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Really bad odours affecting the neighbourhood

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Other category by Ron Pollock at 18:00, Thu 11 February 2016

Sent to Waitomo District Council 1 min later.

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Over a long time both us and neighbours (to each other) have complained about the smell which we think is from the sewer which comes from UBP down Waitete Road past McIndoe Plumbing. I understand when the lines are flushed it improves for a time. We think this action happened after a person further down our road complained previously on a number of occasions) We understand its comes through non sealed manholes. It is very embarrassing for us with visitors and indeed its a part of our life that is continuous especially in the hotter months (and we can do without this impact on our life. What can you do to solve this please?

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Thank you for your enquiry. Your request 160605 has been reviewed by one of our friendly Customer Services staff and will assigned to the appropiate department.
A site visit has been undertaken by Council which confirms a line flush is required. The complainant was advised at the time of the site visit and notification has been passed onto our Contractors.
Hello as a resident of this road and one of the affected residents - I regret to advise that the odours still occur. Thanks for the help to try and resolve
Request 160605 closed at Waitomo District Council. Contractors have completed a line flush.
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