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Traffic turning left at Webb Street onto Willis Street

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Traffic lights category anonymously at 22:48, Tue 19 January 2016

Sent to Wellington City Council 9 hours later.

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ISSUE: Traffic Lights at intersection of Webb Street and Willis Street are red for no apparent reason. Traffic turning left into Willis Street cannot clash with traffic coming from the opposite direction, because there isn’t any. There’s no reason to stop the cars and buses unless there are pedestrians. Most of the time there are no pedestrians. But the lights stop the traffic anyway. SOLUTION: traffic should only be required to stop when pedestrians are crossing. Lights should remain green otherwise.

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The Webb St left turn is a dual lane movement where large vehicles like buses and trucks have a tendency to swing over the Willis St centreline. This creates potential conflicts with the on-coming northbound vehicles on Willis St. A safety audit was carried out after the intersection was last altered which recommended it was safer to run these two movements separately to reduce the probability of accidents.
Issue marked as fixed.
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