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no footpath and rough terrain, a gross insult to the blind. near silverdale

Reported in the Other category by : ( at 06:53, Fri 16 November 2018

Sent to Auckland Council 39 sec later.

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between silverdale fire station and greenview lane, on the sea side of Hibiscus Coast highway (formally state highway 1) If the grass was cut, then the blind would find it easier to use their walking stick. There is no need to built a 3ply quality footpath , a gravel footpath would work great, however I do see a issue in the proposal, it would be hard to insert footpath cancer on gravel footpaths. But then if we stop buying mostly manufactured foods, this would stop the body from been overloaded with toxic sugar and prevent one from becoming a diabetic which could lead onto becoming blind and so the need for so much footpath cancer to be purchased and installed by Auckland city council

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