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Speed BUMPS needed on Ryburn Road, Mt Wellington, Auckland

Reported in the Other category anonymously at 14:51, Mon 9 March 2015

Sent to Auckland Council 52 sec later.

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I would like to report that our street Ryburn Road can be a very dangerous road at times and is also used as a shortcut to miss the traffic lights... We do have young children between the ages 5 - 12 years old near the beginning of our street and get concerned as they cross the street to each other. I also am concerned about the traffic that constantly speed up and down everyday.... not to include the noise coming from those vehicles such as booming music on the outside of them. I would also like to include that we do have elderly people who stay further down that need it to be safer for them too... I would hate it that an accident has to happen before anything gets sorted so those speed bumps would help alot and keep things in order and safer on our streets.... I don't have pictures yet of our street but do have neighbours who would agree in having those speed bumps put up asap.

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