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FixMyStreet is going offline shortly, probably permanently. The software is old and needs a complete rewrite, the site is being bombarded by spammers, and it is debatable whether councils are receiving and/or acting on FixMyStreet reports.

As of now, it is not possible to post new issues, or updates to published issues.

If you have submitted on FixMyStreet, thank you for playing a part in one of Aotearoa/New Zealand's early civic tech projects.

Hidden Moana Road/Raroa Crescent at Kelburn

Reported in the Other category by Weng Ng at 12:38, Fri 23 June 2017

Sent to Wellington City Council 25 sec later.

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Hi there, I would like to make a report a safety concern for the concealed Moana Road and Raroa Crescent at a Kelburn/Highbury suburb junction. There was a road accident on 2017-06-01 8:30 am morning involving a car and a bus. See attached photo my wife took on that day to support my report. I live in the area and personally witnessed near hits and misses when cars coming out from concealed Moana Road. This is very dangerous as some cars carry children to Kelburn Normal School. Please find a way to remedy the situation before something worse happens. Thank you. Weng

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