number of trees on the roadside reserve, and left the foliage on the roadside. It is obvious these have not been topped professionally by looking at the remaining stumps in the gardens nearby!2 issues here please CCC; rubbish left on roadside, and destruction of trees on public property. Wigram Road, heading SW from Aidanfield Drive Roundabout.
  • Entrance for Pedistrians to/from Broken Run Subdivision
    This has looked temporary since it was put in. Not suitable for other than able bodied persons to enter/exit from Broken Run to Aidanfield Drive. Many people use this route as it quickest way to bus stops, shopping centre. Needs to be paved and levelled as is slippery and dangerous.
  • Lights in Footpath both blown bulbs
    There are two lights that shine up into trees along Broken Run near Wigram Road. The bulbs appear to have blown, making this stretch of path dark. Can these be replaced please.
  • Sign Left Behind
    There is a sign blocking the lane used for bikes, on the left heading towards Wigram from Aidanfield, has no relevance to anything in the area and appears to have blown over, and now poses a hazard to cyclists using this road.
  • Hazard - Vehicles Parking on Bike Lane
    Each morning there are vehicles parking on the bike lane heading east from Hagley Park. They are associated with the redevelopment on the land nearby, however are tradesmen's vehicles and not essential to be blocking this path. It makes the transition over the tram tracks hazardous for cyclists. Can the CCC please enforce the clearance of this lane - they are parking on yellow lines.
  • Hazard on Marked Cycle Lane
    There is a sign at each end of this narrow road section for work to happen on the road, no "Caution Cyclists Merging" and no speed restrictions. The signs are both placed blocking the cycle lane, forcing cyclists into the path of cars. There is garden/grass alongside the signs where they could be placed safely.
  • Abandoned burnt out vehicle - steel reinforcing rods hanging out the back. Health & Safety issue
    This issue has been raised before with no action taken. It is a health and safety issue. The house this vehicle may belong too, also poses a health and safety issue. Vehicles, port a loos and rubbish on footpath.
  • houses shaking due to poor Scirt repairs
    Heavy vehicles, particularly buses shake repaired homes all down Estuary Rd due to poor road repairs by Scirt. Unable to use front bedrooms due to vibrations from 5.30am to 12.30pm when buses stop running. homes being re-damaged after expensive repairs
  • Traffic Lights
    Since the traffic lights have been changed, if you are in the left hand turning lane on Waltham Road wanting to turn left (city facing), then you either have to A) wait for another car to be in a straight ahead lane on your side or B) sit through numerous light changes before either getting a green arrow or light. This is definitely more noticeable just after 5.30am when you are the only one at the lights and can't go as everyone else gets arrows or green lights, even if there is no one stopped or coming at that intersection.
  • Green station wagon sitting on side of road
    Since 24 July there has been a green station wagon parked outside 157 Marshland Road. As there is a fire hydrant and yellow lines nearby this vehicle is a hazard for other cars that need access to nearby properties. The vehicle is a green Ford Falcon Futura and it's registration is ZP9406. It has current registration til July 2016.
  • Tree is in power lines
    The public tree has grown into the power lines and needs to be cut back asap.
  • not working correctly
    Street light outside 32 Portman St has been going on and off every approx 30 seconds for the last 3 months. the light on intersection of Peckam and Portsman was repaired last friday (31 July) Why did they not do this one then. Annoying trying to sleep with this flashing all night. Thank you. L Taylor.
  • Abandoned Vehicle since 23/24th July
    Red station wagon registration SY3295 left on Caspian Street overnight Thurs/Friday 23rd/24th July, since vandalised. Please remove.
  • Busses shaking house
    We live in St Martins Rd, just before the Gamblins Rd St Martins Rd roundabout. As the busses and trucks exit the roundabout into Gamblins Rd heading towards Wilsons rd,our house shakes and creaks. This happens many times throughout the day and night even shaking our bed like an earthquake. The grouting in our new bathroom has been cracking and we are very concerned about what other damage is occurring to our home. Is it possible to have this investigated. Thankyou.
  • abandoned car - Avonside Drive
    Abandoned car on Avonside Drive near corner of Morris Street. Dark grey Nissan Primera, no registration ticket.
  • Right-hand turning lane stops through traffic - creates dangerous driving
    Intersection of Milton and Selwyn Streets: dangerous driving from people getting stuck behind cars waiting to turn right from Selwyn into Milton, because the arrows on the road mark the RH turning lane as also the through lane, while the LH turning lane does not allow through traffic. As a result, people go into the LH lane to go through when they get impatient and then try to merge unexpectedly with cars that stayed in the proper lane on the other side.
  • blocked drive
    In front of 18 Kilmarnock there is a blue ford AAA203 blocking part of the drive and the bike lane.
  • repair needs re-surfaced
    Hello. Outside of the Bruce Apartments (85 Beach Road, Akaroa) there was some work done to cabling under the footpath. This was done is October 2014. It has already gone through one cruise ship season looking this way and would be great if it could be attended to before the next one. There is a lot of work going on in Akaroa at the moment and it would not take too much to get the asphalt guys who are already in Akaroa to patch this up. Thank you
  • dumping of concrete? in disused pool
    for a number of weeks there has been dumping of what souns like concrete glass and other materials being dumped into a damaged swimming pool next to my property. The property is rented out to several people so the owner is not living there. Is this dumping legal? i am concerned that there might be contaminants being dumped not just hard fill.
  • eastbound cycle lane b/n fitzgerald and hanmer st
    paving request: 91935835 (june 2015) clearance request: 91915855 (june 2015) original request: 91894948 (march 2015 closed and was assigned to an aborist) - road seal edges in cycle lane has created serious hazards for cyclists as well as collecting large amounts of leaves/garbage - bushes extending into the bike lane (at head height) Cycles forced to ride in car lane around corner and also duck quite frequently from branches.
  • Pot holes to fix please - Sheraton Place, Redwood, ChCh
    3 pot holes need fixing please: 2x outside 6/6a Sheraton Place, ChCh 1x outside 8 Sheraton Place, ChCh
  • GIB board in cycle lane1 update
    A large piece of GIB board has been lying in the westbound cycle lane near the top of the railway flyover for close to a year. This board is slowly deteriorating but not quite quickly enough to avoid it being a hazard for cyclists.
  • Excessive gravel in cycle lane eastbound1 update
    There is a lot of gravel in the cycle lanes on both sides of this roundabout but it is worse on the eastbound side, the whole width of the cycle lane has about 30mm of gravel on it. This forces you to ride on the main 'car' section and car drivers don't expect it.
  • Cycle lane closed with no advance warning
    Eastbound cycle lane on Tuam St between Montreal St & Durham St is closed off with cones, but there is no advance warning for cyclists or drivers that this will happen. The left hand traffic lane is also closed, but there are gated “Lane Closed” signs to warn drivers of the lane closure ahead. Well after where the cycle lane & left lane are closed, there is an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign (way past the three “Keep Right” signs and the “Detour Ahead” sign). This was previously reported to CCC on 19th April 2015 (via FixMyStreet #5498) and forwarded to CCC’s Temporary Traffic Management Team on the same day (CSR #91915317), but sadly nothing has been done to fix this over the last 2½ months. If Fulton Hogan and CTOC consider that advance warning signs should be located after the hazard they are warning of, maybe the gated “Lane Closed” signs could be moved to the other side of Durham St for consistency?
  • Sign base without sign dangerous for cyclists
    City Care have left a roadworks sign base, without a sign attached, on St Asaph St between Barbadoes St & Ferry Rd. As it is located immediately in front of the start of the westbound cycle lane, it could be dangerous for cyclists (especially as there is no taper in front of it and it is very hard to see without a sign on it). As CoPTTM is quite clear that “sign bases must not be left in place, without signs attached, in a manner that will be a hazard to any road user, including … cyclists”, maybe City Care could explain why they consider removing the sign but leaving the base immediately in front of a cycle lane does not present a hazard to cyclists?
  • Detour sign blocking cycle lane
    City Care have placed a detour sign at the corner of Papanui Rd & Halton St so it leans across and blocks the northbound cycle lane. As it has been leaning over and blocking the cycle lane since at least 17th June 2015, City Care either haven’t done any inspections of their temporary traffic management or they must consider the location and angle of this sign to be safe and compliant with CoPTTM. Maybe they could let me know which of these two options is correct (as well as move the sign away from the cycle lane and onto the footpath at the corner where the footpath widens)?
  • Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane (x2)
    Men At Work have blocked both the eastbound and westbound cycle lanes on Avonside Dr approaching Stanmore Rd with "Roadworks" signs. This was reported to CCC on 24th June 2015 (via FixMyStreet #5770) and forwarded to CCC’s Temporary Traffic Management Team on the same day (CSR #91941340). Unfortunately it would appear that neither CCC nor Men At Work care about cyclist safety, as they are still there a week later. Maybe somebody from CTOC could explain how they respond to complaints about dangerous and non-compliant temporary traffic management, and how this meets their legal responsibility to “ensure that all TTM measures are in accordance with CoPTTM”?
  • Cycle lane blocked by mVMS trailer
    Men At Work have parked a mobile VMS trailer blocking the eastbound cycle lane on Avonside Dr at the Fitzgerald Ave intersection. Maybe Men At Work could explain why they couldn’t have parked it on the grass verge between the cycle lane & fence, where it would have been clear of the cycle lane but still visible to approaching road users?
  • Temporary traffic management dangerous for cyclists
    Temporary traffic management associated with repairs to a signal light post at the corner of Moorhouse Ave and Madras St is dangerous for cyclists. Heading eastbound, the nearside lane is coned off but not the cycle lane. However, staying in the cycle lane will take cyclists right through the worksite, assuming they don’t get caught on the loose cables stretched across the cycle lane. Or smacked in the face with a long-handled shovel. Or doored from either of the work vans. I observed one cyclist swerve out of the cycle lane, pass between the two work vans and shoot out into the adjacent traffic lane – thankfully without incident. Maybe the Fulton Hogan STMS standing around watching the work could explain why his site led cyclists “into direct conflict with the operation … (of) the worksite” He could also explain the “clear and positive guidance provided for road users (including cyclists) approaching (and) travelling through the worksite”.
  • Temporary traffic management very dangerous for cyclists
    Temporary traffic management associated with resealing work on Moorhouse Ave eastbound between Antigua St & Durham St is very dangerous for cyclists. The cycle lane between Antigua St & Montreal St is coned off, forcing cyclists into the general traffic lanes at the same time as the two rightmost lanes are merged into the left hand lane. There is no advance warning of this cycle lane closure, with the lack of road markings on this section of Moorhouse making this more dangerous than usual. But wait, things get worse. Between Montreal St & Durham St all the traffic on Moorhouse Ave is squeezed through a single lane running down the shoulder and cycle lane. Again there is no warning at all that motorists will be forced into the cycle lane, and no Temporary Speed Limit in place. Maybe Integrated Traffic Solutions (ITS) could explain why they devised and installed a Traffic Management Plan that appears at odds with the requirements of the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management & CTOC’s Local Operating Procedures? And CTOC could explain why they approved it?
  • Temporary traffic management dangerous for cyclists
    Temporary traffic management on Ferry Rd between SH74 Tunnel Rd & SH74A Rutherford St is dangerous for cyclists. Westbound, vehicles coming round the corner from the Tunnel Rd roundabout are almost immediately forced into the cycle lane. There is no advance warning of this, nor is there a 30kph Temporary Speed Limit in place to at least soften the impact. Eastbound, cyclists are forced out of the cycle lane by a line of cones at the same time as cars are squeezed past the median pedestrian island. Again there is no warning of any works affecting the cycle lane. Maybe the City Care STMS on site (in the yellow vest in the photo) could explain why he ignored the safety of cyclists and the requirements of the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management & CTOC’s Local Operating Procedures when setting up, and being legally responsible for, this site?
  • Dip in footpath
    There is a dip in the footpath outside 19 Menzies Street. I tripped in in when walking past on Monday morning. This trip has resulted in a broken ankle which is now in plaster.
  • poor phasing causjng traffic queues
    On 30/6/15 at 5.00pm. noticed that green light phasing at Matai St / Staven Rd intersection for southbound traffic heading south on on Straven Road is not lasting long enough. Traffic building up all the way back up to Fendalton Rd. Matai street westbound traffic getting a much longer green light phasing. This set of lights is not normally a problem. But was very noticeable tonight.
  • And more roadworks signs blocking cycle lane (x2)
    The westbound and eastbound cycle lanes on Avonside Dr approaching Stanmore Rd are both blocked by Men At Work roadworks signs. The sign in the westbound cycle lane (see photo) could easily be placed on the wide footpath without impeding pedestrians (like the Gayhurst Bridge detour sign just up the road from it). The sign in the eastbound cycle lane would still be visible to approaching road users if it was placed hard up against the wooden railings (or even on the other side of the railings), which would allow cyclists to get past whilst staying within the cycle lane.
  • And another roadworks sign blocking cycle lane
    Westbound cycle lane on Kotare St between Puriri St & Clyde Rd is blocked by a Traffic R Us roadworks sign. Note the careful placement right next to the cycle lane separator (bollard) and with the stand placed in the middle of the cycle lane to totally block it. Why not place it on the grass area to the left of the footpath – the yellow “no standing” lines will ensure it is not obscured by parked cars so will be visible to all approaching road users.
  • Yet another roadworks sign blocking cycle lane
    Men At Work have blocked the northbound cycle lane on Centaurus Rd just before Kowhai Tce with a roadworks sign (ironically it is an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign). Why they didn’t place it on the grass berm immediately next to where it is currently blocking the cycle lane is a mystery – it still would have been visible to all approaching road users without endangering cyclists.
  • Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane
    TrafficWise have blocked the southbound cycle lane on Gasson St just past the Carlyle St corner with a “Roadworks” sign. The footpath next to this section of cycle lane is almost 3m wide, so the sign could be placed there without blocking the cycle lane or footpath. Ironically, the next sign (which is located on the shoulder between the cycle lane & footpath) warns of “Cyclists Merging”, so the STMS who blocked the cycle lane with the “Roadworks” sign should have known better than to place it in the cycle lane.
  • Temporary traffic management dangerous for cyclists
    Temporary traffic management for work on Linwood Ave between Aldwins Rd & Hereford St forces cyclists out of the westbound (towards city) cycle lane without any advance warning for cyclists or drivers. To make matters worse, one general traffic lane is also closed, forcing cyclists across one lane and into the second, at the same time as motorists are trying to merge into that single lane, and all within a 50kph area (no Temporary Speed Limit needed apparently!). It is odd that there is no warning of the cycle lane closure, as Men At Work have heaps of other signs at the site (gated “Roadworks” signs, gated “Left Lane Closed” signs, three “Keep Right” arrow signs and a temporary bus stop sign). So either they have run out of “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” signs or don’t consider them necessary.
  • Roadworks dangerous for cyclists (cyclists not in TMP)
    Temporary traffic management set up by Fulton Hogan on Lincoln Road on either side of the railway crossing directs vehicles into the kerbside cycle lanes in both directions without any advance warning. I can only presume that Fulton Hogan have run out of “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” signs, as well as the signs needed for a 30kph Temporary Speed Limit (as required in this situation by CTOC’s Local Operating Procedures).
  • Temporary traffic management dangerous for cyclists
    The westbound cycle lane and a traffic lane on Moorhouse Ave have been closed between Antigua St & Stuart Mill St due to SCIRT works. Integrated Traffic Solutions have provided no advance warning of the cycle lane closure for approaching cyclists or drivers, though they have put out gated “Lane Closed” signs to warn drivers of the closure of the lefthand traffic lane (so drivers will be busy watching for merging cars but not bikes as cyclists are forced to merge across two lanes of traffic).
  • Cycle lane blocked with no advance warning
    The westbound cycle lane on Moorhouse Ave immediately after the Fitzgerald Ave corner has been coned off by Stella Traffic so a digger and other equipment can be stored in it. There is no advance warning at all for westbound cyclists or drivers, of either the cycle lane closure or of any works at all on the road ahead.
  • Roadworks dangerous for cyclists
    The northbound cycle lane on SH74A Rutherford Street crossing the Heathcote River has been haphazardly blocked by cones for the last week without any advance warning for cyclists or motorists. The Traffic Management Plan for this work (TMP #28730 on http://www.tfc.govt.nz/current-conditions/roadworks/) describes the work as requiring “cones on the shoulders on the bridge” and states the impacts as only “Shoulder Closure”. Now, anyone who knows this bridge (or looks on Google Streetview) will know that there are cycle lanes on the bridge but no shoulders, so how Traffic R Us could submit and CTOC approve this TMP is a mystery. There are also median pedestrian islands at both ends of the bridge, which means that there is not enough room for both a cyclist and truck to safely get past the blocked cycle lane. And with over 1,100 trucks crossing this bridge every day, the “temporary traffic management” here seems a disaster waiting to happen.
  • Roadworks exceptionally hazardous to cyclists (and pedestrians)
    Temporary traffic management set up by Fulton Hogan on SH74A Garlands Rd at Cumnor Tce is very dangerous for cyclists & pedestrians. The westbound cycle lane has been dug up so changes can be made to the layout of the Cumnor Tce intersection, but the current placement of cones between the cycle and traffic lanes (without any taper to close the cycle lane off) directs cyclists into the dug up worksite(which also doubles as a temporary pedestrian footpath!). With the worksite hidden on the other side of a humpback bridge, cyclists will have to suddenly swerve into the general traffic lane to get past safely (provided they aren’t hit by a car or truck travelling at 50kph past the worksite). At least Fulton Hogan have finally put up the token “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign (it only took them 2 weeks after starting work to do this!). Unfortunately they also put another “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign on the other side of Garlands Rd for eastbound traffic, although there are no works affecting this side of the road and the eastbound cycle remains clear. The Traffic Management Plan for this work (TMP #28627) still lists the impacts of this work as only “Vehicle Lane(s) Closed”, which is a far cry from blocking both the cycle lane and the only footpath across the Heathcote River. Maybe one of the Temporary Traffic Management Coordinators from CTOC could actually go to this site and conduct a CoPTTM full audit so it can be brought up to a safe standard (or alternatively, this being a CCC job, maybe they could remove Fulton Hogan as the temporary traffic management contractor and withhold payment for the non-compliant “services” already imposed on road users)?
  • Car Tyres (about 20) Dumped on foot path outside building
    79 -81 Thackeray Street Waltham Christchurch old car tyres dumped outside our buildings last week end, could be a fire hazard if some choose to set fire to them - could they please be removed asap please
  • Pothole - causing significant damage
    There are many potholes in this street with a signficant one, half way down. This is causing major problems, damage to cars and most importantly it causes vehicles to swerve. It's a busy street, located close to a primary school so many children walk down here - please urgently repair. Note this has been repaired many times before with limited successs (they reappear over time).
  • Burnt out car and hoarding
    A resident within the street has a burnt out car parked outside his property and significant hoardes significant items in his front yard, grass verge and footpath.
  • Missing Drain Cover - DANGER !!!!
    On the eastern side of Colombo st, there is a drain cover missing leaving a large drop and big danger to the public
  • Abandoned Vehicle
    Car reg NU5333 has been parked outside 53 Picton Ave for at least two months without moving. Rego is expired since 11/05/15 and is causing parking issues. Many thanks, have a nice day.
  • Traffic lights missing sequence for green signal for straight going traffic between Straven Rd & Clarence St
    I have been biking on this road for the past two years and in the last two days between 4-5 pm (my time to ride on this road) at the traffic signal, I had to wait for three signals to change before I could go straight on to Straven Road from Clarence Street. If you are waiting on Clarence Street to go straight ahead, first the green light will come on for the traffic to turn right and then it should should turn green for the traffic to go straight. However, it turns green for the traffic to turn right and then instead of turning green for the straight traffic, it turns green for the Riccarton road traffic. The signal does it twice before it allows the striaght going traffic to go between Clarence Street and Straven Road.
  • Abandoned silver car
    There is an abandoned silver car on Meadowville Ave outside #1. This car has been left for weeks and not been moved nor claimed
  • Abandoned Vehicle
    Looks like we have an abandoned vehicle outside our office Dark Blue, Nissan Pulsar, no plates, unlocked, has been parked outside on the road for a few weeks now
  • No-parking yellow lines needed
    Yellow no-parking lines are needed on the narrow roadside opposite our address to prevent vehicles from blocking access to our double garage which is accessed directly from the road (no driveway).
