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large potholes at intersection in AT land

Reported in the Road/highway category anonymously at 12:07, Mon 21 November 2022

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There are potholes at our intersection, they are very large and we would like them to be repaired. They were missed when the last round of maintenance and patching of the road was completed by Downer, but they are AT’s. The potholes are at 281 Taiapa Road. This intersects with Taiapa Valley Road (Lot 20 DP 331513) which is a privately owned shared accessway. We reported the potholes but were told they are not in AT land. By our reading of this map, they are AT’s, not ours. It wouldn't be legal for us to repair an AT asset, so we're stuck between a rock and a hard place with some giant potholes across our intersection. Tell us what we need to do if you’re disputing the boundary line, which we think crosses at the stormwater drains. Perhaps you can send Downer out to take a look. Thanks

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