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dog poop bags

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Dog fouling category by Kath Keeley at 17:06, Sun 15 January 2017

Sent to Taupo District Council 1 min later.

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There is one roll of dog poop bags provided at the marked spot on the map. Unfortunately, this is not nearly enough for this area. This has to be the most popular dog exercising area in Taupo, and the provision of just ONE roll of bags is totally insufficient. I walk my dog there every day, and often see this dispenser empty. Over the Christmas holiday week, it was bedlam there with all the visiting dogs using the park. Unfortunately, the bag dispenser was empty!! consequently I saw a lot of dogs fouling, and the owners just had to walk away and leave it. Yuk! I suggest another dispenser be attached to the existing post so that there is always at least one roll with some bags on it. Also, another dispenser should be put down at the main carpark near the bins because a lot of dog walkers go there. There is an awesome dog water bowl provided, so why not also provide a bag dispenser. It makes great sense to me. thank you, Kath Keeley.

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Thank you for your enquiry. Request 1700839 has been officially lodged and assigned to the relevant staff member at TaupoDC. Future updates to this request will appear on this page. null
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