  • Multiple faulty street lights - Lyttelton
    There are 2-3 faulty street lights either side of 17 Selwyn Road in Lyttelton. These were noticed to be faulty on 2nd June 2015.
  • Road surface uneven
    buses travel too fast for the poor road surface - particularly protruding manhole covers and shake the houses in the area very badly. This has Been continual since the road was repaired quickly after severe eq damage. The speed of busses constitutes a danger to pedestrian and cycle traffic.
  • Glass bits through cycle path
    Lots of glass fragments throughout cycleway heading north of Kotare Street
  • Footpath constantly blocked by bins etc from nearby store
    The footpath is constantly been blocked by pellets, bins and courier vehicles from the Hunting and Fishing store. The reason that the space provided on the site can not be used for this purpose is that staff for this store use this as car parking. I have witnessed a member of the public on a wheelchair struggling with manoeuvring around this and it also forces pedestrians onto the road.
  • P60 sign missing
    P60 sign missing os 10a allen Street
  • Danger to wheelchairs
    Outside 100 Queenspark Drive, there is a wide area of very rough gravel; try the opposwite side of the street, and there is another strip of gravel. Both have been there for months. I had to help a gent in a wheelchair get past by going onto the road!
  • Crashed BMW
    Last night someone crashed a BMW on the corner of Morrison Ave and Sawyers Arms Road. It looks to now be abandon.
  • Sewer manhole bump1 update
    A sewer manhole in approximately this location on Country Palms is significantly higher than the road surface and causes quite a significant bump to drive over. Can it be trimmed down to road height?
  • Street light not working
    Hi there, There is a street light not working outside 75 Buckhurst Avenue, Wigram Skies. This has not been working for sometime now. Thank you.
  • Nielsen signs not visible
    Buslane signs on both sides of the bend so you can only see 1 sign at a time where by law you need to have both signs front and back clearly visible.
  • Seal is wearing off1 update
    Hi the seal is wearing off making spots of shingle on the road on Western Valley road on the hill section in a couple of spots. The whole road was resealed earlier in the year so not sure what’s happened at this spot. It would be good if it could get fixed as it’s quite dangerous if you are coming down hill and hit it as you could spin out. Thanks
  • Crossing signal constantly beeping1 update
    One of the crossing signals at the intersection of Barbadoes St and Edgeware Rd has become stuck, and has been beeping all night long. This has happened several times in the past year. It's very loud, and there is a good chance that everyone in the area has been driven mad by sleep deprivation.
  • Shared use path blocked by roadworks sign
    The shared use cyclist & pedestrian path eastbound on SH76 Port Hills Rd as it goes under SH74 Tunnel Rd is blocked by a temporary speed limit sign. With the sign on the shared use path, there is not enough space to get around it and stay on the sealed path, which could be quite dangerous with a slope to the left and then having to dodge around the pole for the permanent 50kph speed limit sign immediately after the temporary sign. And with ALL cyclists directed onto the shared use path 25m before this sign, this is a crash waiting to happen. Maybe Fulton Hogan (the temporary traffic management contractor) could explain why they put the sign blocking the shared use path? Also, Fulton Hogan might want to explain why they have left the permanent 50kph speed limit sign uncovered, even though it is after the 30kph temporary speed limit sign and very visible? Presumably this means that the legal, enforceable speed limit through here is 50kph? If so, this is likely to be dangerous for motorists & cyclists, as anybody turning into or out of Laing Cres or Scruttons Rd won’t be expecting eastbound vehicles to be travelling at 50kph, so are likely to misjudge how much time they have to turn across approaching vehicles safely.
  • Another “Cyclist Merging” sign with no roadworks
    City Care have an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign on Waltham Rd northbound between Eastern Tce & Rogers St, but there are no works at all affecting the cycle lane (or any part of the road), so no need for drivers to watch for merging cyclists. Why can’t City Care take down or cover the Cyclist Merging sign when they remove the cones & suchlike from their worksite? If they leave these signs up when they do not apply, drivers and cyclists will just ignore them in future.
  • Temporary traffic management dangerous for cyclists
    Northbound cycle lane on Manchester St between High St & Cashel St has been coned off by McConnell Dowell without any advance warning for cyclists or drivers that cyclists will be forced into the general traffic lane. Also, why is the cycle lane closed off when no work is being done (photographed on Saturday) and the works only affect the footpath (not the cycle lane or road)?
  • “Cyclist Merging” sign but no roadworks
    Nova Traffic Management have left an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign on Victoria St southbound (just after Bealey Ave intersection) for over a week without there being any works at all affecting the cycle lane (or any part of the road), so there is no need for drivers to watch for merging cyclists. If incorrect signs are left after roadworks have finished, drivers and cyclists will just ignore them in future.
  • Cycle lane blocked
    The westbound cycle lane on Ferry Rd between Moorhouse Ave & Lancaster St has been coned off by Transfield Services. There is no advance warning of the cycle lane closure (there is actually no advance warning of any works at all), and without a Keep Right sign and taper motorists might be a bit surprised to have cyclists popping into their lane in front of them.
  • Mobile VMS trailer blocking cycle lane
    A mobile VMS trailer is blocking the westbound cycle lane on Ferry Rd between Barbour St & Wilsons Rd. Why not locate it on the other side of Barbour St, where there is a parking shoulder between the cycle lane and the footpath – looks like it would have been totally clear of the cycle lane whilst still leaving plenty of room on the footpath for pedestrians? Oddly, on Moorhouse Ave on the other side of the Wilsons Rd intersection where there are 2 traffic lanes hard up against the kerb (no cycle lane or parking shoulder), CSP have another mVMS trailer which is located entirely on the footpath. Presumably if they had parked it like this one on Ferry Rd it would have restricted one of the traffic lanes and possibly inconvenienced some motorists.
  • Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane
    Southbound cycle lane on Centaurus Rd between Kowhai Tce & Austin Kirk Ln is blocked by an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign. Although it is nice to see this type of sign being used, placing it so it totally blocks the cycle lane does seem pointless, especially when it is hidden around a left hand bend so approaching motorists can’t see it(and any cyclists forced out of the cycle lane in front of them) until they’re upon it.
  • Temporary traffic management dangerous for cyclists
    Works on Tennyson St between Southampton St & Eastern Terrace have narrowed the eastbound lane, which forces vehicles into the cycle lane at the end of the off-road cycle path. There is no advance warning for either cyclists or drivers that this will happen. This site is especially dangerous as the first 110m of the narrowing only sends vehicles down the parking shoulder, which then changes to an on-road cycle lane, with cyclists joining from the off-road path. This is the second time in 2 weeks that Nova Traffic Management have installed the same setup here, despite it appearing to be dangerous for cyclists and non-compliant with both CCC’s Local Operating Procedures and NZTA’s Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management. As the previous setup was reported to CCC (via FixMyStreet #5522) on 24th April and passed to the CCC Traffic Management Team on 25th April (Customer Service Request #91918093), maybe CCC could confirm whether this site is safe & compliant and, if not, what action they took to rectify it previously and why Nova have reinstalled the same (non-compliant) setup again?
  • Damaged footpath
    Footpath has been torn up by trucks. Water meter cover broken and dangerous for pedestrians
  • Damaged footpath
    footpath was damaged and "repaired" with concrete which is damaged and breaking up.
  • A Mattress and Lounge Single Sofa dumped on the streeet
    A Mattress and Lounge Single Sofa dumped on the streeet near this address...Plz Collect both as getting smelly been here for few weeks....
  • Temporary traffic management very dangerous for cyclists
    The eastbound cycle lane on Humphreys Dr between Linwood Ave & Ferry Rd has been coned off by City Care. The only advance warning sign is a Roadworks sign with a Shoulder Closed supplementary plate – which is clearly wrong as there is a cycle symbol painted in the cycle lane 5m past this sign, and another cycle symbol immediately before the first cone blocking the cycle lane. Consequently there is no advance warning that the cycle lane is closed, or that cyclists will be forced into the same lane as cars & trucks travelling at over 70kph. This section of Humphreys Dr has a 70kph speed limit, has a lane width less than 4m and the cycle lane was coned off for over 200m round a curve – yet for some reason City Care didn’t see any need to follow CCC’s own requirements for accommodating cyclists on a work site (http://tmpforchch.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Cycle-Booklet-Finall-Small.pdf) or the national standards in the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management.
  • Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane
    Eastbound cycle lane on Marriner St is blocked by a Road Closed Ahead sign between the Esplanade & Burgess St. There seems to be plenty of room on the kerb buildout for the TAB sign, so why wasn’t the roadworks sign placed there, clear of the cycle lane and still visible to approaching traffic? CTOC’s own guidance on sign placement around cycle lanes (http://tmpforchch.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Cycle-Booklet-Finall-Small.pdf) states that placing the sign in the cycle lane is the last option and would only be acceptable on a few sites e.g. “when you have a narrow street with no shoulder that is against a retaining wall” – not the case here at all. Up until at least 2nd May the cycle lane here and on the other side of Marriner Rd was blocked by two temporary speed limit signs (reported to CCC via FixMyStreet #5464 on 12th April, and passed to the CCC Traffic Management Team also on 12th April (Customer Service Request #91912388), which sadly resulted in absolutely no action at all from Fulton Hogan (the traffic management contractor).
  • Temporary traffic management dangerous for cyclists
    Roadworks on Moorhouse Ave eastbound between Antigua St & Durham St have closed the cycle lane and two traffic lanes. The traffic management contractor (ITS) has thoughtfully provided a cyclist detour, but has then stuck a “Keep Right” sign right in the middle of the cycle lane BEFORE the detour (without even putting a taper in front of it), forcing cyclists into the melee of merging traffic. Also, the cyclist “detour” directs cyclists to “dismount & use footpath” before herding them onto the footpath so they can walk the 450m to the end of the roadworks. This seems quite unnecessary as there is a 30kph temporary speed limit in place and cyclists should be able to safely travel in the nearside (not contraflow) traffic lane – just up the road between Selwyn St & Waller Tce ITS closed the cycle lane & nearside lane, forcing cyclists in with the cars and trucks on the two remaining lanes for over 300m without seeing any need to install a lower temporary speed limit.
  • Unnecessary temporary traffic management dangerous for cyclists
    The westbound cycle lane on Main Rd in Moncks Bay is blocked by a cone taper “protecting” a Site Exit sign for the Clifton pump station repair worksite. There is no need for the Site Exit sign to be in the middle of the cycle lane, as there is a parking shoulder between the cycle lane and the footpath where it could be safely located (and where it was located prior to works last month that closed the cycle lanes in both directions and narrowed the traffic lanes). It would appear that the traffic management contractor (Fulton Hogan) couldn’t be bothered moving the sign clear of the cycle lane after those works were finished, and has just left it there endangering cyclists on this very popular riding route. There is also no advance warning that the cycle lane is blocked, but that is not unexpected as Fulton Hogan didn’t see any need to provide any advance warning of the cycle lane closure (or cars being forced into the westbound cycle lane) during their works last month either.
  • Footpath still blocked by roadworks sign (x2)
    Footpath on Maffeys Rd (just above intersection with McCormacks Bay Rd) blocked in two places by roadworks signs. There is no footpath on the other side of the road, so pedestrians are forced onto the road to get around these signs (and the first sign is located just after the 180 degree bend leading to the bottom section of Maffeys Rd, so visibility to pedestrians on the road is limited). These signs were previously reported to CCC (via FixMyStreet #5416 on 31st March) with the report passed on to the CCC Traffic Management Team (also on 31st March, Customer Service Request #91908075). CTOC advised that they “have been in contact with contractors to get these sorted”, but over a month later both these signs are still there blocking the footpath, which is a sad indictment on Fulton Hogan (the traffic management contractor), SCIRT & CTOC.
  • Two Street Lights
    Hi There, We have two white street light out in Brittan street Linwood Christchurch, they have been like this for some time. Details as follow, Outside House number 26 and the number on the pole is (C5A 82) Outside House number 28 and the number on the pole is (C5A 83) Can we get this sorted as soon as, as this is creating a very dark part of the street at night... Thanks in advance
  • Sump grates in new cycle path are a hazard to cyclists.
    See photo. The new cycle path is not particularly wide at this point, and by having grates that are hazardous the capacity of the cycle path is significantly reduced. Cyclists will need to give these grates a wide berth. Perhaps the grates have been installed incorrectly? If they were rotated 90 degrees they would be much better. I certainly hope that this is to not to be the new standard design for storm water grates in Christchurch.
  • Street light not working1 update
    Outside approx No 21 Cheyenne Street sock burn christchurch
  • Wooldridge/Wairakei/Roydvale Intersection Roundabout
    The Wooldridge/Wairakei/Roydvale Intersection Roundabout is in need of some maintenance. Only 1 of the 4 signs is still standing, the curbing is half missing, pavers have been lifted, there is no garden in it anymore. It is an eyesore! And as is it near the airport where a number of rental car places are, a lot of tourists visit this area, which is not a good look. (Tait electonics new connection to the services under this roundabout has not helped this).
  • deep gutters need cleaning out- flooding issue
    The gutters outside 52 Condell Ave and all the way down to Blighs Road need cleaning out.The gutters and gullys are full of leaves, and with the rain there is flooding and it also affects the rainwater draining from the house gutters.I know PLEASE do something about these very old gutters, and in the meantime PLEASE will you have them cleaned regularly.Many Thanks.
  • Unnecessary temporary traffic management unsafe for cyclists
    The southbound cycle lane & shoulder on Victoria St have been coned off outside the Duncan Cotterill building at 148 Victoria St, forcing cyclists into the general traffic lane. Although there is an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign, there appears to be no need for the cycle lane to be closed, as the coned off area is just being used for parking by contractors. The traffic Management Plan for these works (#27639 on http://www.tfc.govt.nz/current-conditions/roadworks/) only refers to a shoulder closure with a pedestrian walkway at times – nowhere does it include closure of the cycle lane, and there are no stated impacts on cyclists!
  • Unnecessary temporary traffic management unsafe for cyclists
    The northbound cycle lane, shoulder & part of the general traffic lane on Victoria St have been coned off outside a construction site at 169 Victoria St, forcing cyclists into the general traffic lane. Although there is an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign, there appears to be no need for the cycle lane to be closed, as absolutely nothing is happening in the coned off area (especially on the Saturday of a long weekend). If the building works require the cycle lane to be closed, why is it necessary to keep it closed outside working hours on the site? How hard and/or dangerous would it be for the site Traffic Controller to move the cones to the edge of the shoulder, reopening the cycle lane?
  • Cycle lane obstructed by fallen over roadworks sign
    A fallen over City Care roadworks sign is blocking two thirds of the northbound cycle lane on Gasson St between Wordsworth St & Kingsley St. It has been like this since last week (from at least 17th April), despite City Care traffic management staff being present each working day on the other side of Gasson St for installation of UFB cables (see photo).
  • Cycle lane blocked with no advance warning
    City bound cycle lane on Hagley Ave between Selwyn St & Saint Asaph St has been blocked by City Care so they can install a new water main, but there is no advance warning for either cyclists or drivers of the closure. This site has been previously reported to CCC for not providing warning of the cycle lane closure (see FixMyStreet #5293 – which resulted in no action at all) but since then this section of Hagley Ave has been resealed, requiring the traffic management to be reinstalled. Unfortunately, despite the newly painted cycle symbols on the cycle lane, this site still lacks any advance warning of the cycle lane closure (and with the cones down the median, there isn’t enough space to get both a cyclist & car safely past the work site.
  • Cycle lane blocked with no advance warning
    Southbound cycle lane on Hagley Ave south of Saint Asaph St intersection is blocked by a “No Road Marking” sign and cones, associated with the An Accessible City resealing and remarking of Hagley Ave through to Moorhouse Ave. An “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign was in place on Hagley Ave before being blown over in the strong winds of last week, but unfortunately the traffic management contractor (Fulton Hogan) hasn’t put it back up. So cyclists are forced into the general traffic lane just as they are leaving the intersection, with no advance warning for them or drivers. Fulton Hogan ignoring this blown over sign since at least the 17th April casts significant doubt on the effectiveness of the site inspections required to be undertaken, especially when road marking has been ongoing during this period.
  • “Cyclist Merging” sign but no roadworks
    Traffic R Us have placed an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign on Moorhouse Ave westbound between Antigua St and Stuart Mill St, but there are no works at all affecting the cycle lane (or any part of the road), so no need for drivers to watch for merging cyclists. Placing and/or leaving signs which are not relevant will just lead to drivers and cyclists ignoring them. This sign is within the initial Roadworks sign for Fulton Hogan’s Accessible City works on Moorhouse Ave between Selwyn St & Lincoln Rd/Hagley Ave (which still features another unnecessary “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign on Moorhouse Ave just after Selwyn St, which was notified to CCC on 30th March – see FixMyStreet #5410).
  • Building work dangerous for cyclists (Cyclists not in TMP)
    Westbound cycle lane on Armagh St leaving the Durham St intersection is fenced off due to work on the Awly building, with no advance warning for cyclists or drivers of this cycle lane closure. The cycle lane has been blocked since work started on the building a couple of years ago, but has become even more dangerous since the Armagh St bridge was reopened, bringing the cycle lane heading towards Hagley Park right up to the Durham St intersection and then straight into the “Trucks Crossing” sign outside the building worksite. Interestingly, despite blocking the cycle lane, neither of the Traffic Management Plans for the Awly building describe any impacts on cyclists (#23897 & 24348 on http://www.tfc.govt.nz/current-conditions/roadworks/)!
  • Cycle lane blocked with no advance warning
    Eastbound cycle lane on Tuam St is blocked in one location and obstructed in two more locations between Madras St & Barbadoes St. There is no advance warning for cyclists or drivers that cyclists will be forced into the general traffic lane, which is made more fraught than normal due to the restricted lane width caused by cones placed down the centre of the road. These works seem to be associated with the Tuam St one-way conversion (part of An Accessible City), but the traffic management plan for them (TMP #27699 on http://www.tfc.govt.nz/current-conditions/roadworks/) does not include any impacts on cyclists, which seems at odds with reality.
  • “Events” roadworks sign blocking cycle lane
    City Care have totally blocked the eastbound cycle lane on Main Road approaching Nayland St with a roadworks sign advising of the Anzac Day Service “Event” happening on the Esplanade. This seems incredibly dangerous for cyclists given the fine weather combined with the large number of cars heading to the Service. Especially as the sign could have been placed in front of the Sumner SLSC Clubhouse Rebuild sign, clear of the cycle lane, footpath & Clubhouse driveway whilst still remaining visible to approaching road users.
  • Cycle lane blocked with no advance warning
    Westbound cycle lane and left hand traffic lane on Saint Asaph St between Ferry Rd and Madras St have been coned off due to building work at 262 Saint Asaph St. Unfortunately there is no advance warning for either cyclists or drivers that the cycle lane is closed and that cyclists will be forced across merging vehicles into the right hand lane (although Whites Traffic Management have placed gated Lane Closed signs to inform drivers that a traffic lane is closed ahead!). The traffic management plan (TMP #28088 on http://www.tfc.govt.nz/current-conditions/roadworks/) lists the impacts as including “Cyclists Affected”, but don’t seem to then actually provide for cyclists as required by CTOC’s Local Operating Procedures (Section 19 of http://tmpforchch.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/CTOC-LOP_v4_FINAL_20140919.pdf).
  • Roadworks unsafe for cyclists & pedestrians
    Fencing associated with building works on Armagh St between New Regent St & Colombo St is blocking the westbound cycle lane, once again with no advance warning at all for approaching cyclists and drivers. The fencing also blocks the footpath, so pedestrians are forced to walk along the general traffic lane to get around the site. Again there is no warning that the footpath is closed, and with no alternate route provided on the carriageway (in a suitably delineated and protected section of the existing traffic lane) or guidance across the carriageway to a footpath on the opposite side, pedestrians are just ambling down the middle of the road to get past.
  • Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane
    A Temporary Speed Limit sign for roadworks associated with repairs to the Clifton pump station is blocking the eastbound cycle lane on Main Rd in Moncks Bay. This sign had previously been located closer to the guard rail between the cycle lane and pedestrian path beside the estuary but was partially blown over in the strong winds on the 14th. It was relocated from the 15th so as to totally block the cycle lane.
