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Heavy vehicle parked overnight and causing safety issue.

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Car parking category anonymously at 09:11, Fri 15 May 2015

Sent to Christchurch City Council 42 sec later.

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The heavy vehicle as seen in photos park at this residential street address on Thursday 14 May 2015 and as at Friday 15 May 2015 08h30 it has not being moved. It is obstructing the view of the street as we enter it from our driveway and causing a safety issue as we cannot see oncoming traffic, we had two near misses. I have had an issue with the construction contractors working at 1 Richard Seddon Drive, Christchurch earlier this year, (which I did not report as I thought the issue was resolved), when that kept block my driveway with another construction truck. Truck plate number: MW 6642

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From 3pm May 15 - this same heavy vehicle is now parked in Crombie Green. Illegally parked over a fire hydrant. Should there be a fire emergency in the neighbourhood there is a major problem! This vehicle is causing a major hazard as traffic is reduced to one lane - traffic cannot see around it It is NOT displaying any safety lights & is contravening city by laws regarding heavy commercial vehicles parking in a residential street.
An Parking Compliance officer was sent to inspect this area on 18/05/2015 and reported back that the vehicle was not present in the street. The fire hydrant was clear of any vehicles.
Issue marked as fixed.
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