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Major pothole getting worse

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Potholes category anonymously at 18:13, Thu 28 July 2016

Sent to Taupo District Council 45 sec later.

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Please there is a pothole that is progressively getting worse outside our gateway on road. This is a busy Rd an the when it rains water runs across from opposite side of road. Heavy trucks who use this daily are hitting the pothole spraying debri onto footpath and into our driveway. When trucks hit it they also shake the house and it's noisey. A patch appears to have been already done at some stage. Thankyou

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Thank you for your enquiry. Request 1612625 has been officially lodged and assigned to the relevant staff member at TaupoDC. Future updates to this request will appear on this page. null
Request 1612625 updated at TaupoDC. null
This morning two lovely people came an patched the hole. Thank you so much considering the weather conditions this morning. What a difference it's made. Thanks heaps.
Issue marked as fixed.
Request 1612625 closed at TaupoDC. null
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