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there's a bottle under the cone

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Signs category anonymously at 19:26, Sun 26 June 2011

Sent to Auckland Council 34 sec later.

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There is a bottle under the cone, corner Grafton bridge & the on ramp to southern motorway, I pick up three bottles today, the forth one was next to a cone, so I pick up the cone, moved the bottle with my shoe under the cone and put the cone down I HOPE I HAVE SAVED THE NEARBY FOOTPATHS FROM THOUSANDS OF BROKEN GLASS, BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE ARE TO LAZY TO ASK RESIDENTS TO PICK UP BOTTLES. ---------------- by the way I think someone may of walked in the sign on the bridge, as reported the other night, because the sign is not highly visible from the back side of it. But then who gives a toss? And I got 74cm from the cone to the edge of the kerb. From Eric

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