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Abandoned building and trees/garden in reserve.

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Parks/landscapes category anonymously at 16:35, Fri 20 April 2012

Sent to Taupo District Council 48 sec later.

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There is an abandonded building in the reserve. Over the last 5 years it has been more and more vandalised. Windows are broken, graffiti inside, building rotting out and smashed walls. It attracts a criminal element. The trees and what was a garden around it have grown out of control and are full of blackberry. I beleive the building was once a womens tennis club. It would make the park safer and more usable if this whole area was returned to a mowable grassed area.

More issues nearby


Thank you for your enquiry. Request 1208285 has been officially lodged and assigned to the relevant staff member at TaupoDC. Future updates to this request will appear on this page. Onsent to Julie Gordon in Mangakino
Request 1208285 updated at TaupoDC.
Request 1208285 updated at TaupoDC.
Request 1208285 updated at TaupoDC.
Request 1208285 updated at TaupoDC.
Request 1208285 updated at TaupoDC.
Request 1208285 updated at TaupoDC.
Request 1208285 updated at TaupoDC.
Request 1208285 updated at TaupoDC.
Request 1208285 updated at TaupoDC.
Request 1208285 updated at TaupoDC.
Request 1208285 updated at TaupoDC.
Still awaiting building to come down, order given to Central Plumbing & Drainage - Julie has chased numerous times. Water off and TLC have confirmed no electricity is going to property.
Request 1208285 updated at TaupoDC.
Contractor has been given job - awaiting their arrival on site - electrocity and water have been confirmed as being disconnected.
Request 1208285 updated at TaupoDC.
Request 1208285 updated at TaupoDC.
Request 1208285 closed at TaupoDC. This building has now been removed - Mko Team are tidying up site, preparing it go back into reserve for mowning. Job complete.
Issue marked as fixed.
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