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Mothers pushing children & VIP's abused here.

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Signs category anonymously at 19:43, Fri 24 June 2011

Sent to Auckland Council 52 sec later.

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THE GRAFTON BRIDGE SIGN FOR MOTORIST: The top part of the picture taken at 7:44am is highly visible, notice how the bottom part of the picture taken at 7:45am is not so visible, this has to be total abuse for Mothers pushing prams as there is only 87 cm from the edge of the sign to the edge of the curb. Once again it does not help Visual Impaired Pedestrians (VIP) approaching from the back side. I just get amazed how this sign is for motorist yet it is the pedestrians who get abused, and due to the narrow walk way, I always pass parents pushing prams closest to the road, so their pram wheels do not fall over the curb and give their child a dangerous experience. I think there needs to be a book written "Who gives a hoot to PEDESTRIAN safety"

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dont worry the dorks will put it back another day
Issue marked as fixed.
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