  • Roadworks unsafe for cyclists
    Works on Tennyson St between Southampton St & Eastern Terrace have narrowed the eastbound lane, which forces vehicles into the cycle lane at the end of the off-road cycle path. There is no advance warning for either cyclists or drivers that this will happen. This site is especially dangerous as the first 110m of the narrowing only sends vehicles down the parking shoulder, which then changes to an on-road cycle lane, with cyclists joining from the off-road path.
  • Cars parked on footpath
    Cars are constantly being parked on the footpaths on the corner of Francella and Wickham Streets. Stacks of tyres and other rubbish also obstructs the footpath
  • Overgrowing shrubs & trees on roadside
    The bushes and trees between the road and footpath outside 167-169 Fendalton Road have grown thick and block visibility of driveways and the cycle lanes for residents and passing motorists.
  • Street lights out
    Three street lights out on west side of Williams Street opposite CPIT Facilities Management building. There has been an increase in graffiti with the lights out.
  • Tagging
    The telstra or Big Electric Green Box on Worcester Street corner Tancred Street has been tagged...need to be repainted.
  • Bus lane ends sign
    On the bus lane sign outside 101 Hills rd, the sign is requiring a bus lane ends sign.
  • Entrance to Barrington Mall dangerous for all.
    Pedestrians have great difficulty safely walking past entrance to the mall carpark.
  • Parking in redundant bus stop creates pinch point for cyclists and drivers.
    The bus stop on Simeon St outside the Barrington Mall car park is no longer in use as a bus stop. Private vehicles are now being parked there. The gap between these parked vehicles and the traffic island is very tight and dangerous. This was less of a problem when buses used the bus stop as they were not parked there for more than a few moments. Possible solution: ticket the vehicles parked in the bus stop or, preferably, paint dashed yellow lines along the kerb so as to stop people parking there in the first place. There is plenty of other parking in the area. Thank you.
  • Roadworks sign obstructing cycle lane
    A “Road Closed Ahead” sign is blocking the eastbound cycle lane on Armagh St approaching the Madras St intersection. It has been placed at the end of a kerb buildout, so could easily be placed on the woodchipped areas on the buildout and still retain excellent sightlines for approaching road users. Or how about moving it back a few meters into the parking bays after the kerb buildout, where it would still be visible but wouldn’t be blocking the cycle lane?
  • Cycle lane blocked with no advance warning
    Contractors painting the cycle lane with green paint have blocked off the eastbound cycle lane on Moorhouse Ave at Selwyn St, but there is no advance warning for cyclists or drivers of this cycle lane closure.
  • Blocked footpath unsafe for pedestrians
    Footpath on southern side of Tuam St just before the Colombo St intersection has been fenced off for work on the footpath, forcing pedestrians onto the road to get round the fenced off area. With the footpath on the other side of Tuam St blocked off, and half of the road dug up, it is not like pedestrians can avoid this blockage. The irony is that these works (see also FixMyStreet #5498) are part of An Accessible City, but the traffic management seems to only cater for access by car.
  • Cycle lane closed with no advance warning
    Eastbound cycle lane on Tuam St between Montreal St & Durham St is closed off with cones, but there is no advance warning for cyclists or drivers that this will happen. The left hand traffic lane is also closed, but there are gated “Lane Closed” signs to warn drivers of the lane closure ahead! Well after where the cycle lane & left lane are closed, there is an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign (this sign was put up as a response to FixMyStreet #5342), but it would appear that the contractor (Fulton Hogan) can’t be bothered to move it as the traffic management changes.
  • Dangerous water break1 update
    Water is seeping from the roundabout across the left turn from Estuary Rd into Bridge St, towards the Bridge St Bridge. There has been a leak since the roundabout repair months ago and the road is always completely wet - see photo. When Winter arrives, this will become black ice if there is a frost right on the corner. This is a serious safety issue, especially near a school.
  • Street Lights Not Working
    The Street Lights on England Street between Worcester St and Hereford St are not working, Very Dark
  • Roadworks unsafe for cyclists
    Roadworks associated with repairs to the Clifton pump station are dangerous for cyclists on Main Rd travelling in either direction. Eastbound, motorists are forced into the cycle lane opposite the worksite, but there is no advance warning for cyclists or drivers that this will happen. Because of the curve in the road at the worksite, and the concrete wall immediately next to the road, it is not possible to see that vehicles are forced into the cycle lane before they reach the start of the cone taper. Although there is a 30kph TSL in place, this seems more intended to stop cars, buses and trucks from crashing into each other or scraping the concrete wall than to provide a safer environment for cyclists past the worksite. Westbound, the cycle lane and part of the general traffic lane are coned off, so cyclists are forced to “merge” with the cars, buses & trucks to get past the worksite. Again there is no advance warning for cyclists or drivers that this will happen.
  • Roadworks unsafe for all road users
    Storm water repairs have closed one of the two lanes on Manchester St approaching the Bealey Ave intersection from the north. A truck removing trench supports from the worksite was parked blocking the second lane, forcing vehicles heading south to cross the double yellow lines into the northbound lane to get to the intersection. There was no additional temporary traffic management at the worksite, such as manual traffic controllers, leaving drivers to decide if & when it was safe to pass the truck, without knowing whether cars or trucks would come round the corner from Bealey Ave straight at them. I spoke to the truck driver/operator (as he was unhappy about having the site photographed) about the lack of traffic management, and especially the lack of manual traffic controllers, and his response was “I don’t see what the big fuss is about”. He followed this up with “You think we should stop everything in Christchurch until we have the temporary traffic management in place?”. This is a SCIRT worksite, so this attitude to safety is deeply worrying, as it may well be reflected at the hundreds of other SCIRT worksites across the city. Whilst it is very common to see a lack of consideration for the safety of cyclists and pedestrians at SCIRT worksites, making worksites dangerous for all road users is a new low.
  • Cycle lane blocked with no advance warning
    Westbound cycle lane on Fendalton Rd between Holmwood Rd & Wairarapa Tce has been blocked by a rack of scaffolding equipment. Total extent of temporary traffic management is the three cones seen to the right of the equipment rack – would be interesting to know what was specified in the Traffic Management Plan for this work.
  • Roadworks sign obstructing cycle lane
    Westbound cycle lane on Centaurus Rd approaching Colombo St roundabout is blocked by a Roadworks sign. Why not place it on the footpath, which looks wide enough for the sign whilst still leaving 1.2m for pedestrians to get past it safely.
  • P15 time limit signs
    The two P15 minute time limit signs are down at 106 Westminster st, St Albans. There is 1 lying on the ground on the grass verge and the other is in the shop window of 106. Please have these reinstated.
  • Pay n Display meter missing
    Os 38 hereford Street pay n Display meter missing
  • “Cyclist Merging” sign but no roadworks affecting cycle lane (or road)
    Westbound on Fendalton Rd there are gated “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” signs outside St Barnabas church (Tui St). However, the cycle lane between here and Clyde Rd is not affected by any works – Clyde Rd is the end of the area covered by the TMP (#27784), and is about 500m down the road. Three other roadworks signs for this “worksite” have been either covered up or had the signs taken down (two before the Cyclist Merging signs and one after). Why hasn’t Traffic R Us (the temporary traffic management contractor) taken down the “Cyclists Merging” signs when they no longer apply (just like they’ve taken down or covered three other signs here)? Leaving signs that are no longer relevant up will just cause drivers (& cyclists) to stop paying attention to these types of signs in future.
  • Unnecessary temporary traffic management unsafe for cyclists
    Eastbound cycle lane on Fendalton Rd between St Barnabas St & Snowdon Rd has been coned off forcing cyclists into the nearest general traffic lane. Although there is an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign approaching here, there is no work going on or anything actually affecting the cycle lane – forcing cyclists to “merge” with the cars, trucks & buses seems unnecessary and dangerous. Why doesn’t Connetics (the temporary traffic management contractor) open up the cycle lane by removing the cones & Keep Right arrow when they are not needed?
  • Non-compliant Temporary Speed Limit at roadworks?
    30kph Temporary Speed Limit (TSL) signs are in place at a worksite on Tennyson St between Colombo St and Eastern Tce. However, there are only 30kph/50kph signs at the start (18 Tennyson St) and end (123 Tennyson St) of the worksite, a distance of about 610m, with no repeater signs between them. This seems inconsistent with the requirement in the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM) Section C4.4.1 Repeater signs that states: “TSL signs must be repeated at intervals no greater than 400m, as a reminder to road users of the maximum speed”. Does this mean that the approved Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is not consistent with CoPTTM (Section A7.3.1)? And does this affect the legality of the Police trying to enforce the 30kph Temporary Speed Limit here (Section C4.3.1)?
  • Confusing Temporary Speed Limit at roadworks
    A Temporary Speed Limit (TSL) of 30kph is in place on Breezes Rd between Wainoni Rd and Hampshire St (or Pages Rd for eastbound traffic). However, there is a 50kph “School Zone Ends” sign facing westbound drivers outside 212 Breezes Rd which has not been covered and is 280m before the gated 50kph signs derestricting the TSL at Wainoni Rd. What speed limit applies? And why has City Care (the traffic management contractor) left the 50kph sign uncovered (since the TSL extended to here at the start of March), seemingly ignoring the requirements of the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM): Section C4.4.4 Covering existing speed limits states “When placing a TSL, any existing speed signs within the TSL area that show a speed other than the TSL must be covered”. Does this mean that the approved Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is not consistent with CoPTTM (Section A7.3.1)? And does this affect the legality of the Police trying to enforce the 30kph Temporary Speed Limit (Section C4.3.1)?
  • Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane (x2)
    Connetics worksite on Main Road going past Shag Rock has signs blocking the eastbound and westbound cycle lanes (one in each direction). Eastbound, the initial Roadworks sign has been placed right up against the edge of the cycle lane, giving cyclists the option of passing it on the right (in the general traffic lane with the cars and buses) or on the left (although if they try going to the left of the sign base located 50m up the road they will crash into the sign placed there next to the base – see FixMyStreet #5472). Why not move it to the left, closer to the rail at the side of the road? It will still be visible to approaching road users and will leave enough space for cyclists to pass it safely. Westbound, the initial Roadworks sign has been placed in the middle of the cycle lane on the long straight out of Sumner. This placement totally blocks the cycle lane, forcing cyclists into the general traffic lane or onto the dirt shoulder to the left. There is plenty of space to the left of the cycle lane to locate the sign (looks like it will fit left of the yellow no-stopping lines), where it would still be visible to approaching road users and would leave enough space for cyclists to pass it safely.
  • Roadworks sign base (without sign) blocking cycle lane (x3)
    Connetics worksite has three sign bases (with stands but WITHOUT signs) blocking the eastbound and westbound cycle lanes on Main Road going past Shag Rock. Eastbound, you first encounter one just before the corner (a bit before where the cycle lane ends because of the rockfall containers). Note how the cone is right up to the edge line, and how the Connetics STMS has thoughtfully left a gap to the left of the sign base to go through. Then look again and see that the sign taken off the base has been placed in that gap and weighted down with a sandbag. The second sign base is encountered on the long straight into Sumner, with the sign base right in the middle of the cycle lane – looks like it could easily have been placed further left (on top of the yellow no stopping lines?), creating more space in the cycle lane. Again note the careful placement of the sign next to the base (again weighted down with a sandbag). Westbound, you encounter the third sign base after going around the corner into Moncks Bay. It has been placed just after the cycle lane reappears from underneath the containers – exactly where the considerate cyclist re-enters the cycle lane to allow the cars that have patiently followed them round the corner to pass by. That is until the cyclist has to suddenly swerve back into the traffic lane to avoid the sign base! Again note the careful placement of the sign, this time behind the base, but again weighted down with a sandbag. Has the STMS never read the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM)? If they had they may recall Section C3.3.2 Positioning of signs, which states “sign bases must not be left in place, without signs attached, in a manner that will be a hazard to any road user, including pedestrians and cyclists” (and not forgetting “not encroaching on a marked cycle lane unless safe to do so”). And who is responsible for ensuring that all Temporary Traffic Management measures are in accordance with CoPTTM? It is quite alarming that contractors are still blocking cycle lanes (apparently contrary to the requirements of CoPTTM) without any effective control or oversight by the relevant Road Controlling Authority.
  • Roadworks sign obstructing cycle lane
    Southbound cycle lane on Centaurus Rd between Whaka Tce and Major Aitken Dr is blocked by a temporary speed limit sign.
  • Roadworks sign obstructing cycle lane
    Temporary speed limit sign is blocking two-thirds of the citybound cycle lane on Wainoni Rd approaching the Breezes Rd intersection. The temporary traffic management contractor has made an effort to stop it blocking the cycle lane entirely by placing one edge of the stand on the footpath. However, as the footpath is about 3 meters wide, why didn’t they place it entirely on the footpath? This would still maintain 1.2m of clear footpath and, according to CTOC, is preferred over placing the sign “half footpath/half cycle lane”.
  • Unnecessary temporary traffic management unsafe for cyclists
    Southbound cycle lane on Colombo St approaching and going through Somerfield St intersection has been coned off forcing cyclists into the general traffic lane. Although there is an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign approaching here, there is no work going on or anything actually affecting the cycle lane – forcing cyclists to “merge” with the cars, trucks & buses seems unnecessary. Why doesn’t the temporary traffic management contractor open up the cycle lane by removing the cones & Keep Right arrows when they are not needed?
  • Cycle lane blocked with no advance warning
    The eastbound cycle lane (and lane 1) on Humphreys Dr is closed off between Tidal View and the Ferrymead Bridge. There is no advance warning for cyclists or drivers that the cycle lane is closed, especially with it hidden around the corner leading to the Ferry Rd intersection. It is also a change from the “temporary” traffic management which has been here for the last two years, so motorists are not expecting cyclists to be forced into “their” lane this early (until last week the cycle lane was clear until after the Ferry Rd lights).
  • Cycle lane blocked with no advance warning
    Cycle lane heading westbound on Tuam St between Barbadoes St & Madras St is coned off but there is no advance warning of the cycle lane closure for cyclists or drivers. Whilst this section of Tuam St will become one-way eastbound from Monday, at the moment cyclists and drivers are allowed to travel westbound on it, so the temporary traffic management should be set up accordingly.
  • Roadworks unsafe for cyclists
    Plastic pedestrian ramp sticks out halfway across westbound cycle lane on Moorhouse Ave approaching the Selwyn St intersection. Ramp is hard to see at night, and will be particularly dangerous for cyclists turning left into Selwyn St. There is also no advance warning that the cycle lane is obstructed.
  • Mobile VMS trailer dangerous for cyclists
    Sign on mobile VMS trailer overhangs the westbound cycle lane on Main Rd approaching Cliff St in Moncks Bay. Although there are cones alongside the trailer, the sign board extends past them at head height. With the corner of the sign painted black, it would be hard to see at dusk or night time, and would smack an unwary mountain biker in the middle of their face (the lower riding position on a road bike means roadies will just lose the top of their helmet). Why didn’t City Care place the cones around the edge of the sign, rather than just the trailer? Of course, this would then obstruct the cycle lane, so maybe City Care should have parked the trailer with its left side wheel on the footpath (making sure it didn’t then present a danger to pedestrians!).
  • Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane (x2)
    Temporary speed limit signs are blocking the cycle lanes in both directions on Marriner St between the Esplanade & Burgess St. Both of the signs are next to a kerb buildout, so why didn’t Fulton Hogan put them on the wood-chipped areas on the buildouts – they would still be visible to approaching road users and wouldn’t block the cycle lanes?
  • blown green light
    The green light is not working - eastbound on Memorial Avenue at Grahams Road. (Pole in centre island).
  • Pay n Display sign missing
    Pay n Display sign missing opp 1 Cambridge terrace next to river
  • Sumner Rd from Lyttleton to Sumner Needs to BE RE-OPENED
    Dear CCC Roading Authorities, I want you to fix the Sumner Road to connect through to Evans Pass Road and from Lyttleton to Sumner. This has gone on for far too long. I do not accept the excuse that the road is too dangerous due to rock fall hazard. Have you ever been to California, or to rural NZ in the mountains? That sort of astronomically rare hazard is no justification for keeping a vital link between suburbs closed. If this sort of road connected suburbs with property values like Fendalton to Clifton Hill, powerful people would be lobbying for opening and improving the road and it would be done in short order. You are ignoring the people of Lyttleton because you consider that you can get away with it with little political penalty. It's not right and you know it. That road was fine for over 150 years (or however long it's been there) an even in the quakes no one was killed due to rockfall. Take that excuse for closing it off the table and all you have is money. Now tell me when it's going to get opened again? Best regards, Jon
  • Pedestrian button not working Pole 6
    HI pedestrian button is not working on pole 6 at corner of Colombo & Strickland. Pole (?5) opposite is working. Thank you
  • Lights not working and trees obstructing light flow
    Hi, the cycle path along Hagley Ave from Moorhouse Ave to Riccarton has a few lights not working and some of the trees are blocking the light output. The path junctions especially seem to need attention. Only this section assessed Many thanks
  • Car parked over driveway 2 update
    Car left for several days with back of it hanging over our driveway. Making it dodgy for us to get in and out of our drive when another car is parked on it.
  • Road Safety
    The roundabout at the junction of Gamblins Rd and St Martins Rd has become extremely dangerous for motorists approaching the intersection from Gamblins Rd / the supermarket direction. The divider where the give way road sign is positioned has plantings of very mature flax which block visibility of traffic coming into the roundabout from the right. Since we have to give way to the right, we should have unimpeded visibility to the right.
  • Car is inconsiderately and illegally parked
    Car reg#DQG493 is inconsiderately and illegally parked on the main shared driveway of our house and 3 other houses. It is already blocking portion of the driveway causing residents' cars to likely fall to the roadside canal when moving in to the driveway. Car has been left there for a number of hours already today.
  • Illegally parked car blocking main driveway
    Car is inconsiderately and illegally parked on the main shared driveway of our house and 3 other houses. It is already blocking portion of the driveway causing residents' cars to likely fall to the roadside canal when moving in to the driveway. Car has been left there for a number of hours already today.
  • Mobile VMS blocking cycle lane
    Mobile VMS trailer blocking eastbound cycle lane on Main Rd opposite Redcliffs School. Trailer itself is only slightly encroaching into cycle lane, but two cones placed next to trailer totally block the cycle lane. Trailer sign currently isn’t in use, so why did the temporary traffic management contractor (City Care) block the cycle lane with the cones when they parked it there, or why did they leave the cones blocking the cycle lane after swinging the sign away from the road?
  • Roadworks sign obstructing footpath
    Temporary speed limit sign is obstructing the footpath on the northern side of Tennyson St between Colombo St & Percival St. The sign is right next to a bushy tree, which only leaves a narrow gap to walk through. Why didn’t the temporary traffic management contractor (Nova) move it forward or back a couple of meters away from the tree (can be offset by up to 20m from the TSL sign on the other side of the road). Or even better, why didn’t they put it in the parking lane right next to its’ current position (just like the Roadworks sign 30 meters up the road)?
  • “Cyclist Merging” sign but all roadworks cleared off road
    Traffic management for works on Colombo St southbound between Byron St & Lawson St have been completely removed from the road and onto the footpath except for an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign (and the “Shoulder Closed” sign, which is also not appropriate for the site). Why hasn’t the temporary traffic management contractor (City Care) taken down the “Cyclists Merging” sign (and “Shoulder Closed” supplementary plate) after they’d removed all of the cones and “Keep Right” arrow signs from the road? Leaving signs that are no longer relevant up will just cause drivers (& cyclists) to stop paying attention to these types of signs in future.
  • Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane
    Roadworks sign warning of “Trucks Crossing” is blocking the cycle lane on Manchester St southbound just after the Tuam St intersection. Why didn’t the temporary traffic management contractor (Men @ Work) either put it on the footpath (which looks wide enough to still leave plenty of room for pedestrians to pass), or alternatively placed it half on the footpath & half in the cycle lane which, given the width of the cycle lane, should’ve left enough space for a cyclist to pass whilst remaining within the cycle lane?
