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Pot holes

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Potholes category by janet Comins at 21:40, Wed 29 August 2012

Sent to Taupo District Council 1 min later.

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This is dangerous as you come over the rise of the hill there is a very wet spot that is getting bigger.making it dangerous to drive over.There are also no marker pegs on this road and in the fog it is very hard to see where you are going

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Thank you for your enquiry. Request 1218074 has been officially lodged and assigned to the relevant staff member at TaupoDC. Future updates to this request will appear on this page.
Request 1218074 updated at TaupoDC. Thank you for your report. Councils contractor has now filled the potholes with metal. This section of Arataki Rd has been programmed for remetalling followed with a maintenance grade. Following the proposed seal extention infill from Pakonui Rd and Henderson Rd intersection which is progrmmed to be completed before this Christmas, the requirements for edge markers and painted road markings will be reviewed through Pakonui/Arataki roads.
Request completed on 11 September 2012.
Issue marked as fixed.
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