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Roadworks dangerous for cyclists

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Cycle path category anonymously at 00:04, Fri 13 October 2017

Sent to Christchurch City Council 1 min later.

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City Care have set up a temporary pedestrian refuge on Antigua St immediately south of St Asaph St. Unfortunately, it forces motorists into both the southbound and northbound cycle lanes to get around it, and on the St Asaph St and Antigua St southern approach there is no advance warning of this (on the Antigua St northern approach, City Care have put out an “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” sign, so they are obviously aware of the risk to cyclists). To make it even more dangerous, vehicles turning into Antigua St from St Asaph St can’t even see the roadworks until they get round the corner, by which time they are already in the cycle lane. All of this is compounded by City Care coning off the shoulders between the cycle lane & kerb, so cyclists are forced to stay in the cycle lane with cars bearing down on them. Why didn’t City Care make the shoulders (on both sides) into a temporary cycle lane (rather than coning if off entirely)? As well as putting up “Extreme Care Cyclists Merging” signs on ALL approaches? Interestingly, all this is going on just outside the carpark for police vehicles at the Christchurch Central Police Station. Yet not one of the Police officers I saw driving down the cycle lane seemed to think that this setup might be dangerous for cyclists …

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Pedestrian refuge removed, so motorists no longer forced into cycle lane.
Issue marked as fixed.
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