  • Standing water/storm-water earthquake damage
    It seems the earthquakes caused our end of the street to slump. In the 4 years since there has been standing water in the street around our driveway for all but 4 or 5 days. If we try to push the water to the drain it generally just flows back to our end. I believe the street is not connected to the city stormwater system, just to a soak pit under the road. This is also constantly full as the water level is generally about 5cm below the level of the grate. I understand the council is busy with post-quake repairs but this is becoming a public health issue with mosquitoes breeding in the standing water. I suspect the only way to fix this may be to connect the street to a proper storm water system, or to re-level the entire street to get the fall required to have the water flow towards the (overwhelmed) soak pit. When does council plan to do anything about this, other than the periodic ineffectual (not their fault - it's the state of the road) road sweeper? The picture attached shows the water level after I have swept the gutter as clear as I could - I wanted to show the damage the standing water is doing to the road surface.
  • Cycle lane blocked with no advance warning
    Cycle lane on Armagh St between Montreal St & Durham St is coned off on both sides of the road. There is no warning of the cycle lane closures from either direction (especially for cyclists & vehicles turning right out of Montreal St). The traffic management plan (TMP #27799 on http://www.transportforchristchurch.govt.nz/map/) lists the impacts as “Pedestrians Affected, Shoulder Closure”, which seems to ignore the cycle lanes on this direct route between Hagley Park & the city. It would be interesting to know why the STMS (seen leaning on a cone bar on the left of the photo) proceeded with the site setup even though the TMP does not appear appropriate to the worksite?
  • Cycle lane blocked with no advance warning
    Cycle lane on Linwood Ave between Aldwins Rd & Cashel St heading towards the city (outside 222 Linwood Ave) is coned off to provide temporary pedestrian walkway. There is no advance warning of the cycle lane closure for cyclists or drivers – only a Roadworks sign with “Shoulder Closed” supplementary plate (located next to a green painted cycle lane & cycle symbol).
  • Temporary traffic management unsafe for cyclists
    Cycle lane on Shands Rd approaching and going past Skerten Ave heading towards Hornby is coned off, forcing cyclists into the traffic lane. Approaching here, there are no signs advising that the cycle lane is closed, or that cyclists will be merging with the cars & trucks.
  • Roadworks sign obstructing cycle lane
    Roadworks sign proclaiming “Shoulder Closed” is encroaching onto most of the marked cycle lane on Shands Rd approaching the new signalised intersection with Edmonton Rd heading towards Hornby. There is not enough space to cycle past the sign whilst staying in the cycle lane. This is a 70kph road used by a large number of big trucks, which makes getting safely around the sign a bit nerve-wracking. Why wasn’t the sign placed a meter to the left on the edge of the seal/dirt verge, where it would still be visible without obstructing the cycle lane?
  • Cars parking across cycle path / footpath
    There are cars parked across the cycle path, right after a bend in the road, forcing cyclists to sverve out into the road, at a place where a lot of motorists come around the bend speeding.
  • Roadworks sign
    Roadworks sign is directly in cycle path. There are subsequent blockages heading north on main south including a merge for cycles into traffic. (without any signage for motorists to expect us)
  • Temporary traffic management unsafe for cyclists
    Roadworks on Armagh St between Manchester St & Madras St direct cars into the eastbound cycle lane and then force cyclists out of the cycle lane as the cycle lane is coned off. There is no advance warning of either of these situations, especially for cyclist & vehicles turning left from Manchester St (especially with the temporary corrugated iron wall blocking the view onto Armagh St and the end of the 30kph temporary speed limit just prior to the Armagh St intersection). There are also half a dozen unsealed holes in the asphalt from previous works which could be hazardous to cyclists, either if they hit them or have to swerve suddenly to avoid them.
  • “Cyclist Merging” sign but no works affecting cycle lane (x2)
    On SH74 Dyers road there is an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign approaching Linwood Ave southbound, and has been for over a week. However, the cycle lane is not affected by any works, as cones have been moved to the kerb and the two “Keep Right” signs have been (presumably) moved off the road to the grass verge (unless it is considered necessary to remind drivers & cyclists to keep off the grass!). There is a slight bend in Dyers Rd after the “Cyclists Merging” sign, so drivers (& cyclists) can’t see that the cycle lane is not closed until they get to the bend. The same situation occurs on the Linwood Ave westbound approach to Dyers Rd, with another “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign but the cycle lane is (mostly) unobstructed, with cones (mostly) pulled clear of the cycle lane. Why hasn’t the temporary traffic management contractor taken down the “Cyclists Merging” signs after they’d re-opened the cycle lanes by moving the cones clear? Leaving signs that are no longer relevant up will just cause drivers (& cyclists) to stop paying attention to these types of signs in future.
  • Footpath blocked by roadworks sign (x2)
    Footpath on Maffeys Rd (just above intersection with McCormacks Bay Rd) blocked in two places by roadworks signs. There is no footpath on the other side of the road, so pedestrians are forced onto the road to get around these signs (and the first sign is located just after the 180 degree bend leading to the bottom section of Maffeys Rd, so visibility to pedestrians on the road is limited). The road looks wide enough to put both signs on the road itself (although the 30 kph sign could be moved up the hill a bit and onto the end of the dirt section next to the footpath, putting it on the road would narrow the width and make drivers more likely to comply with the temporary speed limit). Alternatively, the “Roadworks” sign could be moved a couple of meters down the road onto the dirt area between footpath & retaining wall (or replaced with a taller Level 2 sign and put behind the barrier).
  • Cycle lane blocked by roadworks sign (x2)
    Temporary speed limit sign blocking cycle lane on Centaurus Rd northbound just past Kowhai Tce. Why not put it out of the cycle lane on the grass verge in front of the driveway (with yellow lines along the cycle lane it can’t be hidden by parked cars)? A “Roadworks” sign is also blocking the cycle lane at the Centaurus Rd intersection with Palatine Tce (just at the end of the parking area for the shopping centre & right opposite a pedestrian island which narrows the road). Again there is space here for the sign to be placed out of the cycle lane and on the edge of the sealed carpark area.
  • Unnecessary temporary traffic management unsafe for cyclists
    Westbound cycle lane on Kilmore St between Fitzgerald Ave & Dawson St blocked by a “Keep Right” sign and cones. During the work day the cycle lane was coned off for about 20m for a City Care truck & other equipment – the cones alongside the truck have been moved clear of the cycle lane at the end of the work day, but the sign and cones around it have been left blocking the cycle lane. The approach to the worksite would also benefit from having an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign as there is currently no warning for approaching cyclists or drivers of the cycle lane closure (during the day when trucks are on site).
  • "Cyclist Merging” sign but no roadworks
    Fulton Hogan have left an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign on Moorhouse Ave westbound just after Selwyn St for over a week, but there are no works at all affecting the cycle lane (at least not till you get another 270m along Moorhouse Ave to Lincoln Rd), so no need for drivers to watch for merging cyclists. Given that Fulton Hogan are working on the kerbs at the Moorhouse Ave/Selwyn St intersection just before this sign (see FixMyStreet #5272) it may be more appropriate to have the “Cyclists Merging” sign before Selwyn St.
  • “Cyclist Merging” sign but no roadworks
    City Care have left an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign on Moorhouse Ave westbound just after Montreal St for over a week, but there are no works at all affecting the cycle lane (or any part of the road), so no need for drivers to watch for merging cyclists. Normally temporary traffic management providers are required to remove or cover signs when the activity ceases, so drivers and cyclists do not start ignoring them.
  • Unnecessary temporary traffic management unsafe for cyclists
    Coned taper on Rutherford St southbound approaching Barton St forces vehicles into cycle lane to get around a “Keep Left” sign located in the middle of the road. There is an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign on the approach to this but leaving the sign in the middle of the road appears unnecessary - all the other traffic management is moved after the overnight work to leave the cycle lane and traffic lane totally clear APART from this one sign. Why not take the sign down when work finishes for the night and move the cones back to the median (like has been done for the next couple of hundred meters through to Jubilee St)?
  • Footpath blocked by contractors truck & trailer
    Truck & trailer blocking footpath on Cannon Hill Cresc (below #14). With the truck right up against the vegetation on the side, pedestrians are forced onto the road to get past. At this point on Cannon Hill there is no footpath on other side of the road, so there is no safe way past truck. Truck is also parked just round blind bend, so drivers have very little time to react to pedestrians on the road.
  • Temporary traffic management unsafe for cyclists
    New roadworks on Gasson St northbound at Wordsworth St force cyclists from cycle lane into general traffic lane with no warning for cyclists or drivers. On approach, there are “Lane closed” signs on both sides of Gasson St showing that the left lane is closed. Surprisingly, there are no signs warning drivers that cyclists will be forced into lane 1 and then into lane 2 (all at the same time as drivers in lane 1 are trying to merge into lane 2 at 50kph).
  • Overgrown vegetation on Bridle Path Road
    The trees and vegetation along the fence line of Bridle Path Road near Ferrymead Terrace are becoming a tripping hazard and need cut back asap.
  • Cover missing from what I think is a water meter
    This has been uncovered for months and currently has a large rock over it to stop people walking into it. Located in front of 2 Cannon Hill Crescent just off Bridle Path Road.
  • Cars and tyres blocking footpath
    There are numerous cars, tyres and other rubbish blocking the footpath outside several businesses. Some of the cars are unregistered but are parked on the street
  • bower ave south
    large areas of footpaths still uneven gravel, with holes and bumps as well
  • Tree root growing through pavement on Nancy Avenue
    On the footpath opposite 31 nancy avenue, there are some tree roots growing through the pavement which are getting troublesome and causing a trip hazard.
  • Graffati on electric Box
    There is graffiti on the big green electric box and the seal on the footpath is missing since last work was done.
  • Temporary traffic management very unsafe for cyclists
    Works associated with ultrafast broadband installation on Gasson St northbound at Wordsworth St force cyclists into general traffic lane with no warning for cyclists or drivers. Approaching site a “Lane closed” sign indicates that the left lane is closed, followed by a taper directing traffic from lane 1 into lane 2. As taper starts from line markings on edge of cycle lane, it is unclear if temporary cycle lane has been provided through site or if cyclists should move across to lane 2 with cars & trucks. If they stay in the cycle lane, they are confronted by cone bars blocking cycle lane and lane 1 on north side of intersection, forcing them unexpectedly into lane 2. If they try to get into lane 2 prior to the taper, drivers have not been warned to expect “Merging Cyclists”, and cyclists have to merge into lane 1 and then into lane 2. Traffic Management Plan for this worksite (TMP #27781 on http://www.transportforchristchurch.govt.nz/map/) refers to impacts as only “Vehicle Lane(s) Closed”, with no reference at all to impacts on cyclists. It is disappointing that the STMS setting up this site apparently thought that the TMP was appropriate to the worksite, even though the site has a marked cycle lane which the works are blocking (see first point in Section A5.8.3 “STMS’s general responsibilities on level LV, 1, 2 and 3 roads” from the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management). It is also disappointing that there does not appear to be “adequate monitoring and auditing off all traffic management” by the appropriate Road Controlling Authority to prevent this type of (apparently) non-compliant site operating on its roads (see A5.5.1 “Traffic Management Coordinator’s responsibilities”).
  • Cycle lane blocked by roadworks sign
    Westbound cycle lane on Pages Rd (just west of Ottawa Rd) totally blocked by “Road works” sign. Why not place sign clear of cycle lane (and footpath) on grassed area to left of footpath? This would still be clearly visible to approaching road users without endangering anyone. It is disappointing that the “Best Practice for Cyclists” Guide (http://tmpforchch.co.nz/downloads/cycle-booklet-finall-small/) does not appear to have been followed when placing this sign, despite the requirement to do so in the CTOC Local Operating Procedures (Chapter 19, http://tmpforchch.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/CTOC-LOP_v4_FINAL_20140919.pdf). It is also disappointing that there does not appear to be “adequate monitoring and auditing off all traffic management” by CTOC to prevent the practice of blocking cycle lanes with roadworks signs, which appears common throughout Christchurch.
  • signage for speeding
    this is a main thoroughfare for children being dropped off at Rangi and also at St Margarets , can you please put up signage with speed limits this street is a street that is constantly sped down and its becoming very dangerous. I see children daily nearly get run over by people carelessly driving , thank you
  • car blocks road when exiting Somme street onto St Albans street
    my daughter attends daycare on Somme st, the intersection at St Albans and Somme st is very busy at 5pm when I pick her up I can not see to the right of me when turning down st Albans towards Merivale mall, it is near impossible and very dangerous, I have had a couple of close calls, please provide yellow lines or even better a traffic light stop as it is in a school area and cars drive very fast
  • Fence Broken
    A panel of the wire fence that ensures the safety of people using the underpass is broken, leaving it possible for a child or other to fall into the Heathcote River, possible resulting in injury as the fall is not small.
  • Access to Broken Run
    The access to Broken Run is not suitable for disabled, elderly, people with prams, or cycles. Unlike adjoining subdivisions which have sealed smooth access, to the Cycleway and Walkway alongside the Southern Motorway. The entrance/exits from Broken Run are either a walk across a drainage area and a slight rise which is often wet and slippery after rain, followed by a step down to the sealed pathway if at the Southern end, or negotiating a bark covered often slippery and muddy and sometimes overgrown mound through a fence-space from the Eastern end of Broken Run subdivision. This lack of access is not good enough given the number of families with children, and older-age and less mobile residents in this area, and is not consistent with nearby subdivisions which have even and sealed pathways. please remedy this situation before someone slips and injures themselves.
  • Sign base without sign left on road - hazard to cyclists
    Sign base (with stand & temporary speed limit sign removed and placed on top of base) has been left at end of the work day on side of Gamblins Rd leaving Wilsons Rd. Sign base could be very hard to see, especially at night or late in the evening when cycling towards the rising sun. Single cone doesn’t clearly indicate what side it should be passed on. Sign base is right next to a section of grass verge between parking bays where it could have been safely and easily stored overnight.
  • Sign base without sign left on road - hazard to cyclists
    Sign base (with stand & sign removed and placed next to it on grass verge) has been left at end of the work day on side of Gamblins Rd approaching Wilsons Rd. Sign base could be very hard to see, especially at night or first thing in the morning when cycling towards the rising sun. Single cone doesn’t clearly indicate what side it should be passed on. Sign base is right next to a section of grass verge between parking bays, so could have been placed there without affecting its’ visibility and without presenting a hazard to cyclists (just like the “Road Works on Side Road” sign seen in the background of the photo!).
  • Footpath obstructed
    Footpath obstructed by pile of gravel being used for footpath & driveway reconstruction outside 75A St Martins Rd. Why not use the area of bare dirt next to the driveway to store the gravel, as that will unblock the footpath, still be easily accessible and can’t kill the lawn as there is no grass there?
  • Cycle lane & footpath blocked
    Scaffolding truck outside 146 Papanui Rd blocking southbound cycle lane, with no warning for approaching cyclists or drivers. Two cones placed on edge of cycle lane immediately next to truck is extent of temporary traffic management for cyclists. Footpath blocked by cone bars stretching full width, with no directional signage or alternative footpath provided.
  • Cycle lane blocked - no advance warning
    Westbound cycle lane on Ferry Rd leaving Rutherford St intersection is two thirds blocked by a trenchless drilling machine being used for installation of ultrafast broadband. There is no advance warning of the cycle lane closure, especially for cyclist & vehicles turning left from Rutherford St (contractor has taken down “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” signs on both the Rutherford St & Ferry Rd eastern approaches, and left them sitting next to their empty sign stands (which at least are not located in the cycle lanes!)).
  • Sign base without sign blocking cycle lane (x2)
    Two sign bases with stands (but no signs) blocking westbound cycle lane on Pages Rd (outside 144 & 160 Pages Rd). No sign of the actual signs, so would appear that temporary traffic management provider has taken the signs away when they were no longer required but for some reason has left the bases, stands and sandbags. For both sign stands, there is an open grass area on far side of footpath, which has good sightlines for approaching traffic – why not place signs there away from the cycle lane? It would also be more consistent with the requirements of C3.3.2 (Positioning of signs) in the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management, and in particular “sign bases must not be left in place, without signs attached, in a manner that will be a hazard to any road user, including pedestrians and cyclists”.
  • Cycle Lane Obstruction as Yellow Lines Missing
    On the cycle lane heading west from Victoria Square on Armagh Street opposite the Courts, there is a small stretch of this lane that was kept clear of parked cars by yellow dotted lines. Since a seal repair has taken place there are no lines, and cars are parking in the cycle lane causing cyclists to dangerously move into the path of traffic over the Armagh Bridge. Easily fixed.
  • Rubble in cycle lane
    Some rubble, presumably fallen from a truck, is in the cycle lane on Kilmarnock Street (Riccarton Road side of road), on both sides of the railway crossing
  • Temporary traffic management unsafe for cyclists
    Vehicles heading eastwards on SH74A Rutherford St are forced into the eastbound cycle lane from Jubilee St all the way through to Lane St. An “Extreme Car Cyclists Merging” sign has been placed at the point where cars & trucks are first forced into the cycle lane, but there is no reduction in the speed limit of 50kph. With cars & trucks using the cycle lane for over 300m, it is a long way to have impatient drivers follow cyclists safely.
  • Temporary traffic management unsafe for cyclists
    Contractors working on the Tuam St one-way conversion force cars and trucks into the cycle lane between Durham St & Colombo St. There is no warning of this for cyclists or drivers approaching (especially turning the corner out of Durham St), and there is no reduction in the permanent speed limit of 50kph.
  • Cycle lane blocked unnecessarily
    Westbound cycle lane outside Art Gallery on Gloucester St has been fenced off with no warning for cyclists or drivers. The section of cycle lane (and footpath) closest to Montreal St is being used to provide car parking for contractor vehicles, all the way up to the traffic lights. This forces cyclists into the traffic lane as they approach and head off from the lights, which is never fun.
  • Footpath, cycle lane & traffic lane blocked by concrete pour, no TTM
    Footpath, northbound cycle lane and northbound traffic lane on Victoria St opposite Casino blocked by truck doing concrete pour. Road users forced to use flush median to get past, and there is no warning of changed conditions for pedestrians, cyclists or drivers. Total extent of temporary traffic management on site appears to be 4 cones placed around front of truck.
  • Temporary traffic management unsafe for pedestrians
    Footpath on western side of Victoria St has been diverted onto carriageway around building site at top end of Victoria St near Bealey Ave. Pedestrians are “protected” from cars, buses & trucks only by cones, rather than the traffic side being delineated by barriers or safety fences. There is also no lateral safety zone provided between the diverted footpath and the traffic.
  • Cycle lane closed unnecessarily
    Southbound cycle lane outside new Duncan Cotterill & adjacent building at top end of Victoria St coned off for about 80m. Although there is an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign where the cycle lane is coned off (sign moved from cycle lane due to FixMyStreet 4125), it is just round the corner from Bealey Ave so visibility is not great, and the speed limit remains at 50kph. With cycle lane & shoulder closed on other side of road for more building work, cyclists are forced into a very narrow and busy pinchpoint. The closure seems to be to allow for a temporary footpath to be diverted onto the road whilst the permanent footpath is resealed. So why can’t the cones be moved back to the edge of the parking shoulder, which would still provide enough room for pedestrians and allow cyclists to remain in the cycle lane rather than being forced out amongst the cars & trucks (note that the fenced area at the southern end of site blocking the shoulder is only being used to store a couple of 44 gallon drums, which could easily be moved back to the footpath – which has been resealed at this point!).
  • Temporary traffic management unsafe for pedestrians
    Footpath on eastern side of Victoria St has been diverted onto carriageway outside new Duncan Cotterill & adjacent building near Bealey Ave. Pedestrians are “protected” from cars & trucks only by cones, rather than the traffic side being delineated by barriers or safety fences. There is also no lateral safety zone provided between the diverted footpath and the traffic.
  • Unsafe temporary traffic management blocking cycle lane
    Westbound cycle lane on Armagh St outside RSA building blocked by concrete truck and pump truck doing concrete pour, with no warning for cyclists or drivers. With no notice of cycle lane closure or taper, if cyclists decide to remain in cycle lane they will smack into stabiliser leg on pump truck (or swerve wildly out into passing traffic).
  • Blocked footpath unsafe for pedestrians
    Footpath on Armagh St & Colombo St outside Forsyth Barr building fenced off, forcing pedestrians out into a traffic lane to get past it. No signs or any warning that footpath is closed (on either Armagh St or Colombo St). Whilst this level of (non) temporary traffic management may have been acceptable whilst this was still within the central city cordon, it does seem to be a bit inadequate now.
