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Truck use disturbances in McCormacks Bay Reserve

This issue has been fixed.

Reported in the Parks/landscapes category by Russell Gallagher at 10:25, Wed 22 February 2017

Sent to Christchurch City Council 4 min later.

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We live at 112 McCormacks Bay Rd.opposite what used to be quiet parkland. For the last year or two it has been used as a gravel loading yard previously to build a slip prevention structure just along the road. Since then it continues to be used for transshipping gravel for other firms often 6 days a week. How long do we who live opposite have to put up with the noise of large articulated trucks unloading and small trucks loaded with a noisy loader. There is also the dust as part of this operation and the many vehicle movemnets in and out of the yard. It has at times been from 6:30am until the evening

More issues nearby


Since I lodged this complaint my wife and I have had several phone calls from a council person called Paul, He informed us there had been other complaints too. Good news is that this last week, 20-24 March 2017, the site has been ripped up and made ready for planting to return it to reserve land. Can't come soon enough. Was probably just a coincidence as Paul said Central Government had approved the use of these temporary construction assist sites until 2018.
Issue marked as fixed.
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