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Dangerous signage - Ron Guthrey Road, Christchurch

Reported in the Signs category anonymously at 15:50, Mon 28 July 2014

Sent to Christchurch City Council 3 min later.

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Road: Intersection of Ron Guthrey Road and Avonhead Road, Christchurch Problem: 100km signage blocks the view of Give Way Sign and the two speed zones are confusing. If a driver was not aware of the impending Give Way, they might speed up and potentially race through the intersection. At night, this problem is very dangerous as there is limited lighting in the area to alert drivers to the impending intersection, drivers see the 100km sign and think it is Open Road, when in fact an intersection is less than 60 metres away. Solution: Simply remove the 100km signage. By removing the sign, the Give Way signage would no longer be obstructed from view. Drivers would no longer be confused by the two different speed zones. The same applies for both directions on Ron Guthrey Road (travelling North and South).

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