  • Unsafe& unnecessary temporary traffic management
    Approaching the Tuam St intersection with Manchester St from the south, the left hand lane has been closed off with temporary bollards to stop vehicles turning left into Tuam St. Unfortunately this left lane develops from the northbound cycle lane, forcing cyclists into the narrow through lane. Given that there is a cycle lane on the northern side of the intersection, why are cyclists forced into a lane with cars and trucks solely to get past this temporary traffic management? Why not move the bollards 1.5m to the left of the lane marking, thereby continuing the cycle lane through the intersection whilst still effectively stopping vehicles from turning left?
  • Cycle lane blocked by mVMS trailer
    Eastbound cycle lane on Main Rd entering Sumner is blocked by a mVMS trailer notifying an upcoming closure of Clifton Tce (with no warning for cyclists or drivers). The trailer isn’t even parked hard up against the temporary fence to the left of the cycle lane & shoulder, so it would appear that very little effort has been made not to impede the cycle lane (it should even have been possible to shift the fence to the left a bit to make more space if required, as the adjacent pathway at this point is very wide).
  • Temporary traffic management unsafe for pedestrians
    Pedestrian access along Main Rd across Augusta St is affected by work on the footpath outside the New World supermarket in Redcliffs. Pedestrians are directed onto the road and around the outside of a cone bar barrier to regain the footpath or reach the pedestrian crossing across Main Rd. Despite the footpath being diverted into the carriageway around this corner, the traffic side of the (diverted) footpath is not delineated by barriers or safety fences, leaving pedestrians totally unprotected from vehicles turning into Augusta Rd.
  • Cycle lane blocked unnecessarily
    Westbound cycle lane on Ferry Rd approaching Maronan St (Woolston) has been coned off for installation of ultrafast broadband. With no work being done on a Sunday afternoon, and no holes in the cycle lane or shoulder, and the cycle lane totally unobstructed (except for the cones), why is the cycle lane closed? (During the day on Friday the cycle lane all the way from the Rutherford St intersection to here was coned off, but most of the cones have been cleared from the cycle lane and stored on the grass strip between shoulder & footpath – why not these ones at the end of this section of cycle lane? Also, the 2 TMP’s in this area for this work (#26575 & 26580 on www.transportforchristchurch.govt.nz/map/) only refer to impacts as “Pedestrians Affected, Shoulder Closure” with no mention of cyclists being affected (by something like, say, closing the cycle lane).
  • Cyclists lights not working
    Side street(unlabelled)on Shands road between Halswell Junction Rd and Sir James Wattie Dve. Shows red bike but button NOT WORKING Pedestrian button works. Thanks
  • Overgrown roundabout obstructing view
    On approaching roundabout from any side it is impossible to see across it as the flax obstructs all views. I nearly ran over two children pedestrians as a result of this!! One was bent over helping a small child on a bike to cross the road, at appropriate crossing location, but they could not be seen.
  • Cycle lane blocked?
    Cones placed along northbound cycle lane on Rutherford St between Woolston Cemetery & Barton St, likely associated with construction work at the Crocs outlet shop. No indication for cyclists whether safe to stay in cycle lane, as most cones in cycle lanes are next to blown over signs or sign bases with their signs removed (see FixMyStreet 5270, 5271, 5275, 5279, 5280, 5281 & 5282 for recent examples).
  • Roadworks unsafe for pedestrians
    Kerb is being changed on south west corner of Moorhouse Ave & Selwyn St. Fenced walkway has been set up through works for pedestrians crossing Moorhouse Ave, but pedestrian call button (for the green man) is on old traffic light pole, which can’t be reached from the walkway. Would suggest contractor install pedestrian call button on new pole first or move the fences so pedestrians can reach the call button (whilst stopping people from falling into the holes next to the old pole).
  • Cycle lane blocked by roadworks sign
    Roadworks sign blocking northbound cycle lane on Gasson St between Coleridge St & Wordsworth St. Between this sign and another for southbound traffic (located between Kingsley St & Wordsworth St), there doesn’t appear to be any activity underway that varies the normal condition of the road, so I don’t understand why it is even out there endangering cyclists. Even if it should be there, why not place sign on the wide footpath, which would still be visible to drivers, allow cyclists to pass by in the cycle lane and leave enough room for pedestrians to pass safely?
  • Pothole getting deeper and wider
    Hole in centre of road. Been previously patched and near manhole. New to area but maybe suggests water runoff issues under road.
  • Unnecessary signs and lane drop
    There is a lane drop but I have never seem anything there to justify it since the one way was put in. Why is this lane drop still there?
  • Cycle lane blocked
    Two concrete trucks blocking eastbound cycle lane on Armagh St between Cranmer Square & Durham St. Looked like trucks were waiting to do a concrete pour, but unclear why they are waiting in the cycle lane (and without any warning for cyclists or drivers). An “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign (associated with diverted footpath further down Armagh St) is hidden behind the nearest truck (which is parked in the cycle lanes and on yellow lines). Would suggest that traffic management plan be reviewed to assess why the waiting/staging space used by concrete trucks arriving for the pour involves blocking the cycle lane, and hiding the warning sign for the diverted footpath further down Armagh St.
  • Cycle lane blocked
    Scaffolding truck outside 146 Papanui Rd blocking southbound cycle lane, with no warning for cyclists or drivers (second scaffolding truck parked up driveway to 146 Papanui Rd, so unlikely this was just a “quick stop”). Cones placed along edge of cycle lane with truck parked so as to block cycle lane as it moves back towards the footpath. Would suggest that traffic management plan be reviewed to assess whether adequate provision has been made for cyclists.
  • Cycle lane blocked off
    Contractors working on driveway at 154 Papanui Rd have put cones down southbound cycle lane next to two of their work vehicles. Not clear whether cyclists should remain in cycle lane (and possibly travel through the working space &/or safety zone) or mix it up with the cars. No warning for cyclists or drivers. Would suggest that traffic management plan be reviewed to assess whether adequate provision has been made for cyclists.
  • Cycle lane obstructed by roadworks sign
    Roadworks sign (“On Side Road”) placed in cycle lane on Rossall St opposite Leinster Rd, leaving insufficient space for cyclists to get past whilst staying within cycle lane. Made worse by having cars travelling very close to edge of cycle lane, as this is the natural line through the apex of the bend. Why not put sign entirely on footpath, as footpath width would be no narrower than width at bus stop (seen behind sign)?
  • Cycle lane blocked
    Cycle lane coned off, leaving insufficient width for cyclists to safely use it. No warning for cyclists or drivers that cycle lane blocked. Is at site of retaining wall repairs on Centaurus Rd (reported as Issue 5268 “Footpath blocked”) and is likely to have been used as a parking space for tipper truck whilst excavating for the retaining wall (although why cycle lane is still coned off when no workers are around at the end of the day is a mystery).
  • Cycle lane blocked
    Cycle lane heading east on Moorhouse Ave blocked by mesh fence, forcing cyclists into traffic lane, with no warning for cyclists or drivers (up until the end of January at least an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign was in place west of Antigua St, but this was initially taken down & stored on the footpath, and has since been removed entirely). Fenced area used to contain a SCIRT pump, but that was removed pre-Christmas, so now there are only some plastic pipes going nowhere creating this blockage of the cycle lane. Why not realign them parallel to road and out of cycle lane, as that would clear cycle lane for cyclists to use?
  • Cycle lane blocked
    City-bound cycle lane on Hagley Ave blocked by mesh fence, with no warning for cyclists or drivers (up until Christmas at least an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign was in place on Hagley Ave at Selwyn St, but this is now sitting unused next to the footpath within Hagley Park).
  • Footpath blocked
    Footpath on St Asaph St outside Ace Video building is fenced off, forcing pedestrians onto the road to get past it. Since parking not banned next to fence, pedestrians required to walk around the outside of parked cars immediately next to one of the traffic lanes. No signs or any warning that footpath is closed (at either end).
  • Cycle lane blocked by roadworks sign
    Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane (why not place it in the parking shoulder 4m from where currently placed?).
  • Unsafe roadworks
    On Waltham Rd, cycle lane and inside lane closed off with cones, forcing cyclists into remaining lane up the overbridge, with no warning for cyclists or drivers (and 50kph limit still in force so cyclists labouring up the incline will really annoy drivers behind them)
  • Rubbish carelessly dumped
    Yesterday someone carelessly dumped some large rubbish on the berm of our property - including the front facade of a vehicle. The rubbish is too large for us to dispose of ourselves.
  • Cycle lane blocked by roadworks sign
    Cycle lane on Main Rd entirely blocked by temporary speed limit sign (why not place it on other side of low wall where sign would still be visible above wall from both directions?)
  • Unused roadworks sign "stored" in cycle lane
    Sign dismantled and “stored” in cycle lane (although I can’t see why it couldn’t be stored on the grass on the far side of the footpath?). Note the careful placement of the cone on top of sign, so provided it doesn’t get knocked or blown over cyclists should have some warning of the hazard on the cycle lane.
  • Cycle lane blocked by roadworks sign
    Speed limit sign blocking most of cycle lane, next to wide grass verge (and at the end of a traffic island which limits how much space cars & trucks can give cyclists forced to swerve out of the cycle lane). Sign looks to have blown over to lie flat on cycle lane (probably not helped by the total lack of sandbags to anchor the sign).
  • Cycle lane blocked by roadworks sign
    Speed limit sign blocking most of cycle lane, next to wide grass verge (and right opposite a traffic island which limits how much space cars & trucks can give cyclists forced to swerve out of the cycle lane). Sign looks to have blown over to lie flat on cycle lane (probably not helped by the total lack of sandbags to anchor the sign).
  • Sign base without sign blocking cycle lane
    Sign base with stand (but no sign) blocking cycle lane on Linwood Ave. Cones which had blocked off cycle lane last week have been moved to the kerb, but base and stand which had held “keep right” sign left in middle of cycle lane (with the arrow sign placed carefully on the grass next to the tree).
  • Unsafe roadworks
    Footpath & kerb at Manchester/Lichfield corner have been dug up, with mesh fence around diggings totally blocking cycle lane (and no warning for cyclists or drivers and the mesh fence is hard to see). Pedestrians are also expected to cross Manchester, High, Lichfield and Manchester again to get past, but most people seem to simply walk on the road to get past.
  • Unsafe roadworks
    Right lane on Manchester St entirely coned off to stop cars turning into Worcester St, forcing cars across cycle lane with no warning for cyclists or drivers (why does entire right lane need to be closed? – further up Manchester St at Cashel St there is a banned right turn and the sign is placed next to the centre of the road, which doesn’t require the entire lane to be blocked)
  • Cycle lane blocked by roadworks sign
    Cycle lane entirely blocked by “No Turn” sign (though it is hard to tell it is a cycle lane as the cycle symbol is obscured by the sandbags holding up the sign)
  • Sign base without sign blocking cycle lane
    Sign base blocking cycle lane, with sign & stand removed from base & carefully placed on top of base in cycle lane.
  • Cycle lane blocked by roadworks sign
    “Turn Left With Care” sign blocking cycle lane (which is also dug up).
  • Cycle lane blocked
    Cycle lane to Lincoln Rd blocked by plastic barriers with no warning for cyclists or drivers (although there is a small sign directing cyclists onto Grove Rd, where there is no further directional signage, so presumably cyclists are meant to dismount and walk along the dug up footpath or through Espresso Carwash back onto Lincoln Rd)
  • Unsafe roadworks
    Half of cycle lane (along with shoulder) dug up but no warning for cyclists or drivers when approaching.
  • Sign base without sign encroaching halfway across cycle lane
    Sign base encroaching half way across cycle lane, with speed limit sign removed from base & carefully placed flat on ground in cycle lane. And why not place sign entirely within parking bay rather than having it encroach on the cycle lane?
  • Sign base without sign left in cycle lane1 update
    Sign base in cycle lane, with speed limit sign removed from base & carefully placed flat on ground in cycle lane (with cone knocked over, likely to be hard to spot, especially if coming round the corner from Gamblins Rd)
  • Cycle lane blocked by roadworks sign
    Sign warning of “No Road Markings” totally blocking cycle lane (why not put it clear of the cycle lane in one of parking bays?)
  • Footpath blocked
    Footpath blocked by retaining wall repairs, forcing walkers into parking bay (until somebody parks there, forcing walkers onto cycle lane/road)
  • Unnecessary roadworks sign obstructing footpath
    Arrow sign encroaching on footpath (not even sure why it is necessary to direct cars to keep right of kerb and footpath?)
  • Detour sign blocking cycle lane
    Detour sign blocking cycle lane next to wide grass verge.
  • Ridiculous potholes
    Over the last month I have watched as a number of potholes have grown along Main road and nothing has been done. These potholes are a huge hazard to cyclists as they are right where cyclists ride. One, just before the pub when coming from Teddington, is about a metre in width now and completely covers where cyclist would ride, I had to swerve into the middle of the lane to avoid it. I can't believe that no council staff member has driven over these potholes. Why, oh why, is there not a reporting responsibility on all council staff to log these developing hazards even if they are not in roading. Please fix before someone is injured or killed.
  • Broken see saw
    Hi The see saw in the park at Country Palms Drive is broken. I have a very distraught 2 year old who would love to see it fixed!
  • Flooding
    Hi, the driveway to my property sank in the quakes, and road and pavements outside. Because of this the front floods pretty badly and won't drain. Can some one please attend to this. Thanks
  • Glass in Cycle Lane
    Glass in Cycle Lane in 3 place between on Strickland Street, northbound between Somerfield and Milton Streets
  • Parking over Driveway
    Car (grey Ford Territory) illegally parked across driveway this morning 8.12am on 26th Feb 2015. This is a common occurrence usually happening at weekends but today is the first weekday incident for a while. Is difficult enough to exit driveway onto Papanui Road with bus stop and 1 parking space to the right of the driveway. Often people illegally park to get coffee at Café Metro on the corner at Merivale Lane. I was forced to make a difficult turn out of the driveway along footpath and to avoid bus shelter to get onto road. Would help if the single parking space beside the bus stop was removed as having parked car and a bus arrive at stop completely obscures visibility and as I have a young family it really is a safety issue.
  • Blown street light
    The street light outside 23 Carradale Avenue, Broomfield, Chch is not working.
  • Vehicle Abandoned
    Silver Ford Telstart TX5 Rego= OZ257
  • Suggested no parking signage
    Cars parked outside Tiggers Preschool in Matsons Ave from the last driveway to the corner of Harewood Rd cause congestion at peak times.If there was yellow lines vehicles would be able to turn left much easier.It would mean 2 cars would not be able to park there
  • The light on the pole outside our house has 'blown'
    Has been flickering on and off for a couple of nights.
  • street sign removed
    the Arthurson Mews street sign has been removed from the lampost in Mac Kenzie Ave. I have got the sign at 11 Arthurson Mews but I need someone to come to reattach it, please
  • Tag on lamppost at bus stop 287131 update
    Also, stickers are obscuring the bus stop No Parking sign
  • what car parked in the same spot for weeks with no rego
    this car has been reported multiple times and nothing is getting done about it. please get rid of this garbage that has been left to rot on the side of the road.
  • Cycle way sealing
    The new cycleway on the left bend before Aidenfield is really dangerous to bike on. It's really uneven and thick stones everywhere. Is it actually finished?
  • Abandoned Vehicle - ZF5495
    Parking is at a premium here in Kingsley Street, Sydenham. This vehicle has been abandoned and has not moved since before December 2014 from outside 91 Kingsley Street, Sydenham, CHCH
  • Abandoned Vehicle - UM5946
    Parking is at a premium here in Kingsley Street. This vehicle has been abandoned and has not moved since before December 2014 from outside 91 Kingsley Street, Sydenham, CHCH
  • Derwent Street/Reserve
    2 street lights opposite the Derwent Reserve have been out for the past month and needs to be fixed as soon as possible as this is a hazard for the park not to be lit.
  • Unused red zone cables wrapped around power pole
    Cables from the demolished red zone properties on the other side of the street are wrapped around the power pole outside our property. They are a danger and a nuisance. They keep coming down in the strong winds. We had to have our sewer unblocked 2 days ago and the workmen got their gear caught up in them. We aren't left in a good situation here and these types of things don't help. Thank you
  • Pedestrian Island removing or yellow lines need extending2 update
    We have a pedestrian island that need removing or to extend, the yellow lines north, outside 64 Waitikiri Drive, road narrows, great number of cars are parked all the time, causes a danger to walkers, cyclist and motorists from all directions.
  • Cycle Lane repaving created sinkholes
    Starting at the s/w corner of Gasson and Wordsworth Streets and proceeding north through the intersection patch paving work has been done. In the process the contractor has left a number of serious sinkholes in the new pavement. The hole nearest the corner is the worst and a real hazard. If the contractor has signed off on this work as complete CCC should not employ him further as the work is extremely poor.
  • Nuisance sign
    there is a sign on the lamp post up quite high which reads "bus drivers slow the f**k down", don't think this is very good for kids around the area to see, sets a bad example
  • Tree branch protruding out onto road and you have to drive in the middle of the road to miss it.
    Hi there is a tree branch protruding out onto road and you have to drive in the middle of the road to miss it. This is since the trees where trimmed down here so looks like it’s dropped down. It is about windscreen high for a 4x4.
  • white car
    There is a white car that has been in the same spot for a very long time. it has no rego and appears to be abandoned. this is the 3rd or 4th time that I am reporting this and it is still there. please remove it.
  • abandoned vehicles
    2 vehicles haven't moved since 21 December. Parking is at a premium in this area so unfair that these vehicles are there permanently day and night. Rego ASG227 Nissan ZW1810 ISUSZ Truck
  • Cars parking on footpath
    The footpath outside 155 Bordesley St is regularly blocked by vehicles parked on the part of the driveway that crosses the footpath forcing pedestrians out onto the road.
  • Roadworks Roller and Truck blocking key cycle-lane
    Roadworks Roller and Truck are blocking a key cycle-lane on Antigua as at 4:45pm 22/01/2015. Extremely dangerous on such a busy and well used cycle lane. Please could you send a reminder to all SCIRT and STMS staff around Christchurch about not blocking cycle lanes. It seems to be a regular occurrence around town. Getting slightly frustrated with it. Thanks Council :-)
  • white car no rego
    white car full of garbage with no rego. it has been parked in the same spot for a few weeks and seems abandoned.
  • Faulty pedestrian traffic light at Cnr Durham Str & Salisbury Str
    Yesterday I found it was dangerous to cross Salisbury street at Corner Durham Street & Salisbury Street without knowing when I should cross. The pedestrian traffic light showed no signal. Please fix it.
  • water meter leak
    There is always water leaking from the meter at this house
  • 2 abandoned cars near 18 kilmarnock street
    There are what appear to be 2 abandoned cars in front of 18 Kilmarnock street. They have a number of tickets on them and either no rego or expired rego. These cars have been in that spot for weeks and noone seems to do anything about them beyond ticketing them.
  • Travis Road Car Yard is back!!!
    People are starting to sell their cars here again even though there are 'no stopping' signs all the way down. With road works happening as well, this is extremely annoying and unsafe.
  • Driveways inaccessible
    Road workers leaving driveways inaccessible after theyre done for the day. Please ensure this doesn't happen. Or at least give residents notice.
  • Broken button
    There's a broken button on the pedestrian crossing from Hagley Park over Harper Avenue.
  • Hole in pavement
    I reverted a hole in the pavement outside 58 Dryden street last week. The hole was repaired but I have noticed this morning that the repair has now fallen into the hole. Maybe it needs more than a quick fix.
  • Pothole has been here for several weeks at least.
    In the middle of the entrance to Dover Street from Edgeware Road, there is a large pothole which makes turning into Dover Street hazardous and difficult while avoiding both pothole and any oncoming traffic.
  • Uneven repair to surface
    We live at 11 Gamblins Road and experience a sudden noise and shaking of the house ( in common with our immediate neighbours ) every time the westbound Orbiter( in particular ) goes over a repaired section of the road. Looks like a pipe was repaired or replaced. The repaired area is now lower than the rest of the road surface and this is what causes the noise and severe vibrations.
  • Burwood Park BMX Track and Tree Debris
    Hello, Can the BMX track at Burwood Park please get some attention. It now has very long dry grass and weeds up to a meter high. When it looks nice it gets a lot of use but at the moment its bit of a wasteland. Also can the broken tree branches left over from the strong winds over the last few months please be removed. Thanks
  • Rubble Dumped on side of road
    Hello. There is a large pile of shingle on the side of the road, next the the park at the Kingsford Street end of Broomfield Terrace. This was left over from roadworks about a year ago and never removed. It seems it has now become a dumping ground for other peoples rubble and rubbish. Can this please be removed and cleaned up before it gets any worse. Thanks
  • Hole appeared today in the middle of the footpath outside 58 Dryden Street.
