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Roadworks started before traffic management in place

Reported in the Other category anonymously at 14:12, Fri 20 October 2017

Sent to Christchurch City Council 24 sec later.

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Roadworks on Antigua St through the Moorhouse Ave intersection have shifted lanes sideways, narrowed up the lanes & taken over the cycle lanes. There is signage for these works on Antigua St both approaches (30kph TSL, “Cyclist Merging” signs, etc), but nothing on Moorhouse Ave. This lack of signage on Moorhouse Ave includes no 30kph TSL signs & no 50kph derestriction signs. Whilst I was there Fulton Hogan started putting up the required signs on Moorhouse Ave, but with lane shifts already in place on Antigua St and work on site underway, this is a bit late (& contrary to CoPTTM which states “Tapers and delineation devices must only be placed once all signs have been installed.”). Attached photo shows single 30kph sign on left hand side of Moorhouse Ave looking towards Antigua St, with the right hand side on still stored on the median waiting to be deployed. Without gating of the 30kph TSL, it may not be visible to all road users on the 3 lanes on Moorhouse Ave, and is certainly not enforceable. Also (just) visible in the photo is the Fulton Hogan TTM trucks working their way westbound along Moorhouse Ave setting up signs on that side (nearest truck blocks view of digger working & cones on Antigua St). Maybe CTOC could remind Fulton Hogan of the mandatory order of worksite establishment, and even get out and do its job of “ensuring that all TTM measures are in accordance with CoPTTM”!

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