Taking a break...

FixMyStreet is going offline shortly, probably permanently. The software is old and needs a complete rewrite, the site is being bombarded by spammers, and it is debatable whether councils are receiving and/or acting on FixMyStreet reports.

As of now, it is not possible to post new issues, or updates to published issues.

If you have submitted on FixMyStreet, thank you for playing a part in one of Aotearoa/New Zealand's early civic tech projects.

Napier City Council

This is a summary of all issues for one Council. You can go back and show all jurisdictions.

Recently fixed

  • No issues.

Old fixed

  • Sink hole1 update
    The is a sink hole on the side of the road, about 20mm wide and 600mm deep

New issues

  • No issues.

Older issues

  • unregistered vehicles
    At least 5 unregistered vehicles are parked permanently on Armour Place. They have been for at least 6 months and could have been for at least 2 years. There is a build up debris beneath them. They are a safety hazard with near miss car accidents occurring and children playing being in danger with moving vehicles not having enough clear view.
  • Abandoned vehicle
    White Mazda panelvan has been left in the road for about 3 months. No registration but last WOF expired June 2016
  • Car ,unregistered abandoned
    The car has been parked -outside of 2 selwyn road for 3.5 weeks and only moved twice .it has an expired registration dated July 2020
  • abandoned vehicle1 update
    abandoned car outside 30 ashridge road, been there a couple of months. no registration plates and facing the wrong way
  • Blown lightbulb1 update
    The street light right outside our house has blown making it dark right we’re I park my car. Could this please be fixed
  • street light
    The street light outside 45 Ferguson street South Bay view is no longer working. Can someone please come out and repair
  • abandoned car
    Abandoned car outside 30 Ashridge road, Napier. CUG82, been there a couple of months now. Has a broken windscreen, WOF and reg expired. no side window and is full of rubbish
  • glass on road
    There is glass on my road
  • Not working in area since Thursday 13th April 2017
    Street lighting went off during cyclone Cook. Haven't been going since
  • street lights are out1 update
    This is the 3rd wednesday in a row that our street lights have been out! Whats going on napier c.c?
  • Bright lights
    The street lamp is extremely bright and shines into my bedroom window, can the bulb please be replaced with a dimmer light bulb? thanks from an insomniac.
  • Tree overhang
    The tree on this property is overhanging and obstructing the use of the footpath
  • No safety barriers.
  • Poles as barriers to accessible movement on footpath
    There are 2 x poles (for signs) in the middle of the footpath along Coote Road adjacent to the elevated Girls High sports fields. They create a barrier to movement for people with wheelchairs and prams and / or people with visual impairments. Please relocate to either the inside or the outside of the footpath. I understand that there may be bus distance offsets, but walking safely to buses is a priority. Many thanks! Nicola
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