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Driveway Entry

Reported in the Car parking category by Lee Nancarrow at 08:46, Wed 22 October 2014

Sent to Whangarei District Council 27 sec later.

Entry to driverway steep and hits front of car on exit and entry to driveway.

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Thank you for your enquiry. Your email to Whangarei District Council has been received and referred to the Roading department for a response. Please quote CRM No. RDG033946 if you require any further information. Regards, Morgan Haami Whangarei District Council Contact Centre Private Bag 9023 | Whangarei 0148 | www.wdc.govt.nz Ph: 094304200 | E: call_centre@wdc.govt.nz
I live in the new subdivision karanui, off three mile bush Rd ,I hear the is a proposed brethren church to be built on lot 4 opposite me with car parking for 17 or so cars , is this allowed under the council rules regarding the amount of cars allowed on one property ,there are fifty property's in the subdivision and only one road in to service all fifty property's , Also is a building used as a meeting place regarded as residental? Thank you
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