    The hole appeared mid afternoon , is getting bigger. We have placed a brick in the hole to stop people tripping in it. We are next door to Edith Cavell nursing home so there are a lot of elderly people who use this footpath.
  • sewage pipes under road causing house to move1 update
    Some time ago; the sewage/storm water pipes were repaired between our house and the road (254 grimseys) since then, every time a bus picks up speed and goes over this part of the road, it shakes our house considerably and it appears to be getting worse.
  • Leaking water pipe
    There is always water in the gutter at my driveway (18A Wayside Ave, Burnside, Christchurch) and further along the street, even when it hasn't rained for a long time. This has been the case for the 18 months I've lived at the address.
    A Blue Toyota Van Rego no EGU 247 signwriten Campbellabnos has been parked in front of 73 Kingsley Street for a month. As parking is at a premium in this location can it be checked out please.
  • Sliver Car abandoned
    A Silver car licence no APW608 has been parked outside 67 Gladson Ave for the last couple of months. no rego, no WOF and 4 flat tyres.
  • Grass on other side of the foot path over growen
    The people in the house on the corner of Stourbridge and Mountfort st have not mowing their lawns for a number of months. As a result the lawn by the foot path is full of rubbish, dog poo and very long. It really is not acceptable and needs rectifying ASAP.
  • Abandoned car since Show weekend
    Ford Telstra - Registration SM6094 has been parked outside property at 10 St Peters Close since Show weekend. Registration expired, tyres are bald. Police notified.
  • Car has been sitting for a month
    A Toyota Corona, Reg MM3871, has been abandoned and sitting at this location, cnr Waterloo & Kirk Rd, for over a month.
  • Stop sign turning in wind
    Sign spins around to face out into Broken Run which I think could cause confusion
  • roundabout overgrown - restricted vision
    Flax bushes have grown to a size that they obstruct vision through and beyond the roundabout. I had near incidence when travelled round roundabout to find young person bent over whilst helping child cycle across road, they were notvisible until I was half way around the roundabout.
  • Antigue Street and St Asaph Street
    With all the road changes happening around Hagley Ave and Hospital Corner more traffic is now having to use Antigue St to get to Moorhouse Ave. The above set of lights allows for little traffic to flow through this intersection. As this is a permanent arrangement the lights need to stay green longer to allow traffic to go through. Contributing to this congested area is the CDHB staff carpark. Cars waiting for the lights are blocking the access to this car park and leave cars sitting in the middle of the road having to wait for the lights to turn green and all the traffic to pass before accessing the carpark. The cars can go back to St Asaph Street causing traffic coming from St Asaph Street to maneouvre between traffic in the middle of the road and cars parked on the side of the road. It has become a very unpleasant and dangerous journey through this block.
  • Street light out
    Street light not working outside house number 130 fisher ave. Has been out for about 6 weeks.
  • Footpath blocked by overgrown hedge
    The hedge at number 10 Churchill Street is very overgrown and makes walking on the footpath very difficult.
  • Street Lights not working
    The street lights in Macann Lane, Hammond St and adjacent section of Barrington St are not working. I noticed this about 1am, 28/11.
  • Need for no-parking road markings
    We frequently have cars parking across the heavily used ramp from the Tekapo Place cul-de-sac onto the bike path along the Heathcote River. We need a "No parking" sign and yellow lines to remind drivers that the area is an important thoroughfare and should not be blocked by parked vehicles.
  • Deep pot holes
    There are a number of deep pot holes covering the width of the west-bound half of Beckford Road
  • Foot path raised and broken - fall hazard
    Footpath is very raised and broken outside 120 edward ave - opposite side of the road was fixed but they didn't fix this side - has been like this since February earthquake
  • Traffic light sequence changed
    The traffic lights on Falsgrave St/Moorhouse Ave intersection have been changed to go green only every second sequence. This is causing traffic to be backed up down Falsgrave St, especially at peak times. This makes it difficult for people to get their cars out of businesses driveways on this street
  • People parking outside our office blocking entry and exit
    Hi, Despite increased traffic enforcement management we still have people blocking the access to our office. The road needs to be marked with "no parking" or some such other to prevent this if possible!
  • Order off road
    A car outside number 6 has been ordered off the road by Police over 2 weeks ago. Recently the number plates have been removed, but the car now appears to have been abandoned.
  • Green Holden Vectra Rego WO17511 update
    Hi There...Green Holden Vectra Rego WO1751 has been sitting in our street for 3 weeks. It does not belong to anyone within close proximity. It is registered. It has old clothing and is very messy inside. Would appreciate if it was removed...thank you.
  • Car blocking cycle lane
    A Chevrolet is parked in the cycle lane with a for sale sign in the window. It has been there for almost a week in the same place. It would be great if it could be moved as when cycling, you have to come to a complete stop to get around it if there is traffic around. Thanks :-)
  • Broken down vehicle obstructing lane
    Vehicle has been left where it is for a few days. Blocking over half cycle lane - did not make it as far as the kerb. GZG287 021770791
  • missing utility cover
    Just north of 220 Colombo there is a square hole with no cover in the bus/cycle lane. I reported this about 2 months ago and it has yet to be addressed. If it is just too much effort you can send me the dimensions of the hole and I will cut an appropriate piece of wood to fit into this wheel bending possible crash inducing hazard.
  • Freedom Camping
    Man in a hiace van, red, no rego plates, parked-up at the far end of the developing Kirkwood Subdivision, in the trees by the Heathcote River. No toilet facilities.
  • Broken Fence
    The fence that separates the cycle and walking path from the Heathcote River under the Motorway Underpass has a section broken. This needs to be secured as it is unsafe as children could fall through into the river (when it is flowing).
  • Abandoned car
    Abandoned Honda prelude been parked outside my house for days now no sign of driver - car is alarmed and not reported stolen not a local car - taking up residents car park
  • Grass is over grown
    The grass is now very long and overgrown in this public space. This has not been mown for over a month.
  • Timing problem
    Traffic backed up on Idris back to Wairakei Road each morning. Traffic lights at Fendalton Road provide insufficient time for traffic on Idris Road. There is no back-up of traffic on Fendalton Rd. Seems the new Idris Rd lights in place of round about are a waste of time unless more time is provided at Fendalton crossing.
  • Car parked in no parking zone
    Car is parked permanently in no parking zone. From the look of it the car is unregistered.
  • Potholes in cycle lane
    Hi there. Over the recent months some large potholes have opened up on both sides of the road in the Cycle Lanes, along the length of the road. This make cycling extra hazardous and should be fixed ASAP.
  • People parking outside our office blocking entry and exit
    Hi, Outside 171 and 169 Victoria St there are two bays that appear to be car parks but are actually openings for both offices for car entry and exit.
  • Potholes on Montgomerys Rd1 update
    There has been an on going issue with potholes in the seal just before the bridge on Montgomerys road. People are swerving to miss them.
  • new cycleway crossing not detecting westbound
    I have used the new signalised crossing at Deans Avenue (where the old overbridge used to be to Blenheim Rd. It has been fine heading eastbound (towards Hagley) but heading westbound (towards Riccarton) I have had trouble several times getting it to detect me either through the in ground sensors or through pressing the button. Can this be looked into please
  • 2 Large Road Plates Left By Bus Stop
    2 large steel road plates have left by the bus stop outside 284 Memorial Av. These were used to bridge trenching and maintain access into driveways. Please could the road plates be removed
  • Roadside Grass Needs Mowing
    The area of roadside between Aidanfield Drive and Broken Run is in an appalling state, grass long, bushes hanging over the footpath. In the interests of promoting safety for walkers, please do some gardening and mowing in this area.
  • Parked car blocking footpath
    There is a car parked in a way that it blocks the footpath, right next to a bend in Springs Rd, forcing pedestrians to step into the busy road to get past. This has been going on for weeks now.
  • Mini earthquakes when the buses speed through
    Hi. Another bus just flew past our house at the Wakefield Avenue end of Duncan Street. They come through here at 60kph. I am so sick of this. The road has recently been 'fixed' with a couple of tarmac patches. It's made no difference to the house shaking from the speeding buses. I guess the problem won't be dealt with properly any time soon. They need to be diverted away from the back streets, or slowed right down. I am angry, and feel like using a brick to get the point across. Don't take this personally.
  • Unfinished footpath
    There is a gap where the footpath has yet to be sealed, about 150mm wide. It has been like this for a while and is getting deeper over time. It's very rough on bikes and could be a tripping hazard at night.
  • Water leak
    Water leak in foot path near 220 Centarus road
  • pothole
    A large pothole on the footpath. Cars park in the area for access to Paparoa st School.
  • Stop sign on Colombo/ Ashgrove Tce corner down
    Someone pulled out the stop sign on the NW corner of Ashgrove Tce and Colombo St. They pulled it out neatly so I was able to put it back in the hole, but it's now a bit loose. The sign was also bent, probably when it fell. So it's standing again, but not so strongly.
  • Broken glass has been covering footpath at least a month now
    There is a large amount of smashed glass on the footpath that has been there for at least a month (how often are the footpaths supposed to be cleaned??!?!)
  • street light
    One of the street lights on boon st near 28 hasn't been working for a few weeks now
  • Underpass danger
    The cycle way underpass near Hayton rd is constantly littered with debris from passing vehicles on the motorway overhead. This presents a hazard to cyclists and pedestrians from being hit by flying debris and of more concern is cyclists turning under the underpass. The debris sitting on the concrete represents a significant skidding hazard in a position where cyclists are braking and turning. I suggest a mesh barrier along the Armco to keep the debris away
  • Leaking Fire Hydrant
    Hi, the fire hydrant outside 56 Franics Ave is leaking into the street
  • abandoned station wagon
    1994 dark green Subaru Legacy Reg DRD993, front rego plate sitting on drivers side dash board. Been opposite 5 Amoka Crescent for approx 4 - 5 months. Please get rid of it .... have seen suspicious looking people stopping to look at it.
  • Street light not working
    Following the high winds on 22 September, the street light outside 35 Maryhill Ave has stopped working. This needs repaired.
  • Noise problem
    Broken pedestrian crossing button on Lichfield/Oxford Tce means there is an almost continous, very loud crossing noise right next to the Greening the Rubble Pod Oasis seating by the ReStart mall. No-one sits there anymore :(
  • Temporary signs obstructing busy cycle path
    Two "Trucks crossing " signs have been placed in the cycle path, one on either side of Kilmarnock Road. The sign on the LHS leaving Straven Road is in a particularly dangerous location as it is by a pinch point in the road for cars leaving the intersection. Cyclists including many school children, are needing to swerve out into the car lane to pass the sign.
  • Sink hole in live lane
    There is a rapidly growing sink hole in the southbound live lane directly in front of 32 picton ave's driveway. If hit at speed particularly at night this could be dangerous. This is a new hole, not the previously fixed one 10m down the road.
  • Speeding vehicles and dangerous goods vehicles
    Many large trucks and other vehicles speed down this section of road. Road is narrow, has no centre marking, and is a river terrace unsuitable for this type and volume of traffic. Area also subject to car enthusiast by-law, so obvious problem area. Easy alternative high volume route available via Opawa Rd/Chapmans Rd. Suggested solution is narrowing and/or speed bumps along the river terrace part of this route, with signage posted at 3 points on Garlands Rd advising trucks to take alternate route. Private vehicles recently damaged by passing vehicles, including wing mirrors broken off, and near misses for pedestrians. Very high risk of fatality or serious injury if pedestrians hit due to size speed and volume of traffic.
  • Huge hole in middle of the road - Portchester Street
    HI there. there is a huge hole that has been in the middle of this roadway for some time and has steadily been getting worse over the weeks. this is a sink hole that has been repaired previously unsuccessfully. this will cause major damage to the underside of a car if it is hit. thank you Rita
  • Cars parking on footpath
    Cars parking on footpath at end of Cul de sac, illegal & a safety issue, blocking footpath by public walkway.
  • Potholes and uneven surface2 update
    The intersection on the Hornby side is full of potholes and very uneven. It needs fixed as this is a busy intersection. With low cars it feels like you are on a 4x4 track.
  • Road hazard
    In the corner of Murdoch street and Brookside terrace, there's one van that always park so close to the corner bend of as attached photo. While there is no yellow lines on it, Murdoch street is such a narrow street that when this van is parked on the corner those vehicles going out towards Brookside terrace cannot see the oncoming vehicles coming from both sides, either those approaching cars from the left or the right. My family goes in and out of this street via Brookside terrace everyday and we see that this is a potential big problem if not fix or sorted as soon as possible. What we would like to suggest is to put yellow lines on both corners of Murdoch street corners so that vehicles such as this van cannot park there anymore. Please do not let an accident happen before this request is actioned. thank you Maria
  • Cars Parking Over Footpath
    On Saturday mornings there are cars parked over the pedestrian pathways and the grass verges, while able bodied people seem unable to get their children to sports games without almost parking on site in the field! Please address this inappropriate behaviour by motorists by ticketing them.
  • Tagging in Underpass
    There is tagging in the underpass between the Broken Run and Aidanfield Subdivisions, alongside the Heathcote River
  • Glass on Cycle Lane
    There is lots of shattered glass on the cyclelane between Rima Lane and Halswell Road, on Hoon Hay Road south side.
  • Potholes Dickens St
    Another photo of another pothole on Dickens St.
  • Potholes on Dickens St
    There are a few potholes near the Lincoln Road end of Dickens Street which are a hazard especially to cyclists and need to be repaired please. Thanks
  • Dangerous cycle path
    The cycle lane configuration in Ferrymead results in a dangerous vehicle/bicycle conflict. the intersection appears to have been designed to facilitate faster vehicle speeds, making the conflict more dangerous
  • missing utility cover
    South of Countdown on the east side near the retirement home there is a missing utility cover. Square, about 6CMs per side. Very hazardous at night, but even in the day it can catch you out on your bike.
  • Speeding buses shake the hell out of the house every 20 minutes
    Hello, would it be possible to fix the road again at the Wakefield Ave end of Duncan Street, last time they left an overlap in the tarmac. Now the road has subsided and the shaking is worse. Cars cause no problems, but when the buses hit the bumps and dips at speed it's like an aftershock. Every 20 minutes, both directions. I hate them. Please can someone fix the road? An even better solution would be to re route the damn buses away from the back streets or at least slow the things down to 25kph.
  • Natural alignment for cars to use cycle path
    In both directions, on both sides of the bridge, the natural path for vehicles is to use the cycle path (you can see the tyre marks clearly showing this occurring) making it unsafe for cyclists. Some kind of clearer demarkation (posts, raised bumps) may help drivers to be more observent of the cycle lane. I have a near miss almost daily on my commute (I have many of these on video)
  • Dangerous signage - Ron Guthrey Road, Christchurch
    Road: Intersection of Ron Guthrey Road and Avonhead Road, Christchurch Problem: 100km signage blocks the view of Give Way Sign and the two speed zones are confusing. If a driver was not aware of the impending Give Way, they might speed up and potentially race through the intersection. At night, this problem is very dangerous as there is limited lighting in the area to alert drivers to the impending intersection, drivers see the 100km sign and think it is Open Road, when in fact an intersection is less than 60 metres away. Solution: Simply remove the 100km signage. By removing the sign, the Give Way signage would no longer be obstructed from view. Drivers would no longer be confused by the two different speed zones. The same applies for both directions on Ron Guthrey Road (travelling North and South).
  • Large pot holes
    The cycleway along Marshland road, between 324 and 356 Marshland Road is underwater in wet weather and large potholes full of water are exposed in dry weather. In places the tar seal has broken away almost to the edge of the outer white lines for the main vehicular traffic leaving no room for cyclists. In wet weather I attempt to walk, pushing my bike along this stretch but in wet weather the water is ankle deep in parts extending from the edge of the broken tar seal right up to the fence.
  • Prior repair breaking up
    Repair to road has started to break down and a pothole is forming, just at start of bridge.
  • Large Pothole
    There is a large pothole outside driveway entrance where sewer works were done. This has been 'patched' a few times but never seems to last.
  • Big potholes remaining following road works1 update
    The intersection at High & Tuam has at least two large potholes that are impossible to avoid in traffic. They have been there since the road works were completed
  • Street light not working
    The street light has not gone for over one month and the foot path is uneven in the vicinity
  • Obstruction of footpath
    The gates at 58 Edward Avenue are frequently left open, in such a way that the asp halted public footpath is obstructed. The nuisance continues for hours on end. The issue has been a continuing one for several years, but I am now reporting it because of the dismissive attitude of the residents when iI tried to discuss it with them
  • Turning Arrows Desperately Needed
    Turning right into Brougham St from Burlington St at busy times is a looooong wait, up to 4 changes of the lights sometimes :( Turning Arrows would also alleviate the problem of having to crane your neck to spot straight through traffic hidden behind the turning traffic coming from Gasson St. Thanks :)
  • Hole in ashphalt on street
    Hi, There is a hole forming on the ashphalt on the street. Very similar to the last hole that formed here but a bit further away. It is right in front on a driveway and is getting quite big that someones wheel could get stuck in it if it gets bigger. will need to be fixed very soon. Thanks
  • Driver usage of cycle path
    Drivers regularly cut across the cycle lanes both eastbound and westbound on approached to the temporary bridge. The tyre tracks over the cycle lane green paint clearly show that drivers take a "natural" line, likely due to not slowing to 30kph, the posted speed limit. This puts cyclist's lives at risk. This would be a good case for either flexiposts or raised markers to demarkate the cycle lane.
  • street lights out
    Appears to be no street lighting in our street or surrounding area - red zone has gone black. Everything from the corner of north avon and north parade to the river and beyond has been in darkness for several nights now.
  • Abandoned Car2 update
    Car dangerously parked for 2 weeks Regn No ZL7047 needs to be removed
  • Very large pothole
    There is a large pothole on Bernard Street on the outer edge of the street when the road turns to the left. People have tried to stuff it with cardboard and rags, but as it is now winter it is deep enough to be dangerous when you can't see it when it is very dark (poor streetlighting around the area also),raining or icy.
  • Light out in Anglesea Avenue
    The street light on the corner of Anglesea Avenue and Forest Drive Parklands has been out for ~ 3 weeks.
  • Street light out1 update
    Hi, the street light opposite my house @ 39 Oriana Crescent is out & the cover I think is also broken. Can you plse replace? Thanks
  • Pothole outside 9 Mallett Place Halswell
    There has been a pothole, which is growing larger all the time, outside 9 Mallett Place since the Second large earthquake. Several contractors have worked in the street and at the entrance on Halswell Road, and each says "no trouble, we'll fix that", but they never do.
  • entire lane covered
    Someone has smashed a large box of bottles across an entire lane, new brighton road north bound just past wainoni road.
  • Craters and flooding River Road Dallington
    there is a large dip just west of Banks Ave, which needs to be filled in. Currently it has several potholes in excess of 40cm which are causing damage to cars. Secondly a bund has been created in the last week, which now prevents water off the road, particularly near Medway St. This is creating further problems and will soon cause potholes as well. This road is now a major transit route since the closure of Gayhurst Rd Bridge
  • Broken culvert pipe causing pothole
    Pothole due to broken culvert below road - near first hilltop on the way up.
  • Lights out2 update
    There are two lights out near the public toilets at the Western side of the park. One is at the northern end of the toilet building. They need urgent attention for public safety reasons.
  • Birmingham Dr: Potholes appearing along road shoulder
    Several potholes appearing, particularly around the entrance to #14, but continue up the road. Hazardous to cyclists, as requires them to pull out into heavy traffic.
  • Approx 41 Hawkesbury Ave, Chch
    Sinkhole on the northern side of the road, almost biked into it.
  • more street lights needed
    the street is way too dark at night because it has too little street lighting. I feel unsafe when walking home, even at earlier hours during winter as it gets dark quite quickly.
  • Turn light different program since roadworks
    Ever since the roadworks in the area, the right turn light (brougham going west to waltham going north) is often not functioning. I've witnessed some near misses here including one unbelievable save by a truckie to not squash a car. Please correct the light programming to avoid more incidents.
