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Are Aucklaners motorist getting ready for next labor goverment "thinking tax" ?

Reported in the Road/highway category by Eric Richards at 10:04, Mon 25 September 2017

Sent to Auckland Transport 35 sec later.

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I was walking along Tamaki drive yesterday (sunday) they are doing road works just near Ngapipi road reducing road traffic down to 2 lanes (one each way) as I walked towards the city (& Ngapipi -- Tamaki drive intersection) there was about 3 cyclist followed by 3 motorist, I could not believe my eyes, when I saw the first car wanting (and I think it did) to pass (overtake) one of the cyclist, I think no wonder cyclist are getting killed on our roads, I stuck my index finger up in the air pointing to the car shacking my head. All the driver had to do is wait a couple more seconds and it would of got passed the road works, and back to 4 lane road or 2 lines per side. You have to ask yourself do motorist really need Auckland road workers to put up a sign for motorist "DO NOT PASS" just for a short piece of road a couple of hundred meters long?

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It looks like if the next labour government does bring out "thinking tax" it will not be a high money spinner, sort of like the water tax that just puts up the price of fruit & vegetables
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