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Pedestrian Crossing outside Owairaka School

Reported in the Signs category by Rachel Singh at 08:33, Sat 11 February 2017

Sent to Auckland Council 1 min later.

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Hi there, I'd like to file a complaint/concern in regards to the pedestrian crossing outside Owairaka Primary School. Richardson Road is a very busy main road with lots of through traffic heading towards the motorway. Frequently I have noticed and experienced cars speeding up to the crossing and often failing to stop for pedestrians - particularly children both during the school crossing times and outside of it. One driver who was stopped by a parent said that there was no visible diamond shape leading up over the hump before the crossing warning them of an upcoming crossing. I would like to put in a request for more signage leading up to the crossing. I know in other school areas there are signs and speed limits stating that you are approaching a school crossing zone and believe that this would benefit this area. I witnessed from a short distance first hand a child trying to use the crossing the other day only to have to wait as cars sped past. It took some time for someone to stop. I believe this is a serious issue which needs to be addressed. Thanks for your time.

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