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Tokaanu Sewer Pressure Main SH 41

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Other category anonymously at 08:17, Thu 21 May 2015

Sent to Taupo District Council 54 sec later.

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Tokaanu Sewer Maintenance URGENT Along SH 41 Tokaanu, 150m south of the SH41/Atutahi St intersection, a hole has appeared filled with dark smelly water. The location is between Eddie Kumeroa,s house and the intersection, on the Tokaanu village side of the highway. In a previous life I was manager of that sewer system. I suspect that the Taokaanu Main Pressure sewer main has developed a leak in the AC pipe and intermittently as the main Tokaanu pump station pumps wastewater towards Turangi - raw wastewater from the pipe has blown a hole to the ground surface and is entering the adjacent wetland. It needs urgent check out, to at least eliminate that this is, or is not, the cause. It’s been there approx a week now.

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Thank you for your enquiry. Request 1509750 has been officially lodged and assigned to the relevant staff member at TaupoDC. Future updates to this request will appear on this page. null
Request 1509750 closed at TaupoDC. The sewer rising main break has been repaired/fixed by TDC maintenance contractor. Thanks Mr. Campbell for reporting the sewer fault to TDC.
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