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Vaucluse Reserve/Clean up the Cycle area Treeplanting

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Parks/landscapes category anonymously at 11:50, Wed 10 April 2013

Sent to Taupo District Council 1 min later.

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5 years ago I asked about looking at the trees in our street. The one outside N01 has died.The autumn is a good time to replace it. The trees in Vaulcluse Resereve have never had an atom of attention since I`ve been here .The mower knock the stakes out and thats that.They are in need of some support. The grass is growing over the path and gorse on the boundary. The area round the BICYCLE is a mess and needs a rubbish bin installed.Rails are missing are down around the trees there.This is supposed to showcase Taupo. The entrance to Poihi Rd needs a good clean up as the mowing men just mow over the paper and rubbish. That will be enough to go on with.Over to you a good spruce up is required.

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Request 1307250 updated at TaupoDC. We are looking into this area, it is not currently not maintained by council
Request 1307250 updated at TaupoDC.
Request 1307250 closed at TaupoDC.
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