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FixMyStreet is going offline shortly, probably permanently. The software is old and needs a complete rewrite, the site is being bombarded by spammers, and it is debatable whether councils are receiving and/or acting on FixMyStreet reports.

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Dumped bathroom sink

Reported in the Rubbish (refuse and recycling) category anonymously at 13:04, Mon 29 October 2012

Sent to Wellington City Council 3 hours later.

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The land just past 19 Highbury Road (the green zone onthe map) is constantly used as a dumping ground for TVs, sinks, vegetation, and car rubbish. At the moment there is a sink where the cars park at 19 Highbury Road. Could "no-dumping" signs to discourage this be provided?

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Thank you for your report. We have raised service requests with the Street Cleaning Team and the Roading Team as they are best suited to respond. Your service request numbers are: 2087479 - Street Cleaning - request to remove rubbish from the land 2087480 - Roading Team - request for ''no dumping'' signs Please quote these numbers if you need to follow up your requests at a later date. Kind regards, Wellington City Council.
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