Taking a break...

FixMyStreet is going offline shortly, probably permanently. The software is old and needs a complete rewrite, the site is being bombarded by spammers, and it is debatable whether councils are receiving and/or acting on FixMyStreet reports.

As of now, it is not possible to post new issues, or updates to published issues.

If you have submitted on FixMyStreet, thank you for playing a part in one of Aotearoa/New Zealand's early civic tech projects.

what big sign "up to wn, welcome to uptown" cr boston rd & khyber pass grafton. small park

Reported in the Signs category by Eric Richards at 05:19, Thu 5 October 2017

Sent to Auckland Council 27 sec later.

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had trouble up loading photo. the point is: WHAT DO DEFIBRILLATOR SIGNS LOOK LIKE? you are walking along road YOUR close family or friend suddenly has cardiac arrest, would know the closest place that has a defibrillator, or would prefer to wait for ambulance to fight its way though traffic jams?

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I tried 3 times to "upload" photo and it failed. It upload when i passed the "finish" button. They have signs that tell you how long it takes to bicycle to next nearest town center. WHERE ARE ALL THE DEFIBRILLATOR SIGNS? in your area. what a waste of money that sign is in photo WHAT IS THE POINT?
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