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Roads do not line up and large hole

Reported in the Road/highway category by Eastsidepotholes Hunter at 22:58, Thu 1 August 2013

Sent to Christchurch City Council 54 sec later.

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Hi the roads do not line up where Glenarm meets The new formed Gayhurst road. The roads are not the same hight and there is a big hole that has been filled with shingle that you get bogged down in when trying to turn out of Gleanarm onto Gayhurst road. This is not safe as that roadis now 50k and you can not get into the flow of traffic. I have logged this with you before and no action has been taken. It was raised with Craig Daniels from Macdow but nothing has happened and he is not responding to my emails. Can this be hot mixed so there is a real aproch bettewn the roads ? Below is the email he sent me on the 16 of last month. Thanks EastsidepotholesHunter Good afternoon, Following on from  your query to us earlier this month, we have looked into your concern regarding the intersection of Gayhurst Road and Glenarm terrace. We have been tasked with repairing Gayhurst Road, and insuring it is appropriately levelled and resurfaced within the red zone to join in with the Gayhurst Road green zone and Gloucester Street. In regards to your query about the intersection of Gayhurst Road and Glenarm Terrace, we are in consultation with our design and the council. Glenarm Terrace is red zone and not part of our scope of works,  the road still lies with the Christchurch City Council including any maintenance that is required. Our engineer is talking to the designer to see what the best way is to ensure a smoother entry into Glenarm Terrace. Once this has been signed off, we will return to this intersection. If you have any further questions, please contact us on our free phone 0508 718 719. Regards, Craig Daniels. ----- Forwarded by Craig Daniels/Staff/MACDOW/AU on 16/07/2013 03:14 p.m. ----- From:        Info To:        "Macdow comms team (christchurch.comms@macdow.co.nz)" Date:        02/07/2013 02:59 p.m. Subject:        FW: CSR91635501 -----Original Message----- From: Berg, Graeme [mailto:Graeme.Berg@ccc.govt.nz] Sent: Tuesday, 2 July 2013 9:17 a.m. To: Info Subject: CSR91635501  CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR SERVICE (RFS).  ADDITIONAL INFORMATION  FURTHER INFORMATION HAS BEEN ADDED TO YOUR RFS    RFS Number                    : CSR91635501    Priority                      : Normal                                :  Location                        : 60 GAYHURST ROAD, DALLINGTON, CHRISTCHURCH 8006  :    Request Type                  : ISC - SCIRT Infrastructure Project                                : ROADAD - Road Asset Damage  Request Details                : Email received via CCC Info inbox, 27/6/13, 3.13pm - (Fixmystreet) Hi Gayhurst road has been rebuilt but where it joins Glenarm and  the join is only shingle and very poor with a big drop off onto Gleanarm Tce if you are coming out of it onto gayhurst road. The work men have gone and just left it can they please go back and tidy it up?  ADDITIONAL EVENT DETAILS                                :    Customer1 Details             : EASTSIDE POT HOLES  HUNTER                                : Eastsidepotholeshunter@gmail.com                                :                                                                                                                                                                                                              Customer Phone(s)     Ph(h)   :                        Ph(w)   :                        Ph(m)   :  Customer2 Details                Forwarded to                  : SCIRT Infrastructure General  Forwarded by                  : Berg, Graeme  Forwarded on                  : 02/07/2013, 09:14  Received on                   : 27/06/2013 , 15:13:00 ********************************************************************** This electronic email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. The views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect the views of the Christchurch City Council. If you are not the correct recipient of this email please advise the sender and delete. Christchurch City Council http://www.ccc.govt.nz **********************************************************************

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