  • Cycle path is flooded even in dry weather
    The main cycle path across Hagley Park to the Armagh Street bridge continually floods - always in wet weather, and now in dry. The problem appears to be overflow from the lake beside the path, coupled with a path that is below lake level.
  • street light blown
    Only light in culdersac has blown is very dark
  • street cleaning
    whole street has build up of leaves and sediment in gutter
  • Lane arrows cause problems
    I commute via Halswell Junction Rd coming from Halswell and turning right into Springs Rd. It is sometimes difficult and dangerous to get from the left turning lane at the roundabout with the motorway into the right turning lane for the upcoming Springs Rd roundabout. Some vehicles ignore the existing right lane right-turn-only arrow at the motorway roundabout and go straight ahead. This lane is usually empty, encouraging drivers to take this option and, maybe they don't see the arrow until it is too late. A safer option would be to change the right-turn-only arrow into a right-or-straight-ahead arrow - thus avoiding the need for drivers like me to have to attempt to change lanes in a very short stretch of rod.
  • Intersection Controls
    Hi there I go down Antigua Street heading south everyday on my way to work (I park in Silvester Motor Co). I have witnessed many near misses at this intersection (car:car and many bike:car). I believe that this is due to the current layout of the intersection - there is a lane on the left which is for left turning drivers, but the centre lane is for both straight and right turning drivers. This layout is no longer as effective given the change in give way rules and actually means it has become quite dangerous. The increase in traffic at this intersection means that right turning traffic wait for a significant period of time before turning, meaning straight driving traffic are going around them. This means that traffic turning right into Moorhouse from the South direction have very poor visibility. Cyclists are left in the middle of both streams of traffic with no safe place to wait. I believe this intersection should be redesigned so that the left lane is for left turning and straight traffic with the centre lane for right turning traffic only. Thanks heaps. ps - happy to discuss this if required to elaborate!
  • Road sweeping
    The city care trucks use to come sweep the roads on weekly basis during autumn to get rid of the leaves that accumulate when the big oak trees on the sidewalk shed leaves. The leaves on the road caused some issues with impaired draining of the road during the above normal rains we had in the last couple of weeks. Why is the city care trucks so scarce on the sweeping of the roads? What's the roster on sweeping the roads, when is citycare going to come sweep the road? Please let me know...
  • Tidal flooding in Landy Street, Dallington
    Global settlement of street has resulted in the paved surface of the roadway being below the high-tide level of the Avon River at Kerrs Reach. This is resulting in regular flooding of the street, particularly at times of rainfall.
  • Rover plate no CTJ73 abandoned for over 2 months
    Attempts have been made to get the owner to move it but to no avail. It is un-warranted and un-registered
  • Bridge expansion seal exposed
    The rubber strip in the expansion joint of the bridge at the eastern end is raised a little in the middle. Not a big issue, but pushing it down again should be simple and most importantly save it from damage.
  • Vehicles parked on footpath and cycle lane
    Outside 117 - 123 Brougham St (just west of Collins St). Cars are regularly parked on the footpath and/or cycle path in this location. It is not always the same cars. This forces cyclists into a lane of fast moving motorists (fresh off the motorway) and creates a very scarry pinch-point. Could a yellow dashed line be painted here.
  • Minon hillside slipcovering part of Mt Pleasant Rd
    Rain or otherwise has caused a slip whereby fallen mud and trees are partially blocking Mt Pleasant Rd at the location shown. Could be dangerous for cyclists descending, especially in poor light conditions
  • Missing Yellow line at Kerb
    Please reinstate the yellow line in the cycle lane. Even though the painted lane is too narrow for car parks, there are car parks either side of the corner, and this is a blind corner, drivers still abandon vehicles in the lane - pushing other road users out into oncomming traffic. Thank you
  • Needs traffic lights1 update
    Please put in traffic lights at Travis & Bassett so that nervous drivers don't sit there for half an hour and public transport can work.
  • Street light broken
    Please replace light bulb street light on murmont st. It is too dark.
  • Street light out1 update
    Please replace the street light out. No light. Too dark.
  • light not working for 1month
    High Intensity street lamp at approx 169/171 Hoon Hay Road is not working.
  • YU6354
    Vehicle has been on road for months. WOF now expired. Rego due to expire 08/05/14.
  • Rubbish at bus stop
    Rubbish needs removing due to putrid smell
  • Heavy vehicles
    I'm sick of heavy vehicles shaking my house, it's been over three years, the road isn't fixed, and my house isn't fixed. Slow down traffic, or ban heavy vehicles, at least until SOMEONE can be bothered fixing SOMETHING.
  • Abandoned vehicle
    Owners have moved out of area and left car on road. Rego FTN823. Rego expired
  • Potholes Horseshoe Lake Rd / Broomfield Terrace
    Since the heavy rain a few weeks ago many potholes have formed, in particular outside the following addresses: 90 Horseshoe Lake Road 80 Horseshoe Lake Road 58 Broomfield Terrace 48 Broomfield Terrace Also due to road damage Kingsford Street between Broomfield Terrace and New Brighton Road is almost un-passable. Thanks
  • Pavements and roading issues Donnington Street and Aberfoyle Place
    I live in Abefoyle Place and have done so for nearly three years. About two years ago gravel was put down on the paths in Aberfoyle Place and in Donnington Street round the corner. We thought at the time that this was prior to the paths being resealed. The gravel is still there and has become progressively rougher. A number of elderly live in Aberfoyle Place particularly with some City Council flats being in the area and other retired people also in residence. Recently, I witnessed my neighbour who has mobility issues having to walk on the road with her walker because the footpaths are too rough for her to negotiate. This will affect a number of people. In addition to this there is a large pothole with a road cone in it right at the entrance in the middle of the road where you turn into Aberfoyle Place from Donnington Street. It is necessary to swing onto the wrong side of the road to exit Aberfoyle Place and this again is a safety issue. I would ask that these issues receive some urgency due to the risk involved to the residents in the area. Anyone with any mobility issues at all, whether it be using a walker, walking stick or mobility scooter is unable to walk on the paths at present and must place themselves at risk of falls or worse by having to walk on roads, where traffic is compromised by already having to avoid potholes without introducing the extra "hazard" of pedestrians sharing the roads!
  • Traffic Light Cycle
    I have the misfortune of having to turn out of Armagh Street on to Cranmer Square. It is a long wait and for some reason other traffic seems to get two greens before you get one. Today it was FOUR. In fact the truck in front went to stop traffic to get around on the red. I can understand why the through traffic gets longer but four or five minute wait for a green light is nuts.
  • Gold Bus
    There is a gold bus outside 20 Jervois street it has been there for over two years and it has no regestration or warrent and looks abandoned. It has a sign saying 'North Wai' in the front window.
  • Cnr Hansons Lane & Blenheim Rd
    The off peak phasing of the lights is bad. 6am turning right Blen to Hanson Lane. Hit with red light, wait for green, wait 3 cars pull through then light goes to red again so forced to turn on orange.
  • Truck Blocking Cycle Lane
    Every time I travel past here, whether it be by bike, car or bus. There is always a truck blocking the cycle lane. Could the council please advise the owner of this truck to not park there or fine them or get the police to fine them for blocking a cycle lane.
  • Blocked alleyway.1 update
    The alley is blocked in such a way as to make it impossible to use with a stroller and probably very difficult to use on a bicycle. See photo.
  • TC4067 Silver Subaru
    Parked outside 275 Memorial ave,for last fortnight no apparent owner in neighbourhood - would appreciate it being moved on.
  • Road sign in cycle path
    Road sign in cycle path on the south west bound lane of Wainoni Road before the junction with Breezes Road. Road sign is marked ISAAC. Note an issue was reported in the same location on 11th Feb. That sign was moved to the pavement, but has now returned to the cycle path.
  • Right turn GREEN arrow broken
    The traffic light pole nearest the petrol station has a broken GREEN arrow. The south traffic turning right from Hagley , into west end of Moorhouse Ave do not turn because it is the ONLY green arrow visible.
  • Storm water drains blocked
    Drain covers have not been removed after SCRIT has completed repairs. ALL drains down Antigua St are blocked by the covers causing flooding.
  • Street lights out
    Street lights have been out for several days and is dangerous for driving at night.
  • Road shrubs require trimming
    The entire Mt Pleasant road trees and shrubs require trimming back, blocking drains (water flows onto road), obscuring signs (especially the one way section) and making it difficult to see around the corners when driving down the hill.
  • Lifted tar seal and growing potholes after flooding
    At approach to stop sign on Malcolm Avenue areas of tar seal have lifted due to todays flooding. Traffic through it has broken the road surface up which has left expanding potholes and loose gravel on the road - this is a safety issue being at the mentioned stop sign.
  • Water leak
    Near the corner of Bassett St and Travis Rd a small water spout has started coming out of the road. This happens continuosly in this area when we have flooding. Thanks
  • Traffic lights on pedestrian crossing too slow to change
    Once the pedestrian crossing button is pushed the wait is several minutes. (It seems even longer during busy traffic periods.) During that time most students just run across the road on the green (traffic) light. Then the lights change and cars are made to wait while there's no one left to cross.
  • Construction advertising obscuring traffic light
    AGL Scaffolding have placed a lovely blue advertising sign right in front of the traffic light for south bound traffic on Ilam Road at the Creyke Road intersection. There is plenty of room to place the sign higher so that the red light is not obscured. How anybody can do this intentionally is beyond me. Please have them remove it as soon as possible and indicate their liability for any collision or harm caused by it. It's been like this for a week.
  • Flooding
    Drain at corner Menzies and Nayland St blocked and flooding to crown in road. Overflow flooding onto property at 8 Menzies st.
  • Blocked Drain
    The drain is on the corner of Vivian and Bassett Streets and is blocked and flooding across the street.
  • road
    Large pothole.1metre in diameter. Down near coca cola.blightlings road woolston.
  • Blocked drain
    Drain is blocked. See the photo I took this morning at around 10.15am that shows half the road is flooded.
  • Contractors block the cycle lane and street is narrow1 update
    Contractors have put signs in the cycle lane on Victoria St at the intersection with Bealey. Because there is a right turning lane for cars going into Papanui Rd, the remaining lane is very narrow. If you are a cyclist entering Victoria St from Papanui you have nowhere to go, especially if there is a bus or a truck.
  • Burst water pipe in road
    There is a burst water pipe leaking into the gully opposite the Edith Cavell nursing home. In Dryden Street. Noticed at 4 pm today.
  • Very uneven road - Main Road near Moa Cave
    Earthquake damaged road is uneven and causing large (damaging) vibrations to houses in the vicinity. Every time a larger vehicle passes vibrations are significantly shaking houses especially houses waiting to be earthquake repaired. This road is a level 1 road and there are approximately 25,000 vehicles passing daily. This vehicle frequency is significant and I hope that the road is levelled correctly FIRST TIME. (This is NOT a patch up job - new road section is required).
  • large pothole outside #7 Dorfold Mews, avonhead
    Pothole is developing in street adjacent to a slightly raised manhole cover, approx. 350mm around and about 100mm deep, getting worse.
  • Massive pothole yet again collapsed after repair in my driveway
    The pothole at the end of my driveway has again collapse and is very difficult to avoid. It is damaging the Underside of our cars. It has been fixed several times. And always seems to just sink again and collapse.
  • Cycle path blocked by temporary TM sign
    At the Tuam / Barbadoes Sts intersection is a safety hazard for cyclists heading south on Barbadoes St, forcing them into the traffic flow. It has been created by the placement of temporary management signs while SCIRT rebuild work is in progress on Tuam. It has been like this for weeks. It has been reported directly to SCIRT on 12th Feb but still remained a week later. There is a simple solution but nothing has been done to fix it.
  • People using Holly Road as a cut through to Papanui Road
    Holly Road is a very narrow street and when cars are parked on both sides of the street it is very hard to get down the road. People also use this as a cut through to Papanui Road so the speed humps and 20km signs are totally disregarded. There is no meant to be no right turn into Papanui Road from Holly Road but people do it. I suggest a raised median strip on Papanui road intersection will stop people using Holly road as a cut through road and turning right into Papanui rd.
  • Pond full of rubbish
    Hi, This pond has a lot of rubbish in it. Most of it is leaves and branches, but there's also a few bottles etc. A clean up at some stage would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
  • Grass Verge
    There is about 40 metres of broom and other noxtious weeds growing along the verge. It used to be grass. When the mower comes down the street now it is impossible for that area to be mown as the broom etc. has got out of control. It is also constantly being used as a place to dump rubbish. Would be great if it could be seen too. Thanks
  • Speed sign in cycle lane.
    Speed sign in cycle lane, at intersection of Wainoni and Breezes roads, Christhcurch.
  • broken green bulb
    Hi there, There's a broken green bulb in the traffic signals at the intersection of Barbadoes/Edgeware. It's on the pole on the corner where there are the group of shops and dairy and its the set of signals facing down Edgeware Road. Many thanks!
  • loose chips on road from sealing
    Hi there, I cycle down Edgeware Road every day and there's a big mound of excess road chips at the intersection of Edgeware/Packe St. This road was resealed a while ago and these are excess chips which have ended up in a pile. Because I need to keep left to allow for passing traffic when on my bike I usually have to ride through the mound of seal chips and it's a bit of a hazard. Would be good if the excess chips could be swept up.
  • Sinkhole
    A sinkhole is forming in the flush median outside 278 Kilmore Street. The hole in the road surface is only about 10 cm in diameter, but it is at least 0.5 m deep, and the cavity under the road surface is much larger than the tiny hole visible from above.
  • Motorbike activity & Speeding in Reserve
    In the Heathcote towpath there is motorbike activity in this bird reserve, not only should there be no motorbikes but they speed up and down the paths, this is a real hazard to people as well. These off road motorbikes also have no identifications or registrations and happens at least every 2-4 days. Rangers have been down but abused and they have no real power to do anything. I would suggest putting up fences that make it hard to get motorbikes through.
  • Collins Street and Church Square being used as shortcut
    Hi, The roads around Church Square are designated as recommended cycle routes. This is presumably because they are quiet back streets that are safer for cycling. I go (slightly) out of my way on my cycling commuting route to cross Brougham St at Collins St for exactly this reason. Unfortunately, since the opening of the Southern Motorway, Brougham St has been experiencing regular traffic congestion at peak times. Now this does not bother me as a cyclist but what does concern me is that there are drivers short-cutting through Church square by turning left into Collins St. The Church Square roads are not suitable for large quantities of traffic as they are narrow, the road surface is sub-standard, there are traffic calming measures in place and a lot of local workers use it as a parking precinct. Often the short-cutting drivers drive aggressively and far too fast for the conditions, presumably in an attempt to beat the traffic on Brougham st and possibly because they are already frustrated from being stuck in a traffic jam. This creates not only a hazard to other drivers but also hazardous conditions for local pedestrians and cyclists using the cycling route. I recommend that the council investigate measures to reduce this short-cutting. Perhaps the Collins St intersection should be closed to left turning traffic off Brougham.
  • in ground light
    The In ground in footpath light nearest Wigram Rd has not worked for some months. Can this be repaired please.
  • Bulb in cycle button broken
    The push button for cyclists in Hagley Park wishing to cross Deans Ave to Kilmarnock St has a broken bulb. When the button is pushed, or cycles activate the in-ground sensor, the light indicating that your presence has been detected does not illuminate. It's just a broken bulb as the signals operate correctly and give a cycle phase.
  • car possibly abandoned
    There has been a maroon coloured Toyota car (Reg. NK7717) parked at the cul de sac end of Midas Place (Middleton, Christchurch) for over a week. It is currently registered and warranted although there is no warrant sticker on the windscreen. This is not a residential area and there has been no movement of the vehicle nor any person seen around the vehicle for a while. Its not parked illegally, it just seems odd that it hasn't moved from this area in such a long time.
  • collect road cones please
    Hi, two road cones left for the last month near a new bit of seal. Am assuming they've just been forgotten! 10A Denman St.
  • Tree blown over
    Tree blown over on footpath grass. Being held up by tree next to it. not blocking footpath but may fall onto street if dislodged. Opp 88 Highsted Rd.
  • Pot hole & raised hump in road
    Watermain repaired 2+ years ago! Has been marked out for repaire early last year. Hump hit by trucks/cars shakes house badly. On road outside Church at 84 Highsted Road
  • Pothole at end of driveway - ever since new footpath done
    Hello There has been a Pothole at end of driveway - ever since new footpath done, which was probably a year ago? Can't remember when, but getting sick of my car going into it everyday.
  • Hole is ashphalt1 update
    A hole has formed in the ashphalt right in front of the driveway of 11 albert sheppard close. It seems that the earth underneath has eroded away and there would be atleast a 10-15cm space underneath the hole. It seems to be getting worse as cars drive over it. Someone could eventually get stuck or damage a wheel if they don't notice it or it gives way more under them.
  • Trees covering signage
    Bushes on SW corner fence by subdivision entry obscure Broken Run sign on fence.
  • Speed Sign Wrong Way Round
    The 50km/70km has been put back the wrong way. It is now indicating 70km past the school and Play Centre.
  • parked too close
    The vehicle has been parked outside our place for two weeks now and has not moved and is parked too close to our driveway.
  • Berm
    Berm on Waimakariri Road overgrown with broom and other noxious weeds. I thought the council would have delt to it by now as city care goes passsed it every day. It is an area approximately 50 metres long. It needs to be cleared so it can be easily maintained. Even the mower man can't mow down there anymore. Thanks
  • pothole in cycle path1 update
    There is a dangerous pothole in the cyclelane at the point the new (as yet not sign posted, named or used) road joins Halswell Rd. This is on the Nth bound side of the road about 20-50m south of Templetons Rd. This is a high speed section of road, the cycle lane is not very wide and the pothole is deep and dangerous - please fix ASAP Thanks very much.
  • Bad road conditions
    The condition of the road surface along North Parade, Shirley Road and Marshland Road is full of potholes and uneven surfaces. These streets are in very bad condition, and is causing suspension problems for my car as I drive over them day after day. When are these streets going to be resurfaced and resealed to nice flat smooth streets again?
  • Inconsistent traffic lights
    The traffic light system from intersection to intersection along Riccarton Road, Bealey Avenue, Blenheim Road, Moorhouse Avenue (in fact all over Christchurch) is terribly out of sync and causing unnecessary interruptions in traffic flow. It is a common scenario for me to drive literally from one intersection to the next encountering a continual series of red lights one after the other - with no green light continuity between the intersections at all. This occurs regardless of the amount of traffic and time of day. By the time I manage to approach each of the following intersections the traffic lights turn red and stop the flow of traffic, one intersection after the other. Whatever syncing or timing events that are currently in place (if at all?) between each set of lights is extremely ineffectual. When is the traffic light system in Christchurch going to be reviewed for effective syncing to assist traffic flow?
  • Potholes and rough road surface - cycle hazard
    The road surface in this area is particularly rough and hazardous for cyclists. An area of about 10-20m in length in front of the probation centre. There are potoles, humps and gravel in this area. I have seen another cyclist fall off their bike here and I often have to swerve into the vehicle area of the road to avoid this area.
  • Major car repairing
    This car has been here for several weeks. White starlet, the purple starlet has not been mobile for several weeks either
  • Abandoned vehicles
    Abandoned vehicles and major car repairing done on the road. This has been going on for many weeks now. The brown jeep (DWM396) has not moved for a couple of months now and is not registered. On the photo supplied you can see the white starlet in the background.
  • Metal cover over hole in footpath dangerous
    On the west side colombo st footpath between cathedral square and cashel st mall there is an approx 1m square metal plate over a hole in the ground that is bent and sticks up approx 50mm on onside, if someone walks into this it would cause a nasty injury
  • Change of traffic light sequence1 update
    Hi there. The sequence of the lights has been changed resulting in large delays in exiting the businesses on the south side of the intersection. I was hoping the lights could be changed back so that north & south traffic has green light at the same time and a sign installed - 'Turning traffic must give way to straight trough traffic'. It would probably be easier to explaain on the phone if you could phone the number below at your convenience. Thank you. Rhys
  • Kilmore Street lights
    Now that Kilmore street reopened. When are the traffic lights goint to be changed back to as they were. In particular Durham/victoria/kilmore intersection. Durham & Victoria get 2x series of green for every one of Kilmore. A 2 minute wait for those on Kilmore.
