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grazing on road verges and

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Parks/landscapes category by alec man at 11:49, Thu 13 September 2012

Sent to Manawatu District Council 23 min later.

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cattle grazed on road verge and around stream . mud over road and access to verge not possible , so its unsafe to walk dog on road in dark or bike on road through mud . same farmer leaves mess on rise of rigde road from movement of tractor without tidying at any point also making cycling dangerous and difficult . the roads are a shared space and if one makes a mess on a road the thing to do is to clean up , not leave it to build up . grazing road verges by cattle is destructive and a user pays activity .

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Issue marked as fixed.
someone sprayed herbacide inside my boundary and along my fence line in township . chemical tresspass .
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