Reported in the Road/highway category by Colin Stokes at 12:13, Mon 5 August 2013
Sent to Christchurch City Council 2 min later.
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This busy collector road is to carry around 11,000 vehicles per day plus is a cycle route and public transport route in the City Plan.There is to be a large commercial area at the north end at the Yaldhurst Road intersection plus future development planned north and south and west.
CCC's Resource Consenting unit, CEO, Planning Chair Councillor Sue Wells and Mayor Bob Parker ignored the requirements of the City Plan, CCC's Infrastructure Design Standards, and NZ Safety Guidelines, and permitted one of the developers in this new Living G zone to build narrow grossly non-complying roads without legal consent which were then retrospectively rubber-stamped.
Jarnac Boulevard through the Delamain subdivision was built to standards with cycle lanes, 4m median, safety kerb-build-out parking etc. Where this complying road connects to the Noble subdivision the cycle lanes and the median end, plus the vehicle travel width reduces and safety parking kerb build-outs are eliminated. The complying Jarnac Boulevard bottlenecks dangerously into proposed Sir John McKenzie Ave; the merging of cyclists into the narrow traffic lane with trucks, buses and cars will be extremely dangerous.
The narrow non-complying road means that vehicles have to "yield" to cyclists or "squeeze" them when traffic is in both directions (most of the time on busy collector roads). With the median also eliminated right turning vehicles will block the road making it dangerous for cyclists trying to squeeze through the tight space between queued traffic and parked cars.
The developer was also permitted to eliminate the cycle lanes and build-out kerb safety features on the secondary "loop road" that connects the Enterprise Homes subdivision to the East. That road is also narrow and non-complying.
There are numerous dangerous pinch-points throughout this non-complying road network. The resource consenting unit bypassed all standards, safety guidelines and other council units that specialize in these areas that it butchered. It refused to consult with them (you) and oppressed the affected parties and the public from opposing these non-complying dangers as well.
An investigation is now under way and I am asking you in the interests of current and future generations to assist in that inquiry to remedy these non-compliance's and dangers before they are vested and tragedies result.
This is a serious issue is of a physical nature that can be fixed. It is not a criticism of all council staff but an opportunity for staff in these critical areas to finally ensure that what they work hard to achieve is implemented. Please show this publicly to enlighten all.
Thank you.
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