Taking a break...

FixMyStreet is going offline shortly, probably permanently. The software is old and needs a complete rewrite, the site is being bombarded by spammers, and it is debatable whether councils are receiving and/or acting on FixMyStreet reports.

As of now, it is not possible to post new issues, or updates to published issues.

If you have submitted on FixMyStreet, thank you for playing a part in one of Aotearoa/New Zealand's early civic tech projects.

New Zealand flag at the New Brighton cenotaph

Reported in the Other category by Jim Nicholls at 00:23, Wed 11 November 2015

Sent to Christchurch City Council 1 min later.

The Christchurch City Council is responsible for the maintenance of the flag at the New Brighton cenotaph (war memorial.) For the past month, the flag, which was already frayed and in need of replacement, has been caught around the top of the flagpole, as shown in the attached photo. Many council staff members must have seen this situation, but nothing has been done. Such disgraceful treatment of the national flag would be a hanging offence in some countries, and this continuing state of affairs gives the impression there is no respect for the flag here. Several visitors to Christchurch have commented unfavourably about it, so can we have some urgent action, please?

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