  • Toyota Van. Registration No: WO8326 Registration expired July 2013
    This van has been parked outside our property for a few days now.It is not secure - a side window is missing - and could be a prime target for vandalism (Arson, etc). It also limits parking, which is often an issue on this street. We would like this van removed ASAP, Thank you.
  • Toyoya Corolla (Blue) 1997 5 door Hatchback. WK4136
    This car has been parked outside for 4 weeks now. Rego expired 14 October 2013,. Police have said it is not stolen. Carseat still inside. Please remove this vehicle as it presnts a hazard when trying to exit our driveway onto a very busy main road
  • Water leakage
    Water seepage accross footpath close to 124 Woodham Road
  • Pavement Hole - Blenheim Road
    Pavement between Kalessi & Accordia, next to road drain cover has sunk. I didn't spot it and tripped over. Smashed my finger. Ouch.
  • water leakages
    near 177A Centaurus road. and near 27 Estruary road
  • Damaged storm-water grate
    Buckleys Road eastbound between Kerrs Road and Rudds Road. A few meters from a bus stop (stop number 26590). The grate is damaged and poses a risk to cyclists, pedestrians, children, animals, etc.
  • Large dangerous tree - needs felling
    There is a large conifer tree (Macrocarpa) on a property bordering Wilkinsons Road opposite No 14 Wilkinsons Rd. The tree is in a terrible state after the snow in 2012 branches broke off and damaged the powerlines below, in the big wind of september 2013 more limbs of the tree fell and again nocked the power out of several hundred homes, the latest incident happened on the week of 14 Oct 13 when a southerly wind blew another branch off the tree leaving it partially attached to the tree but in a very dangerous situation. The tree needs to be brought down before someone looses their life.
  • Trench has Sunk (Pothole)
    A trench was dug across Awatea Road. Following reinstatement the trench (repair) has sunk. It needs to be "Topped up" with Ashphalt. It is very rough / dangerous to drive over.
  • Dangerous repairs to road
    Can somebody spare some tar seal for the road outside the Palms Shopping Centre. I recently had my vehicle wheels realigned but I don't know why I bothered. A patch of road was recently cut then dug up but only a few centimetres of tar seal was put back in the road leaving a lip of about 2cm at each edge. If you catch your tyres on the edge of the groove this causes damage to the sidewalls of the tyres. To cap it all off when you reach the end of the groove one of your wheels thuds into a dirty great pothole waiting at the end of it.
  • large pothole
    A large, deep pothole has formed here which is dangerous and extremely destructive to vehicles. This appears to be a sinkhole, which is getting bigger. It has been patched, but has got worse again. Our house shakes like a just like a level4 earthquake every time a vehicle hits it.
  • Bee Nest
    Bee Nest on the river bridge between Eastern Tce and Palatine Tce.
  • Red Light Broken
    The red light outside the Posh of Holmwood building for north-bound traffic on Ilam Road has been broken for a number of weeks now.
  • Street lights are not working
    Hi there, Street lights close to my house (70 peverel st) are not working since last week. Please fix it asap. Thanks Anil
  • Improper street entran
    35mm cut down kerb at Thorrington/Colombo is out of compliance with CCC Design code and presents hazard to cyclists. It is also out of compliance with: "Austroads Guide to Traffic engineering Practice Bicycles Part 14 1999 Construction and Maintenance 8.1 General Smooth, debris free surfaces are a fundamental requirement for riding bicycles in safety on paths, and on all roads, from freeways to local streets. ... … Most bicycles have no suspension or shock absorbers and many bicycles have relatively thin tyres inflated to high pressures. Consequently, when a cyclist hits a pothole at speed it is most uncomfortable, difficult to maintain control and potentially hazardous for the cyclist. Surface irregularities that are not noticeable in a motor vehicle on roads can make cycling unpleasant and slow down the travel speed considerably." I met with Alan Beuzenberg of CCC in mid 2010 and was assured this would be fixed. The quakes hit and I have waited patiently for repairs. Please advise when this will be urgently completed.
  • Many potholes, obscured after heavy rain
    About 20 potholes on Kingsford Street north between New Brighton Road and Broomfield Terrace making driving hazardous and damaging vehicles.
  • Stagnant smelling water
    Located in motorwayunderpass, alongside pedestrian walkway, Aidanfield to Broken Run. Been present for weeks. Water course not moving currently.Photo available, unable to load. Cheers
  • Blocked stormwater pipe under footpath
    The stormwater pipe under the footpath is blocked.
  • Sign blocking cycle lane1 update
    Sign blocking cycle lane. Dangerous as cyclists have to swerve into motor vehicle lane to avoid sign. Very dangerous. This has happened in this location before. Getting quite annoyed with this happening so frequently.
  • Small pothole pushes bikes into traffic
    A small pothole on the corner of Hagley Av and St Asaph St, right on the pedestrian crossing, means bikes must pull out into the way of cars turning the corner. Not essential to remove, but it would be nice to be able to bike around the corner at the same time as a car turns around the corner.
  • Missing storm water grate
    South west corner of Kingsley and Gasson: Missing storm water grate. Hole is major hazard, especially at night. This is an urgent repair.
  • Sign post vandalised and removed
    A sign post has been vandalised and removed from the ground and is now lying on the ground next to the bus stop sign.
  • Roadworkers preventing pedestrian access
    Roadworkers are preventing pedestrian access to/from properties at various times of the day. This is compounded by the flooding on the other side of the road, and is even more unacceptable for those who have mobility issues and aren't able to walk around the block to access their property.
  • Flooding
    Flooding of the road due to road works pumps are preventing access to/from the footpath, also vehicles aren't slowing down and are showering pedestrians. A speed bump or something might give people something to walk on and slow down vehicles, this would need to be fairly level and provide significant grip for those in the area with mobility difficulties. That or find a more appropriate way to drain roadworks pumps. This issue is present 24/7 rain or shine, this is NOT a wet weather only issue.
  • Very hard to see
    The footpath outside 99 Union Street and a few houses either side is quite dark and hard to navigate, there is a lampost but no street light. Every other lampost on this street has a light. This issue is compounded by the high residential fences and the equipment and fencing in place due to road works.
  • Large Pothole formed in North-Bound lane of Middleton Road
    There is a large pothole formed outside 60 Middleton Road which is constantly increasing in size as all traffic drives over it. There is a considerable amount of debris gathering on the road around it, as well as signs of another pothole forming a few meters in front. It's beginning to show signs of damaging vehicles due to the size of the pothole.
  • Sign blocking cycle lane
    Sign blocking cycle lane on Antigua St between Tuam and St Asaph St . Cyclists have to swerve into motor vehicle lane. Very dangerous.
  • Sign blocking cycle lane
    Sign blocking cycle lane on Antigua Street, just south of Moorhouse Ave. Cyclist have to swerve into motor vehicle lane. Very dangerous.
  • Nasty pothole on Greers rd
    Nasty large pothole in SW flowing lane, about 100m NE of Cottesmore Close junction with Greers road.
  • Inspection points cut in the road and left and not released
    Hi a about 3 months ago some inspection holes where cut in the road here and not refilled. They are becoming very worn out and forming potholes which is damageing the road. Can this please be looked at and hotmixed or somthing. Thanks Sam
  • Large pothole in the road that has been there for a very long time
    Hi there is a Large pothole in the road that has been there for a very long time just past tilbury place can it please be looked at ? Thanks
  • Road outside old peoples home fill of potholes again
    Hi the Road outside old peoples home fill of potholes again and this is a main road can it please be looked at. Thanks
  • Roundabout Broken
    The Roundabout at the corner of Inwoods Road and Queenspark Drive is broken. It looks like someone has hit it. (Perhaps part of the problem is the road surface is no longer flat since the Feb 2011 earthquake - so people bounce through the roundabout).
  • Fire hydrant leaking
    Hi there is a Fire hydrant leaking on Mcbratneys road not far after you pace the rise from river road. Thanks
  • Large potholes forming in Landy street right where it always floods
    Hi there are Large potholes forming in Landy street right where it always floods. Can some hot mix please be put in these so locals don't have to keep putting there own barrow loads of cement in them. Thanks EastsidepotholesHunter
  • Barrington Street cycle lane paint needs reapplication
    White lines and painted signs on the much used cycle lane along Barrington Street are fading (ie nearly gone). Vehicles are now regularly parking in the cycle lane, but as the paint is fading/wearing off, it is not obvious to all that it is a cycle lane. Renewing the paint on the white lines and signs would go a long way to making this busy stretch of road a lot safer for all.
  • large potholes in the road right next to a works van1 update
    Hi there are large potholes in the road right next to a works van. These holes make it so you must use the other side of the road on driving into oncoming traffic. This is right on a so not very safe can they be hot mixed please ? Thanks Eastside pot holes hunter
  • Broken Glass
    At Tuam/Madras Intersection. Afternoon of 6th August.
  • Vehicles parked in Hagley Park.
    Is it OK for people to park on the playing fields in Hagley Park? Returning home on 21st July came across this ambulance and 4WD in the attached photo, clearly attending the games being played nearby. The ambulance is completely blocking the path. This was clearly not an emergency.
  • glass from beer bottle on cycle path
    Just near end of the cycle path at Sturrocks St today (6 Aug) noticed glass from beer bottle. I've had two punctures on this stretch in past couple of weeks and keen not to get more please
  • Street Light Missing1 update
    Street Light missing in Country Palms Drive. Light has been missing for 3 weeks+ following its damage by a motor vehicle
  • Cycle Lanes come to dead ends, collector road is dangerously narrow.
    This busy collector road is to carry around 11,000 vehicles per day plus is a cycle route and public transport route in the City Plan.There is to be a large commercial area at the north end at the Yaldhurst Road intersection plus future development planned north and south and west. CCC's Resource Consenting unit, CEO, Planning Chair Councillor Sue Wells and Mayor Bob Parker ignored the requirements of the City Plan, CCC's Infrastructure Design Standards, and NZ Safety Guidelines, and permitted one of the developers in this new Living G zone to build narrow grossly non-complying roads without legal consent which were then retrospectively rubber-stamped. Jarnac Boulevard through the Delamain subdivision was built to standards with cycle lanes, 4m median, safety kerb-build-out parking etc. Where this complying road connects to the Noble subdivision the cycle lanes and the median end, plus the vehicle travel width reduces and safety parking kerb build-outs are eliminated. The complying Jarnac Boulevard bottlenecks dangerously into proposed Sir John McKenzie Ave; the merging of cyclists into the narrow traffic lane with trucks, buses and cars will be extremely dangerous. The narrow non-complying road means that vehicles have to "yield" to cyclists or "squeeze" them when traffic is in both directions (most of the time on busy collector roads). With the median also eliminated right turning vehicles will block the road making it dangerous for cyclists trying to squeeze through the tight space between queued traffic and parked cars. The developer was also permitted to eliminate the cycle lanes and build-out kerb safety features on the secondary "loop road" that connects the Enterprise Homes subdivision to the East. That road is also narrow and non-complying. There are numerous dangerous pinch-points throughout this non-complying road network. The resource consenting unit bypassed all standards, safety guidelines and other council units that specialize in these areas that it butchered. It refused to consult with them (you) and oppressed the affected parties and the public from opposing these non-complying dangers as well. An investigation is now under way and I am asking you in the interests of current and future generations to assist in that inquiry to remedy these non-compliance's and dangers before they are vested and tragedies result. This is a serious issue is of a physical nature that can be fixed. It is not a criticism of all council staff but an opportunity for staff in these critical areas to finally ensure that what they work hard to achieve is implemented. Please show this publicly to enlighten all. Thank you.
  • Storm Water Grill Below Road Level
    The storm water grill at the point shown is well below street level and is a hazard for cyclists. It is not uncommon for westbound traffic to attempt to overtake someone ( at speed) riding a bike on the roundabout and on leaving it , forcing the biker to ride very close to the pavement . This hazard is completely hidden at night and would cause damage to a cycle and probably result in an accident . Thank you
  • Pothole on left side of road (when driving down)
    Largish pothole on St Andrews Hill Road, on left side of road (when driving down) as marked on the map. Thanks heaps.
  • Roads do not line up and large hole
    Hi the roads do not line up where Glenarm meets The new formed Gayhurst road. The roads are not the same hight and there is a big hole that has been filled with shingle that you get bogged down in when trying to turn out of Gleanarm onto Gayhurst road. This is not safe as that roadis now 50k and you can not get into the flow of traffic. I have logged this with you before and no action has been taken. It was raised with Craig Daniels from Macdow but nothing has happened and he is not responding to my emails. Can this be hot mixed so there is a real aproch bettewn the roads ? Below is the email he sent me on the 16 of last month. Thanks EastsidepotholesHunter Good afternoon, Following on from  your query to us earlier this month, we have looked into your concern regarding the intersection of Gayhurst Road and Glenarm terrace. We have been tasked with repairing Gayhurst Road, and insuring it is appropriately levelled and resurfaced within the red zone to join in with the Gayhurst Road green zone and Gloucester Street. In regards to your query about the intersection of Gayhurst Road and Glenarm Terrace, we are in consultation with our design and the council. Glenarm Terrace is red zone and not part of our scope of works,  the road still lies with the Christchurch City Council including any maintenance that is required. Our engineer is talking to the designer to see what the best way is to ensure a smoother entry into Glenarm Terrace. Once this has been signed off, we will return to this intersection. If you have any further questions, please contact us on our free phone 0508 718 719. Regards, Craig Daniels. ----- Forwarded by Craig Daniels/Staff/MACDOW/AU on 16/07/2013 03:14 p.m. ----- From:        Info <Info@scirt.co.nz> To:        "Macdow comms team (christchurch.comms@macdow.co.nz)" <christchurch.comms@macdow.co.nz> Date:        02/07/2013 02:59 p.m. Subject:        FW: CSR91635501 -----Original Message----- From: Berg, Graeme [mailto:Graeme.Berg@ccc.govt.nz] Sent: Tuesday, 2 July 2013 9:17 a.m. To: Info Subject: CSR91635501 <ToName: SCIRT Infrastructure General> <ToFaxnum: >  CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR SERVICE (RFS).  ADDITIONAL INFORMATION  FURTHER INFORMATION HAS BEEN ADDED TO YOUR RFS    RFS Number                    : CSR91635501    Priority                      : Normal                                :  Location                        : 60 GAYHURST ROAD, DALLINGTON, CHRISTCHURCH 8006  :    Request Type                  : ISC - SCIRT Infrastructure Project                                : ROADAD - Road Asset Damage  Request Details                : Email received via CCC Info inbox, 27/6/13, 3.13pm - (Fixmystreet) Hi Gayhurst road has been rebuilt but where it joins Glenarm and  the join is only shingle and very poor with a big drop off onto Gleanarm Tce if you are coming out of it onto gayhurst road. The work men have gone and just left it can they please go back and tidy it up?  ADDITIONAL EVENT DETAILS                                :    Customer1 Details             : EASTSIDE POT HOLES  HUNTER                                : Eastsidepotholeshunter@gmail.com                                :                                                                                                                                                                                                              Customer Phone(s)     Ph(h)   :                        Ph(w)   :                        Ph(m)   :  Customer2 Details                Forwarded to                  : SCIRT Infrastructure General  Forwarded by                  : Berg, Graeme  Forwarded on                  : 02/07/2013, 09:14  Received on                   : 27/06/2013 , 15:13:00 ********************************************************************** This electronic email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. The views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect the views of the Christchurch City Council. If you are not the correct recipient of this email please advise the sender and delete. Christchurch City Council http://www.ccc.govt.nz **********************************************************************
  • Large number of holes in road on left hand side if heading to Dallington
    Hi there are a Large number of holes in road on left hand side if heading to Dallington in river road just a bit back from the rise that need patching. Thanks
  • Lagre Pothole In Road
    Hi there is a large pothole in the road in fleete street just past birchfield ave can this please be hot mixed. Many thanks
  • 232 Main Road Moncks Bay
    Many times I have had to run/walk on the road when there is another pedestrian approaching outside this particular property. I am concerned for young mothers with prams and young toddlers in particular who struggle to remain on the footpath when passing.
  • Car parking on Russley Road
    Dangerous car parking on north bound side of Russley Road opposite Telecom and Smith Glass buildings. On Thursday I was forced into very busy traffic lane. Many large trucks use this road. I noticed further north yellow no parking markers have been painted on road. How about the same here?
  • Traffic Lights out for 7th week!
    The traffic lights outside the ANZ bank on the corner of Riccarton Road and Clarence Streets have been not operating for at least 6 weeks. This poses a danger for pedestrians crossing Clarence Street when walking along Riccarton Road. Please repair these before an accident occurs.
  • Pot holes in road not fixed have been there over a year
    Pot holes in road not fixed have been there over a year. Thanks
  • Grass needs mowing and tree blown over
    Hi the Halberg reserve is in a bad way the grass needs mowing. The poor scout leaders form the scout hall have been mowing it but now is very long and why should they have to use there mowers and gas anyway. A tree has now blown over in the wind the other week and needs removing. Can the park and gardens be cleaned up kids do still play here. Regards Sam
  • Road Flooded and full of potholes
    Hi the road here is Flooded and full of potholes. Can some hot mix please be put in the holes and something please be done about the flooding. This is our way in and out of landy street now with the other end now a closed road. The flooding here ended up in the press a while ago to. http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/your-weather/8577891/More-rain-expected-for-region
  • Large deep potholes on Wilkinsons Road
    there are several large and deep potholes at the western end of Wilkinsons Road, they have been there for a while and are getting worse.
  • Potholes in road since before Xmass and still not fixed fail CCC
    Potholes in road since before Xmass after locals letting the CCC over and over again and still not fixed fail CCC. Can these please have some hot mix put in them or dos the press have to do another story on dallington roads ? Regards Eastside Potholes Hunter
  • Pointing Wrong Direction
    The lights just west of the railway line on the road island at the start of Wairaki Road have rotated on the post and are facing south, down the railway line instead of East. Resulting in west bound traffic veering left off Strowan across the rail onto Wairaki being unable to see this traffic light resulting in vehicles being driven through the red light while cyclists and pedestrians have the cross signal
  • Intersection still full of holes and not repaired
    Hi the Intersection is still full of holes and has not repaired after months. Can the holes be filled and the shingle converting this intersection be sweeped away so your car dos not side as you go around the corner. Thanks Eastside potholes hunter and group
  • Intersection of locksley ave full of water and potholes
    Intersection of locksley ave full of water and potholes and the givway sign. Thanks Eastside potholes hunter
  • Potholes in road and new white line painted
    Hi a new white line has been painted but the potholes here not fixed so you must cross it to avoide them. Can they please be hot mixed. Thanks Eastside potholes hunter and group
  • Road full of holes and sink holes with upside down road cones in them 1 update
    Hi can somthing please be done about the end of Landy street it is a joke and has potholes and sinkholes everywhere with up side down road comes in the sink holes. The isaacs yard is right there and they ignore the problem and cover the road with mud from the trucks coming out if there yard. Landy street locals are green zoned and come in and out down here do they need to go to the press again as they have before ?http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/8667439/Green-zoners-still-cut-off-by-trashed-red-zone-roads I look forward to a solution Regards Eastside pot holes hunter and group
  • Bridge closed for vehicles, could be opened for motorcycles
    The closed bridge at Gloster St/Oxford Tce is currently closed for vehicles only (open for bicycles). Could the bridge please be opened for motorcyclists as well, as their weight would not be a problem for the bridge?
  • Street Lighting needed
    Street lighting needed on Wilkinsons Road at the junction of "The Glen" subdivision and also outside the Crematorium both areas are unlit and have had several near misses with traffic turning into and out of both.
  • Gorse in hedge
    Gorse growing all along Wilkinsons Road, also existing hedge very untidy which needs cutting back, especially at Gardeners road end its difficult to see road signs.
  • Rubbish littering road
    Various items of rubbish along the whole of Wilkinsons Road
  • Road dug up and not fixed and now full of clay and holes 1 update
    Hi the road here was dug up before xmass and one end was fixed but not this end. It is now full of holes and clay meaning cars have to take the bend wide into the path of on coming traffic as they go around the. Can this please be fixed and hot mixed as this road is used for all the traffic to get to dallington bridge to head for town for people who live it the green zoned Landy street and it is our way in and out. Thanks Sam
  • Street light has blown
    The street light out side 9A Albert Sheppard Close has blown. It is extremely dark outside the property now. Please fix this asap, thanks.