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Roadworks sign blocking cycle lane

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Cycle path category anonymously at 02:18, Wed 11 October 2017

Sent to Christchurch City Council 1 min later.

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Fulton Hogan have blocked the eastbound cycle lane on Main Road in Moncks Bay (just past the yacht club) with a roadworks sign for their Peacock’s Gallop Project. With a cycle lane symbol painted just 2m in front of the sign it is pretty obvious this is a cycle lane, so why place it here? The 2 signs in advance of it (which have been located on the footpath but still provide enough space for pedestrians) could be moved forward by 30m or so, and then this sign could have been placed where the preceding on currently is. Given that the manual traffic controller is located over 160m away round the corner, an additional 30m is unlikely to affect the safety of this setup).

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Sign has been removed
Issue marked as fixed.
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