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Rubbish bin on a carpark

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Rubbish (refuse and recycling) category anonymously at 20:59, Sat 14 September 2013

Sent to Taupo District Council 31 sec later.

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Waipunga Falls view point is a very popular placemark for tourists and locals. I've been there 3 times in last 2 years (I live in Auckland), and last time I've counted 5 cars on carpark in 20 minutes (Sept 8, 2103) as it is a nice spot to have a rest, have lunch and just enjoy a view of the beautiful waterfall. I believe in tourist season there are much more visitors. But in addition to a great waterfall they can observe litter on the carpark and area around. One of the reasons for it I believe is a missing rubbish bin. I realise that it seem to be a private land and it is probably hard to serve a rubbish been there, but New Zealand is a tourists oriented country, and it is a shame to not maintain such a great placemark. If you need few more photos of rubbish (or waterfall) there don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you.

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Request 1316666 updated at TaupoDC.
Request 1316666 closed at TaupoDC. Thank you for your photo and report. To my knowledge this lookout was not built by Taupo District Council, and has not been maintain by it. I would guess that the lookout was created when the new SH5 road realignment was formed some years ago. Historically the area was being gated off after hours by someone. I had also heard that the lookout maybe on private land and not public. The private owners may have been operating the gate? I have sent this e-mail to Opus Taupo (ph07-3780746, taupo@opus.co.nz) who are NZ Transport Agency's consultants who administer this section of SH5 on their behalf. They will have more knowledge of the situation. Thank you for taking the time to report this. Regards, Mark.
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